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Active [Frontier] Ruining, the Fun! 1

Languages: Common

Ordella was promptly made aware of her own shortcomings as an Undertaker.

The [Seance] went off without a hitch. The reception of the spirit's words was another story, entirely. Never before has she spoken with an ancient. And a tinge of sorrow swept over Ordella as she failed to comprehend even a single word that he so passionately spoke. All she she had to bring back to Lord Holston from the ritual were the vague interpretations of an uncovered mural and a broken sword. A fraction of the history that the fallen one had detailed. The weapon had no use on the battlefield, but perhaps a historian could find great value in it.

And so she took the broken blade and stored it in her vestments for later.

Not long after that, Hideki and Tomo came strolling in from the exact opposite direction that they'd last disappeared to, and revealed a path into the inner chambers of the ruins. And, not long after that, she found herself surveying a room covered in glowing runes with a golden half-mask resting atop a pedestal. Unsurprisingly, Ordella found that to be just as suspicious as Tomo had.

So she kept her distance away from the mask, at the edge of the room, and used [Spirit Vision] to scan the area for danger or any foreign presence that may be lurking about.

1) Moved to the edge of the inner chamber.
2) Used [Spirit Reading] to scan the are for danger or foreign presence.
[Spirit Reading]- Sixth Sense E (Souls/Magic), Appraisal E, Empathy F, Insight F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E- Through her sorcery, Ordella can analyze the environment around her; picking up on souls and magical effects around her all-the-while. Not only can she glean information about a subject's physical condition, but also their emotional state and where on the spectrum of life and unlife they exist. Additionally, she can rely on her Sixth Sense to detect entities that would otherwise go unnoticed by mundane senses by locking onto their very souls or lingering magical effects that they may carry.- Range 30 ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Sealed Section, Target of the Expedition

As Ordella examines the mask with her Spirit Reading, she can sense an aura of magic emanating from the mask, though it does not appear to be a malicious one. The arcane veins seem to root the mask to the pedestal, their tendrils wrapping around the base. It is clear that removing the mask will trigger something, though you can't tell what and it does not appear to be harmful.

Mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Ordella post.jpg

Languages: Common
Upon inspection Ordella sensed quite a bit of magic flowing through and around the mask.

And yet, she could sense no danger. Something was going to happen but, at the very least, it didn't seem like it was something that would immediately hurt her. No way to uncover intent until she figured out just what that was. Truth be told, from what she was sensing in that mask, she almost wanted to try it on and see just what the enchantment was. Almost. For now, though?

"I don't sense any malicious magic on the mask. There is an enchantment set to go off as soon as I pick it up, but it doesn't seem inherently dangerous," she reported to her comrades, "I think we're okay to pick it up."

Time was running short on their expedition. Even if she wasn't sure what would happen the moment she picked up the mask, at the very least, it didn't seem immediately harmful. So she decided to trust her senses. To take a leap of faith. Perhaps her comrades would follow her in. Perhaps they would wait behind in caution. Either way, Ordella walked up to the mask-

-gently wrapped her fingers around it-

-and picked it up.

Moonberry Moonberry StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt


Hideki ambled alongside Tomo, his strides a casual mimicry of nonchalance. To any onlooker, it would appear he merely sauntered at his own leisure, yet Tomo, unwittingly or not, carved the path ahead. The air around them thickened with enchantment as Ordella wove her sorcery, each gesture weaving invisible threads through the charged atmosphere. Hideki found himself momentarily entranced, his gaze locked on the dance of power before him, a ballet of the arcane that drew his world into a quiet awe.

As Ordella's hand reached out, deliberate and graceful, to tame the wild magic, Hideki's intrigue twisted into alarm. His ears flattened, melding into the silhouette of his head, and his tail, a barometer of his fear, tucked itself securely between his legs. His muscles coiled like springs, tension singing through his frame. By the time her fingers clasped around the pulsing energy, Hideki was already a blur of motion, his body hurtling towards the promise of refuge in a practiced leap of escape.
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Tomo_Two_Point_Omo.pngLanguages: Common, <Beastial>
While Tomo dug through the shifting earth and stone, a thought crossed his mind. It had been a while since digging had been this interesting – or rather be interesting altogether. In his previous life, it had been a means to an end for the longest time. Something that passed the time and staved off boredom as he searched for the non-existent treasures beneath the earth. Back then, it had been the make-believe, but now, things were different. And that slowly began to dawn on him.

