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Fandom Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

At Ohio's statement that I sound like Michigan, I snort.

"Yeah, okay. Sure," I say in a laughing voice. "Let's just say I get more vocal when I am mad or, in this case, scared. I guess I like to express my feelings very elaborately."

When Ohio asks Wisconsin the question, I look to Wis, waiting for the answer. Because I do want to know. He came from the same area as the sound, anyway, so I have a feeling he did cause it. That feeling is enforced when he acts all awkward, then walks away. I can't help but narrow my eyes at him in suspicion. When he walks away and CAL starts to talk instead, I look at him a moment longer, then look back to CAL and heave an annoyed sigh. Man, these two are an odd sort.

I still stand in front of my pod as CAL recites the commercials, waiting for Wis to come back. By now, Zeta has lain back down again, twitching his tail absently and looking around at the Agents and A.I. We are completely calmed down now, as being in the presence of other Agents helped us both. I wish that there was another, special Agent here as well, but...I will just have to wait.

Eventually, Wis comes back and acts out his little scene with his A.I. I still remain suspicious at Wis' want to keep from answering, but listen nonetheless. At the final answer, I start to frown.

"Well," I comment, a tad bit annoyed, "if you didn't make that sound, then who did? You even came from the same area!" I look down and shake my head slightly. "I would really like to know who did that," I then mumble, "as that would take a lot of worry off my mind."

The second I finish talking, I see a flash of light. My eyes immediately fly to it, up to the windows it came from. The windows in the same house that the sound came from earilier, to be exact. All I catch is a split second of soft blue light emitting from a few windows on an upper level, it fades to nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well..maybe.

My eyes can barely make out something else in the window, like a weird, multicolored lump of..what in the hell is that? It moves slightly, the colors and shape shifting. I can't help but feel frightened by this, and I instinctively grip my rifle tighter and lift it slightly. An intrigued and curious feeling emits from Zeta, mixing with my frightened one. I glance down at him, and find him now standing again, staring up at the window with ears perked and eyes alight. I am about to ask him if he knows what it could be, but I am cut off by a message over the comms channel. Happily cut off, might I add, by a voice I would know anywhere.

"This is Anchorage- 13, I've had my comms off since I landed. I'm with Cherry at the highway, we both crashed fairly close to the water. Cherry is unconscious, but I believe it's just from stress and the fall; nothing serious. There was a ship not far from us, giving me a reason to turn off my radio. It was unidentifiable, meaning it was unregistered like the MoI. I suggest everyone attempt to meet up, which I'm sure you've already done, at somewhere central and easy to locate. I don't think it'll be long until we start to move, someone please fill us in on who's.. Made it or not, and where we need to head."

All I can do while listening to that voice is stand stock still, like a statue carved out of stone, looking toward the ground a ways to my right. My eyes are wide open and distant, my ears listening intently. I don't even really care about him talking about the ship. Because, for one, I saw it myself. And two, I'm more or less paying full attention to the sound of his voice rather than the warning. I can't help it. I have never felt this relieved in my life, and I have never felt so happy to hear his voice.

After the message has finished, I twitch my head up slightly as I blink a few times. Then, still looking at the ground, I state in a slightly shaky and weird voice that I am trying heavily to control, "U-umm...I need to..go." Then I swiftly put my rifle on my back as I turn to my pod, reaching inside and pulling a med pack out in jerky movements. I try to remain and appear calm the whole time. I then turn back around and walk away between the two Agents with me, holding the kit tightly at my side in my right hand. The whole time, I have to force myself to only walk. Zeta dissappears as I stalk away, but he is still in my head.

"See?" he seems to gloat in my mind. "I told you Alaska would be alright. You had nothing to worry about."

"I did too have something to worry about!" I reply in a quiet, snippy, shaky voice. "He didn't reply for hours. How was I supposed to know he was alright?" My voice ends in a kind of hysterical tone, my vision straight ahead as I walk - walk - down the street. I also shrug my shoulders a bit and lift a hand, gesturing as if Zeta can see me. I probably look mental to Ohio and Wis behind me, but, to be frank, I really do not give a shit right now. I have places to go, people to see. After a moment, though, I sigh and continue in a louder voice, "Besides, I'm not even completely sure if he really is alright. I don't know if you have noticed yet, Zeta, but he has this way of acting okay and healthy even when he really isn't. He has done that many a time in the years that I have known him, and I know that he does it every time to keep me from flipping out on him being injured or sick. I also know he does it for my benefit - or so I've been told - but it just makes me worry more. So he likes to hide it for as long as possible, then I have to drag it out of him."

My talking pauses for a moment and I stop walking, closing my eyes and putting the temple of my helmet in my left hand. I have turned a corner already, so I won't appear insane again to the two other Agents nearby. And I felt the need to do that anyway, because I need to calm down a bit. My chest heaves a deep breath, then I lift my head again while dropping my hand. Zeta appears to my right, floating in the air. I look to him, wanting to get going. But he just looks at me, prompting me to slow down. I almost growl at him, but hold back.

"Where are you even heading, Autumn?" Zeta ponders, cocking his head.

I narrow my eyes at him and spit, "To Alaska, smart one. Where else?"

"I guessed that," the hologram replies in a calm voice. "But, where? You don't even know where he is, besides next to the water...while on a island. How do you know where to go?"

I promptly open my mouth to answer, then slowly shut it. Then I clench my eyes and closed-off teeth in frustration, harshly swinging my right hand - holding the kit - as I do for the same reason. My face lifts after the gesture is conducted, looking foward as I open my eyes. With my mouth set in a straight, frustrated line, I murmur, "I don't fucking know, okay?"

Zeta bows his head slightly at this, looking away. He is trying his hardest to calm me down, but it isn't working. Then he looks back up at me as I continue to stare forward, staring at pretty much nothing in particular. "I could always open a private link to him?" he offers calmly, helpfully.

I slowly look down at him, sighing. It is so easy to tell that he is trying to help me, and I am being quite the bitch. I close my eyes for a moment as he looks up at me, giving him a mental apology. Then I quietly reply with, "Sure, Zeta. That would be helpful."

He nods his head, then looks away. I watch him, waiting. He has a look of concentration on his face for a moment, then it is wiped off by dull surprise. He smiles slightly and snorts, then looks back up at me.

"It appears that he is actually trying to open a private link with you at the moment. Do you want me to open it?"

I just stare at him and drawl, "What type of stupid question is that?"

He only snickers, nods, then flicks his tail. A second later, I hear a quiet pop on my radios as the link opens. My hand snaps to my helmet, alert. A second later, I am met by a calming, deep voice.

"Autumn?" I can't stay in this chat long, I have to make sure I hear from the others, but I needed to contact you. Are you there?"

I have to blink when his voice comes on, forcing myself to not flip my shit on him at that second. He has that voice right now where, if you listen hard enough, you get the feeling that he is trying to sound more normal than he feels. I can tell it pretty easily by now. That makes me smile a bit, because he knows me too well. And that is typical Alaska. When he is done talking, I respond in a quiet voice, "Yes, Hunter. I'm here. Where are you? What side of the island are you on? Can you give me a landmark?"
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Surface of Earth, New Mombasa, Africa.

Agent Nebraska

Looking around, Nebraska judged that they wouldn't make it much further than a couple blocks, but she wasn't too sure of the stability of a building that was just hit by two drop pods. "I say we move for a couple blocks and find the most suitable building to hold up in. It may be right next to us, it may be a couple blocks down the street, I don't know. Let's just look for it," Nebraska said, already starting to limp out from between the buildings.

"Nebraska, I would suggest yo-," Hans started, rudely interrupted by Nebraska's signature 'shut the fuck up, I'm doing what I want' grunt. He knew when that grunt came out, she wasn't in the mood for talking, or taking suggestions, so he stayed quiet. She limped out where she could see down the street a couple blocks, scanning each building intently. Upon not finding one to her liking, she looked back at Delaware.

"The closest to 'good' that I can see is that one over there," Nebraska pointed to a building about 250 yards down the road, "There, or we can go further, you can decide when we get over there."

Agent Oklahoma

Oak was watching down the road, waiting for Mich to pass him and give him a follow up signal. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the signal from Mich a couple feet away, behind a vacant car. Oak pulled his rifle off of his shoulder, and went to roll around the corner of the alley to follow up with Mich, when he saw the faintest shimmer in a building. It wasn't like a shadow, it looked like the light itself was bending to create colors that weren't there before. It was only for a split second, as Oak quickly cut around the corner to avoid being seen if he hadn't been already.

"Ada, remember that I saw something in the corner of the third or fourth floor of a six-story building, would you?" he asked his A.I. before turning to continue the ritual with Mich.

"Affirmative, Oak," she responded in his helmet before going quiet again.

He was approaching Mich when he saw the all-to-familiar hand sign that made Oak stop in his tracks... Literally... Because that's what it was. Mich signaled to Oak that there were three unknowns a little while out, too far to be identified. He signaled Oak to get behind a closer car, and Oak followed the order. It wasn't like Oak was the subordinate of Mich, he just knew that when it came to on-the-spot planning, Mich was the man. He moved up behind another vacant vehicle, sticking the barrel of his rifle through the broken window, looking through the in-tact windshield at the unknown entities. The windshield was dirty to some degree, and the lighting made him unsure, but the posture of the entity that he could see most clearly seemed familiar. Feeling confident, he poked his head up just a little over the car to get a better look, and without a doubt, it was Mich's older brother Ohio. Oak slowly ducked back down behind the car looked at Mich. He made no signal to him, and made no external movements to hint what was going on. On the inside of his helmet, he was smiling ear to ear. He was just about to scare the shit out of Ohio with a less than orthodox way of joking, when he realized there were others there as well, and they probably wouldn't stand for what he was about to do. He silently bowed his head in shame, and held his hand parallel to the ground, palm down, and lowered it slowly. It was a known signal between them meaning "lower your weapon," usually meaning they were approaching friendlies.
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Agent Ohio and Agent Michigan

Ohio laughed at Oregon's response to him. "Well then my brother must be a bundle of anger, he can't seem to talk normally...as I'm sure you've all heard. He does have quite the loud voice." He couldn't help but to laugh even more at CAL reciting commercials.

"Oh, how I miss TV commercial breaks." He said sarcastically. "The made me very happy, Oregon. Have you ever seen that one food one? Doritos I believe. The little boy and the 'time machine'." Ohio began before Wis came back, having CAL respond for him.

"Well isn't that troublesome....Where did that shot come from then?" He muttered before looking up as Alaska's voice came over the Comm. So he's alive too, that's good. Especially for Oregon. It was known that Oregon and Alaska had a relationship, Oregon's reaction to Alaska's voice was clear enough about the two. There weren't that many relationships within the freelancers. It was almost heartwarming seeing her reaction.

