• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Fresh Poison | Characters


true neutral
Roleplay Availability


Before you create your characters, here are some reminders. Character sheets are due on: Wednesday, July 26 though if I will start accepting characters early if they're done. You can create up to 3 characters only. Please incorporate some Bbcode in your sheets. I like pretty things. We all like pretty things. It wont affect your chances of acceptance, but I would love to see some bbcode even if its just a simple border. If you want help, you can ask.

The gender ratio does not apply, but I also don't want to have 7 girls and 3 boys and hope it to be somewhat equal. I will be choosing the murderer among the character sheets and once your character is finished, I'll pm you. Please include diversity in your characters. Also, your character must have been attending Brooks University for at least a year.

age: 18-21

ethnicity: whats your race?
nationality: where are you from?
body modifications: tattoos? piercings? scars? etc
clothing style:

vices: 5+ explained
virtues: 5+ explained
persona: (if u choose not to do vice/virtues u can do this instead. give me 2+ paragraphs)
moral alignment: here
mbti: here
temperament: here
skills: 3+
any hobbies/talents?:
habits/quirks: 3+
how did you feel about the death of the QB?:
what was your relationship with the QB?:
did you attend the QB's funeral?:

biography: 3+ paragraphs on their home life & school life
occupation: if applicable
major: self explanatory
future career:
family: include relation/age/status (dead or alive)

theme song:
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yo yo yo major wip but

age: 18-21

ethnicity: whats your race?
nationality: where are you from?
body modifications: tattoos? piercings? scars? etc
clothing style:

vices: 5+ explained
virtues: 5+ explained
persona: (if u choose not to do vice/virtues u can do this instead. give me 2+ paragraphs)
moral alignment: here
mbti: here
temperament: here
skills: 3+
any hobbies/talents?:
habits/quirks: 3+
how did you feel about the death of the QB?:
what was your relationship with the QB?:
did you attend the QB's funeral?:

biography: 3+ paragraphs on their home life & school life
occupation: if applicable
major: self explanatory
future career:
family: include relation/age/status (dead or alive)

theme song:

- B A S I C S -= katherine 'kate' andrews.= twenty one years old. = cisgender female. = may 19th.= taurus. = heterosexual.= major in crim. justice + biology. = forensics scientist.= working at a waitress.= theme song.
K A T H R I N E | A N D R E W S "some nights i wish i could go back in life, not to change things,
just to feel a couple of things twice."

- I N D E P T H -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt sollicitudin lacus, ut cursus magna porta ac. Phasellus id libero enim. Aenean sagittis nunc a lacus commodo iaculis. Nulla placerat lorem sed nisl pretium ultricies. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tellus lorem, vehicula eu eleifend id, mollis a erat. Nulla iaculis mollis quam, et vehicula sapien interdum vel. Praesent ipsum odio, mollis vitae mattis ac, condimentum nec est. Donec ante libero, euismod quis ligula non, porta ultricies magna. Nulla id sodales lacus. Praesent leo urna, eleifend nec est et, fringilla porta quam. Quisque id lectus nulla. Nulla ac nisi a erat luctus bibendum et a tellus.

Mauris lobortis dui sed porttitor fringilla. Nulla accumsan, ante quis sollicitudin tristique, erat tellus rutrum massa, eu egestas erat risus quis lectus. Integer interdum nunc non nisl viverra, nec lobortis dui elementum. Nunc ac iaculis felis, ut aliquam felis. Maecenas nisl mauris, ultricies nec elit at, aliquam aliquet ligula. Maecenas diam est, convallis viverra odio eget, ultricies efficitur augue. Mauris imperdiet ultricies magna id pellentesque. Phasellus quis interdum libero. Etiam egestas enim lacus, et vehicula nulla tincidunt eget. Sed posuere quam est, id ornare nibh rutrum ut.
- A P P E A R A N C E -= eyes_ whiskey brown.= hair_ dark brown, long. = height_ 5'7'' (172cm).= weight_ 123.5lbs (56kg). = fc_ phoebe tonkin. = vc_ barbara palvin = ethnicity_ hungarian. = nationality_ budapest, hungary. = body modifications_ right wrist. = clothing style_ wardrobe.

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name… stephanie elizabeth davis.
nicknames… stevie .
age... 21.
dob...january 15.
gender... cisgender female (she/her).
orientation... heterosexual.
zodiac… capricorn
coded by: lorde

hair... red
height... 5'9"
fc: bree kish
race... caucasian
tattoos... tiny chemical structure of serotonin on the bottom of her thumb
... small dna structure on the back of the neck
fashion (optional)



"basically, I can be kind of a bitch, but people like me anyway."

virtues… confident•stevie believes in herself, her abilities, she trusts herself, she knows she's hot shit, and she couldn't make it through life if she let her confidence waver
rational•she doesn't see things through a haze of emotions,stevie has the ability to push them aside to look at the real problem
honest•she is honest to a fault, nothing is solved by withholding information, sometimes this a good thing
charismatic•people are drawn to stevie, she's one of those people that is so real that you can't help to want to be around them, she inspiring
driven•her drive pushes her everyday to do things she never thought she could, her drive sends her speeding to her end goal, she sets her mind to something and it fuels her until she has completed it

vices… harsh•she is very blunt to the point, she doesn't have time to tiptoe around other people's feelings and figure out if something is going to offend them or not, she comes off harsh in this way
stubborn•her way or the highway,stevie can be very unyielding when she has set herself in a way, when she thinks she's right, her competitiveness keeps her from backing down from anything
sensitive•even though stevie is comes off harsh towards others, she herself has a sensitive soul,though her feelings can be hurt easily or she can be brought down by her own “failures” she doesn't show it
arrogant•often stevies own self-confidence can come off as arrogance, she believes in her abilities and some people just can't measure up

likes… cheesy pop music|candy|meme obsessed|smoothies|science(duh)|feminism|cats

dislikes… being too hot|bland food|ignorance|dumb ass people|that's-what-she-said jokes(seriously is the jr high?)|dr.pepper

moral alignment… chaotic neutral

mbti… commander entj,-a/-t

temperament… choleric

skills…occupational skills|she is does amazing in areas of math and science|she's got a killer gaydar|she use to run track

habits…peels skin off of lips with her teeth when she is stressed, concentrating really hard(so stressed), or bored

hobbies...beach volleyball|watching cat videos|party hopping

how did you feel about the death of the qb?
“oh my god, how crazy was that. honestly I was totally shaken, I mean, I was at that party. you know they are saying they haven't found the guy who did it? like get your shit together a kid was just murdered. that kid though, sucks.”

what was your relationship with the qb?
“really I didn't know him that well, we really just saw each other at parties and stuff. he’d hit on my a little, just harmless casual flirting. but honestly I didn't really know the kid.”

did you attend the qbs funeral?
“yeah. it's was a pretty big thing, I feel like almost the whole college was there. a lot of people have been shaken, I think they just needed something to hold on to, like going to his funeral was a way to find their own peace.”

in depth—
Stephanie Elizabeth Davis is the only daughter of Joleen and Thomas Davis. She grew up modestly, but comfortably. Her father was a Foreman of a large plant and her mother owned her own boutique business. She lived a fairly normal life.Stevie, however did have to suffer through years of bullying to find the confidence she has in herself now. She has never been the thin girl, she's always loved books, and science, and learning. That made her “ugly” that made her weird.
Puberty was a turbulent time as her body matured sooner than girls around her and through the end of middle school and into high school she was often objected to being sexualized by boys. This stopped (at least to her face) in freshman year when a boy in the hall grabbed her ass and she beat the shit out of him. From that point her confidence soared. She stopped hiding in her clothes, she stopped giving a damn if people thought she was nerdy, she was nerdy and she liked it. She graduated valedictorian at her high school and headed on to college.

