• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Friends to Strangers CS


To live would be an awfully big adventure
Interest Check
- Coding is not necessary but if you want to do it go ahead! My coding is very limited so don't worry if you can't do it
- Please try keep genders even!! Please


Nickname (Optional)

Age (21-23)



Appearance (Realistic pictures please!)

Face Claim

Personality (Doesn't have to be overly detailed just give me an idea)




What have you done for the last three years?

Anything Else ?
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Mallory Smyth

  • Name
    Mallory Elizabeth Smyth









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Name: Skylar Mitchell

Nickname: Sky

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Lucy Hale


Personality: Skylar can basically be described as the sweetheart, she was always the nice sweet girl in high school. She was always up for helping others and making friends with everyone, she tried her best not to be overbearing with her niceness, she tried to limit her enemies. Skylar now is a fairly independent person, she really doesn't rely on anyone to do stuff for her.

She can have a stubborn side, she isn't afraid to fight for what she wants and won't let anyone step over her. Emotionally, she really doesn't vent on social media if something goes wrong in her life, she confides in her closest friends, but overall will generally deal with her problems on her own.

Likes: Tacos, Coffee, Horror Movies, Photography, Traveling, Working out
Dislikes: Liars, Cheaters, Being Sick, The cold, Spiders, Snakes, Romance Movies

Bio: Skylar Ann Mitchell, was born on a warm June afternoon. Her parents were excited to welcome their first daughter into the world. Skylar at first had a pretty nice life, well for a few weeks at least, her parents were more interested in drinking and drugs. Skylar and her older Brother Mikey were basically left on their own, when Skylar was 2, the social services come in and took her and Mikey from the home. The two were sent to live with their grandparents, who really had no idea that they existed.

While life with her grandparents was a little bit better, it was still hard because they were older and had trouble keeping up her and Mikey. When Skylar turned 10, her grandfather passed away, by this time Mikey was 15 and took up more of a grown up role in the house hold. By the time Skylar had gotten to high school, she had basically been in her own little shell, but something changed once she got to high school. She became more social, made friends, joined clubs and became more upbeat than before. She really didn't have any type of hope for going to college, but once she hit 11th grade, she started considering it.

What have you done in the last three years?: "I have been in Medical School, I am working to become a Radiologist"

Anything Else?: She has a studio apartment

Name - Nathan Forbes

Nickname (Optional) - Nate, Nathaniel, Mr. Billion Bucks

Age (21-23) - 21

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Hetero

Appearance - Really dark curly hair, equally dark eyes, olive toned skin, lean build. 6'3"

Face Claim 1-KpKFrw.jpeg
I'm pretty sure this is that one guy from Teen Wolf, correct me if I'm wrong.
Personality - Nathan has been pretty rich all his life, so his been sheltered from the real world. At times he may come across as a spoiled brat, but really he is actually just naive to the reality that people have to work to get money, and that not everyone has access to a super rich dad who caters to their every whim.

Likes - Travelling, Small outings, Fast food, Quiet places, Meeting new people

Dislikes - Being patronized, Overly large outings, Being in one area for more then a couple months, The smell after it rains.

Bio - Nathan was born only child to the founder of the Forbes technological group. As a kid he was sheltered, and attended only the top schools in the country. At around middle school, he requested his parents enroll him in public school so he could experience how it felt like to be a normal kids.

What have you done for the last three years? 1 year of travelling, 2 years of College
WIP Drag Queen.jpg
Maximus Strong

Maxim/ Max




Appearance- T
all, Muscular, mysterious eyes, always a hint of smile, pink hair, pristine, makeup (lots of it)

Drag Queen, Funny, Creative, Fabulous, Silly, Messy, Clumsy, Laid back, Chill, Diva, Secretly Insecure, Bold, Right Brained, Loud, Outgoing, Not The Smartest, Sassy, Extrovert, Open To New Ideas, Accepting, Tries To Be The Best,

Makeup, friends, modeling, art, mystery, rollercoasters, free styled dancing, lightning

Hate, stress, sickness, being gone from home for more than a week, simplicity

Born from two mothers as a boy then identified as non-binary. They went to an average middle school and elementary. They quickly got picked on but also made them tougher. Maxim made some close friends but they started to drift away. That's when Max started feeling insecurities and more stress. Their only coping skill was makeup and modeling.

