Freshman Party

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Peter Coleman
The freshman who was almost made a victim by the soccer ball was saved by some random guy who actually caught it in his hands before it landed. Peter looked back at Tamara, his mouth open. She saw it, too. His expression was caught between astonishment and eagerness. They needed to convince him to join the soccer team ASAP before Hunter Jones and his football guys got to him.

"Sparky! Looks like we found our new goalie." She was jumping on her feet with excitement, pointing at the potential recruit.

"That's just what I was thinking! You go get 'em; I'll man the booth."

Just like that, Tamara was running off. Peter looked around, seeing more freshman coming to the booth because of the accidentally awesome incident. He spotted someone familiar past all the new students, someone behind the fencing club booth. His brows furrowed. It was James Hookway--or as Peter called him--"Hooker". He hated that guy... They never got along since day one. That much was obvious.

But for some reason, that smirk, those damned green eyes, and that sly voice was so annoyingly charming that, whenever Peter thought of him, his heart would race. And he hated it. It would make him squirm on the inside. Yes, Peter Coleman was bicurious. But he never realized that he was until he met Hook. He remembered the day they met.

It was not pretty.

Funnily enough, Peter didn't like Hook's girlfriend, Megan Stavros, either. And not because it meant he was already taken, but because she was just as unbearable. Boring, pessimistic, and just a person with absolutely no sense of humor. But whatever. He didn't like either of them. Hook, especially.

Stupid Hooker... With his stupid face.

location: soccer booth
mood: disgusted but nostalgic
scenario: my mind's tellin' me no
with: no one
tags: revalia revalia
Bellz Bellz
Aero Aero
KingofAesir KingofAesir
coded by dwale

Phoebe Silverman
Phoebe tilted her head as she listened to the flannel-clad girl speak. She had an interesting, old-fashioned choice of words. It was almost like she was an old woman, stuck in a young adult's body. It was not necessarily a bad thing--it only amused Phoebe and piqued her curiosity about the fellow freshman before her.

"By the way, I'm Christine Robinson, most people call me Chris. A pleasure to be lost with you." Her dimpled smile was comforting.

Phoebe smiled. "My name's Phoebe Silverman. Nice to be lost with ya, too!" She firmly shook Chris' hand. Jokingly, she questioned, "You talk funny. Are you a time traveler?"

Chris seemed nice. She was pretty, too. If not a little formal, but as long as the first person she met wasn't rude, Phoebe didn't mind. Another student, a tall young man with short black hair, had approached them shortly after. He was perspiring, evidently from the mid-morning run he was in the middle of. Phoebe wondered why he was exercising during sweater weather, of all times. Or why he was exercising at all.

Exercise is gross. Sports are gross.

He asked, "You two young ladies lost?"

"If it is not a bother to you, could you possibly point us the direction of the club event?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool of you. Also, can you tell us if there's food there?"
location: no idea
mood: cheerful
scenario: first friend?
with: Christine Robinson
Da-Hyun Okamura
tags: Aero Aero
UnwantedRomeo UnwantedRomeo
coded by dwale






As the young male caught her and supported her she flung her arms around him from the back and chuckled. "I've been floundering around! Sort of." she frowned lightly as she rested her chin on top of his nest of a blonde hair with a frown. "Although I did get some rocking new gear for my competition that I have been dying to show you for a whole year now."

Settling her support onto his arms she made a soft hum, "A year without you was rubbish back home but alas I am here to bother you now!" she said enthusiastically. Luigi was now a second year which was rather annoying that she could not attend the first year with him due to some issues that she didn't quite like to mention or discuss to begin with. However, her mother had promised her that she would attend it the next scholastic year and look where Naomi is now. Her mother was a woman of her word unlike certain other members.

"ALSO... guess who got Captain of the Swim Team on their what... first hour on campus?!!" she was really ecstatic about the fact that she got the part. As confused as she was, she wanted to help a friend out. She figured that Hannah already had her previous swim team with the exceptions to those who left due to finishing their four years. Hence she needed some new recruits. She was pretty pumped to see some first year students who were willing to join. Speaking of which... where was the sign-up booth, "Speaking of which... where do I have to go to actually get those sign-ups Wigi?" she inquired with a frown.