One more drag of his paw and the open passage revealed itself – with Mimi greeting them from the other side of the rubble. And Tomo's tail could not resist wagging from her smiling face. “We found ways through now,” he said, glancing back at the pedestal and half mask that glinted in the light of day, “ye all step light, though. There flows magic here.

After providing a vague warning to the group, Tomo took an interest in Ordella approaching the mask. He joined at her side and sat down on the stone floor. His head cocked to the side. “You think it safe, or you know it? I have still a good few years and all!” Tomo questioned, then insisted as Ordella's fingers wrapped around the mask, “Oh! That is class it is, that, it, is--” He barked and backed up a couple of feet. His ears lay flat as he kept an eye on Ordella lifting the mask. A mixture of concern and curiosity filled him whole.

Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
1714282375080.pngSealed Section, Target of the Expedition
As Ordella gripped the mask, she noticed something off about it immediately. It did not move like something loose lying on a pedestal, but felt rigid and affixed in place. As she lifted, it felt as though a weight was holding it down, though not locking it in place, merely giving substance to its invisible tether. As she lifted it further away, it got easier to move until it came free, causing her to stumble back lightly as the final resistance caved. As she held it to the others though, they seemed transfixed on the spot she had just moved from. "Don't just stand there, pick it up!" The excited words of the wolf girl broke the silence to the necromancers confusion, and when she turned back tot he pedestal, she was greeted to the sight of herself gripping the mask between her hands.

While the necromancer struggled to rationalize her experience, to the rest it merely appeared she had paused mid task, as though waiting for some sign before continuing. All three sets of canine ears perked simultaneously as a rhythmic clicking of metal on stone suddenly began to echo through the strange tunnel at the back of the room. As it grew louder, several more sets of clicks began to join it. Clearly something was coming.

Time Remaining: 5 hrs

Available Objectives:
  • Search around the outside rubble
  • Search the unobstructed interior
    • Keep the Implements (A)
    • Use the Implements (A)
    • Open the Panel
    • Smash the Idol (B)
    • Take the Idol (B)
  • Attempt to enter the sealed sections of the temple
    • Force open the secondary door uncovered in the interior
      • Take the Golden Mask
      • Explore the Tunnel
      • Examine the cave in
  • Regroup and discuss
Remaining Supplies:
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • +Skeletal Arm (+1 to Effectiveness of Ordella's Spirit Reading)
Recovered Artifacts:
  • Standard: 2
    • Ancient Dagger
    • Ancient Wine Container
  • Unique: 1
    • Ancient Silver Plated Crown w/ Precious Stones and Bone

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
With a steady pull, the mask came loose from its pedestal.

Ordella paused for a moment to see what spell she'd set off as she freed the mask. Nothing, it seemed. She studied it within her hands for a moment before presenting it to her allies. Allies who seemed to be far more preoccupied with something other than the relic.

"Don't just stand there, pick it up!"
The Undertaker's head slowly tilted to one side as the confusion set in. She pointed towards the mask in her hand, just in case it wasn't blatanly obvious. No response from any of the once again. Her eyes darted back and forth between her companions in disbelief.

"Um..." She walked over to Mimi, put her hand on her shoulder, and watched it pass right on through without resistance, "...what?"

She glanced down at her hand that, at the very least, seemed completely normal. Then, finally, she turned her attention in the direction that everyone else had been looking and caught sight of her own body still holding a duplicate of the very same mask. Truthfully Ordella wasn't exactly certain what was going on, but her line of work gave her some immediate assumptions.

"Out of body experience." she surmised, "Am I dead?"

She tried it with her other two companions; phasing through them both with ease. Then she walked over to what she could only assume to be her own body and looked it over for signs of life. A beating heart and warm breath, to be exact.

"Perhaps. Though, it's probably best I proceed under the assumption that I'm not."

Most sane people would've have been as calm as Ordella had been in that moment. But then again, most people didn't surround themselves with and comfort the dead for a living. The fact that The Undertaker was making a conscious effort to keep her cool wasn't exactly hurting the situation either. She'd already deduced that the enchantments on and around the mask weren't meant to do harm. The same couldn't be said for whatever was approaching.

Best to focus on figuring out the mask first and worry about whatever was approaching afterwards.

To that end, she had one assumption in her mind. Whatever this spell was, if it could be broken, then it would most likely require her to either return the mask or wear it. Obviously, the latter was a more attractive option. So, she walked over to the pedestal and performed an experiment based on her current observations.