What have you done for the last three years-
Modeling/ Drag shows

Anything Else-
Has been living from paycheck to paycheck (Struggles financially, doesn't get paid much for running the shows). Has a second job at *cringe* McDonalds. They hate working at McDonalds as you may have guessed.
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Frederico Moretti

Nickname (Optional)

Fred, Freddy (whatever you can think of)

Age (21-23)





Appearance (Realistic pictures please!)

Face Claim

Picture by Angelo Cordeschi

Personality (Doesn't have to be overly detailed just give me an idea)
Known in the school days he was quite but happy, gregarious and humorous with care for his friends and a patient showing little anger. Flirty with people of both genders and enjoying good bander and a good party. Meeting him know he seemed quieter than normal and more serious, with less of his humour and a little awkward around his friends. He sharp mind given way to someone forgetful , clumsy and absent minded. He has also become secretive and at times can be quick tempered going angry at the slightest issue.

Travelling, cooking, quite times, friends, fantasy and scifi whether books, movies and games, coffee, dogs, sightseeing.

Cats, fast food, talking about himself, cold, smoking, overly loud areas, not seeing his friends doing what they love to do.

Born in Italy but came to the states at 12 with his father looking for a new life after his mother passed away due to illness. Not knowing the language beyond a few words and in a strange land, life was at first difficult for Fred but gradually found his niche learning the language and eventually making his current friends. He was one of the first people to break contact with the friends rather abruptly halfway through the final year of high school without a word until being contacted about the trip.
What have you done for the last three years?
Spend most of that time getting treatment for a brain tumour with limited improvement and poor estimated prognosis

Anything Else ?

A fine cook. Dreamed of being a chief once.

(anyone want to play his girlfriend before his disappearance?)
Name: Adeline Vernet


Addie - What most people call her
Addiebear - An interesting nickname, created by her closets friends.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Face Claim: Sage Tullis


Since High school Adeline has changed a lot...Not only has she had an impressive glow-up, but she also has seemed to reinvent herself as well. Whether its because of a past heartbreak, or simply her molding with the current trends, it's not really for the best.
During her school years Adeline was a sweet, and overly adorable girl. She got mostly B's in school, and had only gotten in trouble a couple of times for constantly talking.
She was really into gardening. Growing flowers made her feel like she was having a positive impact on the world, creating beauty. It was her passion. This all change though, once her boyfriend (Freddy) up and left without a trace. Waiting and hoping that he would come back drover her crazy. She eventually moved on with her life and drove the thoughts of him out of her mind. This did have a impact on her though.
She changed from the once sweet, babyfaced, adorable girl, to a dyed hair, superficial, petty person she is now.

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Adeline is around 5'2 and weights 112. She has a thin frame, that is kept in shape by exercising on a daily basis. Her hair is rather short, and dyed grayish blonde hair. She has pretty prominent freckles and a symmetric face that is complemented nicely by makeup that takes 45 minutes to do everyday. Her eyes are greenish-blue, that go well with her pale complexion. She has just recently gotten her septum pierced, but isn't sure how she feels about it.

Likes: Makeup, Soft grunge aesthetics, perfect eyebrows, cute coffee shops, and dogs.

Dislikes: Being ignored, people who walk to damn slow in front of her, windy days, and bad lighting

Adeline lived in Marseille, France for the majority of her childhood. Her parents moved to the United States when she was around 9 years old, it was a difficult adjustment, but she managed to make it through with a couple of friends she identified with. She had found other people inside of her own high school who had lived though the same experience of moving across the world that she did. They bonded quickly and soon she was hanging out with an entire diverse friend group. Everyone had their own story, and although there were similarities in each, no one has the same one. She thrived through high school with this group of people, until slowly people started losing touch with the others. Next thing she knew, there was no one else to contact.. So she went on with her life, leaving the past memories of friendship, hobbies, and love behind her.