Incarnation of





Conversing with
Luigi. MegMath13 MegMath13








Meg had zoned out poor Annie for the majority of the time she spent hoping to earn a look back from her guy. Or so to speak. She was getting rather nerved knowing he not yet met her gaze but just as her blood almost began to bubble, his eyes seemed to have met her own dark grey ones and with his wink, her heart melted. However as much as butterflies were knotting in her stomach, Megan had the ability to simply keep her face blank or with her usual signature frown which aids a lot. However no matter how her area expertise rose, there was always one person that saw right through that and that was the perked up blonde at her ear at this very second.

'Someone's distracted Megan...' and the rest was all just blank. Her blonde's chirpy voice brought her back to Earth and sighed lightly before leaning on the booth and solid dark grey eyes fixated on the blonde. "Me? Distracted? Sorry tends to happen when I am out of my place." she taunted her with a grin. "Sure, sure whatever you say Fussy-head." she added again, watching Annabelle wrinkling her nose was one of the cutest things ever! "I say relax," she hummed silently. "Glee had always been successful and I bet my ink that with your leadership it will lead to more greatness!"

All of a sudden she started acknowledging other faces, familiar faces as they were all second years. Parker, Eugene and of course Danny. She knew all of them mainly but Danny was by far the second person she converses well with after Annabelle. She smiled back to the platinum haired female before her attention was caught by the fast paced talkative male who just popped in and out in a hurry without even understanding even one word.

"What the hell was that suppose to mean?"
she inquired Annie about her male friend that she knew she liked the company of. The red haired female trailed her gaze till he disappeared before facing the two blondes. "Oi Parker," she called from above, "Enjoying the smell of farts down there?" she mused. Megan could not grasp the fact as to why he was lounging on the floor near the booth.


Incarnation of


Glee Club Booth

James. Aero Aero
Eugene. TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Danny. r e i r e i

Conversing with
Annabelle. PixieDust PixieDust
Pace. KingofAesir KingofAesir

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☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

Naomi Waters




revalia revalia
Luigi shifted on his feet as he held her up,
so she is the freshman that Hannah had chosen to take over. He thought for a minute and gave a quick nod. "Was it as bad as we figured it would be? Hmm I made a new dish that I want you to try, I wish the pool was open." He said as he walked over to the booth that had been made last year. "We could fix this up and see if we can get some members, there are a lot of interesting people here and some have to be good at swimming.
He pondered aloud


Coded by r e i r e i







As she proceeded her to make her way towards the Hall, with her usual slight slouch and head bowed down, she was simply thinking how two of the only people who acknowledge her would react once they see her. Part of her she didn't want them to see her cause she was not really one for company but at the same time she loved them way too much that she cannot be away from them anymore. It was just horrible being without them for a year. Mainly she just did not want them to think badly of her if they ever found out what she did.

As if on queue, in the distance she swore she could hear her name being called out. She shook her head as if to stop imagining it. Or so she thought. That is until she heard it the second time, closer. She was not imagining it. As she dared to lift her face up to see where the voice of her rambunctious best friend, she was greeted with one just one look and a sudden elevated spin. She let out a loud gasp of shock as her arms gripped his shoulder and round his neck with the hug, "Ahh Oddball! You found me!" she asserted as he squished her. She was already small enough and in Gene's arms she was always ever so squished. Oh how she missed the Gene hugs.

As she felt her feet touch the ground a bit dizzily, she frowned, "Your hugs are still as tight and spinny as usual I see!" she said with a weak smile. She was so happy to see him again but as he also knew. Smiling was not on Ellie's list of things of doing. A small smile was Ellie's sign of being excited. However it was not the first time Gene actually got her to smile. Her smile was not bigger particularly for the fact that she could feel a million eyes darted towards the couple, attention was not good. But it was Eugene. Upon her re-union with him she was missing one person, her step-brother. She thought he would be with him.