College life brought so much to her, a sense of freedom and individuality that was welcomed, unlike in high school. A feeling that she didn't have to fit into one niche; she could be the nerdy science girl, the feminist, and still be a party girl, still explore her sexuality. She could do it all without judgement, because hell, it's college and no one can judge because no one has time. She put her nose to the books when she had to (nothing was good omg to stop her from being the top of field) and when she didnt she made sure she was at as many frat parties as she could be at.

occupation… intern lab tech

major… biochemistry

future career… forensics

Joleen Cascino Davis•mother•50•alive and well
Thomas Davis•father•46•alive and well



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce semper efficitur mattis. Nam congue tincidunt massa. In vitae arcu ante. Suspendisse lacus nisi, ultricies facilisis tempor vitae, imperdiet ut mi. Duis iaculis finibus mauris, at volutpat elit consectetur a.
done son
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code by pasta

Shyla Norup

Shyla Anjali Norup
Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Birthday: January 1
Zodiac: Capricorn
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair: Brown
Height: 5'9
Faceclaim: Diana Penty
Voiceclaim: Sania Sheikh
Ethnicity: Indian
Nationality: Mumbai, India
Body Modifications: N/A
Clothing Style: (Pictures)

English, a little bit of Hindi
Theme Song: "City Lights" - Blanche


-Arrogant: Shyla takes a lot of pride into her work, no matter how big or small of an accomplishment it might be. When she accomplishes something. She wants to be acknowledged for it. She shows off her achievements involuntarily and often brags about things other people have not succeeded in.
-Weak: Although not necessarily physically weak, Shyla doesn't take criticism very well. She strives for success and little comments can definitely damage her motivation to complete something. She doesn't like hearing the little flaws from other people, and who much rather criticize herself, that way it doesn't hurt as much.
-Hastiness: Shyla is very impatient and wants to get things done as quickly as possible. This can cause her to be a little reckless at her work and can rush people into doing things they don't want to. Slow people just tend to annoy and irritate her.
-Senseless: Shyla can never be trusted with a secret. If a secret is shared with Shyla, she is immediately telling the first person she knows without considering the hurt it could to the person. Shyla speaks before she thinks and it has definitely got her into trouble. However, when she does this, she doesn't see what she's done wrong. Clearly it wasn't a secret if they told her.
-Spiteful: Shyla is a full believer in eye for an eye. Anyone who has done her wrong, she has gotten revenge one way or another. One of her favorite sayings is "you reap what you sow."

-Intelligence: Shyla is undeniably smart. She has always been known to receive good grades and taking high level classes. There is seldom a situation where she can't find a logical solution. Her brain is the most powerful tool she has.
-Determination: Shyla's biggest wish in life is to succeed in everything that she does. Whether that success being cooking perfect scrambled eggs or acing the latest paper, Shyla has her sights set on flawlessness. She will complete what she has been tasked to do and she will do it no matter how tears she has to shed, how much blood she has to bleed, or how much sweat she accumulates.
-Encouragement: Although striving for self-success most of the time, she does want her peers to succeed with her. She can be your own personal cheerleader when needed. Shyla is almost always willing to help someone in need and encourage them to get back on track.
-Flexibility: Shyla is a very good multi-tasker and can often be seen completing many things at once with ease. She knows how to manage her time wisely and efficiently to make sure she can get the most out of her day. Although she usually has schedules set for certain things, she knows how to work around certain situations and adapt.
-Tact: As a sociology major, Shyla studies the relationships between people, so she knows what to say to get along with people and knows what not to say to people. She can also be seen as a peacemaker, talking and listening to both sides to dig into the real problem. She does a good job making people get along, despite them having differences.

+Cold Weather
+Mac 'n' Cheese
+Iced Coffee

-Hot Weather
-Spicy Food

Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral

INTJ "Architect"

Temperament: Phlegmatic



-Only eats food with a fork
-Bites straws
-Only writes in blue pen, unless not allowed to

How did you feel about the death of the QB?:
"I was definitely in shock. He just seemed so liked and I really can't imagine someone hating the guy so much that the only way to release his hatred was to murder him... let alone murder itself. It just seems so... unexpected."

What was your relationship with the QB?:
"We weren't close at all. I mean, we saw each other around campus and of course I saw him at the football games when I attended them with my friends, but nothing personal. I just don't think we would've connected anyways."

Did you attend the QB's funeral?:
"I didn't. It's not like I don't like the him, but as I said, we never really had a connection. But my heart still goes out to him and his family. It's a tragedy no parent should experience."

Shyla Anjali Norup was born in the busy city of Mumbai. She had very loving parents and an older brother. Right from the start, it was no secret that Shyla was different from her peers. She demonstrated outstanding intelligence compared to the other students. She had a very high reading comprehension skill and was often seeing doing math problems for fun. Shyla took much pride in these accomplishments and loved the attention and praise she was getting from her parents.

When Shyla finished high school, she graduated valedictorian and was offered a scholarship that would pay for any college, even outside of the country. Her parents were very keen on sending Shyla to the United States to live the "American Dream." Shyla's parent's basically had a plan set out for her. They wanted her to do something in the medical field, the same old doctor. Her parents were both nurses, so they hoped she would follow in their footsteps. However, when Shyla said she wanted to study sociology, her parents were disappointed, not really seeing the future. With that, her parents never said goodbye to her on the plane ride to Mountain Brook.

When Shyla first started college, she was doubtful. She reminisced on the memories of her parents wanting her to become a doctor. She definitely thought about switching majors more than once. However, there was just something about learning about people and how they act that fascinated her. Shyla liked being social and she wanted to more about how to read into people in general. Now, she wants to prove that she does have a future to her parents. However, as much as they dislike each other right now, they are both they're biggest supporters and will always end up loving each other at the end of the day.