She's being foolish. Xi's voice whispered in Ohio head as the A.I. returned to the freelancer's shoulder.

"She's being human." Ohio softly replied to the A.I. Xi was never the one who favored the human idea of love. Then again Ohio wouldn't be surprised if most of all A.I.s didn't get the concept. Friendship, probably, but love. It all depends on A.I. he guessed.

"I hear you Anchorage, Othello-16 here." He responded to the Comm after a little bit as he watched Oregon. Sighing, he walked after her. "Oregon, I'm going to assume you're going after him. Along with Cherry being down," He admitted that Cherry's 'true' name slipped his mind, "So I’m following. It’s better for both of us if we stick together. It also seems that Alaska needs help, right?.” Luckily he remembered some code names, only a handful. “Don’t you think, Wis?”

Mich waited Oak, watching for his friend’s signal. Either they needed t get closer, the figures were enemies, or hopefully allies. As hide behind the car, something caught the corner of his eye. A flash? That must have just been the light reflecting off his helmet…No. There were multiple colors…and it was there for a second. If it was light it would have remained rather than just disappearing. That means it had to be something…or someone. Mich looked up to where the light, he guessed, came from. Almost forgetting about Oak he then raised his rifle and slowly began approaching the building.

“Agent Michigan.” Eve’s voice whispered urgently. “Agent Oklahoma.” Was the only thing she said after. She sounded rather happy too.

Curiously, putting the shimmer behind him for a second, Mich looked at his friend. He let out a relieved sigh and lowered his weapon. The freelancer motioned his head towards whomever the figures were, for he didn’t know yet, to greet them. There was still an uneasiness about him as he slowly quickly went to Oak’s side, peeking over. An instant irritation swept through him as he saw the familiar red armor. “That fucktard.”

“Oi, Dumbledouche.” A voice called over. Ohio smiled and looked over at his brother approaching with Oklahoma. He stopped for a brief second to glance once more where...someone was at. Whatever it was, it was gone.

“Oak, Mich. It’s nice to see you.”

“Shut the fuck up, Dumbledouche.” Mich sneered then looked at Wisconsin and Oregon. “Hello Oregon.” He greeted kindly. “And Hallucinator.” He then greeted Wisconsin, in his normal tone of voice.

“Mich, please. Is it really necessary to swear?” Ohio said with a sigh as the two began their bickering routine.

Michigan gave an angry scowl. “I hate when people tell me swearing isn’t necessary. I’m fucking vulgar, not stupid! I know it’s not fucking necessary.”

“If you say so.”

Jericho Payne

In the Egg ---> Surface of Earth, New Mombasa, Africa.

Jericho was perhaps the last of his comrades to actually launch in his pod for the lone reason that he was the last to arrive and received the pod with the most problems, making his thoughts of surviving much lesser than he had hoped. A jetpack was placed before him in the hatch of the door while his rifle and pistols were stashed away in their appropriate spots, including a med-pack and a three packages of first-strike rations containing: crackers, tortillas, applesauce, package of sliced chicken breast, energy bar x2, pocket bacon and cheddar sandwich x3,water canteen, energy powder (Mixed with water to provide a drink with all needed vitamins) x2, and beef jerky x2. Those three enough for him to live well on for four months, not comfortably but he'd surely be able to live that long and be in decent enough condition to fight. This of course is with taking out the factor of what he could find on the planet in terms of water or food. But this wasn't his biggest concern at the moment his biggest concern was to why he was still looking at the director and the flashing red lights around him as he raged. The egg should have already been making a b-line for earth by now it wasn't, he began frantically tapping the launch button repeatedly until he heard a 'shhh-click' type of sound like a hatch opening. Normally a jolt of such a velocity wouldn't feel to great but it filled him with relief that he was free of the flying death machine and wasn't about to explode with it. A flash of black appeared before him and the appearance of an octopus latched itself on his shoulder and spoke in its boy-like tone.

"What if you land in the middle of a UNSC encampment." Warwick would remark with a creepy ass giggle afterwards.

"What if I don't."


With that the A.I. was gone without another word and that was the basis of almost all of their short encounters at random moments, some comment about endangering Vermont or him dying and nothing after. It has actually happened a few times with mid-location of his pod-launches and he's starting to believe it is Warwick's doing. Maybe he's testing him to see if he's a good enough host still? Or he just wants to fuck with Monty and make him believe he has the worst luck in the world, but these thoughts were short lived as the egg started to heat up extremely fast as the ceramic portion of it began to burn away as Vermont came into Earth's atmosphere. He wasn't sure where he was going to land but he was hoping he'd land soon. This being said the 'umbrella' as Vermont calls it shot out from the top of the egg to help slow it down followed by occasional blasts from the rockets to keep him on his route to the ground without landing on his side and exploding, or perhaps landing to hard and having his body smashed into the boots of his suit and that would be the end of Vermont. Killed by an egg as he just escaped death, what a great way to end his life of torture, in the device he spent a majority of it in.

There was a series of cracking sounds followed by a loud slam as Vermont finally landed. It sounded like something was...knocking? On the top of his pod but he didn't even put forth the effort to look up his neck and body were extremely sore from the sudden impact of wherever he had landed. Vermont reached his hand out to press the release button for the door so he'd be able to break free of the egg and fly with the rest of the birdies! Er..to get the hell out and find out where the rest of his team was of course, but to his great luck the door was jammed by an outside force meaning he'd have to become an internal force to pry this rotten egg open. He'd reach for the back of his seat finding bars for his hands to grab and lifted his knees to his chest before placing his boots on the hatch making sure to avoid crushing the jetpack.

"Warwick." In response the nearly silent buzz of the A.I. activating and forming before him broke the silence and was followed with the boys voice.

"Yes Jericho?"

"Activate the hatch again on my go."

"Understood." With this the A.I. vanished from view but it was obviously prepared to activate the system again just from a more remote location (remotely in the suit). After a few moments Vermont would begin pressing extremely hard against the hatch starting to expand his body fully before saying go. Once he did a hiss is heard then a thunderous boom as the rockets propelled the hatch open followed by the pressurized air and force of his legs on the inside, it'd start to rotate violently vertically and bounce a few times and plant itself into a wall. Vermont had landed on the base floor of a six story building and was in the buildings foundation basically about two and a half feet deep on the base floor. As he started to step up and out of the egg he'd look up to the holes giving way to the sky and for him that meant a way out, he'd swiftly snatch up his magnums placing them on his hips nice and snug. Then grabbing Johnny with his left hand tossing the rifle over his back for it to magnetically lock into place and second he'd get the rations and secure the bag across his lower back. He'd search over the egg for anything he may have missed while running a check-list in his head. Once it all came out correct he turned around and made his way towards the hatch that rested thirty feet away with his way out of the shit hole he landed in. He'd remove his rifle and replace it with the jetpack trying to make sure it was angled up enough so it wouldn't turn the rations into shit he started towards the drop pod again and stood on top of it crouching slightly. He'd begin mumbling something about how he could of ended up like Georgia if some shit had went wrong and how he hates the UNSC now just the typical rage type of comments Vermont would spout after he got annoyed by something. After doing so he'd take a great bound, it was high enough to reach the second story before he activated his jetpack and took off into the air, but his flight was short lived as he came to land on the roof now trying to figure out where everyone was.

"This is Anchorage- 13, I've had my comms off since I landed. I'm with Cherry at the highway, we both crashed fairly close to the water. Cherry is unconscious, but I believe it's just from stress and the fall; nothing serious. There was a ship not far from us, giving me a reason to turn off my radio. It was unidentifiable, meaning it was unregistered like the MoI. I suggest everyone attempt to meet up, which I'm sure you've already done, at somewhere central and easy to locate. I don't think it'll be long until we start to move, someone please fill us in on who's.. Made it or not, and where we need to head."

This answered ironically answered his question almost as soon as it came to mind, not to mention his location seemed close as the highway was only five hundred meters from his current position, and it looked like it was towards the beach-y kind of spot. He felt slightly odd though, not many of the others have really spent time with Vermont or seen him on missions as he's usually off doing his own thing or just not around..a ghost of sorts, he spent more time with the higher-ranked agents namely so York and even Maine..before the y'know. But this being said he was unsure how the other agents would react upon seeing him. However he didn't care now, everyone was on their own and MoI had or is being destroyed as he wasted time thinking about these irrelevant things.

Speaking into his Comm. "Anchorage-13 this is Victor 011 I have a visual on what I believe to be your current position should be arriving in two minutes at the most." Vermont cut off his Comm afterwards and took off into the air so he could land on the closest part of the highway once landing he'd take off into a full sprint resulting in a crack and considerable amount of rubble getting kicked up as he took off in this sprint zoning in on their location.

@Huntrey @WhoeverelseIforgot
(Unless someone actively wants to interact with Utah, I'm going to stop posting for him for a bit. I don't exactly have anything for him to do.)

Huntrey said:

Remington listened to Jaclyn ramble for some time, before her interjection actually gave him something to focus on. The eggs she were pointing to looked like drop pods, SOEIV's to be exact. They could just be what was left, ejected by the force of the engine exploding. Yet that seemed nonviable, considering they launched and fell in two different groups. Remington actually began worrying, for agents were a force to be reckoned with that he was not planning. "That is the Mother of Invention, a vessel that houses Project Freelancer. I've been ordered a few missions against them, but their psychotic leader makes the missions time sensitive; leaving us no time to get them." He stopped for a moment, "Oh wait, you wanted to know who they are. It's a group of Spartans under the command of a man who calls himself the Director. Their mission is unknown, but they have stole from, destroyed, and terrorized many colonies and cities on many different planets.".

Remington didn't need to know the inner workings of Freelancer to know that they were bad, and as such he was ready to fight them. "The Captain issued me a command on the way back; I'm to gather soldiers to do recon of anything left of the project. Seeing as those pods are making it to the surface, it means we check those out as well. I wanted you to come along." Remington looked at Jaclyn instead of the window, not concerned with the agent's well being.

Remington walked away form Jaclyn, heading to a nearby radio to contact the ship. After a sharp request Remington was put onto the comms throughout the ship.
"I need ODST's for a search and destroy mission. Any agents or their equipment that is left is to be destroyed, unless it interest the Captain. If you're interested get down to the lockers and get suited up. First Sergeant over and out.".

Remington then gave a nod to Jaclyn, "I hope that was for you too.". With this Remington headed to the lockers to get changed.
UNSC Safeguard

Jaclyn stared out the window as Remington walked away. Was that call for her? She had signed up with the marines to kill the Covanent, to kill aliens. Was she willing to kill her own kind? Could she kill another human?