"Nothing left to do but test the waters."

Assuming that her left hand would pass through the pedestal just as easily as it had the others, she would reach out- palm facing upwards- and rest her hand just below the mask being held by her body double. Then, she would bring her right hand over the second mask, line hers up just above it, and drop it back down. And she had a bit of foresight in this experiment. Assuming that the spell continued even after she released the mask and that the mask was just as intangible as she was?

She had her left hand already waiting below to catch it before it had the chance to fall straight through to the center of the earth.


...or wherever it may have ended up.

1) Check the other Ordella for signs of life.
2) Position open hand below the mask's resting spot on the pedestal.
3) Drop mask onto resting place and see what happens.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry


Hideki whined, his ears twitching with every ticking of the trap that was coming towards them. His instincts screamed for him to run as fast as he could. The girl had obviously just set off a trap. But she seemed to be in a daze. Some small part of him screamed that he couldn't just leave a lady behind. Even if he was an almost literal dog. He shook his head, frustration washing over his entire being. His tail flicked from side to side instinctively as his muscles finally started to obey his thoughts, rather than the urge to run. Loping forward towards Ordella, he grabbed hold of the hem of her robe with his teeth. He tugged lightly, growling lowly to try and get her attention. And though she wobbled slightly, she didn't seem to be responding to anything around her. In fact, now that he could see her expression, she looked like she had one of those thousand-yard stares. His ears fell back against his head as the pressure of the urgency began to weigh on him. One glance to Mimi and Tomo was all the time he could spare in thought. Without any further thought, he rushed to grab the first tool he could find, picking it up with his jaws. Then as quickly and carefully as he could with his knowledge of [Traps] and [Physics] Nosed the mask in Ordellas hand away from the pedastal. Intending to nudge the tool onto the pedastal in the masks place.

┌──────── ஓ๑⋆⋅☆⋅⋆๑ஓ ────────┐​

Tomo_Two_Point_Omo.pngLanguages: Common, <Beastial>
Tomo watched from a distance as Ordella gripped the mask and held it in place. “Are you right? Is it stuck on top it?” He asked, concerned by Ordella's lack of response to Mimi's excitement. “Oh! This got somethin' cursed about it, does it--” Tomo huffed as flattened ears raised cautiously, his head cocked to the side, “--shite...

Della?” He barked and hesitantly approached the still figure, “Better not be pullin' leashes now...” One step further, and Tomo suddenly froze in place. His golden fur stood on edge as a wave of bitter cold washed over him. “Either of you feel that?” Tomo asked as he glanced at Mimi and Hideki, “Sudden freezin', like shakin' hands with the reaper--” He did not wait for a response as his ears flicked toward the echoing sounds of metal on stone filled the hollow hall. “What I say about knowin' it safe?!

There was no knowing what would happen, but he could not leave Ordella frozen in place and save his own fur. “Next time,” Tomo started as he moved in on Ordella and sunk his fangs into her clothing, “when I sae ifh curshed, if curshed!!” He mumbled through his fangs and attempted to pull Ordella away from the pedestal. Struggling to move her even an inch, he saw Hideki attempt the same thing - until the wolf changed tactics. Fetching one of their tools, Hideki attempted to nudge it onto the pedestal. Was he hoping to reset some weighted mechanism? “I thust you goht that fihured an' all?” It was worth an attempt, but Tomo continued pulling on Ordella's clothing - in case the replacement weight did not stop whatever was coming.

Stats Used: Strength E

Mentions: -
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Moonberry Moonberry
Sealed Section, Target of the Expedition
As Ordella's hand passed through the Wolfkin's form, Mimi let out a whine and shivered, her eyes wide in surprise. "S-Something touched me! It was cold!" Mimi spun to see who was near her, but no one was there. Meanwhile Ordella would watch the actions like a slide show, Mimi's actions being jerky and sudden, as though her formed only refreshed every second, though her voice was clear and consistent. The others were just as choppy, Hideki suddenly vanishing, only to reappear a moment later with a tool in his mouth, Tomo suddenly at Ordella's "body", tugging on her to try to break the effects.

As Hideki thrust the tool against the mask, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Ordella's plan completed, the mask sliding back into its original position, and Hideki attempted to replace the mask with the tool, the object going stiff in the wolfs mouth as it impacted the mask, sending him crashing into Ordella and Tomo, knocking them both to the floor, Ordella back in her body, the mask still on the pedestal.
Mimi's voice suddenly carried through out the chamber as she charged toward the tunnel growling, hurling herself at a small metallic spider like being. "Watch out, they're here! I'll stop them!" As she crashed into it, they went tumbling as well, another small bot entering behind the first and moving further into the room.