Occupation: N/A

Major: Sociology

Future Career: Unknown

Aryan Norup - Father - 49 - Alive
Zoya Norup - Mother - 46 - Alive
Kiaan Norup - Brother - 23 - Alive


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Tadaaki Nakajima
"it feels like we only go backwards"


name: Tadaaki Nakajima
nickname(s): Ta, any endearment
age: 20
birthday: October 3rd
zodiac: libra
gender: cisgender male
sexuality: (closeted) bisexual


eyes: dark brown
hair: dark brown/russet brown in the light, slightly wavy, unkept
height: 5'11"
weight: 154
faceclaim: Gô Ayano
voiceclaim: Gô Ayano
ethnicity: asian
nationality: japanese
body modifications: his ears are pierced, though he hardly ever wears earrings
clothing style:
x x x x Tadaaki prefers a muted color palette, and likes to be dressed in rather formal, old-fashioned attire.


envious - Tadaaki can become envious of others whom he believes possesses a sense of belonging or wholeness that he is without. He is always looking back, always seemingly searching for something that he does not have. He is often at war with himself, as he recognizes that envy is childish and petty, though he ends up experiencing it intensely on occasion all the same. Contradiction and inner conflict are the norm for him.

controlling - Many things in Tadaaki's life have occurred outside of his control. Due to this, he holds onto what control he can maintain, always, even to the point of fault. Change frightens him, as does everything that is unpredictable in manner. While he is able to experience the excitement that unpredictability can often bring, he has always believed that the risks outweigh the reward. He can sometimes be controlling of others in small ways, though he dislikes invading on the personal liberties of other people, as this goes against his values and his belief in the right of autonomy. More typically, Tadaaki usually likes to be a more domineering force, as this is how he maintains a feeling of control and therefore, safety.
unforgiving - Tadaaki finds it hard to forgive those who have hurt him or done wrong against him. He is very selective about the people he truly allows into his life, and when someone he trusts betrays this trust, he feels it fiercely. He is very devoted to his chosen few, and he makes sure to show this in his own way. He expects the same from others, and can often feel neglected or hurt if this is not returned.
overly serious - In all honesty, Tadaaki is a real stick-in-the-mud. Quite often, he seems to be an old fuddy-duddy that somehow made his way into the body of a twenty-year old. He finds it very difficult to let loose and have fun, as he is very frightened by the idea of relinquishing control. He can be a bit insufferable in this respect, though he is not completely beyond hope. He has been known to be persuaded otherwise on rare occasions - very rare occasions.

resentful - Tadaaki is rather gifted in the art of holding a grudge, most often when the person in question has not apologized or is not even aware that they have done something to upset him. It is a rather comical thing, yet Tadaaki is not beyond a pout. He is very skilled at brooding, and unless someone comes around to shake him from his self induced pity party, he can remain there for a good deal of time.

thoughtful - It is very rare for Tadaaki to be thoughtless or careless. He cares a great deal about almost everything, and even when he doesn't, he certainly has an opinion about it. His mind is hardly ever at rest, as he is always pondering over something. In regard to others, Tadaaki usually makes a point to demonstrate his thoughtfulness or consideration for them, especially if they are someone that Tadaaki admires and cares for. This is one of the main ways that Tadaaki expresses love and subsequent respect or affection - in the remembrance of small details or, most often, in the simple act of understanding. He takes great pride in being a very good listener and a fierce friend.
sentimental - Tadaaki might come off as stuffy and unfeeling to the onlooker, and while he is often very stuffy, he is certainly not without feeling. He holds on to small sentimental things for years, things that others would brush off or forget very quickly. This is due to the fact that Tadaaki understands small displays of closeness, this being the language he often expresses himself in. Additionally, he has had little in terms of familial bonding at home, which means that he has had to treasure small occurrences and faint memories. Instead of allowing this to make him jaded and stern, it has only made him more apt for opportunity and ardency. He is prone to longing. It is a prominent behavior for him.

dedicated - Tadaaki dislikes even the idea of quitting or giving up, no matter the circumstance. While his capacity for logic or reason can intervene to argue that backing down may be the wisest path, his determination will almost always overrule this. This is shown in every task and skill that he takes up. He does not stop until he is proficient enough to satisfy his incredibly high standards, and even then, he will often be frustrated with himself and his efforts. He pursues as if he is trying to prove something to someone - as if to quit would be to let someone down, and for him, this would be a very real loss. This extends to relationships as well. Needless to say, relaxing is a bit of a foreign concept for him. Pretty much everything is 100%. He's tired all of the time.
just - Justice, fairness, these are core values for Tadaaki. He has an almost innate sense of universal justice, and often speaks as if he thinks this is the only truth - that in the end, justice will be carried out, because it is impossible for it not to be. This may seem like an uncharacteristic sort of idealism, and in a way, it is. Tadaaki believes that everything will be payed out and returned in kind, because he has to. He has built his life on this idea - basically "what goes around comes around." He does his best because he believes it is right to do so, and that he will be ultimately rewarded for it. If he is mistreated, he often tries to abstain from mistreating others in kind, because he believes justice will rule on its own accord. There have been some severe occurrences that Tadaaki has witnessed, where this has failed to occur. He does not handle these situations well, though he will quickly return to his usual, resolute self.
complex - Tadaaki is not a simplistic being, and while this can often be a vice, it more so, in this case, means that Tadaaki is not especially shallow. There is depth to every choice that he makes, and every action that he performs. He contradicts himself and contains multitudes, and is often more well-rounded because of it. His ideas and opinions are fleshed out. While he may not understand himself at times, he will usually work this out internally, to the best of his ability.
justice, preparation, mindfulness, patience, sacrifice, purpose
likes: rain, happy endings, oxford shoes, company, music, film, literature, schedules, order, affection
dislikes: hot weather, chaos, most surprises, combing his hair, his hair being uncombed, pressure
moral alignment: lawful neutral
mbti: ISTJ "The Logistician"
temperament: choleric
skills: composing music, playing the piano/guitar/cello, long distance running (endurance in general, he runs track in the spring), judging things fairly, solving riddles
hobbies/talents: playing instruments, anything related to music honestly, crocheting, running, collecting small scraps that remind him of significant occurrences

habits/quirks: trying to tidy up his hair and only making it worse, running his hands over his clothes to even out creases (usually when he's nervous), pausing in the middle of sentences to consider his next words, usually double-checking everything, making a lot of direct eye contact, shuffling his feet
how did you feel about the death of the QB?:
"Of course, I was shocked. Who wasn't? There are some things you just can't foresee. So... undeserved. And murder? Here, of all places? It was impossible for anyone to be prepared. And the killer... the killer has not been caught. More than anything...that is what shocks me the most. No closure. No justice. No peace."
what was your relationship with the QB?:
"We were...Well, we had a few friends in common. Not close, no. Not close."
did you attend the QB's funeral?:
"Yes, I attended the funeral with my Aunt and Uncle. They were very affected by the whole affair. I thought the service was well enough, though, of course, it is impossible for him to be laid to rest yet. His killer still walks free."

Tadaaki was born in Japan, to his parents, Keiji and Koto. As far as he knows, when he was two, his parents met a sudden and dismal end. He was then adopted by his Aunt Jin and Uncle Eiichi, who had already been living quite comfortably in Mountain Brook for several years. His Aunt and Uncle never had a child of their own, and despite the fact that Tadaaki was only two when he came to be in their guardianship, they have always referred to him as their nephew, and not as their son. His Aunt and Uncle have made a point to be clear in this distinction. There are few that his Aunt and Uncle have not told of the unfortunate circumstance. It is a bit of a bolster to their charitable reputation. Being extensively well-off, they provided Tadaaki with every material commodity he ever expressed a want for. His Aunt and Uncle were at work more than they were ever home, so Tadaaki was more so raised by nannies than his own blood. He was often alone as a child.