From one pair of arms to another the female seemed to have her fair share of hugs today. Which was rather odd, seemed like her birthday. It was Kai this time, her step-brother. Her family. She put on the same faint smile as she swung her arms round her brother's neck reciprocating the affection. "Oh my glob! K! I missed you. I missed you both!" she addressed at her two favorite people. It was only until now she found out how empty she felt without them. They did brighten her day. After a few minutes of her brother's warmth and affection, she cleared her throat lightly, "Ah K... you're squishing me you know that?" she kidded lightly as her chocolate brown eyes fell on Gene with her warm half smile whom was behind Kai.


Incarnation of

Happy once more.

Main Hall.


Conversing with
Kai. r e i r e i
Eugene. TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord


Eugene Abadi
"Ahh Oddball! You found me!" Gene missed hearing that nickname from her. He missed her voice and her small smile. "Your hugs are still as tight and spinny as usual, I see!"

"Of course!" Gene beamed. "I saved them for you!" Kai had been quick to find them and follow suit with a hug of his own, presumably because Gene was the one who drew the attention in the first place. "Roomie! You're right on time!"

"Ah, K... You're squishing me, you know that?"

Meeting Ellie's chocolate brown eyes from over Kai's shoulder only prompted Gene to do one thing--she probably saw it coming. "Movin' in for a big one!" The young man opened his arms wide and wrapped them around his friends, forming a big, affectionate group hug between the three of them. He missed this--being together.

It may have just been a year without Ellie, but it felt longer than that. She would always be a significant piece to this trio. Maybe she didn't know it, but she made these two very happy. She didn't necessarily have to be goofy like Gene or be mischievous like Kai, but her presence made their day.

Finally loosening his grip on them, Gene looked down at Ellie with softened eyes and a grin on his face. "Welcome to Walt Disney University, El. We missed you."
location: main hall
mood: happy as can be
scenario: group hug!
with: Eleanor Chao
Kai Parkor
tags: revalia revalia
r e i r e i
coded by dwale
Lucas began to walk up towards the doors wearing what seemed to be a very noticeable outfit. Light gray tuxedo with his signature medieval font L on the pocket where his handkerchief was. He of course not being a very good cobbler bought the shoes from a local market. His hair was combed and blow-dried 5 times straight. He opened the door's and made sure his presence was well known "Don't worry ladies and gent's Lucas Tramain is here to grace you with his presence. Now if the head of the fashion club needs me i'll be checking to see if this party was worth coming to!" he said almost demanding that the head of the fashion club come to him as he begun to walk in. With of course an authoritative stance. He walked towards the drinks to see if there any worth to him. of course they were only soft drinks since of course, it's a college campus.

He then took a sip of one of the Coke's that were in a wine glass. He even lifted his pinky off the glass as he sipped the coke. It was tasty it wasn't the cheap brand that most parties would go for but it suits well for him. He then walked over towards what seems to be some familiar individuals as he walked over to the two girls with what seemed to be a third individual. He didn't pay any enough attention to her as he even though he is an attention seeker he politely awaited them to finish their conversation before introducing himself to them again "well hello you two where the queen or does she not attend a party like this one. which I don't blame her I mean all this color is ghastly blue and red... Horrible combination" He said as he then looked around to see if Cynthia is there


Meanwhile, Wilbur was walking across the grounds wondering where on earth was this party at. He looked at the location but of course without anyone there to read it for him. He didn't know so he was walking around "Piglet! Tamra! Christene! anyone....Oh bother...where could they be i don't know what it says.....hmmm think..Think..Think.. Ah I'll just ask someone where it is. But where would anyone be?" He spotted what seemed to be older women sitting on a desk just past the college entrance. He walked up to her and said. "Um sorry to bother you but. can you please direct me to the party, please. I got the invitation but i can't read some of the big words on it. I know the time though" He said showing her the leaflet that he was given. Hoping that the professor or teacher could direct him towards the party. The receptionist smiled and said "oh that's no problem the fresher's event is just at that corridor second door to the left. Have a good time" she said smiling as Wilber thanked the women and started to walk in.

