Freshman Party

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r e i

-- the lost king --
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It was finally the late afternoon where every student of WDU should be on the way to the welcoming ceremony or there already. It was a ceremony to officially welcome the new students and returning students to the fresh new year of college but that was not what the students were looking forward to. The after party, the true welcoming ceremony that the student activities club set up. Where clubs get to scout and bring in new members and students meet one and another.


Aero Aero , revalia revalia , TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord , Bellz Bellz , . D O V E . D O V E , principessa principessa , MegMath13 MegMath13 , PixieDust PixieDust , UnwantedRomeo UnwantedRomeo , KingofAesir KingofAesir , drummerboi drummerboi .

Written by r e i r e i
Coded by revalia revalia
Harlow Wesley with_ No One
mood_ Bored
tags_ None

Harlow dragged her feet across the grass toward the banquet hall thing she'd been told the freshman greeting party thing was supposed to be. Her dorm had been empty upon her arrival, it seemed her roomates had left before she arrived. Harlow had made sure to aquire a top bunk, despite the fact that she'd probably fall at some point. She liked the semi-privacy. To be honest she hadn't even wanted to come to this thing. Her head was pounding and all she wanted to do was sleep, but if she wanted to sign up for any clubs she should probably make an appearance.
The hall loomed in front of her and she stopped momentarily to look up at the thing a do shake her head. This school was a little over the top at times. Harlow pushed the door open to be greeted by a blast of semi-cold air and noise. She raised an eyebrow at the inside of the place, which was even more over the top in her opinion. The place looked like something straight out of a story book, damn. The noise eventually got to annoying and she looked away from the ceiling to find the culprit.
A red-headed beef head was her answer. The dude stood near the football booth chanting rythmically with some other, smaller, beef heads. Harlow almost groaned, there was literally a mascot knight and some rando fighting in front of them. The mascot seemed to barely be able to move in the bulky suit, his head bobbing side to side and almost falling off. It was then decided that Harlow would go no where near that.... scene. No football for her.
Harlow's eyes scanned the rest of the place looking for somewhere that was a little more.... quiet. She was seriously considering leaving the cluttered place at that point. Some kid who didn't look like he could be any older than fifteen bumped into her. The boy apologized profusely and she growled and bit the air in front of him, the poor guy scurried away so fast he almost fell. Harlow laughed as she watched him clumsily run off. He kinda reminded her of that dude who'd given her a cookie when she'd arrived, just a lot more timid.
Maybe she'd stick around a little longer, just to watch all her other little freshman classmates scramble from booth to booth. Entertainment at its finest.

coded by lorde
Hunter Jones with_ No One (Open)
mood_ Excited
tags_ None

"Go Knights! Get 'im, Paul! You can do better than that!"
Hunter had arrived at the ballroom just a few hours before, helping his teammates set up their recruiting space. Paul, their mascot, donned in his signature Knight costume was currently wrestling some frosh. The guys and gals who came up and expressed interest in their team were immediately, and somewhat roughly, thrown to the Knight. Paul wasn't the biggest guy, and the suit made him kind of awkward, so it wasn't too hard to take him down.
At least three Froshes had fought him already and managed to slam him in a few minutes. Paul was beginning to get a little tired and Hunter could tell. He'd probably start complaining any minute now. The frosh currently wresting him tackled Paul to the padded ground with a thump. Hunter winced and waved for the guy to go talk to one of their managers. Paul threw his head off and gave an exasperated sigh from the ground, his black hair matted all around his forehead.
"Hunter... I'm... dead." Paul forced between breaths, proving the captains previous thoughts. Hunter nodded in understanding as he helped Paul up and pstted him on the back. If Paul needed a break, Hunter would give it to him, the next Frosh who came to sign up would wrestle the captain himself.
"Chill out for a minute, I'll take your spot." Hunter smiled and lead poor Paul over to a chair. Paul nodded greatfully and didn't give it a second thought before plopping down in the chair. "Here we go," Hunter turned back to the mat, a wide grin on his face that dimpled at the corners, "Let's see what the froshes have got, huh?"

coded by lorde
Pace Parker with_ No One (Open)
mood_ Overwhelmed
tags_ None
giphy (1).gif

Pace had been floating between booths for the past forty minutes and he was beginning to get tired and a little bored. The blonde boy eventually settled for sinking to the floor near Glee Clubs area. From here he had a pretty good view of the wrestling mat at the football guys had. He watched as Hunter took down a random freshman and he winced at the guys facial expression. Pace had never quite understood the need for wrestling, but he assumed it was something Hunter and his team liked, therefore it happened.