For reasons that he is ignorant of, his Aunt and Uncle have told him little of his parents, and even less of the cause of their death. Whenever he would ask, he would be met only with distance and dissuasion, so after a time, he stopped asking. However, when he was nine, his Uncle told him that his father had been a musician. This was an incredibly significant moment in Tadaaki's life. Subsequently, he requested a piano, and was, of course, provided one, as well as a mentor. He took to music very easily, driven by a sense of necessity. It has been the one thing that has connected him to his parents in any way, and he has clung to it with all his might. This fervor never subsided. He is determined to center his life around music, and his subsequent career.

In school, Tadaaki had few friends. Being starved of affection at home made him a bit of a needy, intense child, while simultaneously not knowing how to properly respond when he received any kind of closeness or companionship. He was picked on by some, and while he used to take this to heart, he gradually made himself more resilient to it, in the smallest of ways. He is still easily hurt by such things. However, he now has a better grip on how to function in terms of relationships, and is always striving to improve, as if it is a definable skill. In terms of significant others, Tadaaki has had a few experiences throughout his life that he marks as very significant, though he hardly ever speaks of them. There have been a couple of girls that he has been exclusive with in the past, and in his heart, he is still fond of them, despite how the relationship ended. He finds it very hard to truly dislike people, especially when he shared parts of himself with them. Additionally, he has had a few secretive trysts with other boys, though he usually ended these almost as soon as they had begun out of fear of being found out.

major: music
future career: film composer/concert pianist

Jin - alive, 50 - Aunt
Eiichi - alive, 56 - Uncle
Keiji - deceased at 27 - Father
Koto - alive (unknown to him), 44 - Mother
languages: japanese, english
theme song: x x


created by junie junie
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Name... Engel Van Der Hel [en•ghel]
Nicknames... Engie
Age... 21
Dob... June 19th
Gender... Cisgender Male (he/him)
Orientation... Heterosexual.
Zodiac... Gemini
coded by: lorde

Height - 6'3
Weight - 83kilograms
Hair - Red
Eyes - Hazel
Faceclaim - Kenneth Bek
Ethnicity - Caucasian
Nationality - Dutch
Body Modification - Pierced right ear
Style - x x x



Personality - Engel is the friend who you can trust with keeping your secrets, and so everybody goes to him with them. There is always a quiet smile on his face, and kind words on his tongue; he is also really good with advice, or moral support. He is a very careful planner, and when something doesn't go the exact way he planned it to, his temper falters and you might be able to see a crack through his mask of perfection. Engel is a very skilled liar and a charmer, two 'skills' of his he has often used to get out of trouble during the years.
Engel is extremely judgemental, though he tends to keep his opinions to himself, since he prefers to avoid any direct confrontation most of the time. He could not be considered exactly brave, since he only acts out when things are obviously in his favour, while not raising a finger when it could be risky. Two flaws of his he tends to keep hidden for image are his prodigal tendencies, wasting money on whatever he likes, and his lustful nature.

Likes - Hotels, swimming, watches, pets, seafood, violent sports (watching), luxurious clothes, cigarettes, whiskey
Dislikes - Boring parties, attending family events, physical fights, cocaine, action movies, football, being too warm

Moral Alignment - True Neutral
Temperament - Choleric
MBTI - Architect INTJ-A

Skills - Engel is very skilled with physics and mathematics, being able to solve most complicated problems in a few minutes, they are the subjects in which he does best.
Engel is very good at impressions or feigning emotions, and if not for his parents he would have most likely considered an acting career.
He is surprisingly a very fast runner, and was divided between joining the swimming or the track team, until the fist one prevailed.

Hobbies/talents - Engel has been swimming since he was two, making him extremely fast and well built.
He is an avid reader of medical journals.
When he isn't swimming, Engel can be seen jogging around Mountain Brook.

How did you feel about the death of the QB?
"A real tragedy, good luck no one else got hurt. The QB was a really great guy and he had a promising career, my thoughts go to his family."
What relationship did you have with the QB?
"We have known each other since we were children, we have never been best friends but we often hanged out at the same places."
Did you attend the QB's funeral?
"Obviously, together with my family."

in depth
Biography - The shores of the Nieuwe Maas river, in Rotterdam, were home for the first eleven years of Engel's life. Him and his siblings grew up peacefully, though spoiled and left to themselves for the most, until their father Aaron announced that he had been offered a prestigious job in the United States. Engel felt uneasy about changing school, so the idea of a whole new continent terrified the boy, but there had never been much dialogue between him and his father so in two months they lived in their whole new mansion in Mountain Brook. Engel's english was very limited, which made him a target for bullies. One of them was the now deceased QB, who made fun of the dutch until his english became perfect and his popularity raised.
In high school Engel was the one person you either loved or hated, everyone knew very well who he was, he even became students' representative for a year. The one thing Engel has always lacked was an official girlfiend, seen his preference for sleeping around.
After high school he would have loved to pursue his interest for acting, but both of his parents were very clear on which careers were or weren't acceptable for a Van Der Hel, and acting was not amongst them. With resentment Engel started studying physics, subject in which he always succeded, and that would perhaps bring him toward a job in the medicine field.
Aaron // alive, 54 // father
Raakel // alive, 48 // mother
Nico // alive, 19 // brother
Elise // alive, 16 // sister
Major - Physics
Future Career - Neurosurgeon
Languages - Dutch, English

Theme Song - Twisted



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Jaspar Hobbs

name: Jaspar Philip Hobbs
nickname: Jay, Jaz, Jazzy, JP, JH,
age: 18
birthday: June 3rd
zodiac: Gemini
gender: Cisgender Male
sexuality: Homosexual

eyes: Smooth Dark Brown, Almost Black
hair: Long Wavy and Medium Brown
height: 5'5''
faceclaim: Ben Barnes
voiceclaim: Dylan O'Brien
ethnicity: Italian and Spanish
nationality: Born in America
body modifications: x x x x x x x x
clothing style: xxx

Though he is often thought to be mean or arrogant from his rebellious nature, Jaspar is actually a friendly person. He is very loyal to the few people he is friends with and would do anything for them. He'd die for those he trusted and is happy when around them, but being around them for too long unsettles his anxiety. He lies a lot to the anxiety he feels and lying is what first caused the anxiety. Staying alone with softness and wholesomeness surrounding him is a good way to calm him down.

He is a nice guy but he's also a misfit. When he was younger he was known for being the kid who went against everything his father said but as he matured he soon realised that his intuition and responsibilities had to come first over everything. His intuition is usually right so he sticks to it rather than overanalysing a situation. This can be bad though as he tends to rush into things which can hurt him and people around him.

He is incredibly smart. He graduated high school as one of the best in his class and went to college with full scholarship. He is smart as all fuck which can sometimes has lead him to be selfish and boastful but he tries not to be anymore. He doesn't want to appear to be a mean person but trying to repress the bad traits leads him to have long panic attacks which he struggles to come back from.
likes: Night Time, Puppos and Doggos, Ice Cream, Hot Cocoa, Punk and Rock Subculture, Traditionally Feminine Stuff Secretly,
dislikes: Early Mornings, Snakes, Spiders, Clowns, Heights, His Dad,
moral alignment: Chaotic Good
mbti: Mediator - INFP-A
temperament: Choleric
skills: Music, Art and Maths
any hobbies/talents?: Music, Digital Art, Graffiti and Skate Boarding
habits/quirks: Humming, Tapping and Biting His Lips and Nails
how did you feel about the death of the QB?: 'It's sad when anyone dies.'
what was your relationship with the QB?: 'I didn't really know him.'
did you attend the QB's funeral?: 'Yes, out of respect for him, his family and friend.'