He hoped that his friends would be there to that way he won't be able to get lost easily. Further more he wondered who would he be sharing his room with he hoped at least they would be nice and he will make sure to make their student life here the best they ever had.He walked shyly towards the entrance and walked towards what seemed to be a man with what seems to be a coin in his hand as he walked up to him slowly towards him. being 7ft tall he should be able to see where his frainds were but being not a good thinker he decided to politly ask intead of just shouting there names.

Bellz Bellz TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord MegMath13 MegMath13
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June Logo.png

Super Excited!


Art and Writing Club Stand

Interacting With:
Ava Pigg
MegMath13 MegMath13

June had a to hold back an excited squeal as the pink haired freshman made her way to the booth. Not only was June happy to have her first memeber over but also how adorably tiny she was! 'Don't scare her off June. Remember, be professional!' She kept thinking this over and over until the girl approached the table and placed her arms onto it. The small female then took out a pen and paper, began writing then proceeded to show June. This did catch the blonde off gaurd, but she still maintained a smile and read the words carefully.

"Ava Pigg, that's a lovely name! My name is June Beckett, the new leader of the Arts and Writing Club." June introduced herself and held out her hand to Ava. "I hope your words come back to you," June joked, "and until they do you can write all you want. I can be a tad talkative, so I'm sure I can talk enough for the both of us." She finished with a slight chuckle. "Anywho! Are you interested in the Arts and Writing Club?"
Ava Pigg
Ava glanced around the events fair once or twice looking for Wilbur or maybe Tamara but she turned her attention back to the girl in front of her. She really reminded her of Tamara which caused the small female to giggle and she once again tried to speak, this time it came out in a small and tiny voice. "I-I am, i-i really enjoy a-art." She said her voice shaking as she spoke. This wasn't uncommon but Tamara had always told her she shouldn't be so scared and Wilbur had said something like that too.
'oh how I wish I was more like Wilbur and Tamara.' she thought to herself and smiled at the thought. She wondered if Wilbur had arrived yet, maybe she could text him when she was done here.
Aero Aero drummerboi drummerboi







With relief she realised that at least the person behind the booth was approachable. Devilishly handsome and something she would not mind if she was interested in his type. Unfortunately she wasn't however there was no harm in watching him attempt. Her eyes didn't focus on the male, however they were slowly tracing the sharp thin needle-like blade that his épée has, as it pointed towards her. Her eyes slowly crossed themselves as they viewed towards the inside of her nose towards the point before she lowered the point very lightly with the palm of her hand. "I just want to sign up, not become your first beaten up freshie thank you very much." she humphed silently. "I suppose grace and guts will be tested this semester."

As she grasped the pen in hand and went to sign her name she halted mid-way frowning at the papers. She parted her lips to say or protest something but instead she decided it was best to bite her tongue for just a bit. At least this time. The fact that the sheets were partially covered in dirt was not hygienic nor presentable. Her need for order was something she was trying to control in this situation. Nonetheless she proceeded to sign and lowered the pen as quickly as possible.

As she was about to inquire more questions she bit it back as he just indicated her that questions should be directed to him during their initial meeting. Logical considering this was the least of places where one wants to be bombarded with questions who are probably so obvious for him. As she noticed that his eyes scanned away from her she followed them and noticed he threw a wink towards a red-head. Not something she wanted to be caught in between.

With that she bid him adieu and made her way towards the now familiar face of her twin sister who seemed to be conversing with a platinum haired female. Interesting. Shifting her way behind the figure of her sister she place two hands on her sister's shoulders and pressed, "Low! Never pictured you as the making friends type." she taunted as her eyes met those of the stranger in front of Harlow.


Incarnation of

Disgusted > Warm.

Main Hall.

Danny. r e i r e i

Conversing with
James. Aero Aero (Previous)
Harlow. KingofAesir KingofAesir

"Now basil When we get in there i want to make sure you don't' cause ay trouble okay. Dad's going to try and do better for you okay" Reginald said outside of the gates going down to his son's level and putting his hands on his shoulders. He then smiled down at him as he said: "yes daddy". Reginald smiled as he looked down at his son proud of him as always. Since he didn't have him on the weekends he was going to have to have him on Monday and Tuesday this week. "good boy now let's go to this meet up before you go to bed at your auntie's okay" he said smiling as he then walked into the school building holding basils hand as he then looked around. He was a bit late due to picking up Basil so he went up to the reception and got his key. IN the other hand he was carrying his suitcase so he went to his room and placed the suitcase there for later.