Time Remaining: 5 hrs

Available Objectives:
  • Search around the outside rubble
  • Search the unobstructed interior
    • Keep the Implements (A)
    • Use the Implements (A)
    • Open the Panel
    • Smash the Idol (B)
    • Take the Idol (B)
  • Attempt to enter the sealed sections of the temple
    • Force open the secondary door uncovered in the interior
      • Take the Golden Mask
      • Explore the Tunnel
      • Examine the cave in
  • Regroup and discuss
Remaining Supplies:
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • +Skeletal Arm (+1 to Effectiveness of Ordella's Spirit Reading)
Recovered Artifacts:
  • Standard: 2
    • Ancient Dagger
    • Ancient Wine Container
  • Unique: 1
    • Ancient Silver Plated Crown w/ Precious Stones and Bone

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
There was a lot that Ordella wanted to share with her comrades as she returned to her body.

The enchantment that had been placed upon the mask. Every sensation that she experienced during astral projection. Gratitude for the fact that they'd stayed and tried to help her whilst dealing with magics that were widely unknown. Unfortunately, there simply wasn't time for such things. The blur of Mimi racing by drew her attention the newfound threat arriving on the scene.

Metallic spiders that seemed to rival them in size.

If one could not express gratitude with words, then actions would just have to suffice. Ordella raised her lantern high once more and the roaring flame would brighten within her lantern as she prepared her next spell. But there was no corpse for the necromancer's magics this time around. No seance to be performed or secrets to be sought after. A single word would call upon Ordella's oldest and most loyal companion to aid her in her time of need.


A familiar grating whistle would assault Mimi's ears- all of their ears- once more as smoke erupted from within The Undertaker's focus. And right before their eyes, the smoke would congregate into an unmistakable form in the air; in the space just behind Ordella. A panther, looming and angry and just a smidgen too large for breasts such as these, whose guttural growl could be felt rippling in one's lungs.

Ordella would point towards the spider drone locked in Mimi's clutches and cast
[Cheshire's Fury].

And with fury, he did fly. His approached marked by a deafening roar. Over the pedestal and mask. Past the encroaching spider. And straight onto Mimi's spider; thrashing and slashing with the ferocity of loyal pet desperately trying to defend its master. And had her companions not seem Cheshire manifest from the lantern's smoke, they may not have believed that beast to be made of smoke at all.

"MIMI, ON YOUR FEET!" as ferocious as Cheshire was, the spell that bound him to smoke was only going to last about six seconds, "IT'S TIME TO GO!"

And, unless something else kept Mimi or the others from following along, Ordella would make an expeditious retreat alongside her companions.

Actions (2/3):
1) Cast
[Cheshire's Fury] on the spider drone wrestling with Mimi.
2) Run!!!

Cheshire’s Fury- Magic E, Energized E, Spirit Affinity F, Vorpal F, Magic Range F- Ordella channels the spirit of her long deceased cat, Cheshire, into the smoke produced from the inextinguishable flame within her lantern. As spirit melds with smoke, an effigial phantom in the form of a giant sut-black panther materializes and sprints upon the air as though it were earth. Sometimes in whole. Sometimes only portions of its body materialize. The phantom can travel up to 30 feet away from Ordella to viciously maul a target before dissipating.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Moonberry Moonberry StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
Tomo_Two_Point_Omo.pngLanguages: Common, <Beastial>
Tomo's fangs released with a startled yelp as Hideki crashed into him. The small dog was forced to the ground by the wolf's weight bearing down on him, and he scraped at the ground to get away and back up. Tomo's tiny claws quickly recovered their standing, and he rose back to his paws with a scowl. “Ah, and here us wonderin' why dogs never become mechanics then?” Tomo vented to relieve his shocked state and presented Hideki with a view of his front paw. “I've no thumbs grown and all. And what about you try holdin'--

In the middle of his sentence, Tomo halted his rebuke. His heightened senses drew his attention toward mechanized adversaries. Slender, metallic legs pierced into the ground with every skittering step forward. They were different from what Tomo had encountered before, arachnoid but construct still, and he could not help but wonder about a possible connection. “Emmett...” He whined under his breath before bracing his stance and addressing the others, “Have ye all seen these?” Tomo questioned, then growled at the approaching threat, “Constructs. I've a mind say they follow a directive--