Everyone knows who Jaspar Hobbs is. The rebel; The misfit; The weirdo; just few of the words he's been called but before that he was actually a good kid with good and fairly rich parents. He'd go to church on Sunday's with his Mom, Izzy, where his father, Christopher, would give a sermon, he had top of the class grades and was an avid piano player whilst being fairly popular in his elementary school.

So what went wrong in his life? Three words; his mom's death. The death of Isabelle Hobbs was not an expected one. He was 12 when it happened. The car came out of no where hitting his mother's side of the car. Jaspar watched his mom die right in front of him. They were both rushed to hospital, Jaspar receiving a concussion and his mother having heavy internal bleeding. His father and Jaspar prayed but it was no use. She was dead.

The community mourned heavily for the death of the pastor's wife. Jaspar also mourned for a few months. He hardly turned up to school. When he did he'd just receive the worst looks from people. He had panic attacks and has dealt with anxiety issues since. He was becoming a misfit and he accepted it. He accepted the stereotype. He wore liquid eyeliner and fake ear piercings along with the stereotypical outfit. He threw out piano and learned bass and taught himself hour to skateboard. He eventually got real tattoos and piercings after realising he was gay. He only came out to those he trusted yet but being gay was what fully pushed him away from religion. You couldn't be gay and a Christian. It was practically unheard.

Despite him hating his father, the pastor still loved him and gave him the money to go to college and so he did, not wanting to stay in his bad town any longer. He went to study Graphic Design as he had a passion for art and Music Production as he had a passion for music. He grew up a little more and decided to take life a little more seriously. He wanted to make his Mom proud whilst disappointing his shitty Dad.
occupation: Full Time Student with a Webcomic
major: Graphic Design and Music Production
future career: Music Producer, Cartoonist and Free-Lance Guitarist
family: Mom (Deceased at 34), Dad (Alive, 45),

languages: English, Italian and some Spanish
theme song: xxxxx
Done! (For Now)​
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bc why not
I was IDK invited or whateve
I'll go figure out a fc?
Henry something or it might end up being a girl idk
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[ name ] olympia ann rivers
[ nickname ] olly
[ age ] nineteen
[ birthday ] february 17th
[ zodiac ] aquarius
[ gender ] cisfemale
[ sexuality ] heterosexual

[ eyes ] as blue as the sky
[ hair ] long blonde curls, like barbie's
[ height ] 5 feet 5 inches
[ faceclaim ] sasha pieterse
[ voiceclaim ] margot robbie
[ ethnicity ] caucasian
[ nationality ] australian
[ body modifications ] a wave tattoo on the inside of her left arm, several piercings in each ear, and a scar on her right hip from falling on a nail as a child
[ clothing style ] olympia gravitates to clothes that allow free movement, whether it's her favorite pair of sweats or a loose-fitting jumpsuit. on most days, when she's not cuddled under a blanket while watching tv at home, her style is as carefree as she is. she's always admired bohemian looks, and her wardrobe is filled with flowing and floral shirts and sandals that fit into that category. she also has many versatile accessories that she likes to work into her outfits, such as her round sunglasses, brown leather backpack, and as many earrings as she can fit into the holes in her ears.

[ vices ] impulsiveness olympia has a bad habit of acting before she takes a moment to think of the consequences her actions might produce. when faced with any given situation, she is likely to do the first thing that comes to mind and deal with the possibly negative outcome later.
laziness this falls into the same sort of category as procrastinating. with olly's laid-back personality, it can in turn quickly change to laziness. since moving to mountain brook, she's made a sport of sleeping and the most exercise she gets is shuffling from her room to the refrigerator.

lustful olly falls in "love" (if you can call it that) easily and it has gotten her into trouble and heartache more times than she'd like to admit. all she needs is to see a pretty smile or a nice set of eyes and she's done for.
procrastinating letting time get away from her is something olympia has done her whole life. she tends to put things off until the last minute, and the last minute often sneaks up on her. she's tried a couple of times to break this routine, but she's found that she works better under pressure and with a soon approaching deadline than she does with weeks left to do a task.

selfishness olympia likes to have things all to herself, which was a difficult thing to accomplish, growing up with a brother. she doesn't like it when people get all the attention (she was the baby of the family, so the spotlight is her domain) or when people try to compete with her for what she's already after.
[ virtues ] adventurous olly is always up for trying something new. she's the sort of person that would be open to traveling across the country with a friend in a beat-up old van, just because they had the wild hair to.
charm olympia's magnetic personality has helped to attract her closest friends in the years past. she's approachable and relatively easy to talk to, as she's not one to get irritated often. she's also been told a couple of times that she possesses a pretty smile, and she's been known to use this to her advantage, along with a bat of her eyelashes to get herself out of trouble.
flexible olly is a laid-back girl. if plans change, she's ok with it. she likes to go with the flow of things, or float with the current. besides, olympia doesn't really like making plans; she'd rather take the day as it comes, so impromptu movie nights or last-minute trips to the beach are always something to be expected with her.
independent growing up with an older brother has taught olympia that one must fend for themselves at times, no matter how pacifistic they may be. she can stand up for herself, and others if need be. though she has had bad relationships in the past that might say otherwise, she's learned that no matter what you may think at the time, sometimes you have to rely on yourself, because other people can't always be counted on to have your back.
trustworthy olly has learned firsthand what it's like to have people turn against her and has made it a point to not do so to others. she's very open about who she is and doesn't pretend to be someone she's not. she can be counted on to be a true friend in a time of need, and if her honest opinion is needed, she will give it without a sugar coating.
[ persona ] olympia rivers is about as easygoing as they come. she's sometimes too relaxed and doesn't take things as seriously as they are. it takes something bad to get her worried, or someone with incredible skills to get her annoyed. her optimism is sometimes the only thing that gets her out of bed in the morning, a constant speech in her head of, "today is going to be a good day!" her smile is contagious and sometimes, she laughs at nothing in particular, just because she likes the way it feels. it can be a bit confusing to talk to olly, as she likes to use a lot of australian slang and curses in french (those are the words her teacher didn't teach the class, but she picked them up anyway). her amiable attitude makes up for it, though. she's easy to get along with and doesn't like to get into arguments as she feels they are nothing but a waste of time and energy.
[ likes ] baby animals, candles, crackling fires, driving fast, the feeling of warm sand between her toes, fluffy pillows, makeup tutorials, seagull cries, soap operas (she likes the clothes they wear), the sound of waves crashing on the shore, stargazing, watching sunsets
[ dislikes ] boots, cigarette smoke, cold weather, drinking (though she has a tendency to do so a lot), horror movies, the moment of panic she feels when she wakes up anywhere but home, romance novels, school pictures, the smell of cheese
[ moral alignment ] chaotic neutral
[ mbti ] enfp
[ temperament ] sanguine
[ skills ] aside from reading music, olympia can also play the ukulele by ear. all she has to do is listen to a song once or twice, and she can easily pluck out the right chords. though olly's never really liked to run, whenever she had to, she was always good at it. she has long legs for such a short girl and they can carry her a great distance in a small amount of time. olympia once won a junior surfing competition when she was nine, but for the most part, she surfed for fun, so she rarely entered contests because she didn't like the pressure that came with trying to win. olly took french her junior year of high school, and though she barely passed with a b, she does remember some of it and could carry on a somewhat limited conversation with someone in the language, though she usually doesn't speak french unless she's angry because it sounds weird when paired with her australian accent
[ any hobbies/talents? ] olympia was surfing as soon as she could walk. she lived on the coast, so the ocean was always easy to access, and surfing soon became a way to clear her mind. along with this, she learned to play the ukulele when she received one for her eighth birthday. when she was in high school, she would write her own songs and post videos on social media of herself playing and singing them. nowadays, she reserves her ukulele for performing her favorite beach boys songs for her grandparents when they come to visit.
[ habits/quirks ] when olly gets bored, she has a tendency to pick the polish off her nails. this irritates her mother, but she likes to try and make shapes out of the color left on her fingernails. she twists the ends of her hair around her left index finger absentmindedly while she talks or thinks. olympia's socks rarely match the clothes she's wearing (this always bugs her mom, but that's why she keeps at it).
[ how did you feel about the death of the QB? ] "i was pretty confused. i didn't know why anyone would want to kill him, and i still don't. he was really popular; people liked him a lot."
[ what was your relationship with the QB? ] "i didn't really know him. well, no, i take that back. i knew him better than most people did, in a different way. one night at a high school party, we hooked up in the host's downstairs bathroom. it was awful. we were both drunk, we were lying in the wet tub, and people kept knocking on the door. aside from that, i don't really remember much, which must've said a little something about him (if you know what i mean), but there were plenty of pictures and videos to refresh my memory. they were everywhere. people started calling me a slut, and i started to believe them. it wasn't my finest time, by far. to top it all off, my parents found out about what had gone down and grounded me. i still haven't gotten my phone back."
[ did you attend the QB's funeral? ] "i tried to go, but my parents wouldn't let me. they didn't want me to have any more association with him—not that I cared anyway—and thought his death was for the best. honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if people thought I was the one that killed him."