What have you done for the last three years?

She went back to France for the first two years, earning money by working at a coffee house. She then moved back to the states to go to collage for a business degree, although she did want to pursue botany.

Anything Else ?

[Her traits and personality will change, if she starts reverting back to who she really is]
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Name: Cameron Oakes

Nickname: Cam

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Face Claim: Ruby Rose


Personality: Cameron is a bit of a wild card, she does seems to be mistaken as a guy an awful lot. Cameron in her own mind is a guy, she would rather wear a suit instead of a dress, she has always been more masculine than feminine. Cameron is a kind soul, she won't be cruel or rude to everyone, only those who piss her off. She is a very strong person, not letting anyone push her around and those she cares about. She is very protective and has no problem standing up for what she believes in.

Likes: Parties, Drinking, Having Fun, Traveling, Sports
Dislikes: Cheaters, Fighting, Extreme Heat, Hip hop

Bio: Cameron was born to a big family, the 6th child in a family of 8. She was the only girl, but she never felt like one. Her mother passed away after her youngest brother was born. After that her father mainly just dressed her like her brothers, she never had the chance to be like a girl in all reality. In school she did get picked on, and many people didn't think that she was a boy and she didn't feel the need to correct them half the time.
Once she turned 18 she started getting into the wrong crowd, she was starting to get into drugs and drinking. Thankfully she was able to get out of it before anything serious happened.

What have you done for the last three years?
"Well I went to college for criminal justice for 2 years, then I got into modelling recently"

Anything else?
Name: Garrick Von Branth

Nickname: N/A

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

d07f2b2bde61c79e76305f2c1aa9dfe9.jpg 3e3a1f911e1463a47cb8724ab0cb2a65.jpg 633b3973737961b1821e37f9d5917b94.jpg 553217da2d19d785b899d8c77973a726.jpg

Face Claim: Marco Reus

Personality: Garrick back in his school year was always someone polite and quiet, mostly because it was how his mother raised him. He has always been the sporty type of guy, involving himself in sports, usually joining the Soccer and the track and field clubs. But now he is someone that is could be seen as cold and sometimes could be seen as rude to others. One thing that hasn't changed is his laid back personality, being really lazy sometimes.

√ Soccer
√ Cars
√ Running
√ Exercising
√ Reading
√ Writing
√ Spicy food
√ Horror movies
√ Singing

× Alcohol
× Smokers
× Small Spaces
× Fast food
× Sweets
× Chocolate
× The color green or Yellow

Bio: Garrick was born on Berlin, Germany, on May 17. He grew up on farm in an isolated area of Berlin, where he didn't have a chance to go to school because it was so far away. Sure he learned how to speak and write both German and English, but since he didn't have anyone his age, besides his older sister and baby brother, he became someone quiet, that wouldn't speak really loud or even normal, heck even his parents had to closer when he spoke. Eventually he found himself practicing soccer with his father and sister help, finding to love the sport. Eventually after his father death at the age of 9, his mom decided that the family should move to the United States. When he got there, he had a hard time making friends after not being around anyone besides his parents and siblings, before eventually meeting a group of friends. When he graduated from high school, he and his family moved back to Germany.

What have you done for the last three years?
"Currently works as a Mechanic."

Anything Else ?
* His major dream is to play with Bayern Munchen Fc and play in Germany national soccer team.
* Has a slight German accent.
* Knows English, German and Spanish.
* Likes to sing Spanish songs.