Pace shuddered and turned his head away in favor of laying back on the floor. The possibility of someone stepping on him was real but he could care less at the moment. A small hum sounded from Pace's chest as he began humming to himself to distract from everything else. His humming evetually began singing as words formed on his lips. It was then that he realised laying on the grpund singing was probably not a very smart idea.

The guy pushed himself off the floor and moved the lean against the booth. Brown eyes scanned the crowd for any particularly interesting people, but he'd never been too good at deciphering personalities from just looks. Some girl in overalls a mesh of different colors and a leather jacket caught his eye. She kinda looked scary. Pace decided he wasn't going to get on her bad side, whoever she was.

Deciding against trying to approach anyone about Glee he sighed and settled in for the hecticness ahead of him.

coded by lorde



♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

No one


nervous, excited and scared all wrapped into one.


Ava's whole body was shaking quite literally being the person she was. She sincerely hoped that the people here would be nice and try to understand that she was somewhat different than everyone else. Wilber had been very supportive when she told him that she was also going to Walt Disney University. He had even told her that she was very special even if her mother didn't think so.

Now, as she stood in front of the school, gates she was nervous, scared and excited all wrapped in a small 4' 4 package. She was bouncing on her toes trying to see the entrance of the school being as small as she was she couldn't see it. A pout came to her face and she began walking forwards towards the school gates. Then a booth caught her eye. Was it the art and writing club booth.


Coded by r e i r e i
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➟ ➟ ➟ ➟ ➟

Hunter Jones




KingofAesir KingofAesir

Mason had a grin on his face as he began walking towards the football meeting area. He had seen the mascot being pushed around and went over to investigate. He had been on the football team before and walked over realizing it was new players getting a chance to show what they had.

He watched as Hunter moved to take Paul's place as Mason leaned against a wall, watching the brawl between Hunter and a newbie. His arms were crossed and he was ready for this year to begin. He looked at Hunter "Awe come on Hunter don't go too easy on them now. "


Coded by r e i r e i
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☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

No One




Luigi looked around slowly this was his second year at WDU, and he was ready for it. He had bought himself a new set of cooking utensils, his old ones had about had it. With those placed in a bag, he walked towards the Area where he knew the Swimming team would be.

It was his only club and he was happy that he had joined because it has been a great place for him.
He smiled to himself and began thinking of the next dish we would make. That was generally what he was thinking of and not really much else which somehow always got him into a pickle.


Coded by r e i r e i
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✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

No One




Mari had not been there long, maybe an hour, but she was sitting on the steps of the school steps with her notebook on her lap. Her head was down and her pencil was moving very fast. People were moving all around her and she was taking in the look of them. She was writing a short story at the moment and hadn't spotted a single one of the booths she'd wanted to go to.

So she had sat down and began to write her thoughts just flowing on to the page. If she didn't like what she wrote later she could always scrap it.


Coded by r e i r e i
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Mood: Buzzed
Location: Glee Club Stand
Scenario: Enchanting potential club members with a song!
With: No One (open to interaction!)

Annabelle hadn't much time to socialise with old friends on her first day back to WDU. Before the year had started she'd received a letter notifying her that she had been elected as the new leader of the school glee club. It had been a dream of hers ever since she auditioned in her first year, but quite honestly she hadn't really thought she was up to the task. Nevertheless here she now was, organising and reorganising leaflets, putting up colour coordinated banners and making herself look as presentable as possible. Smoothing down her golden tresses one last time, she took a deep breath as people began arriving to the welcome ceremony, putting on her best smile, and playing clips from the glee club's best performances to date.
Code by @Starfish

"All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust."






