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Realistic or Modern From Dusk 'Till Dawn - OOC Thread

I like the idea of Harper having someone to be friends with. Though I totes have my eyes on a couple characters in Twilight Falls for him to possibly get along with as well. In the future.
Aye maybe Dawn and him sometimes makes music together although he doesn't like her much
. D O V E . D O V E
Pledge does legitimately see Dawn as her friend; she's just a giant pushover and doesn't mind being considered being used XD
Dawn may be bratty, spoiled and manipulative but she also considers her henchmen (the childhood friends) her friends. She's just being tsundere about it though she's secretly sweet to them.
Does anyone want to brainstorm a cute little roleplay on the side? Not this one, of course, since Toaster Muffins has already planned everything out for this roleplay, but does anyone have any ideas? Or rather, does anyone have any roleplays they want to recommend we join?
According to her profile, she hasn't been on since saturday so I feel like she might have things going on keeping her from putting too much into rpn right now unfortunately.
Yeah that's what I've been dealing with. I can't really post until I'm approved and I can't do that until I hammer things out with her. I hope she is freed up soon because I'm so hyped for this.
Does anyone want to brainstorm a cute little roleplay on the side? Not this one, of course, since Toaster Muffins has already planned everything out for this roleplay, but does anyone have any ideas? Or rather, does anyone have any roleplays they want to recommend we join?
If my only currently active group rp was not slowly dying I'd recommend that, but I wouldn't mind brainstorming one with ya. I really like your writing style and how friendly and proactive you are about rping, Wren. :3 Anyone else? If there are no other takers, I wouldn't mind doing a 1x1 with ya. ^^
If my only currently active group rp was not slowly dying I'd recommend that, but I wouldn't mind brainstorming one with ya. I really like your writing style and how friendly and proactive you are about rpinh, Wren. :3 Anyone else? If there are no other takers, I wouldn't mind doinga 1x1 with ya. ^^
The two groups that I have attempted to join in the last week have both stalled for one reason or another so I'm totally game for doing something.

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