Ryan Jacob Zavier


Nickname (Optional)
= His initials. The “bros” in the group tend to refer to him as this.
Ry = Ryan personally cringes at this nickname and only lets a few people get away with it.
Romeo = He cringes even more at this especially since he gained it after being known for being oblivious to “fluffy love stuff.” That’s right, it’s a sarcastic nickname.
Jake = Nickname of his middle name. Ryan’s parents call him Jake.
He feels differently about each of the names. Also, certain people call him different nicknames.​

Ryan’s short already just say it.

Age (21-23)




Face Claim
Pretty Little Liars dude​


Ryan Zavier was your uptight goody two shoes class president. I know what you are thinking, but not so fast! Ryan knew how to have fun despite his clean record and straight A’s. It was authentic fun without causing trouble. He is a practical, adventurous, and fun-loving character. His understanding and good-hearted nature probably helped him retain his class president for all the four years he had been in high school.

Aside from on campus positions, Ryan had to keep up his role as one of the many children in the Zavier household. His individual role as the third eldest sibling highlighted his resourceful, protective, and determined side. Even before his younger siblings’ existences, Ryan was known for upholding a playful demeanor and using his cunning abilities for good.

Now in addition to his past qualities, Ryan has grown into a much more easygoing guy. He’s always had a daring side hidden behind his well-rounded resume. Recently, his years in college have definitely brought out a character that most of his past friends have only had a glimpse of. Now more than ever, Ryan’s courageous character is being brought out to compliment his intelligent and curious self.

As an engineer in training, his handiness skill level has increased. Ryan loves what he does especially since he could often connect his assignments to the still geeky, nerdy soul inside him. However, the man has surely become more reckless over the years especially due to his own stubborn mind. He tends to place others’ needs before his own to the point sometimes when he even forgets to feed himself.

With all seriousness aside, Ryan is a pretty humorous guy. . . . well, he tries to be. He’s no crazy risk-taker, but behind the newly brought out side of his personality is still the same oblivious to “romantic fluffy stuff” high school president who still manages to keep his slate clean.

Martial Arts, parkour, making connections, coding, Star wars, Marvel Universe, basketball, acting, boarding sports (skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, etc), videogames, hacking, technology, and vehicles

Boring professors, boring moments, boring anything, waiting, slow walkers, mean people, staying in place, and bad things happening to good people in general​


Ryan Jacob Zavier was born on . . . SKIP! Okay this dude is the third eldest of his eight sibling family make up. That’s right, he came from a family of ten people. His father was a doctor and his mother was a Chief Marketing Officer. Costco was their safety zone and silence was never an option. During his younger years, Ryan always wanted to find ways to differentiate himself from his family. Chase was already the star athlete with dreams of becoming a soldier. Margot was the genius that was already on her way to med school. Ren was the partygoer who people could never connect to being Ryan’s younger sister. Robbie was the real skateboard kickback musical virtuoso dude. Emma was the child actress. Ryan . . . had responsible son written all over him. His parents would count on him to look after himself, become president of multiple organizations, and balance work with play. However, that never seemed to be enough especially once the twins arrived. His grades were high, but not like Margot’s. His athletic abilities were exceptional still unlike Chase’s. The list goes on so all Ryan could think of was leading organizations. He thought he enjoyed it.

Throughout elementary and high school, Ryan kept a clean record and star student persona. He was head of almost every club! In reality, he didn’t really enjoy all the responsibilities. In college, Ryan was able to let loose and figure himself out a lot more. Since he moved away from home, Ryan’s responsibilities over his siblings and past clubs were removed. He dedicated himself to finding out what he truly enjoyed.

The guy always had a geeky, curious side to him that loved to engage in videogames or building new gadgets. Engineering became his prime career aspiration as a result of his practical interests. Since he was the third of many more Nickelsons to attend college, he found work at the local martial arts studio and started a part time coding internship to help the family’s account out.

What have you done for the last three years?
College. Straight up engineering, chilling, and working when I could.

