• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Frozen Darkness OOC

I'm ready when you guys are. I've never been part of a group text roleplay so I might be a bit nooby at first but I'll try not to be
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Anytime! Unfortunately I am going to have to postpone the image i had for my character, but if that doesn't bother you then I'm totally ready :3
Raku Raku I'd be quick, i dont know if any of the roleplayers are up, but i'd get your character in before people move on without you (that is, if your character starts in the Underground)
Looking at the characters, I have to say that's the first time I've seen someone use a Roblox avatar as an appearance
I wanted to do a human, but you said they were rare and there was already two. I guess I'll compromise with an animal, but I'm having a difficult time finding am appearance that fits my idea.
Alright, I'm gonna have to make a character for this tomorrow. I already promised I'd make characters for another rp
Sorry for being late but I have a question for cured zombie people. How does their food schedule work? Should they be in the Underground?

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