--and we... dove... right in their way,” Tomo added after being taken aback by Mimi pouncing one of the constructs. Before he could get another word out the battle had already begun. Ordella conjured up a familiar from lantern smoke, and Tomo could not help but take fascinated glances at the panther that took shape and lunged to assist Mimi. “Jaysus...” He muttered at the sudden chaos but held his ground until he could tell whether or not Mimi could free herself from the mess. “Mimi! We have to follow Della! The smoke panther got it handled so! Retreat!” He barked anxiously, stepping in place as his paws readied to bolt at a moment's notice.

Skills Used: Heightened Sense - Hearing/Smell C

Mentions: -
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

As Hideki groaned beneath the weight of the chaos, he twisted his massive form, muscles coiling under his fur as he fought against the gravity of the fall that had scattered him across the cold stone floor. The impact had been softened by Mimi's unwitting cushion, yet the thought of her coming to harm under his watch stirred a primal urgency within him. The wolf's blue eyes burned with a fire as he staggered to his paws, the fur along his spine bristling into a fearsome ridge. If it had been Ayumi stuck in this world, he would hope that someone would go out of their way to keep her safe. How could he expect that of some stranger, if he wouldn't do the same for someone Elses girl.

Tomo's urgent bark sliced through the tumult, a tiny clarion call in the tempest of battle. Hideki cast a measured glance down at the diminutive dog, his expression flat. The moment stretched thin as the first metallic legs of their adversaries skittered into view, their sinister clicks echoing ominously across the chamber walls.

With a swift shake of his dense fur, casting off remnants of fear and debris alike, Hideki positioned himself as a bulwark between the encroaching danger and his vulnerable companions. His hackles rose like the rough peaks of a forbidding ridge, a stark silhouette against the flickering shadows. Each spider that dared advance was met with the thunder of his growl, a sound so deep and commanding that it seemed to vibrate the very air.

As the shadow cat, Cheshire, materialized from the swirling smoke of Ordella's lantern with a spectral ferocity, Hideki took this as his cue. He lunged with a feral grace, jaws snapping with lethal precision. His teeth found the cold, hard carapace of the nearest spider drone, a grip unyielding and determined. With every thrash of his head, he embodied the tempest's fury, a sentinel forged of flesh and spirit, clearing a path for Mimi and Ordella to retreat.

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Temple Exterior, Target of the Expedition
Mimi clung tight to the mechanical being as it's legs flailed wildly through the air. She opened wide and chomped down on a metal leg, quickly realizing that was less than a good idea as pain radiated in her jaw. "The-They're to hard to bite! But don't worry, I can stop the-" Before she could finish her sentence, the artificial insect was pulled from her grasp by a large shadowy panther. "W-Wait I thought I was saving you..." Before she had time to process, the others yelled for her to retreat. All the shouting made things confusing, but she figured she should probably listen to someone there. "A-Alright, let's get out side!" As she moved to follow the others, she tripped over the second bot, it's clawed foot getting caught on a loose strap of her pant leg, causing it be dragged and battered behind the deceptively strong Wolf Girl as she ran. "It's got me! Make it let go, I don't like it!" Behind the fleeing group, Hideki and Cheshire made quick work of the remaining bot, tearing it's limbs between the two of them and effectively immobilizing it, though it did still click and whirr, almost as though it were unaware the scuffle had even happened.

As Ordella, Tomo, and Mimi reached the exterior, the dented damaged carapace of the automaton attached to Mimi came to a halt on its back, a few of it's legs trying to right itself. Mimi looked at it curiously, cocking her head to the side. "It doesn't seem to be doing much... what is it anyway, it looks like the puppets me and Finn and Eris and Roger saw in Aslan. But, you know, bigger. And like a bug..." She kicked it gently, causing it to topple to its side and continue to kick. A moment later Hideki returned to the others dragging the defeated imitation with him.