Anything Else?
My house? I don’t know if you want to enter…


Till this day the Nickelson household consists of Ryan’s complete family.
Father, Mother, Chase (25), Margot (23), Ryan (21), Lauren (19), Robin (17), Emma (16), Jessibel (5), and Benjamin (5).​
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Age ~ 23
Gender ~ Female
Sexuality ~ Bisexual
Face Claim ~ Celeste Desjardins
Hair Color ~ Brown
Eye Color ~ Brown
Body Type ~ Petite
Height ~ 5'7"
Weight ~ 110 lbs
Skin ~ Olive/Tan
Personality ~ The girl is very wild. She is a free spiri who does not want to grow up. She likes to live life on the wild side, for every risky chance she has, she takes. Harlow is a flirty girl, who isn't afraid to approach someone, male or female, and express her attractions to them. She is blunt, never having been afraid to state her likes and dislikes about someone or something. But, deep down she has her insecurities though she never expresses them.
Likes ~ Modelling, hiking, clubbing, shopping, art, and music.
Dislikes ~ Missing workout days, junk food, the quiet, bugs, mean animals, and heartbreak.
Bio ~ Harlow had always dreamed of being a model ones day. With the perfect family and grades, that was easily possible. Though the girl grew up without a mom, she pushed past her sadness and became the person she aspired to be. After high school she blossomed from a geeky, slightly overweight girl into a gorgeous, almost famous, model. The girl hadn't been back to visit her family in three years, so a break from her new, extravagant life was much needed.
What she's done for three years ~ Worked on her career, searched for love (unsuccessfully), and work to figure out what her future will bring.
family house - xxx
car - xxx
father - erin roy (47)
brother - daniel roy (14)
sister - avery roy (18)
coded by: lorde

Name: Lee Honey
Nicknames: Bumblebee
Age: 21
DOB: March 17
Gender: Female
Orientation: not sure
Face Claim: Xin Yuan Zhang
"I'm special to my bones."
coded by: lorde

Height: 170 cm / 5'6
Weight: 47 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black





+ Traits: Confident; Strong; Brave
- Traits: Sassy; conceited; Blunt

Personality: In high school honey was childish, loud a trouble maker if you will she didn't care who you were if it was fun she'll mess with you. At first glance, Lee Honey is an innocent muse, one glance and all you want to do is protect her she will drag you to her by force without doing anything one look and it seems you can't turn away yet when she starts talking it's as if your looking at a different person. Lee Honey is very blunt and believes that she is every man's type, she has no common sense and is quick to lash out when insulted, her temper is another story. She appears to be strong and conceited on the outside, but she is actually lonely and vulnerable on the inside. She is that lovable character who is hilarious and straightforward, not afraid to be embarrassed. She’s extremely flawed, has a huge ego, and a diva attitude to go with it. At the same time, she’s got a lot of likable traits,
She’s gutsy – yet vulnerable.
Another great thing about Lee Honey is how gutsy she is. She lives in the cut-throat world of entertainment, and beneath the glittery surface, things can get pretty harsh and cruel. To that world, Lee Honey shows her confident, tough, sassy side, and refuses to crumble, even when she’s not so sure of herself on the inside. Lee Honey has a strong inner strength, she isn't afraid to give her Rival's advice and help them although she is fast to throw insults. Lee Honey's the kind of girl who’s got her priorities straight. Matters of the heart, relationships, a clear conscience. These are the things that Lee Honey continually puts first, over money, status and reputation. For all of Lee Honey's outward bravado and top-star swag, she has regular moments of private pain. Pain that she fights to keep beneath the surface. Pain that she only allows breathing room when she’s in the privacy of her own company. All in all, Lee Honey’s private tears and vulnerability makes her outward diva attitude so much easier to accept because it helps people see beyond the often prickly, haughty surface to the soft, warm heart on the inside. Lee Honey is velvet and steel in one.