[ biography ]
olympia ann rivers grew up under the watchful eyes of her parents on the sunny shores of sydney, australia. she was the youngest of her family and on the receiving end of her father's spoiling and her older brother, jaxon's, teasing on a daily basis. she learned early on that if she went to the right person and said just the right thing, she could get what she wanted. but she also learned to defend herself, and this helped to get her through middle school. braces were not her look.

the older they got, olly and jaxon seemed to swap personas. when they were young, olympia did well in school and cared about her grades. she was the perfect child whereas jaxon was a slop. however, when she first entered high school, olympia quickly realized that there was more to life than just making straight a's. she began to focus her time on strengthening relationships that wouldn't last and friendships that would become broken over time. by sophomore year things regarding school had become so stressful that she devoted more time to surfing and less time to studying, and it seemed that jaxon, perhaps, wasn't the biggest bum in the house. however, after her mother threatened to hold her back a year ("isn't that a little harsh, hermione?" her father had asked), she straightened up her act and by the time she entered her eleventh year, she had returned to making a's and b's, but only to keep her parents off her back.

it was the summer after her junior year that she and jaxon, now age 20 and still living at home, that they were going to live in america, and more specifically, mountain brook. at first, olympia thought that it was a joke, a cruel prank carefully orchestrated by their parents to get at them for their lack of productivity and "appreciation for everything they did so that the two of them could have the life they had" (that's the way their mother had put it). olly had, after all, never heard of such a place as mountain brook, so surely, they couldn't be moving, but soon she and jaxon found themselves stowing their belonging away on a plane and they, along with their parents, began the journey across the sea to the united states. it was only after she'd taken a seat on the plane that olympia realized how much she dreaded moving. from the way her father had described it, the small town of mountain brook was nothing like sydney, and it was definitely nowhere near a beach. "but," her dad had promised, "our house will have a pool, so you can still swim." but a pool had no waves to surf, and olly bit back the urge to shout, "it won't be the same!" and it wouldn't be the same. she was starting over in a new town where the only people she would know was her family, but her parents wouldn't be around half the time; they'd be preoccupied with their new, prestigious jobs (that's why they'd packed up and left in the first place), so that left jaxon, and he slept most of the day.

halfway through her senior year at mountain brook high school, olympia had made an image for herself. she was pretty popular, as far as popularity went, especially among the boys, which is how she ended up in the downstairs bathroom of a fellow senior's house, hooking up with the now deceased qb in the middle of the biggest party of the year. it was after then that her life truly started to fall apart. she thought the move to mountain brook had been rough, but it was when people she thought she'd had special bonds with began to turn on her that she felt actual pain. for the rest of the year, she kept her head down everywhere she went and made sure to keep in touch with the few friends she had left. as soon as she graduated and enrolled in mountain brook university, olympia vowed that she would change. she was not the slut that people thought she was. she was a smart, independent woman, and she would make her parents proud.
[ occupation ] makes milkshakes at a local diner
[ major ] fashion design
[ future career ] fashion merchandiser/buyer
[ family ] malcolm preston rivers father, age 51, alive
hermione nicole rivers mother, age 47, alive
jaxon brody rivers brother, age 22, alive

[ other ] used to have an extensive collection of brightly painted hermit crabs, but one by one, they all disappeared (she's pretty sure her brother is behind it).
[ languages ] english (but with a heavy australian accent), and very limited french
[ theme song ] fun, fun, fun by the beach boys


Character Completion
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name: naomi prescott
age: 19
birthday: july 31
zodiac: leo
gender: female (she/her)
sexuality: heterosexual
coded by: lorde
appearance —

face and voice claim: lili reinhart | height: 5 ft. 6 in. | hair color: blonde | eye color: blue-green | ethnicity: caucasian | nationality: british | body modifications: a small, geometric tattoo on the inside of her right wrist; a piercing in each ear. | clothing style: naomi's outfits are simple but chic, often consisting of monochromatic colors. on her days off, she loves to lounge around in a t-shirt and sweats.

in depth —


naomi is quite the daydreamer and is often lost in her own world. she is easygoing and compassionate, with an almost magnetic charm and a unique ability to empathize with different people. naomi tends to see the world through "rose-colored glasses" and looks on the bright side of most situations. her idealism and unfailing optimism, however, can blind her to others' flaws and produce unrealistic goals. highly sensitive, naomi takes even the slightest criticism to heart and can be exceedingly hypercritical of herself.