The first few hours on campus have been nothing but ecstatic for Naomi. So much happened in such little time. Where to begin. Let's see. First and foremost, she was about to join her own cousin, Mason whom he was a third year here. Not to forget her child-hood best friend whom was now a second year she believed. However all this excitement, she still had arrived late. It was Naomi after all. It was expected by the least. Despite that she still managed to get settled. Somehow. At least till this event or so to speak.

Settling in her dorm she noticed she was paired up with another first year, Ava and a third year, Ella. She just hoped they didn't mind her mess. But hey, as long as it's on her side... right?

As the day proceeded the female couldn't even contain herself and not visit the pool. And so she did. The little ginger ventured towards the administration to get directions rather than asking around and so she got them. Even thought hey clearly instructed that the pool was closed for today. As she motioned towards the location with a scrunched nose she frowned at that warning. She was hoping to take a dip. But nonetheless she didn't want to stir trouble.

As she was motioning through the corridor she sighed and noticed a familiar face whom was..... worried? It was Hannah, an old family friend back home. Naomi hurried over the figure, "Hey Hannah, if you worry too much you are going to have wrinkles. What's wrong?"

"Hey there lil' Red," she replied with an awkward chuckle. "I have an issue. My parents have been having troubles coping with my little sister ever since they started working full-time. I'm afraid I won't be staying on campus anymore and that means I won't be staying here as much as I used to."

"And?", the female frowned, failing to see the issue. Was staying off campus that bad?

"And..." Hannah faced the pool from behind the glass and sighed. "I'm afraid I cannot keep my leader position of the swim team. I won't have the time."

"Oh... I see. Well why don't you re-schedule the sessions to the afternoon instead of evenings after school?" Nai suggested. She figured someone like Hannah would be in such position. She valued it as much as her.

"Not all of its' current members would be able to make it that way." Hannah, frowned as her face suddenly brightened and filled with hope. "However. you... Would you be willing to keep my swimming in tact and replace me? I mean I know your skills in the water and they are amazing."

The ginger's eyes widened. That was a highlight. Already a few hours on campus and that happened. "W-well... it's not that I do not want to but why not one of your team members? Do they even know?"

Hannah smirked, "Yeah they know I would be leaving but who I get replaced with is in my hands. Don't get me wrong. My team are excellent swimmers but I never saw such passion in someone than yourself. Pleas lil' Red. Can you do this for me? Oh also the code for the pool is 0409, don't wear it out. It's just you Captain."

Naomi sighed and frowned which shortly turned into a smile from ear to ear, "Of course! I'll do this for you Nana. You'll have no regrets. Now stop worrying... you will get those wrinkles."

With that the brunette hugged her and left, "Don't forget to get us new members lil' Red! Also 0409... keep it in mind. Your ears only." she yelled over her shoulder as she disappeared. Leaving Naomi to simply look at the pool and sighed, "I won't." Looking at the pool now she noticed it was covered with a fiber glass. "Geez, couldn't even get in if I wanted to. Technically." she smirked. She did have the code... She shook her head to get the thought out.

She motioned inside near the pool and looked around there was a small room with controls. It was restricted access as she looked at the box. "Hmmm... yours only Captain." she replied as she inputted the code and the door opened. "Well guess now I know." She entered and saw a bunch of levers and controls. Nothing she never seen before. Heater, Chlorination... filters all there. However there was a lever with a code box as well. As she was about to input a code she looked through the glass and noticed blonde hair. With a bandana. Oh she knew that from anywhere.

She left the room making sure the door shut and ran towards the side of the pool and literally jumped him from behind, ending up piggy back n his back, her arms hugging from behind. She loved surprises like that. "WIGI! GOD HOW I MISSED YOU!" she chuckled from behind.


Incarnation of




Mason. MegMath13 MegMath13
Ava. MegMath13 MegMath13
Ella. Bellz Bellz
Swimming Team. (2nd years up)

Conversing with
(Previously) Hannah - NPC.
Luigi. MegMath13 MegMath13

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Another year... Another story she assumed. Change happened, something Megan was not quite fond of might I add. Although it was necessary for things to be kept fresh. She was not very fond of her room-mates changing. Sure she had Adira with her last year but not having her best-friend in the same room with her. Was simply awkward. No one to sing to her annoyingly to simply wake up. Then again it might have been for the best. Reminiscing on the past year under the same roof with Annie and Adira, was not pretty. You could cut the tension with a knife. Alas hopefully it would not be the same thing with the new girl coming in. Hopefully the new girl was fond of purple shades, cause then it was going to be an issue.