Time Remaining: 4 hrs

Available Objectives:
  • Search around the outside rubble
  • Search the unobstructed interior
    • Keep the Implements (A)
    • Use the Implements (A)
    • Open the Panel
    • Smash the Idol (B)
    • Take the Idol (B)
  • Attempt to enter the sealed sections of the temple
    • Force open the secondary door uncovered in the interior
      • Take the Golden Mask
      • Explore the Tunnel
      • Examine the cave in
  • Regroup and discuss
  • Defeat the Enemies?
Remaining Supplies:
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • +Skeletal Arm (+1 to Effectiveness of Ordella's Spirit Reading)
Recovered Artifacts:
  • Standard: 2
    • Ancient Dagger
    • Ancient Wine Container
  • Unique: 1
    • Ancient Silver Plated Crown w/ Precious Stones and Bone

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Tomo_Two_Point_Omo.pngLanguages: Common, <Beastial>
Reaching the exterior of the ruins, Tomo turned his snout up at the sky. “Was it all stale in there or humid out here? I'm figurin' both sure.” He grumbled at the light cast through the break in the canopy. Standing in the scorching heat made him reconsider the old air lingering around the temple. It never got this hot in Dublin – and compared to that, at least the stale air reminded him of the stuffy apartment he called home. For a moment, Tomo's reminiscing made him overlook Mimi had cried for help as they fled. And when the thought returned to the front of his mind, he whipped around to look at the wolf girl. “Mimi--!” He cut himself off upon noticing the damaged automaton was already struggling on the ground as Mimi kicked it while it was down. “Oh, that's fine so,” Tomo dismissively shook his head, but the rest of his body instinctively followed suit – the shaking removing the dirt and dust lodged in his golden coat.

It a construct,” Tomo confidently insisted after a moment of personal grooming and added his reasoning as he moved to join Mimi's inspection of the automaton [1], “It was all Norroburry callin' these constructs. I'm after thinkin' these were local,” Tomo paused, carefully devising his next question not to appear 'otherworldly', “I never have been to Aslan, so perhaps constructs are common and all then--

Tomo's head cocked to the side as he pondered whether taking on more of Derby's jobs would lead to more construct encounters. And if that reward outweighed the risk. “Is it only legs still workin'?” He asked out loud as he pressed one of the clicking legs down under his paw, testing the resistance, “Is it after protectin' the mask still?.. It did come rushin' and all...” Tomo continued speculating as he lowered to meet the metal, pushing his nose against the automaton carapace to try and gather some information from its direct scent [2].

Action [1]: Dogtective - Appraisal D, Investigation F, Perception F
Action [2]: Sniff Snorf - Appraisal D, Heightened Sense - Smell C, Insight F, Investigation F

Mentions: -
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Moonberry Moonberry

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Hideki charged towards the threshold of freedom, where the light spilled over the others, casting long shadows that danced on the broken ground. Dropping the severed limb of the mechanical menace with a dull thud, he emerged from the arid clutches of the ruins, liberated into the humid embrace of the outside world. His ears flicked to the rhythm of the jungle's subtle whispers, betraying a vigilant mind that never truly rested. The tail swished behind him, cutting through the air with an agitated swiftness that mirrored his internal alertness.

Reaching the congregation of his companions, Hideki lowered his massive head, his eyes reflecting a mingled curiosity and caution as he surveyed the carapace of the downed construct. These enigmatic shells, remnants of a skirmish woven with steel and spell, invoked a primitive fascination in him—a longing tangled with frustration for tools and thumbs he lacked to pry into their secrets. With the delicacy of a beast unaccustomed to the fragility of man-made puzzles, Hideki nudged the construct with his snout. Pawing slightly, searching for any seams that might lead to a control panel of the construct. His ears lay flat against his head in concentration. The very tip of his tail twitching from side to side in his deep thought.

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Actions: Gamers Knowledge: [Engineering] F [Perception] F [Traps] F [Physics] F - Grade F (Character uses extensive gamers knowledge of dungeoneering and puzzle solving skills.)​
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Much like Hideki, Ordella was relatively quiet after they'd left the ruins. But, unlike the wolf, she was oddly calm. And where the attention of the others lingered upon the metallic insect, The Undertaker couldn't help but find her thoughts captivated by the ruins, the mask, and the enchantment upon it. The others would notice her spending a concerning amount of time staring back in the direction from which they came.

"I think... I think I'd like to try my hand with the mask one more time..."

The others probably thought the necromancer mad in that moment. What fool would find themselves paralyzed by unusual magic and then volunteer to do it all over again. But, that's just it. The Undertaker could sense no harmful magic on the mask and even now she believed it so. And, after having been effected by the unusual spell, she felt perfectly fine. It's true that the metallic machines would probably do them harm if given the chance. But the mask?