She had to remind her self of an old saying. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The opposit of this was also true. If these people were fighting against the UNSC, then in the long run they were assisting the Covanents. That made them traitors to mankind. They were no better than those alien bastards.

Of course she didn't actually buy any of that, but it was all she needed to convince herself to answer Remington's call. Jaclyn couldn't help it. She had to laugh at herself. She was so pathetic. Turning away from the window, Jaclyn jogged after the Sargent.

"If you're hunting down Spartans, you will need more than a few average ODSTs." She called out once she had drawn near. She slowed down until she walking next to him. "Technically my recovery isn't over for another week," she said, rolling her shoulders, "but I am more than ready to get back on the field. Count me in."
Alaska sighed after hearing Oregon's voice reply to him. Her answering the call solidified that she was alive, but hearing her voice gave Alaska the true evidence he need to feel relief. This relief didn't last long however, for he had to keep his promise of leaving the private chat to hear the others. "It doesn't matter what side, it's too dangerous to be near the coast anyways. I'm heading inland, hopefully towards where you are. Tell me where to head. Knowing you I doubt you're alone, so stay with those people and I'll meet up with you. I've got to go, Vermont is heading my way. Be safe Autumn." He waited a moment, giving her time to give him a direction, but that would be all. She would snap out of it, the reflection in her voice reflected the silent worry that she no doubt was attempting to hide. Alaska's voice was calm, collected, and relaxed, but all to benefit her. Alaska clicked off the comms, leaving an unsatisfied sound of a computer shutting off before it started up again; this time with Vermont's voice.

"Anchorage-13 this is Victor 011 I have a visual on what I believe to be your current position should be arriving in two minutes at the most."

Alaska stood up from his spot under the high way, picking up California in his arms in the meantime. A loud crack was heard, signalling that Victor was actually close or something else was running for him. Alaska rounded the corner of the rubble, using it as stairs to climb up in to the highway. As he climbed up the last broken car, Alaska looked towards the area where he saw the spaceship. It was oddly shaped, but it made no attempt to hide that. It was scary how it care free it was, not even taking the effort to stay off the radar.

The shadows continued to pass throughout the city, and although Alaska stared at them as he waited; he couldn't figure out what they were. The only thing that adverted his eyes from the ships was the small twitching of California's body ever so often in his arms, and even that didn't stop him from going back to staring at the large city. More so the ominous ships that caused him to wonder just who shot them down.




The brute chieftain looked out from the covenant drop ship, watching the many drop pods land, and soon after the many spartans appear out of them. After hours of waiting, night had finally come with the cover he needed to execute his plan. The streets were dark, besides the emergency lights and the ever so common street light still flickering. Through this light and dark, Mauler looked through it and saw his mission. Evading the USNC left the chieftain with little to do, but in the city that was abandoned from their presence; hiding himself and his VIP was easy.

The many spartans laid out in front of him gave him many things to consider; which to kill, how to kill them, and what to do with the equipment after he pried them off their dead bodies. The brute waited no longer, with a wave of his hand two drop ships left the vicinity of the city and out into the outskirts. The covenant drop ships were finally exposed, but only for a few minutes. Out of one came out four grunts and two brutes, all six equipped with plasma rifles, landing in Main Street where Oregon's pod was. The drop ship left them, the only mission they had was to recon and kill the spartans with ease.

The second drop ship went to the highway, the two pods in close proximity intrigued Mauler and as such he sent three grunts and a brute to investigate as well. They were equipped with a wider arsenal, to face the two spartans, plasma pistols, rifles, and the brute even had an energy sword attached to his belt.

Both groups charged at the groups of spartans, the first having to run down the street and the second having to trod through the wet sand towards the highway. Their weapons were loaded, eyes stared straight ahead, heart(s) pounding with excitement, and mouths open to let the drool from the idea of tearing a throat open pour out. They are beast, animals led by savages that are only separated by them by a slightly higher intelligence. Blood thirsty was an understatement, but the freelancers wouldn't even know that.

No, these were enemies that even the baddest freelancers would be afraid of. Super soldiers reduced to quivering and frightened children, faced with a danger that none had ever seen.


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The situation has defused, perhaps my suspicions weren't warranted? Jersey thought, looking at the new faces all seemed to get along. The agent was sure to study how they acted, even some subtle gestures could betray the inner thoughts of a man. This was especially hard, given how dark the night was and the distance between Jersey and the rest of the agents. The freelancer wasn't entirely sure he could trust them, and as he poured more time and thought into the situation, the AI had a very good point. Despite being well trained, and with the best interests at heart, resources were scarce and if the agents couldn't get along and fight coherently, they would just prolong their deaths or even cause them.

The idea of shooting them still was an unpleasant thought, he would prefer to keep most of them alive. As the thoughts of who he would kill crossed his mind, the Spartan tilted his head over to gaze down at Ohio, nearly snarling at the obnoxious, smart ass. Surprisingly, the two had history before Project Freelancer, once Jersey was a more experienced ODST he found himself in several drops with the man. Ohio was a capable soldier, sure, but the attitude he carried along with him and how frequently the two would disagree or butt heads caused a thick layer of animosity to form between them, at least for Jersey that was.

"He could die." Jersey muttered aloud, still looking down at the situation below, though now distancing himself from the window. Despite the cover of darkness in the building, he wasn't confident to stand too openly. Oregon was suspicious of him earlier, and he could of sworn he saw Michigan and his friend prowling around in sight of him as well. Oddly enough, Jersey found Michigan to be more tolerable of the two, despite how grating they could be together. Perhaps it was because either of the agents would work together to undermine Ohio at any chance they got, and it was a shallow relationship they shared. What the friendly. . Coexistence was based on hardly mattered to William, but the fact that Michigan could be a reliable ally in the future if things got hairy was.

"We'll remain hidden for a bit longer, Zed. But if we're going to survive I can't remain on the fence. They aren't impressing me so far, I believe we may be better alone." William said, his voice was monotone, hard and straight forward. It was true, being conflicted only led to wasted opportunity. He could either be there, helping them get everything together they needed to survive or he could be gathering their equipment, setting traps, running towards Utah. . Utah was buried.

"That may be where we start, Zed. . If we can dig him out, that is."

"Acknowledged. We may need to compromise ourselves to gain his location, Agent New Jersey." Zed replied, not all too bothered by this thought. Perhaps the promise of Jersey joining Zed's thought process allowed for gaps to be made in their standard protocol for survival, such as revealing yourselves to the enemy.

"See if you can set up a private line for the two of us." Just as he finished, excitement dashed on the streets in the form of. . Monsters. What the Hell were those?!

"Zed, we've got a bunch of variables out in the field and they're all unknown! What ARE those?" Jersey asked, his voice full of concern. He didn't appreciate newcomers to their games, at least not when he just got his plan rolling.

"Unknown, I suggest we remain up here and allow the Freelancers on the streets to deal with the situation. We can study both the creatures movements, their capabilities and that of the agents. The Creatures appear to have some form of weapons, we may be able to scavenge what they have directly after the battle, if things work out."

"Good idea. . " Jersey said, slinking back into the corner of the room, trying to keep himself hidden while maintaining some sight of the street below. He wasn't positive that these. . monsters couldn't find him, but the odds of them being interested in a single freelancer in the building as opposed to those open on the streets was low. He felt confident enough that he wasn't a priority target, nor could they box him in. With all the windows and exits, he'd be able to leave the building at the first sign of true trouble.

They were so . .alien looking, foreign beings. Could they be legitimately aliens? Or were they the result of genetic testing the UNSC was working on, Now there was an idea. The UNSC sends experimental soldiers out to catch experimental soldiers, seeing who's the superior "weapon", so to speak. That would be an acceptable turn of events, the mere notion got Jersey's blood flowing in anticipation. He was excited to be challenged, he may regret killing teammates and allies, but poor SoB's on the other side of the battle field? Never. They wouldn't give him the chance to surrender, regardless.

"We're broadcasting exclusively to Agent Utah now, Jersey. What would you like to say?" Zed said, causing the Agent to pause for a moment.

"Agent Utah, this is Agent New Jersey. I've got the needed explosives to bust apart a steel wall, what is your location? I'll get you out of the collapsed building." New Jersey bluffed, but he was positive he'd be able to scavenge something off of either these. . New foes or the Freelancers. Even moving the debris by hand wouldn't be impossible, as least it shouldn't be. It may take some time to do it, but if Utah had anything worthwhile like more ammunition, it would be hours well spent to dig the agent out.
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As soon as Alaska tells me to not come looking for him, I have to clamp my mouth shut and close my eyes to bite back my sigh and response that I want - no, need - to go help him. He always does this, tries to keep me away in times of danger. I know he does it to keep me safe, but my stubborn self still feels an extreme need to go help him. Partially to calm myself down, and partially to just make sure that he really is alright. Especially right now, because I could tell something was up. But I let it go, knowing that pestering him would only annoy him.

"My pod landed on Main Street, and that's where everyone else is," I reply quietly. "Please hurry, Hunter. You know how worried I get." I don't hang up, just in case he responds. He doesn't, though, and the silence is quickly filled with a click and rush of quiet static. I let out a sigh, drop my head, then lower my hand slowly to my side. Then, in a sudden frustrated movement, I open my eyes and grit my teeth. I throw the medkit in my right hand to the ground four feet in front of me to add to the frustration.

Zeta, who has been visible the whole time, lazily watches me do so with his ears turned back. Then, swiveling his ears forward again, he slowly looks from the kit to me with a blink. I'm still glaring at the medkit like it is a complete asshole when Zeta comments calmly, "You and I both know that was both an immature and bad idea to do."

My glare snaps from the kit to him, where my eyes narrow. I now feel mad at him, like he betrayed me. But he just looks calmly at me, his tail flicking absently. I'm tempted to see how long he can last doing that, but I actually give in after a moment. I look away with a sigh, my shoulders sagging and my head hanging slightly. My eyes close as well. I stand like that for a moment, then I straighten up and walk slowly over to the kit. After bending over to pick it up, I find a corner dented and multiple scratches on it. I can't help but stare at it for a while, oddly feeling drained and bored now. Zeta let's me, not saying a word.

After a few minutes, I feel a pinprick of curiosity flash in my head. It makes me flinch, then I look over my shoulder back at Zeta. He is looking down the street, where I came from. By seeing his ears pointed straight forward and his ridged posture, I can tell that he is paying attention to something. Zeta isn't saying a word, though. Just sitting there.

After glancing between him and the Main Street, I blurt, "What is it, Zeta?"