Likes: Spicy Food, Running, Windy days, Rain, Swimming, Piggyback rides, Animals, Bugs, Snakes, Sharks

Dislikes: Cold days, Tomatoes, Dust, Hospital smell, hamburgers, french fries, fizzy drinks, Electronics

Fears: Clowns, Bunny

Habits: Bites her lip when she's nervous, Eats spicy food when angry, Talks to herself when thinking, Drinks when she's depressed or something bad happened

Hobbies: Running, Swiming, Biking, karaoke, Cooking, Dancing, Ballet

in depth—

biography: Bumblebees family background isn't good news her father especially, her father is a known gangster in China he is very deadly and its best that you stay away from anything that belongs to him. Bumblebee is an orphan she suffered a lot it wasn't until her last year of high school that she was adopted her friends had been a great emotional support to her when she was an orphan. From that point on her father took care of her and anything she needed he got her in America, her father was also a known and feared man thus he gave his daughter many opportunities with job offerings in a big entertainment business. As a young girl Lee Honey dreamed of being in front of the camera, the companies didn't refuse her she had talent she was first known as a model and then she began acting.

Family: Father (adoptive)
Big brother (Adoptive) owner and CEO of 5-star hotel

What have you done for the last three years?
won an Oscar
Became a famous model in America and China
Opened a hospital (Plastic Surgery)



The first encounter was bad as always during tennis tryouts (Honey is very athletic) she whacked the ball towards, Harlow causing a nose bleed she had to take the girl to the nurse. After that, it was a laughing matter mostly on Honeys part and her bad aim.

Mallory Elizabeth Smyth
When the year had just started Honey had no one to sit next to so she approached Mal, at first it was hard to talk to her she was, to say the least boring she would barely talk to Honey. It didn't take long before honey cracked her it wasn't much but she can tell when a person has opened up even if just a little bit.

Skylar Mitchell
Honey at first didn't like Sky and even called her a fake at once through most of high school she would bully (to an extent) Sky that is until they both got locked in the classroom at first it was awkward but as if in an instinct the room was filled with laughter. Honey had bullied her thinking she was only acting as a kind hearted girl but soon once she got to know her her perspective changed.

Nathan Forbes
Nate and Honey...to say the least, don't get along even the first day they meet it was a disaster once it came to the point where Honey tackled him. Although if one was in danger the other would surely stand up for each other.

Maximus Strong
They were assigned to work on a project together honey didn't mind as the female didn't look boring at all after that they started hanging out Honey enjoyed Max's company although at times she felt like she was the one born a man as she acted like one. Honey looks up to Maximus as a role model she really loved how confident he was.

Frederico Moretti
Used to sit together in chemistry and make fun of their chemistry teacher who used to always scold them, their first encounter was the beginning of high school in history at first Honey didn't want to sit next to him but it became a tradition for the two to make fun of their teachers.

Garrick Von Branth
Honey and Garrick bonded over things such as soccer, their first encounter was at a soccer game the school had prepared. Honey really looked at him as a role model, she was also fascinated by his athletic abilities.

Cameron Oakes
Honey first encounter with Cameron was tragic, Honey had assumed that she was actually a he the moment she laid eyes on him she confessed her love although she never showed that she thought she was a boy and thus no one ever corrected her. For months she followed Cameron thinking he's a girl she soon found out that she was a girl when the teacher mentioned she and Cameron in one sentence. Honey felt bad and apologized, in general, she still feels bad that she mistook a woman for a man.

Adeline Vernet
Adeline was really cute in Bumblebees eyes and people thought that their friendship didn't go well it was too different their first meeting was peaceful...Lee Honey fell in front of Adeline when she was passing through the halls Honey had missed the wet floor sign and was running. Adeline helped her up and it started from there.