virtues: selfless — naomi tends to prioritize others' needs above her own and is the first to lend a hand when needed. well-read — when not in class, naomi loves to read and could spend hours at the university library. empathetic — although naomi dislikes confrontation and violence, she is a good mediator of conflicts and a supportive shoulder to cry on.
vices: introverted — first impressions aren't naomi's forte; she can be rather reserved around strangers and is hesitant to enter unfamiliar social situations. perfectionistic — naomi frequently obsesses over small and trivial details and can forget to give herself a break. indecisive — making tough decisions is hard for naomi, as she likes to evaluate every possible outcome (however improbable) before committing to a course of action.
likes: literature; classical music; photography; gardening; fruit tea.
dislikes: large crowds; confrontation; spiders; heights; arrogant people.

moral alignment: neutral good | mbti: infp-t (mediator) | temperament: phlegmatic

skills: problem-solving — naomi loves a good challenge; she is level-headed and logical, using her knowledge and available resources to their fullest extent. perceiving others' emotions — naomi is good at picking up on social cues and can read others' emotions fairly well. memorization — naomi has a photographic memory of sorts, which allows her to memorize vast quantities of information with relative ease.
hobbies/talents: reading; photography; journaling; running.
habits/quirks: fidgets when nervous or stressed; prone to daydreaming; collects postcards.

how did you feel about the death of the quarterback? i was devastated, to say the least. it's always hard when a person dies at a young age, but to know that foul play was involved... he was a really great guy with a bright future, and my heart goes out to his family. i hope everything gets sorted out soon.
what was your relationship with the quarterback? he lived a few doors down the street, and his dad and my dad worked at the same company. i didn't know him personally, but from what i've heard about him, he was a down-to-earth, funny guy with a very promising career in football.
did you attend the quarterback's funeral? yes, with my family.

biography —


biography: born in london, england, as the oldest of four children, naomi had a rather idyllic childhood. her parents, bill and eloise, were loving yet aloof, too preoccupied with their respective careers to dedicate much time to their children. naomi thrived in this independence, however, and spent every free minute not babysitting her siblings at the local library. books became her escape, windows into fantastic worlds beyond even her wildest imaginations, and she devoured one dusty volume after another.
on naomi's thirteenth birthday, she received three presents: twin siblings, eli and liz, and the news that their family would be moving to the united states before the upcoming school year. both of her parents had accepted positions in the small town of mountain brook, with her father working at the law firm and her mother working at the hospital, and naomi had already been enrolled at mountain brook high school. "it'll be a new start for all of us," her father had said, his voice laden with exaggerated enthusiasm. "you'll like it there, sweetheart, i promise." naomi remained dubious: the thought of living in a new country and making new friends was terrifying, but she swallowed her apprehension and resigned herself to the move.
high school went by smoothly for naomi, who adjusted to life in mountain brook with surprising ease. while never classically popular, she was well-liked by both her classmates and her teachers, earning a reputation for her intelligence and kind nature. relationships came and went, never very long or serious, and naomi soon found herself a college student at brooks university. she hopes to double major in psychology and english, but isn't quite sure what she wants to do with herself after she graduates.

occupation: barista at the university coffee shop.
major: double major in psychology and english.
future career: undecided.
william prescott (bill) — father; 52; lawyer; alive.
eloise wilson — mother; 50; dermatologist; alive.
jacob prescott — younger brother; 12; alive.
elijah prescott (eli) — younger brother; 6; alive.
elizabeth prescott (liz) — younger sister, 6, alive.

other —

languages spoken: english, french.
theme song: "colors" by halsey
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name: Bibiana Jaso
nickname: Bibi ; Jaso ; SoSo
age: 19
birthday: 16 November 1998
zodiac: Scorpio
gender: Female
sexuality: Heterosexual

eyes: Brown
hair: Dark Brown
height: 5'2"
faceclaim: Cindy Kimberly
voiceclaim: Jasmine Gonzalez
ethnicity: Hispanic
nationality: Costa Blanca, Spain
body modifications: none
clothing style: x - x - x

persona: Bibiana has a no bullshit rule, having a very tell it as it is personality, and never one to sugar coat anything.She rather others to put it all out there than to lead someone on. Having a very black and white kind of perspective that can often cause others to think she always has a stick up her ass. That's not to say she'll never get a joke, though she not really the joking type. She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do.

Bibiana isn't one for loyalty though there are a select few who she would help no matter what. Unseen to the public eye she can be quiet loving and silly but only to a select few she deems as worthy. A side most do not get to see to often is that Bibiana is a bit of a control freak. She can not stand not knowing, and something that is out of her control can and will drive her crazy onto the point of driving others around her crazy. Bibiana doesn't have much tolerance for silliness or others ignorance.

Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. She wants nothing to do with "drama" among the others. Bibiana doesn't stand for any silliness and will strict with an iron fist if things get out of hand. She is seen as an almost 'peace keeper' in the sense that she deals with problems head on and quickly ends them, not that anything is really settled.

likes: Cursive Writting, Takeout Chinese, Water, Succulents
dislikes:Capital Letters, Lightening, Lizards, Chick Flicks

moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
mbti: ISTJ-A
temperament: Choleric
-When she was younger her father made her take taekwondo up till she graduated highschool
-Does very well at handeling pressure
-She can name every pressure point in the human body
any hobbies/talents?: avid runner, double jointed in her fingers and shoulders
-Inspects the ends of her hair when she's bored
-Rubs thumb against palm when nervous
-when eating she takes one bite of her meal before stopping to put her hair up to continue with her meal

how did you feel about the death of the QB?:
"Am I supposed to feel bad? Well I don't. Not to say this was a terrible thing but to be honest I still sleep like a baby. His death doesn't change who I am. He did a stupid thing and now he's dead. Not somthing to shed a tear over."
what was your relationship with the QB?:
"Let's just say we weren't on speaking terms. I'm not expanding on my answer so don't push it."
did you attend the QB's funeral?:
"Sure I went and left after ten minutes. What can I say? I wasn't comfortable with the sobbing."

Bibiana grew up in a rather unstable household. Her parents constantly arguing over nothing. Soon after the birth of Bibiana's baby brother Antoni, her father up and moved the family to New York. There her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch soccer every day without disturbances, always telling Bibiana that it was the true mans sport. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house, as her mother was a terrible cook. From the looks of it Bibiana believed that they could have a normal life. It wasn't until, what her family calls the 'incident" that everything, in lack of better words, went to hell.

Bibiana's father suddenly collapsed one day, which caused him to be hospitalized. Every week her father seemed to drift away in the tiny sterile room, until one day he passed. Her mother was forced to sell the bar, moving to live with relatives of her mothers while they attempted to get their lives back together. Bibiana never had a chance to mourn after everything moved so quickly. Her eldest brother, Carlos, deciding to stay in new york as he wished to stay with his girlfriend.

Although he called every week to check in on them and sent money from time to time Bibiana felt betrayed. Feeling as though he did not have the right to run away and leave her behind.

With her new surroudings Bibiana became overwhelmed. Having to take care of not only her youngest brother but her mother's families children as well when they left for the day. With the months Bibana and her family settled into their new life, attempting to pick up the peices of the past and put them back together. Her senior year of high school Bibiana landed a fullride scholarship allowing her to attend college.

occupation: volunteers at local hospital
major: Pre-Med
future career: Cardiovascular Surgeon
Fausto Jaso - father - 52 - dead
Ida Jaso (Nee. Santiago) - mother - 49 - alive
Antoni Jaso - brother - 12 - alive
Carlos Jaso -brother - 22 - alive

other: none
languages: spanish & english
theme song:
Billie Eilish - Bellyache

code by pasta
= joshua carson =

im mass destruction; = joshua baron carson.
= twenty two years old.
= cisgender male.
= october 31st.
= scorpio.
= heterosexual.
= engineering.
= automotive engineer.
= going off daddy's pay check.
= theme song.