"Another Agent is walking down here. Agent Ohio, to be exact," he states. "He followed you down here."

I let out a tiny growl in frustration, angered that someone followed me. Are you fucking kidding me?! If I make a point to go off alone, let me go alone. Don't fucking follow me, dammit! Swinging the kit back down to my side, I turn with ridged shoulders and face the street. I don't see anyone at all, but Zeta wouldn't lie to me. And I can't help but still be pissed.

"You have got to be kidding me," I mumble. "They need to leave me al-"

As I'm in the middle of spitting my response, I see movement off to my right. My head snaps over to it as I stop talking, and I can sense Zeta's attention be diverted completely to it as well. Both of us feel panicked by the unknown movement, even though mine is obviously a lot more prominent. I find the shape of one of those bubbly ships again, drifting from the larger city to our area. It dissappears between the buildings lining the Main Street, and I lose sight of it for a moment. It seems to be around 50 feet down the street from this square, around 250 from my pod. Then the ship starts to lift back up and into view, turning and rocketing away.

My breath starts to come quickly, not knowing what that is and it being so close. "Zeta," I breath in a small voice, "do you have any clue what that is this time around?"

"Still, no," Zeta responds immediately.

I watch the ship fly off over my shoulder, my heart beating a bit faster than normal. Seeing more than just one of those ships, and that close to me, does not make me feel very comfortable. Especially because I don't even know what the hell it truly is!

As I watch the ship go out of view over the buildings, I pick up some..noise. Beast like, animal like noises. I can hear smaller, almost child-like sounds that remind me of mad men on helium. Then I hear the stark opposite of that, a deep, beast-like growl and snarl and gabble. And, ya know, a few blood-thirsty roars. They come from the street around the same area the ship was at, and my head immediately snaps around to it. I quickly walk forward and stand at the edge of the street, my heart pounding. What is making that noise?! I peer down, and see...I don't even know what those are. They seem like moving shadows in the gloom under a building awning, dark and oddly shaped. I can see a small hint of light emitting from them as well. The light looks like a soft blue, more natural than artificial. I take a side step away, worried what those things are. They certainly don't make me think of a human.

"What..are those things, Zeta?" I ask in a loud, nervous voice.

"You're guess is as good as mine for the moment," he blurts, "but I will try to think about it."

"Please think quickly, Zeta."

He sounds generally calm and collected. I know he is trying to stay calm for my benefit, which I appreciate in this situation. I glance over to him, and find his hologram gone.

As I look back to the shapes, I see them leave the shadows. Their appearance now in the gloom is as startling as the sounds they make, as their full form is shown. There are six figures in all. Four are shorter, stockier creatures that have long but bulky arms and what..appears to be armor? They appear to be around four to five feet tall, and I can't..really tell where their head is from the front angle that I can see. The other two creatures, though...oh, god. They make me think of an ape or something, having a thick, stocky and very blocky body that also seems to have armor on it. They stand like a human, though. Looking at them, you can tell they are very heavy and strong creatures, and are around eight to nine feet tall. They also give off an air of being very strong and having the ability to scare the shit out of me. And, they do quite easily.

Especially since they are now running down the street directly for us Agents, looking very bloodthirsty and murderous while roaring their fury.

Only a moment after first hearing them, I have now turned and started to sprint down the street. I have no fucking clue what those things are, but I do know that they are some scary pieces of shit. And they seem to be aimed at killing us.

As I hear growling and unintelligible yelling behind me, Zeta whispers in my ear, "Going by their appearance and craft, I believe they are of an alien race. That's all I can think of."

I am sprinting down the street now, almost back to everyone else. I would deposit the medkit now and start shooting at these bastards, but I don't want to dump any important equipment now. Especially not medical and nutritional gear. I quickly get close to the others, clustered in front of my pod. Two new arrivals catch my eye, but I don't stop to ponder on it right now. Instead, I want to get these bastards killed, whatever they are. Anything else can come second.

When I'm practically at the pod, I come close to the hatch. I almost pass it completely. But I instead stop, toss the kit at my pod, and pick up the hatch. The kit almost landed inside the pod, so I just quickly kick it into the pod once I get there. It catches on the lip before it tumbles completely out. Then I put the hatch back onto the front of the pod. It doesn't fit back perfectly, obviously, and it isn't permanently stuck back on. But it protects the contents inside from any weapons, and that's what matters right now.

With that finished, I turn around. The weird alien type creatures are almost on us. Wasting no time at all, I say loudly, "These things have to have some sort of weapons, whatever the bastards are. Everyone, take cover in between the buildings in case their weapons can be fired. We will fire around the side." I then quickly grab my Battle Rifle off my back in muscle memory, feeling more reassured now with it in my hands. Then, not waiting for the others, I run to the buildings lining the road on my right and hide between the closest two.

I would wait until these things get closer, but that seems like a very bad idea. Especially with the ape-like creatures who look like strong motherfuckers. So, again not waiting, I bend my top around the side and aim down the sights of my rifle. I first land on one of the smaller creatures, but I move to one of the apes. The smaller ones do not seem as dangerous. Aiming at the area around the throat and chest quickly, I pull the trigger of my rifle. Three bullets barrel for the beast, ready to rip flesh - I think that looks like unguarded flesh? - apart if I aimed accurately enough.
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Surface of Earth, New Mombasa, Africa

Agent Oklahoma

Oak stood in the small group silently as Alaska made himself known to the group. Oregon walked away, Oak assumed to go find Alaska, and Ohio followed. Oak decided not to go, as Mich and Wis were still at the pod. He couldn't help himself from glancing back up towards the building he had seen the movement from not too long ago. He scanned the third and fourth floors, trying to make out anything to hint at what the unknown movement was. He was sure he'd seen something, he just had to find out what it was.

Oak was still looking for the movement when Ada's voice popped into his helmet.

"Oklahoma, you may want to see this," she informed. Oak turned around to look at what she was talking about, and saw nothing other than another giant pleasuring device, dropping off a group of unknown shadowy figures. The shadow of the building and the uncertain lighting made it hard to make out a distinguishable silhouette, let alone details to decipher what they were. Around this time, Agent Oregon came sprinting back towards the group, tossed a dented medical kit into her pod, and put the door loosely back where it was originally sealed. The ugly sons of bitches came out from the shadows, and there was just enough light to be able to tell that they definitely weren't human. They were shaped like one, but they were something else entirely. Their weapons even looked inhuman, glowing blue and what not. Oak, not wanting to miss the opportunity, jumped into action.

"Hey guys, how's your health plan?" he asked to the approaching... things. He was about three fourths of the way through his question when Oregon, who had reached back and grabbed her weapon, fired a burst directly at the damned things. Within a fraction of a second, they returned fire. At least, Oak assumed. There were big blue glowing things flying at his face, he wasn't going to stand and wait for them to hit him to make sure they were harmful. "Apparently, it's great!" he finished, referring to the enemies' health plan he mentioned before. He then, without a hint of hesitation, rolled to the right, dodging a volley of blue light-balls, stopped rolling with a knee-plant, looked down his sight, and let off three shots of his DMR in quick succession. He didn't wait to see if any of them hit, he assumed they did, but he didn't know the enemy enough to tell if they'd be able to dodge or block the shots in time. He pitted his knee into the ground and propelled himself upwards and to the right again, boosting himself into a run, and slid behind a run-down screen that probably at one point projected an advertisement on the sidewalk. He grabbed his Sticky Detonator off of his thigh. If those things stuck as close together as they are now, this fight won't last long for them.
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[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]Surface of Earth, New Mombasa, Africa.Agent Nebraska

Looking around, Nebraska judged that they wouldn't make it much further than a couple blocks, but she wasn't too sure of the stability of a building that was just hit by two drop pods. "I say we move for a couple blocks and find the most suitable building to hold up in. It may be right next to us, it may be a couple blocks down the street, I don't know. Let's just look for it," Nebraska said, already starting to limp out from between the buildings.

"Nebraska, I would suggest yo-," Hans started, rudely interrupted by Nebraska's signature 'shut the fuck up, I'm doing what I want' grunt. He knew when that grunt came out, she wasn't in the mood for talking, or taking suggestions, so he stayed quiet. She limped out where she could see down the street a couple blocks, scanning each building intently. Upon not finding one to her liking, she looked back at Delaware.

"The closest to 'good' that I can see is that one over there," Nebraska pointed to a building about 250 yards down the road, "There, or we can go further, you can decide when we get over there."

Agent Oklahoma

Oak was watching down the road, waiting for Mich to pass him and give him a follow up signal. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the signal from Mich a couple feet away, behind a vacant car. Oak pulled his rifle off of his shoulder, and went to roll around the corner of the alley to follow up with Mich, when he saw the faintest shimmer in a building. It wasn't like a shadow, it looked like the light itself was bending to create colors that weren't there before. It was only for a split second, as Oak quickly cut around the corner to avoid being seen if he hadn't been already.

"Ada, remember that I saw something in the corner of the third or fourth floor of a six-story building, would you?" he asked his A.I. before turning to continue the ritual with Mich.

"Affirmative, Oak," she responded in his helmet before going quiet again.

He was approaching Mich when he saw the all-to-familiar hand sign that made Oak stop in his tracks... Literally... Because that's what it was. Mich signaled to Oak that there were three unknowns a little while out, too far to be identified. He signaled Oak to get behind a closer car, and Oak followed the order. It wasn't like Oak was the subordinate of Mich, he just knew that when it came to on-the-spot planning, Mich was the man. He moved up behind another vacant vehicle, sticking the barrel of his rifle through the broken window, looking through the in-tact windshield at the unknown entities. The windshield was dirty to some degree, and the lighting made him unsure, but the posture of the entity that he could see most clearly seemed familiar. Feeling confident, he poked his head up just a little over the car to get a better look, and without a doubt, it was Mich's older brother Ohio. Oak slowly ducked back down behind the car looked at Mich. He made no signal to him, and made no external movements to hint what was going on. On the inside of his helmet, he was smiling ear to ear. He was just about to scare the shit out of Ohio with a less than orthodox way of joking, when he realized there were others there as well, and they probably wouldn't stand for what he was about to do. He silently bowed his head in shame, and held his hand parallel to the ground, palm down, and lowered it slowly. It was a known signal between them meaning "lower your weapon," usually meaning they were approaching friendlies.

Delaware looked at the building from where he was. It looked like its structural integrity was sound enough.

"Mors, status report on that building," he said.

"The building's structural integrity is at about 92%. It is a sound structure," Mors replied promptly.