He then began to walk up towards the meet up wondering what would the other students think of him bringing his kid here. would they judge him? Well, screw them for all he cared he walked in as Basil saw what seemed to be swords laying on the table. His eyes widened as he said out loud "Look daddy! swords!" He said as he kept on looking at them Reginald sighed as he walked over to them as basil looked at them with fascination. Reginald looked at the perosn who was running the stall with a monotoned expression "my apologies my son came here to look at them....Oh is this the fencing club?"

Aero Aero







The young Cherokee was simply getting a bit agitated at the fact that she couldn't just find this damn place. She was about to literally crumble the map until she heard little paw noises against the cobblestone pavement before tiny white pup, a husky appeared in front of her, her mood instantly soften until not a fraction of a second later as she looked up she was greeted by a male almost being catapulted into her.

Her initial reaction was raising her hands to shield which ended up making contact with his own who did exactly the same thing as her wide hazel eyes met momentarily with his own wide pale blue eyes. Or so what she could barely make out from the slight shadow of his hoodie. Between the sudden shock and the sight of him, it seemed like for the first time her words were caught in her throat, trying to claw their way out.

As he managed to come to a surprising perfectly timed halt, she shook her head a bit lightly to get back in her senses. Recover or so to speak.

"I-I am so sorry... S-Sven... come on you ... can't." she heard the young male hesitatingly mutter.

Her field of view slowly went downwards as her mood now softened completely at the little pooch that was wagging her tail at her, sitting, looking up. She lowered down and ran a hand through the white fur of the little husky, feeling the softness against the palm of her hand. "Oh it's alright! Quite the little rascal you got there!" she commented with a smirk as she picked up the little fur ball with ease and scratched the husky's belly. The smile on her face was evident, he signature one dimpled smile. "Is Sven this little fur-ball's name?" she inquired in a soft voice before looking up at its owner.

For a brief second she noted some of his facial features from the sudden gush of wind. She took those seconds to notice a few things. His light blonde hair falling over his yes, light blue as predicted. Pale skin and full lips. She blinked for a second as she was about to say something but nothing came out. However she could gather he was not one to be social, especially by the way he just pulled his hoodie back up in a hurry. Piper couldn't help but giggle lightly.

It was the least she can do to introduce herself. Lowering the pooch once the blonde grasped it's leash once more, crouching herself. Scratching under his neck one last time she straightened herself up to his level once more. "Really, it's fine! Accidents happen." she reassured him. From the corner of her eyes she noticed a amp, exactly like hers. "I'm Piper, a first year." she introduced herself as she offered a warm slender hand his way to shake hands. "I couldn't help but notice your map," she waved hers before she proceeded,"... you new? If so, we might have the mutual location."

Incarnation of

Shocked > Calm.

Somewhere near the campus entrance, working her way in.


Conversing with
Oskar. PixieDust PixieDust








Despite running off to get their new goalie, she acknowledged what Peter had said. She just simply was on it a few seconds before. It was kind of a common thing for them to do. Think the same thoughts. Especially if they witnessed something as obvious and awesome action like that to begin with. With her abrupt intrusion between the two boys she was too chipper to even take notice of her barging. Seemed the guys didn't mind. However just went along. Earning herself confused looks was kind of her thing.

As the pair turned towards her and showed her the attention she wanted to just jump in at their offers but she controlled herself to actually let them finish. Surprisingly she managed. Somehow. The excitement was already riling up inside her that she couldn't wait to just let it out. The fact that the curly brunette asked where to sign up and the sentence 'Looks like you've got two recruits...' and with that, the bomb exploded within her. "Oooo! The more the merrier my young ones!" she chuckled as she practically jumped in between them.