Nonetheless, earlier that day Annie still managed to wake her up from outside the bloody dorm room which was infuriating but necessary. After that it was like the little blonde disappeared from that moment on wards. Weird.

Megan didn't really bother to get out of bed. Lectures don't start till tomorrow so why would she bother to go for some kind of freshers event when she was just a second year. Oh yeah right. Both Annabelle and James were going to be there so it was best to at least show up for just a few seconds there.

Dragging herself out of bed she slipped into something more comfortable. Some black ripped jeans and a black t-shirt together with black boots. However she needed some color. "A-ha!" she slipped on a light faint brown plaited button up shirt and left it open. She tied her hair up in a messy bun with no efforts and grasped her pack of cigarettes, light and phone on the stand and slipped them in her pocket as she headed out locking behind her.

The sun was shining, which was not a good thing when wearing black clothing, so like a vampire her eyes darted to spot any shade and as always, her corner where she usually smoked was still in shade. Glorious. At the she went by the wall near the hall and took out a cigarette and lit it as she looked up and took a whiff. That is before she spotted a familiar blonde, making her way inside, her mind rather occupied. Of course, Glee Club. How can she forget?

With a smirk she poked the end of her cigarette against the bottom of her boot and left it there before venturing behind. Figured her friend would need her support at this time. She knew what Glee Club meant for Annie. Not that Meg ever been in it. In fact her fear is that Annie would eventually drag her to get in.

As she entered the hall it was rather different. Different booths for each club. Catching a slight glimpse of one of the booths she immediately gathered it was Glee Club. Especially with the songs she heard for the millionth time as they usually play in their former dorm. Swaggering her way towards Annabelle and leaned against the booth.
"Hey there fussy-head. You doing alright? Or are you going to blow up anytime soon?" she taunted her lightly with her signature grin before her light grey eyes to the opposed side where a familiar booth stood. The fencing booth. She remembered it was the first booth she ever signed herself up for. More importantly the person who was sitting idly there, James. A smirk appeared, a smirk that popped on her face whenever she spots him.


Incarnation of


Dorm > Hall.

Annabelle. @PixieDust
Adira. @TheWaffleLord
James. Aero Aero

Conversing with
Annabelle. PixieDust PixieDust

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Incarnation of
Weirdly Calm
Harlow KingofAesir KingofAesir
Annie PixieDust PixieDust
Megan revalia revalia
Conversing with
Harlow KingofAesir KingofAesir
Annie PixieDust PixieDust
Megan revalia revalia

Danny looked around at her book club stand. She knew she had made a good choice making the art kids do the booth. She needed to work on her company and had no time to focus on the stand. She had only been president of the book club for about 3 months now after meeting with the Principal to talk about her classes and such. She looked around and saw people headed towards her booth but she also spotted Megan and Annie. She smiled and turned to one of the kids that were working the booth, Jasmine. "Hey Jas, I'm gonna say hi to my friends and be right back. Hold down the fort for me ok?"

"Sure boss." Jasmine said to her as she spoke to a hopeful new member. Danny started to walk toward the Glee Club booth, looking around at all the different kind of clubs booth there was. Soccer was full of hopeful members. Hell, they might need a second freaking team to accept them all. She made her way towards the Glee Booth and nodded at Megan while she smiled at Annabelle.

"How's the booth going Annie? Getting any new members to join? I know two that are going to be joining they're around here somewhere. Their names are Maya and Markie. They are pretty awesome." Danny looked back at her stand and sighed. They were getting swarmed, she had to go help. "I gotta go help my book club before they are overrun with bookworms. I'll be back later to check on the booth and you." She walked away waving to the girls. As she turned back around, she ended up bumping into a......girl?