"Good. It looks like that is the plan," Delaware told Nebraska, walking for the building without looking back. After all, she had told him she could walk on her own. As he walked, Delaware scanned their surroundings with his ever watchful gaze.
Surface of Earth, New Mombasa, Africa

Agent Nebraska

Delaware began a trek towards the building that he had chosen with Mors, and Nebraska followed suit. A sharp intake of breath every time she practically hopped on her bad ankle. She followed behind Delaware until they reached the building, which she stumbled into. The first floor of the building didn't offer a comfortable place to rest, but a wall and a floor would do. Nebraska limped to the corner furthest away from any exit. The further she could be from anything that might follow them in here the better. She hated close-quarters combat, and her ankle didn't do much for her regarding that matter.

She sat in the corner, silently, for a few minutes, moving her foot to find when her ankle would shoot stinging pain up her leg. After a while, she stopped and tilted her head backwards and closed her eyes. Not much had happened yet, but she was exhausted. Maybe it was just the bad start, she hoped she would have energy when dawn came.

She sat there, occasionally glancing at Delaware, for what seemed like forever. She was finally feeling the effects of adenosine in her system, when she heard two distinct noises in the night. It sounded like they were in the distance, but in the dead quiet of an abandoned city, it's hard to mistake the sounds of a Battle Rifle and DMR firing. Nebraska attempted to jump to her feet, a pain shooting up her leg. She went to fall, but caught herself and pushed herself up onto one leg, testing the other out again while turning to Delaware.

"You heard that, right? That wasn't just my tired head, was it? It sounded like guns firing! Maybe the UNSC found other Agents? Or maybe other Agents have turned on each other?... That wouldn't happen, right?" She bombarded him. She doesn't usually get this frantic, but with the previous events and her injury, she really didn't want to be facing an enemy that she wasn't a multitude of times stronger than. Almost as if triggered by Nebraska's frantic state, Hans appeared.

"I don't know about Delaware, but I can assure you that your head isn't playing tricks on you..." he paused "Damn, I really should have tricked you there," he scoffed.

"Fuck off, Hans," she demanded for the what seemed like trillionth time, not breaking eye-contact with Delaware's visor, knowing that he would likely be looking back at her. She grabbed her SMG from her leg, clenching her teeth together. The worst part was not knowing.
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Agent Delaware, Slayer of Aliens

Delaware had set himself across the room from the entrance, Stanchion in hand, ready to give any visitors a face full of hyper-accelerated 5.4 millimeter bullets. Then he heard the shooting. Delaware watched Nebraska struggle to her feet and bombard him with questions, none of which he answered...yet. The reason for that was because he only knew the answers to two of her questions. Yes, he had heard the gunshots, and no, her head wasn't playing tricks on her. Slowly, Delaware stood up from where he had been seated, and walked to the doorway.

"I heard it," he informed Nebraska, looking out the doorway with the scope of his Stanchion, hoping to find something. And, after activating the Stanchion's ATLAS+(Assisted Tactical Assault System) system, he did find something. Because he was Agent Motherfucking Delaware. From the data being received from the ATLAS+ system, it appeared that there were five human life signs engaged in combat with a number of unidentified life signs.

"Agent Delaware, I believe the human life signatures are the other Freelancers," Mors informed him. Delaware nodded in response. The other Freelancers were apparently much closer than he had originally thought. Taking a moment, Delaware looked for the path of least resistance for his little surprise. After a few seconds, he found it. Only a window, a wall, and a long road stood between him and his targets. Going prone, Delaware lined up his shot, the Stanchion's targeting computer relaying information to his HUD. After a second, he pressed down on the trigger.


Leaving the muzzle in a great tongue of flame as the M99 Stanchion Gauss Rifle slammed backwards into Delaware's shoulder, the 54 millimeter bullet crashed through the window at fifteen thousand meters per second. Before the glass even began to shatter, the pullet punched through the wall on the other side of the building like it was paper. By time the glass landed on the floor of the building, the bullet was nearly at its destination; the skull of the largest, meanest looking extraterrestrial lifeform engaged with the other Freelancers.

I punched at the Spartan with my energy gauntlets, slicing a hole in his face and making it explode. Ten marines ran at me and jumped on top of my armor, hanging on. Shaking my body, I managed to throw them flying away, exploding into shards. Two bigger and badder Spartans appeared out of the middle of nowhere, energy swords at the ready. I activated my energy gauntlets and charged at them. They actually seemed legitimately frightened for a second before they also charged at me, swinging their swords. I blocked two strikes before kicking one of them in the gut and bashing the others head in with my own head. The gutsy one doubled over and hollered, as the other one blew up in a shower of cubes. I lifted my foot and brought it down hard upon the other agents head right when I felt Pi worried about something. The Spartan also exploded into a thousand cubes as the alarms all over the ship started to blase

Attention. Attention. We are under attack. I repeat, we are under attack. Our ship is surrounded by 15 enemy vessels. If you can, make your way to the escape pods. We will not make it out of this, unless we escape.

I almost fell over as an explosion shook the room, and the solid figures of the simulator shattered in front of me, sending sparks everywhere. "Tch" I said, grunting. "Pi, gimme a situation analysis."

"Mass, I thought you said you weren't deaf. Did you not hear that we are surrounded? We have to get out of here." Responded the AI's voice inside my helmet.

I sighed at the AI's sass and in a few steps he was at the exit of the room, thumbed the control panel on the wall, and sparks jumped onto my gauntlet. "Urgh. Pi, get this door open, will you?" I grunted at the AI: "Cant, neither the ship or the AI have control over the door. Your the two and a half meter mass of muscles, you can just rip it off." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Tch" My voice repeated. II grabbed the sides of the upward sliding door and started to pull. The metal started to squeak and deform, and in the end there was enough space for me to crawl through.

"See? I knew you could do it." Cheered the AI.

"Oh, will ya just shut up? How much structural integrity are we at?" I asked.

"At around 50%, decreasing quickly. Posting quickest route to escape pods onto the HUD. Dont worry, the armory is on the way there." Was the response. I grinned and remembered that I had to get my weaponry. Pi knew me too well. I started running, following the designated path and as I passed a few hallways, sure enough, the armory was right in my face. Pi opened the door and I dashed in, grabbing three ammo boxes for my HMG and a few ammo drums for my SAW. Then I grabbed each respective weapon and kept on following the route Pi had mapped on my HUD. As I turned a corner, I caught site of some hatches closing and ejecting noises. I guessed they were other Agents and dashed for an drop pod myself. I barely fit inside, but I managed. It was pretty cramped, so Pi closed the hatch and ejected for me. "Thanks bud." I said gratefully. "No problemo." The AI answered.

I felt the pressure drop as the thrusters propelled the pod into space and down to the planet below. It looked rather familiar. Pi informed me that it was Earth. I smiled and prepared for impact.

An excruciating 5 minutes passed before the pod started to experience the atmospheric burn, and I could see orange tongues of flame roar up around the thing. Then, two seconds later, I felt the harsh impact, and luckily my armor took most of it. I kicked the hatch off and exited, stretching out. I reached into the interior of the pod and extracted the M247H HMG and the SAW from the weapon compartments, which I attached to my back armor plate. Suddenly, Pi's blue and red hologram appeared sitting on my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled. "We are in... New Mombasa." He informed me. Then, the little figure kicked his head back in surprise. "I guess those pods were transporting Agents, after all. I have detected a number of faint life signatures some distance away. I advise we go to 'em, Juggernaut." He called me that often.

"Right then, asshat, lets go have a get-toguether, shall we?" I said, running off towards a group of high sky scrapers in the distance.
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Jericho Payne

Surface of Earth, New Mombasa [Highway]


"Fuck do you want now!"

"Take a look up." This being said Jericho would in fact look up and see what looked like a ship but it had to many curves and those sort of things to be of UNSC origin his next thought was put on hold as another one could be seen going in the opposite direction for whatever reason. As the one closest to him continued to approach only more questions came to rise, how did a ship of that size maneuver itself so easily? There was no way in hell this was of human creation it had to be an alien ship, it looked as if something had moved on the ship but it was too far to make out, that is when a few figures could be seen falling from it into what looked like the ocean. Shit. This wasn't the best time to be encountering random ass creatures, especially in their time of escape. Or maybe these weren't aliens but another secret UNSC project that was going to be used against their own little secret project, except this one just seemed far more advanced than their own. Jericho's thoughts took a sudden turn when a voice washed over his ears.

"Agent Alaska three-thousand meters and decreasing he's on top of the highway now."

Vermont doubled his speed then and instead of avoiding objects he was now punishing them for being in his way as if it was their own fault. From any farther view anyone would see cars flying into the air or simply exploding from the impact it was like a freight train was on a b-line right into Alaska's position. Once Vermont got within five-hundred meters of Alaska he stepped up onto the front of a truck and launched himself from it entirely caving in the hood of the already broken down truck and forcing some of it into the cement below. Vermont flew threw the air but it wasn't very..static like most he hit a freeze-frame it seemed of him standing then it became obvious why, one-hundred and fifty meters away from Alaska he'd land directly on the highway again just creating more destruction from his landing rolling out of it and coming to a slow jog before halting nearby Alaska.

"Tell me you saw what I saw, big purple/blue, round, inhuman." Warwick would appear on top of Vermont's heads it's legs wriggling around as he just stared down at Alaska and California as if analyzing them, or judging them. Have fun staring at eight legs of annoying.

(Sorry for shortness ran low on time)
Agent Ohio and Agent Michigan

Ohio chuckled under his breath as Oregon realized that he had been following. At her ridged posture he could hear Xi snort in his head. No doubt Mich would’ve tagged along but Ohio’s dear brother was just so occupied with Wis and Oak that he decided to just go off. Michigan would be fine anyway. He was with others, Oregon was not. Despite the angered words he was positive he would get it was unsmart for her to trail off by herself.

“Before you yell at me, I find it better for y-“ He began but stopped short at the urgent voice of Xi echoing in his head. “Hmm? What?” Ohio looked up then went ridged himself at the sight of a odd ship coming in view, lowering out, and rising in one more to finally fade away in the distance. “Xi…What do you think that…ship was doing?”

The A.I. was resting on his shoulder in an instant. The shadows whipped around Xi like a storm. He was nervous. “I can only assume….by how fast it came then left…that it was dropping something off…”

“I don’t like the sound of that….I’m assuming you don’t know what it is then?”

“No, I do not…”

“This just got a whole lot more interesting.”

Squeals and roars soon came after, going from soft to loud in the matter of seconds. “And thus the interest grows.” Ohio muttered almost unhappily as he followed Oregon in gazing over the edge of the street. “Joy.”