"When i pulled on the mask, I had an out of body experience. Astral projection, if you will. And when I did, I had a copy of the mask in my hand. I'm sure some of you felt an unnerving presence when I tried to interact with you. And, when I was in that state, I considered three possibilities."

She turned back to the others and raised her left index finger.

"First, that I was dead. Clearly that was incorrect."

Then her middle finger rose.

"Second, that I had to put the mask back from whence I got it to undo the spell. That turned out to be correct to an extent, but the mask is still bound. And third..."

Her ring finger rose.

"That putting on the mask would undo the spell. I have yet to test this. I would be lying if I said I that didn't want to. And I have reason to believe that this might be the way to break the spell, but it is little more than conjecture."

She slowly lowered her hand.

"I'm grateful that you all decided to protect me while I was under the influence of the mask. And so, I'm not going to do anything rash that might endanger you all against your will. But we clearly have the means to defeat... what I believe to be a robotic security system. And I believe that the spell is just a puzzle meant to be solved. It's not just the fact that I still don't detect any harmful magic on the mask even now..."

She brought a hand up to her chin and massaged it in thought.

"But when I astral projected, I was provided with a copy of the mask. A key item that allowed me to break an enchantment that I wouldn't have been able to of my own power. If the person who cast that spell only intended to hard whoever touched the mask and nothing else... then why would they have just provided me a way out like that?"

No. Perhaps she was wrong. Perhaps the others would point out some flaw in her logic. But at that moment? Ordella didn't believe that the circumstances around that mask were that simple.

Not for how that spell functioned.

Moonberry Moonberry Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
1716523174165.pngTemple Exterior, Target of the Expedition

As Tomo looked the machine over, a few details stuck out to him. Firstly, the construct didn't seem to even be aware the others were there, it did not react or to acknowledge them at all while it sat there with its legs kicking, even when Mimi prodded it. Secondly, it's hands seemed more suited to work then combat. While any tool could be dangerous if brandished as a weapon, these were designed for purposes beyond combat.

As Hideki pawed at the thing, his teeth and claws managed to grasp loose bits near the legs, tearing a cover off the thing to expose moving parts and a glowing glass container in its center.

"Oh, look, it has a maker's mark! Right there!" Mimi pointed to a symbol on the under side of the shell, though the exact meaning behind the design was unclear. "That's what crafters put on their products! Like mine on my armor!" She began to reach for the back of her armor, spinning in slow circles as she couldn't pull it to the front.

Ordella's explanation stopped the wolf girl in her tracks as she listened, her ears perking up. "If the mask won't come off the pedestal, what if we take the pedestal out from under the mask?" She stared at the necromancer with anticipation, waiting to see how her idea would be received.

Time Remaining: 4 hrs

Available Objectives:
  • Search around the outside rubble
  • Search the unobstructed interior
    • Keep the Implements (A)
    • Use the Implements (A)
    • Open the Panel
    • Smash the Idol (B)
    • Take the Idol (B)
  • Attempt to enter the sealed sections of the temple
    • Force open the secondary door uncovered in the interior
      • Take the Golden Mask
      • Explore the Tunnel
      • Examine the cave in
  • Regroup and discuss
  • Defeat the Enemies?
Remaining Supplies:
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • +Skeletal Arm (+1 to Effectiveness of Ordella's Spirit Reading)
Recovered Artifacts:
  • Standard: 2
    • Ancient Dagger
    • Ancient Wine Container
  • Unique: 1
    • Ancient Silver Plated Crown w/ Precious Stones and Bone

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Languages: Common, <Beastial>
Tomo_Two_Point_Omo.pngDespite the clicking and whirring, the automaton's leg did not actively fight back against Tomo. As he pressed his paw firmer against the kicking limb, he could not help but wonder if the machine was aware of its current state. With the limb pinned against the ground, Tomo closely inspected the mechanical form. It did not appear to have intended weaponry, which had him assume this construct was a tool or perhaps a worker. He had met one of those before. And this creation and the construct he had found in the Norroburry mines might have had something in common then.

Before Tomo could further consider the possibility of a new lead, his attention drew toward the sound of Hideki stripping the shell of the automaton, revealing the internal mechanisms surrounding a core in the shape of a glowing glass container. “It has got a power source in it,” Tomo carefully stated what he thought most plausible. He did not know if this was as extraordinary as it appeared to him - or simply this world's equivalent of a battery pack.