Ryan Jacob Zavier
Lee Honey is very fond of Ryan their first meeting was during class when Lee Honey was trying to cheat off of him during a test, she wouldn't stop throwing her pencils at him. Although their first impression of each other didn't end well as Ryan didn't help her on her test (even though she ended up taking the answers from someone else) after a while Bumblebee started coming to Ryan for tutoring (forced him to tutor her)
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Name: Finn Merkiel

Nickname: Finn

Age (21-23)

Gender Male

Sexuality Straight

Appearance (Realistic pictures please!)
Face Claim

Personality (Doesn't have to be overly detailed just give me an idea)

Witty, sociable, friendly, overly-trusting, musically oriented

Drinks with friends

Overly Pop Music
Giant crowds

Finn was raised in an average family, with a little sister named Cassandra, his mother, and father, until he was nine. That August, his home was broke into while his family was home. While calling the police, his mother was shot multiple times, and killed on the scene. He fell into a deep depression, as did his father and sister. Things were tough, until his father stepped up, they were enrolled in a better school where Finn met his friends, who helped pull him out of the pain.

What have you done for the last three years?

Finn left the USA for an Irish college, to study music, he wanted to teach a chorus class back home at the local middle school. After getting certifications and diplomas he's finally returning home to begin looking.

Anything Else ?

Jaspar Hobbs

Name: Jaspar Philip Hobbs

Nickname: Jaz, Jay, JP, JH

Age: 21

Gender: Cisgender Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: 5'5'' 112lbs, long wavy medium brown hair, smooth dark brown almost black eyes, skeleton and mechanical tattoos on his arms, chest and back, eyebrow bar, three piercings in his right ear, two in his left and a lip ring.

Face Claim: Ben Barnes

Rebellious is the best word to describe Kai. His appearance alone heavily amplifies his rebel side and when talking to him that doesn't change. He's energetic and wild during parties but more down to earth when sober. For a Misfit he's pretty passive, not starting fights and only finishing them. He does have a bit of a temper though but he has learned to control it. He rarely shows his real and true self but maybe that can change and he'll begin to open up to others more.

Likes: Night Time, Dogs, Snakes, Ice Cream, Hot Cocoa

Dislikes: Early Mornings, Clowns, Spiders, Coffee, Bigotry

Everyone knows who Jaspar Hobbs is. The rebel; The misfit; The weirdo; just few of the words he's been called but before that he was actually a good kid with good and fairly rich parents. He'd go to church on Sunday's with his Mom, Izzy, where his father, Christopher, would give a sermon, he had top of the class grades and was an avid piano player whilst being fairly popular in his elementary school.

So what went wrong in his life? Three words; his mom's death. The death of Isabelle Hobbs was not an expected one. He was 12 when it happened. The car came out of no where hitting his mother's side of the car. Jaspar watched his mom die right in front of him. They were both rushed to hospital, Jaspar recieving a concussion and his mother having heavy internal bleeding. His father and Jaspar prayed but it was no use. She was dead.

The community mourned heavily for the death of the pastor's wife. Jaspar also mourned for a few months. He hardly turned up to school and when he did he'd just receive the worst looks from people. He was becoming a misfit and he accepted it. He accepted the stereotype. He wore liquid eyeliner and fake ear piercings along with the stereotypical outfit. He threw out piano and learned bass and taught himself hour to skateboard. He eventually got real tattoos and piercings after realising he was gay. He came out to his closest friends about being gay and that was what fully pushed him away from religion. You couldn't be gay and a Christian. It was practically unheard.

He graduated high school and got good grades despite attitude being an issue. He got accepted in a college with free tuition. He went to major Law as he thought it would at least give him some job opportunities. He wanted to minor in music but college made him sick. The best part about college was a rock band called Rapturous Nights. It consisted of Daniel Baker on guitar and lead vocals, Caleb Jackson on bass guitar and backing vocals Max McCree on drums, and Josh Jameson on guitar and backing vocals. He became good friends with them and when Josh had to drop out, they started auditions and of course Jaspar got the part. He dropped out of college along with the other boys into his first year and they toured around the country playing music. He even helped write some songs. He was really happy.

What have you done for the last three years?: He's been pretty much constantly touring with his band and has been creating music with them and some solo stuff. He tried college but he felt it to be too confining so he dropped out during his first year along with the band.
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