He couldn’t begin to describe what he saw. A cluster of shadows moving along. The sounds certainly came from them. “Xi….May I ask what those are?” Ohio whispered as his head began to pound and a trickle of sweat dripped down his hidden face. Well wasn’t this nerve wracking? Ohio hadn’t felt this way in a while. Not since the time where he had a fun little encounter with that nice man. Explosions, fights, death, perhaps a kiss? He didn’t remember much from that time… Perhaps because of t-

“I doesn’t matter what they are.” Xio hissed. In Ohio’s little flashback the…things began charging. “They are dangerous...An enemy is an-“

“Enemy. Yes, meaning take action and save questions for later. What would I do without you?” He chuckled.


“Running.” At times it seemed the A.I. and Freelancer had the same thought process. That wasn’t surprising seeing how long they have been together but still amusing. Ohio had already gone sprinting after, and soon past, Oregon. He closed onto the fellow freelancers at high speeds.

Mich barely got out of the way as his brother skid to a halt beside him. “Watch where you’re fucking going Dumbledouche!” He snapped angrily but tilted his head to the side as he noticed Ohio’s unusual readied posture. Adding to the little creepy shit of an A.I. was on edge, obvious by the rapidly dancing shadows. “Wha…?”

A mixed sounds of helium children, bears on steroids, and fucking Godzilla filled his ears. A bit over exaggerated but in Mich’s mind that was all he could hear. Oregon came running up and told the group to pretty much get your weapons be careful. Without much hesitation Mich ducked behind the nearest vehicle and readied his rifle.

“The fuck is that?” He muttered to himself. “Did a dinosaur, an ape and a fucking robot have sex or something?” He questioned out loud as soon as the Alien life forms came into view. “Eve, I want you to examine these things. Look for ANY possible weaknesses. It looks like these things are heavily armored. I have a feeling they won’t be easy to take down…”

“Yes, Agent Michigan.”

Six, just six of these things. Fix annoying ass little fuckers and two large velociraptor shits. “Where there is few, there is a pack.” Michigan muttered as he watched the things. They fired at the freelancers though he didn’t attack, not immediately. Those guns and blue bullets seemed oddly familiar…

“Hey!” He called to those whom he was with over the Team COM. “For those who did this, remember that warehouse mission? Where we got that weird plasma shit? I think that’s what the fucking-robo-sauruses are using. Keep firing though when they get close try using their own plasma shit against them! Or if your ordinary weapons don't do that much damage then try them. If these things made this shit I bet it would hurt them a lot more than our weapons do.” After he said that he peeked over the hood and fired at the closest fuck-a-saurus before ducking as plasma shit flew over his head.

“Hurry up Eve!”

“I’m working on it Agent Michigan.”

"Work faster."

More ducks, more firing, pained helium screams filled the air but the pitter patter of feet still sounded.

“Did you seriously fucking ask about health plans?” Mich yelled at Oak through the variety of sounds. “You better hope YOU have a good health plan! I don’t see this ending too fucking well!”

"Be careful everyone, try not to get shot. I don't thin a health plan will cover these injuries." Ohio called from behind a building followed by the sound of his M395 firing.

"No Shit!"
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((If I didn't mention this before, I'm gonna do it now. These are very, very, very strong Covenant. I know that a lot of this seems unrealistic of their capabilities and such, but I do this so I don't have to roleplay an army to give you an actual challenge. Consider these the Legendary difficulty Covenant... Times 10. So upgraded armor, resistance, health, intelligence, and weapons. Have fun!!))


4 Grunts and 2 Brutes

Main Street Firefight

Seeing the many Spartans take up arms against the Brutes made them smile, or at least their ravenous teeth began to show. The two raised their Plasma Rifles, letting a volley of plasma reign over the many targets. They weren't precise, wanting to hit whatever the most times. In fact after missing most of their shots they became frustrated, but they continued to march. One Brute pulled something from his armor, a chain of hundreds of dog tags unraveled. It seemed he had been collecting, not only for souvenir, but to make a weapon as well. The sharpened pieces of metal formed along into a crude whip, with which he flicked with enough force to the side to dent the hood of a car nearby.

The Grunts laughed, the high pitched sounds causing the laughter to sound maniacal. The Spartans were weak, pitiful like the Marines they send after the covenant. These didn't seem like uniform UNSC soldier, but no Grunt was going to care of that. No, the Grunts followed the Brutes lead and began shooting after all the many Spartans. The few shots in retaliation bounced off their armor, leaving little damage if any at all. One Grunt had his face mask torn off, a release of smoke covered his shocked look, but when the fog cleared it showed a now furious beast with mouth open with teeth.

The Brute unlucky enough to take Oregon's shot was stunned, stumbling for a moment before continuing his assault. That is when the Stanchion round shook the ground, entering the same Brutes head and leaving nothing in memory of it. The bullet exited on the other side, embedding itself deep within the concrete. The brute dropped, falling to its knees until it's body gave out from its own weight. The Grunts made no move to stop, but the other Brute looked over him as if it was a dead family member. This sent the Brute into a rage, throwing away the Plasma Rifle in his hand and picking up the chain his brother was holding.

He ran in, heading for the easiest and most viable target for his rage. A Spartan was crouching behind a car, yes protected by his friends around him, but none were close to penetrating him with the frail guns. The Brute reached the car in a matter of moments, the large beast impressively fast when hopping from one leg to another, and immediately threw the whip down. It smashed through the car first, but would soon land over the Spartan, did he not move. ((Michigan))

The Grunts smiled, as this gave them an opportunity to kill the other nearest to them. Two turned around, grabbing the extra Plasma Rifles and unleashing a new volley of bullets. Two aimed at the woman crouching in an alley, attempting to keep her ((Oregon)) pinned down, while the other four shot their six Plasma Rifles at the man ((Ohio)) in the closer alley. If it didn't tear into him then it would most definitely tear into the building, They stayed together, the four moving towards the man in the alley and the two towards the woman.



3 Grunts and 1 Brute

Coastal Highway Firefight

Three grunts equipped with Plasma Pistols started the search, heading down the highway. The small figures could barely be seen over the cars, but their size let them bob and weave in and around them. They made good time, finding the crash site in a minute since they were dropped. The first didn't waste time, charging his Plasma Pistol and shooting it directly into the compartment. Unlike most pistols, these were of a higher grade, and the explosion that rippled out in green flames was something to be awed at. The second waited for the smoke to clear before letting his pistol rain down on the area. The third however, was smarter as he looked beyond the massive hole to see the Spartans crouching. He let out a cry, alerting the Brute of the enemies.

The Brute came barreling down the street, knocking cars over in a manner not unlike the other Spartan. He detached his two Plasma Rifles, the red variant that caused more destruction and that Brutes were accustomed to. He immediately let loose, stopping beside the Grunts and firing at them. It wasn't an accurate gun, not as accurate as the blue one, but it caused quite the impact. Cars faced either a plasma filled hole or being blown back by the force, whichever gave in first. The Grunts followed suit, matching in accuracy and power at the Spartans.


Agent Oklahoma

Location: New Mombasa, Africa

Time: Dusk

Status: Numbed/Healthy

Oak pressed his back against the blackened screen, quickly changing his mind on the sticky detonator and magnetically locking it back on his thigh. He'd wait for a more opportune moment. More of the blue-lighted balls flew by towards the other agents.

“Did you seriously fucking ask about health plans?” Oak picked up from his pal Mich as he yelled through the loud screeching noises the things were making. “You better hope YOU have a good health plan! I don’t see this ending too fucking well!” He heard his friend finish. The corners of his mouth curled into a wide grin. He stuck his first finger out very passionately and shoved it against the side of his DMR.

"THIS is my fucking health plan, you fuck!" he shouted, quickly moving his hand from the point back to holding the Designated Marksman Rifle in a combat-ready position. Oak's helmet emerged from around the sign to get another glance of his enemies. He saw a shot connect with one of the larger ones. It didn't seem injured, but definitely stunned.

"Oak, take the shot n-" Ada was cut off by the sharp sound of a Stanchion round cutting through skull and brains. Cutting all the way through. He flinched slightly, and when he opened his eyes and they focused, one of the larger foes was falling to the ground. "Opportunity lost," she informed, leaving the Agent to scoff. Oak didn't take the enemy's demise as a sign to relax, as he could visibly see the other large foe's rage building as he stared at his fallen comrade as if he'd lost a brother. We dun goofed Oak thought to himself, he'd almost mistaken his thoughts as speaking aloud. The smaller enemies were continuing to advance, however, and Oak capitalized on this.

The Agent scanned the advancing foes, and saw the one seemed to have an exposed face. He brought his DMR up to his visor in a fraction of a second and lined the sights up with the inhuman face in the same amount of time. "En la puta jeta," he said before swiftly pulling the trigger and pressing his shoulder against the force of the kick. This was all instinctive, and happened in less than a second, and the moment he pulled the trigger Oak's eyes shifted to the remaining large foe.

The large enemy had trashed the odd firearm he was holding and picked up a ragged-looking whip made out of what was undoubtedly dog tags from the dead body of the other large foe. He charged straight for Mich, and the rage in which he did so nearly make Oklahoma shutter himself. The monstrous foe threw the whip's end at the car Mich was standing behind, soon to connect with the covered Agent himself. Oak, absent of thought, dropped his left arm to his side, DMR with it, and peeled his sticky detonator off of his right thigh with the same side hand, pulled the detonator up and fired a charge directly at the enraged monster, his finger not daring to move to detonate the charge.

Not while it was anywhere near his friend.

Agent Nebraska

Location: New Mombasa, Africa

Time: Dusk

Status: Injured

Injury: Sprained Ankle

Level: Minor

As Nebraska's bombardment of questions halted, she watched as Delaware looked through the scope of his Sniper Rifle. He had obviously found something, because she heard Mors inform him about human life signatures being those of the other Agents. She began to wonder where the 'life signatures were' when Delaware, who had been looking through his scope just seconds before, was setting up and going prone with his Sniper Rifle pointed out of a window towards a wall not much further away. Instead of asking about his odd positioning, she went down a different route.

"Other Agents? Wher-" Nebraska was cut off by the sound and concussive blast of Delaware's M99 Stanchion Gauss Rifle firing a round. She walked towards the other Agent, wondering why he'd fire at a blank wall. She expected her ankle to sting every time she took a step with it, but instead it was more of a numb feeling. Her healing unit was finally having an effect on that ankle. These thought didn't waver her attention from the fact that Delaware had just fired a Sniper Rifle at a wall. "What the hell? Do you want them to fin-" she was again cut off by Delaware's sound effect. The Agent's eyes followed the path of the bullet and noticed it not only went through the wall, but the hole it left showed that it did so with an insane amount of velocity being carried through. All of Nebraska's questions halted as she pulled one of her customized incendiary grenades off of her armor and switched it over to proximity mode, well, all of her questions except one.