"I am the ever so dashing Tamara Bianchi, the striker on the team! It'seversonicetomeetyoutwo!" she literally sped the words out of her mouth as she was so hyped. At that same point of her introduction she criss-crossed her extended arms to shake both of the male's arms before draping a hand over one and the other round them and guided them towards the soccer booth where her fellow red-head was staring daggers at a certain brown haired Walt Disney University bad boy. She slid away and waved them over and directed them to the papers to sign up, "Basically here is the sign-up sheet with the empty slots being the needed positions. Just fill your name next to your desired role!" she explained as she pointed to what she was explaining. The few spots needed too be filled were the goalkeeper, back defense and mid-fielders.

Her attention went to Peter, snapping multiple fingers in front of his face to get his attention. "OI SPARKY!!" she yelled till she got his attention, "Got us two new recruits to out fellow team WOO! This is Nico and N--" she took a bit to pronounce the name mainly cause she couldn't remember it. "N--aaaaaa---shton?" she tried to guess with lengthening it, closing one eyes hoping she was correct. "...and this is Peter!" she pointed towards the guy that could pretty much be her annoying twin.

Incarnation of


Soccer Booth. (Main Hall)

James. Aero Aero

Conversing with
Peter. TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Jaxton. Bellz Bellz
Nico. TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord








One second she was posing for pictures or better yet photobombing a perfectly good landscape, the other second she was in a tight embrace in one of her best friend's arms. As he put her at arm's length he began to ask questions, something she knew was bound to happen after what... a year and a half? It was not quite reasonable to disappear but she was not really quite ready to just explain what had happened. She felt bad about leaving both her best friends hanging. However she hoped she could fix it. It seemed Rafael was not really mad at her for her departure, in fact quite the contrary. As he practically sped through his words she halted him, "Woah Woah Rafi! Slow down!" she couldn't help but chuckle.

As he repeated them more slowly and in an understanding manner she frowned lowering her arms down guiltily. "I'm ever so sorry for my disappearance Rafi," she said with a soft sigh. However if there was something that she would never do is look away. She always looked directly in his eyes be it anyone. That way they know she is being nothing but honest. "Some family issues called. You see... my parents passed away due to an unfortunate accident and there was no one to take care of my little sister. So I had to step in." she frowned lightly. "It was simply out of the blue and out of my control, I barely had time to do anything! Working two jobs and going back and forth. Now Kira will be attending with me here. Running around somewhere. That way I could return to you all and proceed my third year." she grinned. "Yes, third. I passed my second." she chirped.

On that note, her phone vibrated from her bag as a message entered. Excusing herself she pulled out her phone and unlocked. Her eyes widened as she bit her lower lip nervously, "Speaking of the devil..." she showed him her phone and it was a storm of texts from none other than Salehe himself. All unseen. Crap. She felt guilty for not telling him she was going to be off for a month but that would have ruined her surprise of her showing up here. A knife that cuts from both sides. She hummed and started typing up a response.

Lehe Yehe
Hey Nina. Text me back, please?
Wassup Nhao? How's it going?
Heyyy Nhao! Why u no text back?
Is everything alright? Just asking since you haven't text me back.
Hey, just texting you for probably the hundredth time for a check up. Hope everything is okay.
Herro herro, I'm all well dad. Don't worry :P. Sorry. Had no reception this month.

With that she looked at the male brunette and shook her head, "Nope," she clutched her phone in her hand, "Nope he does not know I am here and I intend to keep it like that till the end of the day perhaps. If he doesn't spot me." she gritted her teeth. "Should I tell him? I mean I do want to surprise him very badly!" she frowned. "Ah we'll see... Let's get going and join the others inside shall we?"


Incarnation of


Campus Grounds.

Salehe. Aero Aero

Conversing with
Rafael. PixieDust PixieDust

Tawnie and Renshu

The two arrived at Walt Disney University together arms linked, Renshu only agreed to show up with Tawnie because she had begged. Tawnie was dragging Reshu threw the campus and he stopped suddenly staring at a booth. Tawnie hurdled forward but renshu pulled her back up. "Be careful will you? I don't need to explain to your mother why you have a broken arm the first day back. Tawnie frowned and crossed her arms looking around.
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