Any ye know if it safe to remove?” He asked, inching his nose closer to the container for a curious sniff. He was about to touch it with his paw when his ears perked. Mimi had recognized something about the automaton and claimed a symbol engraved on the loosened shell to be a maker's mark.

Are you sayin' who made this was so proud they stamped it?” Tomo questioned, waiting for confirmation as his eyes watched the girl spin in circles to try and reach the back of her armor, “Mimi?” he tried again, averting his eyes before contracting second-hand dizziness from her movements, “Don't ask who made it, but were it me, I would not abandon somethin' I was proud enough to mark... Mimi? Mimi, you've about got me spinnin' myself just lookin' at you, are you listenin'?

Despite Tomo's attempt to stop Mimi's slow circling, it was Ordella who managed to do so – and simultaneously drew all of their attention with her words. “Oh,” Tomo piqued at her suggestion, “and what of gettin' your mind and body separated like egg white and yolk got you thinkin' 'and what about I do it again'?

He grumbled as Ordella continued. He openly disapproved. It was written all over his expression, but without a pressing personal reason not to let her do it, he reluctantly listened to her words. Her first point was hard to disagree with, and Tomo naturally nodded. She did not seem dead, no objections there. And her following point reduced the risk of a second attempt at taking the mask – should she be able to turn back reliably.

It was her third point which made Tomo's ears flatten and brought out an instinctual bark, “I know you after pocketin' that mask, Della,” He paused and glanced at the others with disapproval and concern, “Are ye at all worried she gets a curse in her?

Della,” Tomo continued as he turned back to her, but her gratitude gave him pause. Tomo's barked objections turned to reluctant muttering. And while his expression turned slightly less dismissive, only the wag of his tail revealed his full appreciation. “...I don't know it will work, but if you think that's fine so...” He muttered, and grit his fangs as he gave in, “Oh, Jaysus, fine, then I've no objections at it.

Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Moonberry Moonberry
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

When the panel fell from his maw, Hideki peered inside with a mix of curiosity and nostalgia. The inner workings of the construct, with its intricate gears and glowing core, reminded him of his engineering days back home. The humid jungle air was thick with the scent of earth and blooming flowers, the distant calls of birds echoing through the ancient ruins. Crumbling stone walls, entwined with vines, surrounded them, casting dappled shadows under the dense canopy.

Mimi's voice snapped him back to reality as she pointed out the maker's mark. His ears perked up—this seemed important. Hideki glanced around at his companions, waiting for someone to copy the mark. Mimi wasn’t moving to do it, and Tomo obviously couldn’t. He looked at Ordella, then back at the mark, nudging it with his nose before looking at her again. Frustration bubbled up as he attempted to scratch the mark into the dirt, but it ended up looking more like random digging. A growl of annoyance rumbled in his throat.

He listened to Ordella and Mimi's conversation, ears flicking and tail swishing in agitation. When Tomo mentioned a curse, Hideki snorted and nodded his head. "Obviously, there'd be a curse," he thought. "We barely got out of there a moment ago! What was she thinking?" His ears laid back against his head, tail swishing uncertainly as Tomo reluctantly agreed to the plan. He stood, spinning around in a circle once or twice out of frustration.

Finally, he looked back at Ordella, Mimi, and Tomo, then carefully tried to scratch out the words "smash" and "pedestal" in the dirt. He looked up at them, blue eyes pleading, willing them to understand his desperate suggestion.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
The Undertaker meant every word she said.

She would neither move nor take any risks without all members of the party acting in agreement. It became increasingly obvious that the choice had already been made. Mimi proposed destroying the pedestal to circumvent the enchantment outright. Tomo, after a long silence, begrudgingly agreed with Ordella. His reluctance, however, was duly noted. And finally, with a meticulous paw in the dirt, Hideki expressed a desire to go along with Mimi's less risky plan to destroy the pedestal. His answer wasn't particularly surprising.

In contrast, the visual confirmation that Hibiki could not only understand but write in common very much was.

Regardless, Ordella was a woman of her word. Tomo's reluctant told her more than his actual answer. And, truthfully, The Undertaker herself wasn't opposed to giving a less risky option a try even if her curiosity still urged her to don the mask. With a shrug, she sent the group an accepting smile.

"Alright. We smash the pedestal, then," she replied, "If nothing else, at least we have a Plan B to fall back on."

If the others were ready to venture back into the ruins, then The Undertaker would glady accompany them.

Moonberry Moonberry StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Vaudivolt Vaudivolt


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