Danny looked up to curse at the girl who was touching her which everyone knew not to fucking do but she couldn't speak. Her eyes were the lightest gray that she ever seen. She froze, as she stared at the girl's eyes. Her eyes were beautiful and she didn't want to look away...not ever.

Coded by revalia revalia
Harlow Wesley with_ Danny
mood_ Angry > Surprised > Nervous
tags_ r e i r e i

"I swear if people don't stop bumping into me I..."
Harlow's words died in her throat as she looked down at the girl who bumped into her. Well, hot damn. Harlow's mean words turned into a dazzling smirk of a smile. She made sure the girl wasn't gonna fall over by grabbing her elbows. "Woah there. You alright?" Harlow grinned again, not bothering to move her hands in that moment.
It's been a while since she last saw a girl as pretty as the one standing in front of her now. Harlow realised her hands had been on the platinum blonde girls elbows a little too long and she removed them quickly. They occupied themselves by running through her hair. "Sorry." Harlow let out a short laugh and shoved her hand in the pockets of her jacket.
"I'm Harlow, by the way, Harlow Wesley." The smile returned, if somewhat more awkward than it had been before. She debated pulling her hand out for a hand shake but decided not to, for fear one her her rings would catch and she'd be standing there awkwardly trying to free her hand. That was new, the whole fear thing, she'd never been so automaticly nervous. Weird.

coded by lorde
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Incarnation of
Confused but Calm
Harlow KingofAesir KingofAesir
Conversing with
Harlow KingofAesir KingofAesir

Danny was still dazed as Harlow introduced herself and said sorry for bumping into her or holding her a bit too long. She doesn't know if she actually cared about the answer as long as the girl with the gray eyes kept talking to her. She also didn't know why she was having this effect on her, she wanted to go and run so bad but she knew she should stay. She opened her mouth to speak and showed a small smile "I'm Danny. Danny Rockers. It's no was my fault for not paying attention where I was going. "

She looked down at her feet and then looked back up "So you are a freshman? I'm a 2nd year myself. President of the book club. " Danny wanted to keep talking to Harlow until she knew why she was feeling like this. Why her icy heart started to beat again and warm when she met her. She wanted to know who she was to bring back feelings that she has kept buried for such a long fucking time.

Coded by revalia revalia

Super Excited!


Art and Writing Club Stand

Interacting With:
Ava Pigg
MegMath13 MegMath13

June happily adjusted the Art and Writing Club scrapbook that was placed in the front. As she did so, she recalled what had happened about an hour or so.

June had gone to the Principal's office to settle some paperwork when she overheard an upperclassman discussing an Art and Writing Club. "I'm sorry Mr. Mouse, but with my classes piling up, I can't handle running the club as well." Mr. Mouse let out a sigh, "But Sarah, we can't just have a club without a leader. We'll have to shut it down." Sarah shook her, "No! It'll break everyone's heart." Out of impulse, June bust through the door, "I can take it over!" She exclaimed. The principal and Sarah both stared at her wide eyed at her sudden entrance. June blinked and brushed herself off, regaining her composure. "Uh, sorry about that. However, I do wish to take on the leadership of the Art and Writing Club." She said and set down her papers.

Principal Mouse glanced over her papers, then back at her. "Miss. Beckett, is it? I love your enthusiasm but we prefer freshman not being leaders of clubs for a reason." He began as he pushed her paperwork aside, "We don't want to add any unnecessary stress to your first year here. I'm sorry but unless you have past experience I can't allow you to take this responsibility." The principal finished with a sigh. June's head lowered, she was homeschooled all the way up till now and even if she did try to join a club her psycho aunt wouldn't allow it. June had no defense and so she replied with a sorrowful, "I understand."

After a moment of dreadful silence, Sarah spoke up. "Wait just a minute Mr, Mouse! What if, I give June my old journal full of club activities? There are tons of new and old ideas in there for her to go on." Mr. Mouse scratched his chin in thought. "That's a good idea, but she still not familiar with traditions, the club members, the paperwork, etc." He replied and Sarah just smiled. "No problem! Everyone in the AWC is nice, and I'm sure veteran members will have no issue helping her out. Besides, on my free time, I can check on her and help out." There was another moment of silence, then Mr. Mouse gave the girls a warm smile. "Alright, since you both are going miles to keep this club going I will allow the plan." From hearing his words, June let out a happy squeal and Sarah high fived her. "However," Mr. Mouse began holding his hand up, "If I hear any complaints or June's grades start to slip, I will have to shut things down. Are we clear?" Both girls nodded and with smiles on their faces answered, "Crystal clear."