= eyes_ hazel.
= hair_ dark brown.
= height_ 6'2'' (188cm).
= weight_ 152lbs (68.9kg)
= fc_ corentin huard.
= vc_ matthew daddario.
= ethnicity_ italian.
= nationality_ las vegas, nevada.
= body modifications_ n/a.
= clothing style_ wardrobe.
a beautiful nightmare Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis bibendum tincidunt nibh. Proin gravida condimentum mi sed suscipit. Phasellus ligula erat, gravida at aliquam ut, sollicitudin id enim. Praesent a sem porta, rhoncus lacus vitae, consectetur quam. Praesent congue odio metus, nec fringilla nisl aliquet eget. Nulla eleifend tincidunt dui, non molestie lorem sagittis eu. Donec egestas, ante ut volutpat mollis, turpis mi auctor dolor, quis ullamcorper nibh justo sed nisl. Quisque placerat non erat dictum interdum. Nam eu sem a risus vestibulum tincidunt non eget ipsum.
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name: Kiana Soares
nickname: Kiki
age: 21
birthday: November 28
zodiac: Sagittarius
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual

ethnicity: whats your race?
nationality: where are you from?
body modifications: tattoos? piercings? scars? etc
clothing style:

vices: 5+ explained
virtues: 5+ explained
persona: (if u choose not to do vice/virtues u can do this instead. give me 2+ paragraphs)
moral alignment: here
mbti: here
temperament: here
skills: 3+
any hobbies/talents?:
habits/quirks: 3+
how did you feel about the death of the QB?:
what was your relationship with the QB?:
did you attend the QB's funeral?:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur urna justo, lacinia at turpis sit amet, iaculis porta turpis. Suspendisse eget interdum diam, eu sodales justo. Praesent vel sagittis nisi, pretium finibus quam. Praesent condimentum condimentum vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor sed odio et pharetra. Proin non finibus turpis. Etiam sagittis scelerisque mauris, pretium viverra tortor semper nec.

Aliquam eu massa dolor. Quisque lobortis dui quis ligula suscipit, sit amet hendrerit nibh pretium. Donec consequat volutpat ex, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt eu. Fusce efficitur, nulla eget porta ultricies, massa diam malesuada magna, eu porta quam metus ut tortor. Aliquam nec quam mattis, fermentum enim id, molestie tellus. Sed malesuada sollicitudin massa, at ullamcorper turpis lacinia vulputate. Praesent ultricies fringilla dolor, vitae posuere arcu porttitor quis. In feugiat sed diam eu molestie. Ut mauris dolor, imperdiet non cursus et, interdum sit amet magna. Cras lacinia quis odio at fermentum. Integer egestas porttitor dignissim. Etiam lacinia a elit nec vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse feugiat metus rutrum, gravida odio et, efficitur tellus. Phasellus neque augue, maximus ut porta vitae, placerat quis dolor. Praesent euismod orci lorem, ut tempor lectus porta id.

code by pasta

name: Ambrose Arine
nickname: None
age: 20
birthday: 7 May 1997
zodiac: Taurus
gender: Male
sexuality: Bisexual

eyes: Brown
hair: Black
height: 5'10"
faceclaim: Kubozuka Yōsuke
voiceclaim: Timothy Chantarangsu
ethnicity: Japanese
nationality: Durham, North Carolina
body modifications: none
clothing style: x - x - x

persona: Ambrose has always been a happy go lucky kind of guy. He's quite outspoken with his quick, sarcastic quips as he constantly jokes around and pokes fun of his friends. Always seems to have some unusual ideas brewing in his mind that stem from external factors and he likes to focus on what the future holds. Even though he has amazing social skill, often finding himself at the center of any party. Rarely does he ask for help as he is independent to a fault. Often times he finds he digs himself a deeper hole by not asking for help then when he does.

Always having something up his sleeve Ambrose is one for suprises. He is terrible with time and not in the good way where he is always ten minutes early to something but where he is always ten minutes late. Always having something on his mind to distract himself from everyday life, it is truely a wonder how he is passing any of his classes. Not only is he a dreamer but an avid partier, always saying it's not a party till he's there. Generaly he gets along with most people and with with have to take someone truely dark and twisted to push him over the edge.

likes: windy days, action movies, sour patch kids, loud music
dislikes: Domino's pizza, humid days, hairless animals, shoes with black soles

moral alignment: Neutral Good
mbti: ENFP-A
temperament: Sanguine

-The boy is a math wiz although very few people know about this
-Can hold his breath for a minute and ten seconds...he believes this is a skill
-He can do amazing things on a skateboard

-Tends to zone out when people talk, especially if he finds it boring
- Calls his sister every night to see how school went
- When nervous he'll twist his hair until they become terribly knotted

how did you feel about the death of the QB?:
"It's sad, dude was a good man. No one should have their life ended like he did. His life was just starting. He was such a good guy. I'm suprised anyone would hate him that much to end his life, just like that."
what was your relationship with the QB?:
"He was a cool dude. Can't say nothing bad about him.Try anyone. I bet no one can say anything bad."
did you attend the QB's funeral?:
"Yeah I attended. It was weird though as most of these people I've never seen before, but we were all there for the same reason."

Growing up in the suburbs of southern California Ambrose's life was good. His mother stayed at home and took care of him while his father worked as an accountant at one of the local banks. His family was never the touchy feely type, no one said they loved each other and hugging was a foriegn thing to him. To his mother school should be the most important thing in Ambrose's life, getting good grades to grow up and be a good accountant like his father. Although Ambrose had a different plan in mind when thinking about his future.

At seven Ambrose had the biggest shock a seven year old could ever have; he was going to have a baby sister. Of course he was over joyed, thinking about all the cool things he could teach her and how he would act just like the big brothers he would see on tv. He would be the coolest big brother ever. Around the same time his father lost his job due to budget cuts so his mother decided that what the family needed was change. So they moved to North Carolina where his father opened up a frozen yogurt shop. Ambrose honestly had never seen anyone so happy before, dare he say this was his father's calling.

Between the moving and his father opening shop his sister Adalynn was born. He and his sister were close from the begining, one never to far from the other. Ambrose's sister becoming his shadow. When Ambrose was accepted into college he decided to go into graphic design mainly because one of his teachers told him he would be good at it, plus he was dead set on not becoming an accountant no matter how much his mother pleaded.

occupation: Works at Foot Locker
major: Graphic Design
future career: Graphic Designer
Kenta Arine - father - 54 - alive
Sayuri Arine (Nee. Hirata) - 49 - alive
Adalynn Arine - 12 - alive

other: His family owns a small chain restuarant.
languages: japanese & english
theme song:
Rag'n'Bone Man- Human

code by pasta
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