"What is it you're shooting at?" She asked, with a less critical tone than before, as she trekked to the door of the building and put her proximity grenade outside underneath a pre-destroyed vehicle. She wasn't sure how much danger they were in, but if anything decided to come after them, it'd have a nasty surprise.

Nebraska turned back and went back inside of the building, grabbing her Sniper Rifle off of her back. "Do you have a clear shot? I don't see any hostiles, I don't have anything to shoot at," she asked and told Delaware, making sure her SRS99C-S2 AM Sniper Rifle was prepped to fire.

"I can't shoot what I can't see," she said, pretty much to herself, looking down her weapon's barrel in the direction that Delaware fired.

"Not accurately, at least," Nebraska's A.I. commented, to which Nebraska didn't respond.

All Nebraska saw was through the hole of bullet in the wall. She could see movement, but couldn't decipher any of it. "Damn it all," she muttered under her breath while crouching to see if she could see anything better. She didn't know any more about what was going on, but she felt better now that she knew the Proximity Grenade was there to alert her if anything got close.
As the creatures near and grow louder, I feel my heart flutter faster. All I can think about is fear and strategy; because these ape..things are fucking scary, but I have to focus on the quickest and cleanest way to kill them. It is difficult, but I have to try. There cannot be any pretty, funny business when comes to killing these things, because then you will die a very bloody, gruesome death. We will have to be as quick and efficient as possible.

When my bullets hit the ape closest to me, I see a small spurt of blood spray out. The thing stops, and I hope that it will fall to the ground, but it doesn't. It just shakes itself, then takes another step- until a loud shot is heard from a ways away and the creature's head is ripped open the next second. The bullet doing the damage briefly leaves a tail of blood behind it, then it burrows into the asphalt of the road. The creature itself stops for a moment, then it falls a moment after the bullet does its damage. That son of a bitch is as dead as can be. This all happens in a matter of seconds, and I can't help but be relieved.

Until I pull my eyes away from the dead thing and land on its living buddy..who looks even more insane than it did before. He takes a split second to just stare at his downed friend. I use that second to aim again, planning to at least wound it. But before I can pull the trigger, he goes on a rampage. At this point, with him moving and roaring so much, all I can hope to do is spray and pray..with a weapon that has bullets that pack a punch. So I swiftly clip my Battle Rifle back onto my back and grab my dual Needlers off my thighs. These puppies are pretty deadly when enough are fired, acting like a grenade themselves after stabbing the victim in a gruesome way. Once in my hands, I lift my Needlers up and aim them at the big creature. The crosshairs turn red as I try to follow the thing, I go to pull the trigger-

"Oregon! Watch your 2!" Zeta suddenly yells in my ear. It makes me start, then I look in the direction he instructed without moving my hands..to find glowing blue bullets pelting towards me in the growing darkness.

I immediately lower my Needlers and start to back out of the way, but not quick enough. One of the blobs catches my upper right arm right on my shoulder guard, and another grazes my side around my ribs before finishing itself off on the other wall of the alley. And the last one to hit me lands full on my gut area, burning partially on my actual armor and mostly on the body suit that acts as protection under the thick armor. They all cause me to yelp in surprise and pain, almost making me drop my Needlers as I barely duck away from the rest of the blobs of blue. The rest of the dozen bullets burn into the wall on the other side of the alley as I plaster my back onto my wall. The blobs leave a burning blue circle for a moment, then cool off to a dark black with some red tinge. The burns on my armor do the same, as well as sting and hurt. The one on my shoulder doesn't hurt at all, as the stuff hardly burned through the top layer of my armor. The graze on my side stings a bit because some of the plasma - I think it's plasma? - splashed onto my under suit, but most of it was blocked by my actual armor. The worst spot is the one on my gut. It stings and burns since most of it splashed onto my weaker under suit, and I take a moment after ducking back there to grip my arm around it and grimace. I then take my arm away after a moment and look at the wound. My skin is visible in the very center of the burned area, a nasty and red area the width of a small fist with some of my suit now welded to my skin. A little blood also bubbles out of the warped skin. It's not a big wound, but it hurts like a bitch and is worse than any other burn I've ever gotten. I want to just run away from these fuckers, frightful that fighting them will be counter productive and end up with all of us dead. But I also know that these things will just follow us if we do, and there may be more out there. So I force myself to ignore the pain and get back into the fight, even though it stings to move my gut. Maybe being in combat will help me forget it, no matter how bad it feels.

"The burns on your side are minor, Oregon," Zeta suddenly comments as I start to head back out, "but the one on your midsection is a nasty third degree burn. Are you sure you don't want to sit out for a moment and treat it so it doesn't get worse due to your movement?"

I scowl and grit my teeth, and then curtly reply with, "No time. I'll be fine, Zeta."

Zeta gives his reluctant acknowledgement silently, then stays quiet.

After a pause, I grip my Needlers again and take a deep breath. I wait a moment for the second wave of fire to die on the wall opposite me, then I peek out from behind the wall. I find the smaller monsters standing a good thirty feet away, about ready to fire again. I quickly take the moment to fire at the little shitbirds after I lock onto them. One gun for each of the little things, ten bullets from each needler. They should connect and explode seconds after, since the bullets trace the enemy I lock them onto and they explode when there are at least eight shot into the same enemy. Trust me, I've done lots of trials and errors with these things. And once that happens, they should be dead. So I pull the trigger, fire the exact amount, then duck back and reload the Needlers, waiting for the tell-tale sounds of a Needler explosion.
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I walked.

For about half an hour all I had done was walk and explore this seemingly desolate area.

According to Pi, I was not too far away from the rest of the FLP Agents that had managed to escape the ship. I just wanted to rendezvous with them and do a situation analysis to see what the next move on the chess table was going to be.

Then the ships appeared.

Purple, very curvy, ships bleeped into life on my HUD's radar and I could see them, hovering over the city. They were closer to the team than I was at the moment. I broke into a run, hoping to get there in time.

I wonder if they'll be friend or foe I asked myself. A question any soldier would ask himself if the question came up.

The gunfire I heard shortly after told me that no, they were not friendly at all.

I could see a large street through an alley, and on it were some very frightening looking creatures, almost like apes, that were attacking what I guessed were my comrades. I prepared my HMG, checking the ammo meter to see if it was full and ready to be emptied, just how I liked it. It was indeed.

I got closer, to the entrance of the alley, to see what was happening.

"Pi, give me situation analysis." I said to my sassy AI.

On it, boss." In less than a second he appeared in front of my visor, with a map of the city as well. "Your big ass is here." He said, pointing at what I guessed was the alleyway we were held up in for now on the three-dimensional holographic map. "On this street right outside this alleyway we've got these primate-looking alien freaks." A sniper shot filled the air. "Well that's one less." He said with a sigh. "Okay, there seems to be a few of our guys down on that street, fighting back." He pointed at the street, and on the area some blue dots appeared, as if signifying the position of the group.

Anyone else?" I said, impatiently.

Calm the hell down, fatso. Let me finish, for gods sake." He released a sigh, something he did often, but I still didn't think that an AI could feel desperation. "Alright, in the most proximate vicinity we have a team of two up on this building here." Now he was pointing at a tall 3D building on the map. "That's probably where that sniper round came from. In other words, those alien scum are fucked unless they have some kind of superpower." When he finished, the map disappeared and he did too. I could now only hear his voice in my head.

You never know, these might be the elite of the elite for their kind." I said, chuckling at my AI's sass. "Also, you need to fix that goddamn attitude of yours, ya know."

Why? I don't have a problem with it." The way he said it gave me the feeling that he was shrugging at the time. "Also, try not to expose yourself too much to the enemy. You might have heavy armor and a bubble shield and shit, but you're still a giant meat can to them. If they see you, you're just giving them less space to miss." He said in a critical tone. I rolled my eyes.

Fine, mother, whatever you say." I stepped to the entrance of the alleyway, HMG ready and warm. I decided I'd first open up on the four smaller creatures that were firing at another alley, probably one of my comrades was held up in there. That would buy him some time. I fired a line pattern of rounds at the team of four, at least a two hundred rounds, before I switched targets to the bigger, more ape-er looking alien heading in a straight line toward another Agent. I fired fifty rounds into its back, hoping it would do something and shifted my attention back to the other four I had shot at before.

Jesus, stay on one freaking target, would you?" Pi's annoyed voice chirped in my helmet. "I cant concentrate on gathering data on these guys if you don't stay still..." I nodded to cut him off, and opened fire on the four midgets again.
Agent Rhode Island

Status: Healthy

The spartan hums as he pushes around within his locker. "Oh Max, you need to stop being such a klutz," He says to himself, "People are starting to notice!"

"I think it's endearing." A female voice says in his ear. He smiles, taking out a small box and examining it for a moment before giving it a place in his locker.

"Oh, hello Annie. Glad to see you're awake." He says quietly to her as he takes another item out of his locker, and examines it. A small dogtag reading Rhino 027 - Maxwell Teller. Flipping it onto his back, cleanly carved words can be read. Agent Rhode Island. He was one of the few privileged people who got to become a freelancer. He was basically a superhuman! Many people on the ship loathed him, thinking he wasn't hardened enough for such abilities. He didn't like being disliked.

He could certainly see why this was, however, and many times often wondered himself. He was the only real softie in a group of soldiers. Heck, some were borderline psychos! That one time he met agent Maine... he'd never forget that.

Max continues sorting through his lockers.

"Are you cleaning your locker?" She asks. He can almost imagine her doing that cute head tilt she does when she asks a question. He nods silently and picks up his pistols, moving them to the side. She was one of the few people he could talk freely around without becoming shy. Of course, many would argue she wasn't a person, she was artificial. He'd always respond with "What makes life artificial as opposed to organic? We're all made, aren't we?"

He didn't care what others said, he was happy with her, and vice versa.

Rhodey continues to clean his locker until suddenly the ship is rocked. Rhodey falls over as the contents of his locker spill out onto him. He groans, looking at the mess.

"Attention. Attention. We are under attack. I repeat, we are under attack. Our ship is surrounded by 15 enemy vessels. If you can, make your way to the escape pods. We will not make it out of this, unless we escape."

Rhodey quickly grabs his pistols and knife and begins to run to a drop pod. Finally reaching it, he ignores the Director's protests and shoots down towards the ground. He quickly begins to feel the velocity as he falls. Suddenly, his pod hits something, causing him to spin out of control. He screams as the ship he hit explodes, sending his pod spinning at high velocity towards the ground. When his pod hits the ground, his head snaps forward and hits the metal of the pod.