June snapped back into the present when she noticed a small pink haired girl take notice of the booth. She smiled warmly and waved, inviting her over to take a look.








Having just arrived on campus, the female really was not keen on getting here. It is just going to be another school experience she did not want to encounter. However with her step-father, it was hard and unlikely that she was going to miss this. He even drove her himself to make sure that she went and checked in. She was surprised that Kai, her step-brother was not by the gate for assurance. Getting out of the car with her bow patterned suit-case, she looked back as her step-father smiled and bid her farewell before driving off, leaving her in the gateway.

With a long sigh, she turned around looking at the huge University in front of her. Was this supposed to solve her grief? No. Doubt it would. She adjusted her twin side braids that were tied with two black bows which complemented the rest of her outfit but blended with her jet black hair. Slowly she made her way towards the administration block to retrieve the key for her dorm whom she discovered she was sharing with another person. Another first year. Great. She hoped she would be alone. She didn't want strangers finding out her habit. When that came to mind she cupped her wrist which was covered in bracelets that pass as friendship bracelets. Even if so her tattoos faded them a bit.

Heading towards the assumed girls' dormitories, or so she figured they were from her previous encounter with the administration clerk. Or so to speak. Upon entering it was rather empty. It could have been the opening ceremony, which was also a piece information the clerk gave her. She also mentioned it was
mandatory for first years to attend which immediately pulled her into that category. Eleanor hated people and how they usually treated her. The only four people that actually had and took the initiative to converse with her were her recently deceased mother, her stepfather, her step-brother and last but not least her childhood best friend, Eugene. Other then those... she is just invisible. Sunk into the background.

As she entered her dorm, she noticed her room-mate (Mari) not yet checked her stuff in. Either that or she already set her stuff in the drawers which Eleanor was not just going to snoop. She decided to sort her stuff out. It was at least about time to attend this freshers event and get it over with. She needed at least one club for her end certificate so she needed to see what was there. And so she did. Straightening her dress dungaree she frowned and went outside. Her eyes squinted a bit as the sun hit her eyes. God how she hated it. She genuinely missed those heavy rainy days and the cloudy skies. Bowing her head downwards, the big black hat on her head covered her face when she did that. It was kind of the purpose of it. However anyone who knows her would immediately notice her petite small frame and the slight hunched walk.


Incarnation of


Dorm > Somewhere outside trying to find her way to the Main Hall.

Kai. r e i r e i
Eugene. TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Mari. MegMath13 MegMath13

Conversing with

Salehe Adebowale
Worried and Bored


Fraternity Booth

Naina Okafor
revalia revalia

Salehe sat at the Fraternity booth with his arms behind his head as he watched the rowdy football players across from him. The mascot beating up the Freshman was always his favorite part of the Freshman welcoming ceremony. That and of course the Freshman party that follows. He remembered his Freshman party like it was yesterday. It was a blast, especially making new friends and hanging out with his best friend, Naina.

Naina...Just the thought of her name made Sal frown as he reminisced about all she has been through. The nights he stood up video chatting her to make sure she was okay and got some sleep. Texting and emailing her regularly to exchange what all was happening in their lives. Then, it just stopped. Sal tried everything, but he just couldn't get in touch with her anymore. He couldn't help but think of the worst. However, when it came to that, he always reminded himself that Nhao is a tough girl and can handle the worst.

After a while of going down memory lane, Sal blinked and snapped back to his current situation. He noticed the mascot taking a seat, and the next to the mat was the football team's captain, Hunter. Salehe decided to take the time, before the next fight to happen, to text Naina.

Nina Butt
Hey Nina. Text me back, please?
Wassup Nhao? How's it going?
Heyyy Nhao! Why u no text back?
Is everything alright? Just asking since you haven't text me back.
Hey, just texting you for probably the hundredth time for a check up. Hope everything is okay.

Sal let out a sigh and began to scroll through the text history. It starts off with Salehe texting his friend everyday for almost a month. Then his texts slowly go down to three texts a week, then two, and now one text per week. He put his phone back into his pocket and went back to watching the football players in hopes someone challenges Hunter to get his mind off of things.



Mood: Lost
Location: Quad
Scenario: Directionally challenged
With: No one
For: PixieDust PixieDust revalia revalia

Mentions: no one



"That's it, I am officially lost." Lucy mumbled to herself as she was basically walking around in circles. This campus was just too big to be walking around alone. But after the morning she had, she figured keeping to herself wouldn't hurt. Now she wished she would have been more friendly. "Didn't I just pass this vending machine like 3 minutes ago?" She continued to talk to herself. No one seemed to even be around?

Well that's because you are talking to yourself crazy! She thought and shook her head slowly. Sighing she took a minute to gather her surroundings. She had definitely seen these buildings before. Early in the day when she was on the way to the girl's dormitory. Lucy glanced left to right before deciding to walk to the right.

After a few moments of walking she was in a unfamiliar part of the campus, another quad area it looked like.She looked up at the building to see if she recognized the names but came up short. "Shoot." She stomped her foot lightly.

It was only the first day and she was already a mess. Classes hadn't even started yet and she was stressing more than she would with finals. Lucy ran a hand through her hair and bit her lip nervously as she noticed how empty the place was.

That's because everyone found the banquet hall. Oh.



Mood: Exasperated
Location: Literally no idea
Scenario: Husky chase
With: None

So far Oskar had counted his first day of university as a good one. He had attracted hardly any attention considering he was a newbie and had succeeded with small talk for the first time. Maybe this place really would bring a fresh start to the boy, as long as no one commented on his weird Norwegian accent or said something dumb like: 'Oh you're from Norway, that's in like...Germany, right?'

Currently Oskar was a little tied up. In one hand he held a map of the campus, attempting to find the area where all the club booths and the official welcome ceremony would be, while the other hand held the leash of his snow white puppy Sven, who was trying to run around in circles.
'Sven cut it out! you're gonna tangle me up in your leash!' Oskar exclaimed, growing more and more exasperated as the puppy circled him again and he tried to swap the map and the leash form one hand to another. Sven simply looked at him with large blue eyes and continued, wagging his tail delightedly. With a groan of resignation, Oskar went to swap hands once again, but this time the leash and the map both slipped from his grasp and true to husky form, Sven was bounding off in a random direction.
'Crap!' Oskar swore, sprinting after his puppy, his hood flying off his head to reveal his pale blonde hair.
Code by @Starfish

"Reindeers are better than people."



☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

Naomi Waters




revalia revalia
Luigi was a little upset that the pool had been closed but he was still standing there hoping that it would be open soon. If there was one thing he loved as much as cooking that was swimming. But it so happened that he couldn't do either one right now.

Then as he started to move from the spot he had been in he felt someone jump onto his back. He couldn't figure out who it was right away at least not until he heard a familiar nickname and voice. "Freckles! Is that you man it's been a while! How you been?" Luigi Said as he moved putting his arms under her legs to make sure she didn't fall.


Coded by r e i r e i
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Mood: Curious
Location: Around...
Scenario: Do I spot a fellow writer?
With: Maribella MegMath13 MegMath13

Gwendolyn was severely disheartened by the lack of adventure she had encountered so far on her first day at university. She had been prone to wondering what it would be like if a dragon guarded the gates or a sphinx that demanded a riddle be solved in order to enter lest she eat you alive. That would be quite the adventure!

Instead she found herself roaming around the campus with a map in hand, conjuring up plot ideas in her head and jotting them down whenever inspiration struck. Finally it was time for the welcome ceremony. She hoped there would be a writing club of some description. As her gaze scanned the room for someone interesting for someone to converse with, she came across a girl scribbling rapid-fire into a notebook just the way Gwen usually did. She could recognise a fellow writer anywhere!