"Sweetie, you're okay!" He hears in his helmet. His vision clears from a blur as he groans and looks around at the cramped, dark room he's in. He suddenly remembers what happens and opens the door, stepping out onto Earth.

"Yeah... how long was I out?" He says, looking around at the dust on the ground. He looks back to the pod and grabs the stuff in there, including rations, medical supplies, his personal weapons, and a flashlight. He attaches the combat flashlight to his helmet and looks around.

"Awhile." She simply says. He nods, and looks around.

This is gonna be an adventure.
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Agent Michigan

Oh shit.

Mich couldn't help but to shudder a little as he saw...whatever the fuck those things were, bare their teeth in a dark grin. And those fucking laughs. A volley of shots were hurled at him so naturally he sunk behind the car. His back pressed against the trembling metal of the broken vehicle. This won't keep me safe for long...

"Eve!" He called out, his voice nearly cracking as his heart pounded against his chest.

"Yes Agent?" The A.I. instantly replied as she flickered into view. Worry was clear in those paled blue.

"I need you to find the safest way from behind the car!" Once more he peeked over with plasma guns gripped tightly in hand. Quickly popping upwards he fired a couple rounds. One of the smaller things were hit but Mich didn't have time to check if it died or not for more shots hurled his way. There WAS a satisfying screech of frustration and pain.

"But what about the original order?" She asked. Her wings fluttered nervously which did not calm Mich down at all. Him being scared was one thing, his A.I. being scared? Yeah. That sure DIDN'T help.

"FUCK the FUCKING weaknesses! That won't help anything if i'm fucking dead, will it?"

"No it won't Agent. I will begin calculating possible escape routes."

"Please fucking hurry this time." Michigan said in a somewhat pleading voice. An angered roar echoed.

Oh shit.

He turned around just in time to see the thing charging at him.


That thing was fucking FAST. In no time it was on Mich, raising the chain clutched tightly in its claws.....hands? If that's what you would call them..... Are those tags?


The chain came down with a terrible amount of force. Just before it connected with the car something clicked in Mich's head.


Acting off pure instincts his hand came slapping to the ground as the freelancer summoned his domed energy shield. The chain connected with the shield, a small tremor shook the area around Mich and the beast. He watched the shield instantly shatter, his heart momentarily stopped at that second as he prepared for the chain to tear him in half. However it did the opposite. Though the shield was shattered the force of the impact sent the chain flying back to the beast's face. Bullets to the back joined the damage done to the creature. At that moment he noticed Oak toss over the grenade though didn't immediately blast it. Michigan took a second to silently thank his companions.

Without a second to waste he was ready to yell at Oak to fire the damn thing while Mich threw up another energy shield. However a small red alert flashed inside his helmet instead. Fuck! Knowing fully well he couldn't wait around and fix the problem he looked around. Thank God at that moment Eve gave him directions to the safest way out of this mess. Michigan bit his lip as he knew he wasn't escaping this without a scratch.

He threw himself at a car not far away but also not nearby full on blast range. Mid dodge roll Michigan screamed at his friend. "OAK! NOW!" Then he was behind a car that was no better than the one he originally hide behind. In response to the order Michigan heard Oklahoma's voice rise up.

Imitating the countdown of a time bomb it, Oak almost calmly said. "TickTick." BOOM! The blast sent Mich tumbling forward, letting out a grunt as the suppose-to-be-shelter almost steam rolled him. Michigan twisted his body enough to roll sideways rather then head over heels, literally. His rolls were stopped by the would-be bone breaking impact to a building wall. His breath momentarily left him as his vision shook, ears ringing so loud that any other sound was lost.

"Fuck...fucking...fuckidy...fuck..." He hissed through clenched teeth.

"Agent Michigan, you need to get to cover now!" Eve's voice pierced the ring.

"Yeah." He muttered then slowly picked himself up, liming to the opening of the building he hit. Michigan pressed his back against the wall and slid to the ground, closing his throbbing eyes. "Status."

“Mild concussion, no broken bones however some large bruises. Healing unit in process.” Eve replied.

“What happened with the energy shield back there?” Mich questioned was he began finding his voice again.

“It seems to be….destroyed.”


“The force of the alien’s attack shattered the shield’s systems.” A hint of unhappiness lingered in Eve’s forcefully calm voice.

“Fucking great.” Was all Mich said before resting his head on the back of the wall.

"Quentin, get your ass up, we're leaving."

"Five more minutes....."

"What!? No, you said that five minutes ago! Get up or I'll leave you to get blown up!" Agent Iowa, Aka Jones, grabbed his brothers shoulder and shook it violently. When he noticed it wasn't helping, he stepped away from the bed, thinking. After a moment or so, he snapped his fingers and came back a moment later with one of Quentin's plasma pistols. He aimed it at his twins crotch and pulled the trigger.


Agent Arizona, Aka Quentin, couldn't help but feel a light burning sensation. The sensation quickly turned into intense pain which then turned into excruciating pain. Needless to say, it wasn't surprising to see Quentin roll off his cot, screaming bloody hell. While Quentin was tending to his burning crotch, Jones was putting on his armor and brining out Quentin's. "Here, put this on." Said his brother while he strapped on his helmet. Quentin grabbed his chest piece and inspected it before putting on the rest of his armor. Two minutes later, the boy were at their lockers, checking their equipment.

"Hey, you got any spare rifle ammo?"

"What do I look like, your fucking caretaker?" The two looked to each before Quentin sighed, rummaging through his locker. He pulled out two clips of sniper ammo and threw them to his brother, who caught them and duck taped them together.

"Need anymore?"

"No, I'm good. Hey, where's my daggers? You got them?"

The brothers went through a long check list, making sure they had everything ready when he needed to be ready. They checked with their A.I.'s to see if all systems were functioning properly as they each loaded into an individual drop pod, checking its functions as well. Once they were ready, they both launched their pods off into space, staying close to insure that they landed somewhat near each other.


Before he had a chance to warn his brother, everything went haywire. His brother was to distracted with Naomi to notice the ship that was attempting to pull off a kamikaze maneuver. He was forced to push his brother out he way to save him. He was determined to make sure he lived, even if he had to sacrifice himself. When he connected with his mother, he didn't havea chance to avoid the oncoming ship. The blast made it seem like Jones had died in the explosion. By sheer luck, Jones had survived, but by the skin of his teeth. He the pods glass window, nearly busting it. Luckily it held ,if you call cracking holding. Jones was given a minor concussion due to this, and the lack of oxygen wasn't helping. He forced his body to stay awake as he entered the planets atmosphere, his pod setting ablaze. "I will not die...." These were his last words as he crashed onto the planet, unconscious.


It had all happened so fast. One moment he was talking to Naomi, the next, he was steering out of control. He looked back to see his brothers pod crash head on with a small ship a explode. The explosion shocked him, and the thought of his brother being dead shocked him even more. A small, shaky voice brought him back into reality. "Um, Agent Arizona? Agent Arizona! Agent!" Quinton looked forward to see that he was approaching the target. Fast. A little TOO fast. He crashed roughly on the planets surface but was unharmed for the most part. He jumped out of his pod, investigating his surroundings before his eyes laid on a horrible sight. "No! No! NO! I can't believe I got stuck with the A.I. loving freak! Why!? Why, lord, why!?"
Agent Rhode Island

Status: Fully Functional

Rhodey looks through his weapons and ammo.
Only 3 magazines? That's 24 rounds. I don't have ammo to spare. I'm gonna have to be careful. Rhodey crawls out of the small crater his crash called and looks around. In the distance is a city, but it's wasteland until there.

"Annie, where are we?" He says softly. He hears some beeps in his head before Annie appears in front of him, sporting her usual pink look, with sweater and khaki.

"I don't know, my GPS needs to boot up." Rhodey is shocked to hear this. Normally basic AI operating functions, such as GPS navigation, is not turned off unless there is a system failure.

"Annie! Are you okay?!" He asks, concern coming out in his voice as he speaks a little louder than he normally does (not very loud.) She smiles sweetly at him and nods.

"Yes! When you crashed, I simply had to divert power to the life support functions, primarily the oxygen filtration and reserves, as well as the basic cranial healing unit." She finishes with a smile. He returns the smile and thanks her for her help. He quickly sees a pod shoot overhead and an explosion from behind him. He turns around, Annie following suit, as they see an agent emerge from the drop pod. The agent takes notice of them and begins to yell about "being stuck with an AI loving freak." Rhodey lowers his head in shyness and embarrassment as Annie's face twists up in anger, but she doesn't do anything. They were both used to being accused as freaks. Mostly Rhodey, but Annie had her fair share of taunting, particularly from other AI. Rhodey approaches Arizona slowly.

"Uh, h-hello. Agent Arizona, was it?" He says softly and quietly, "It's n-nice to see you made it out okay. Do you know what happened to the others?" He continues, maintaining an averted gaze.
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Quentin was still screaming up at the sky when Rhode spoke to him. He looked to the Freelancer, his face twisted into a sneer under his helmet. He didn't really want to answer Rhode's question when Naomi flickered into view, her hands at her hips. She looked angry and frustrated, probably because other way Quentin was talking to Rhode. Either wag, Quentin didn't wanna anger the person who controlled most of his suits functions any further, so he spoke.

"Ya.... You to, Rhodey. No, I haven't seen anyone else. I came with my brother, I think everyone left the ship before we did. I lost him when we... When we..." Quentin averted his gaze to the ground to avoid making visual contact with Rhode. Not for the reason you would think, but mostly because he was having a hard time accepting the fact that his brother was dead and that he was having a hard time formulating a lie he could tell Rhode and also believe himself. "Look, I just lost him, okay. What about you? You find anyone?"



Agent Delaware ignored Nebraska's first two questions as he stood up, rolling the shoulder that had been behind the stock of the Stanchion. This woman sure had a shitload of questions.

"I'm shooting at fugly aliens. If I didn't have a clear shot I wouldn't have fired," he said, calmly answering Nebraska's last two questions in order. At Nebraska's comment, Delaware looked at the wall. Nebraska's conventional sniper rifle didn't have as much power as the Stanchion, nor did it have a targeting computer. That wall was a great hinderance for her. Walking up to the wall, Delaware crouched down, inspecting the hole his bullet had made. After a moment, he stood back up. He then pulled back his leg, before aiming a powerfull kick at the bullet hole. Upon his armoured boot's contact with the wall, a large chunk fell out the other side. Delaware's foot was obviously the winner, because he was Agent Motherfucking Delaware.

"Can you see now?" Delaware asked Nebraska, motioning to the new hole, large enough to fit a head through. Without waiting for her answer, Delaware layed back down, racking thse bolt on the Stanchion.

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