'Hallo,' she said politely as she approached her, 'You must be a writer too.'
Code by @Starfish

"Don't call me girly."
Harlow Wesley with_ Danny
mood_ Awkward
tags_ r e i r e i

Danny Rockers. Harlow smiled, she quite liked this girls name. It seemed sort of familiar for whatever reason. Harlow's eyebrows creased slightly as she thought about why. She was about to ask when Danny started talking again. Harlow forced her words of questioning bsvk down and looked back to Danny.

Harlow relaxed a bit as Danny started talking, seemingly less nervous now that Danny wasn't mad or anything. She barely resgistered Danny's words as she was too busy marvelling at the way her voice sounded. Something about president of the book club. President of the book club? Harlow, at this point, would probably have made a joke about her being a nerd but she felt no need to oddly.

Harlow had been standing there staring for at least a full mimuge before she realised Danny had asked her a question. Shit. Harlow racked her brain, trying to find out what exactly she had been asked but to no avail. The short haired girl scratched th backnof her neck awkwardly, "Uh, I... could you repeat that? I'm sorry, bad hearing." That wasn't a complete lie, Harlow did have trouble hearing sometimes.

coded by lorde
Hunter Jones with_ Mason McCoy
tags_ MegMath13 MegMath13

Hunter yelled triumphantly as he slammed a freshman onto the ground. The boy immediately hopped up and scurried away from the mat, despite Hunter's best attempts to apologize to the guy. Maybe this hadn't been the best idea after all. Hunter glanced back over at Paul who, during this time, had fallen asleep in his chair. The captain frowned at the snoring, bearded man and shrugged his shoulders he could continue.

A voice caught his attention as he waited for his next challenger and he turned to see none other than Mason McCoy. Hunter grinned at his teammate as he stretched his arms out, one of them audibly popping. Easy? Since when had Hunter ever gone easy on anyone? He was a nice guy and all but, when it came to wrestling, Hunter went all out. So, naturally, Mason telling him to not go easy hsd Hunter vying for a challenge.

"You think this is easy? Alright, McCoy, step up. Let's see what you can do, dude." Hunter beckoned Mason to him as the rest of the team thay wss there crowded around the mat in anticipation for the fight to come. "I mean, if these Freshman can't best me on easy, maybe you can."

coded by lorde







It had proven itself to be a wonderful day for the young female. She was not really that keen on coming but again her adoptive father had literally brain washed her in attending. It was kind of a must when you lived with strict parents. Which was really Beth's case to begin with. It was really a trail of strict guardians, no wonder she bares such responsibilities. Nonetheless she was glad that her father encouraged her to attend, otherwise she wouldn't have met her twin sister. Then again, what were the odds of bumping into a twin you haven't seen eye to eye with every since she was adopted?

That being said after that unexpected meet-up, like any other student who simply wants to settle she went to check out her dorm. However as she entered her dorm she saw nothing but three still empty beds. It was unlikely that she was alone so she gathered that her dorm-mates are first years or just not here yet.

With that she simply left her things as is and just took her phone with her and jogged out and started to make her way to where she assumed was the Big Hall. It seemed that the net flow of students were swarming in the entrance so it was only natural to add one and one together to make two. With her camera slung round her neck, her most prized possession to begin with. She was not just going to leave it unattended in a dorm. And so she blended with the swarm and entered the Main Hall which left her speechless.

Her jaw dropped. It was like something that just came out of a disney fantasy film. It was marvelous. It was also something way too fancy for her to begin with. True her adoptive parents were better off financially but she was never really fond of such luxury. Especially when she knew that somewhere out there her sister was not with her, so it was hard to enjoy it to the full.

Her gaze looked back and forth, looking at the booths and two in particular captured her attention. Glee Club and Fencing. One more than the other. She ventured towards the booth, past the glee club where her sister was talking to a platinum female. She waved at her as she passed, however she did not quite know if she saw her or not. Approaching the fencing booth, she halted and looked at the brown haired male behind it. With a soft smile she muttered, "Excuse me, I can sign up to fencing here or?"


Incarnation of


Main Hall.

Harlow. KingofAesir KingofAesir
Danny. r e i r e i

Conversing with
James. Aero Aero

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