Free School: Freaks Welcome (RP)

Quickly, Rayna nodded. So his name is Dalton? She considered talking in sign language, but she wasn't sure if the girl could understand. She stared at the girl for a few seconds, trying to tell if she was just playing with her. She decided no, and set her briefcase on the ground. Once again, she got out a piece of loose notebook paper and began writing: The boy is helping me find my song book. I lost it, and it's really important to me. She stole glances at the girl, to make she she wasn't about to leave. She decided this was good enough a starter, and handed the paper to the girl. She widened her eyed and awaited her reaction, thinking the worst. What if she thinks I'm stalking him? Oh no, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I shouldn't have even bothered him in the first place. I'm so bothersome, maybe I should just leave. She bit her lip.
Violet would grin at that, so then she couldn’t mess up and tell Dj’s secret because this girl already had to know if she knew him and was sitting at his door. Even Violet was bright enough to figure that out. There was slight discomfort as the girl just stared at her saying nothing, but she would turn to pull out a piece of paper and start writing or drawing something, not trying to intrude Violet wouldn’t glance over until she was actually handed the page.

“Oh… is your voice…” she would read the paper and understand, only to go and question if perhaps the girl had a sore throat or something worse, realizing that a lot of people didn’t like to talk about their issues with others that weren’t friends. So she would stop herself from asking, if it wasn’t already too late from what she had said without thinking at first. “My name’s Violet” she would offer with a smile.
She stared at her, awaiting the worst. Her heart jumped in her throat as she said something about her voice. She frowned and looked down. The girl introduced herself, and Rayna beamed. Victory! She took the paper back and held it against the wall, writing again. I'm sorry I have to write out what I have to say, but I was born mute and never got it treated. She wrote the last part slowly. She began to think about it. Why didn't I get myself treated? I could have been cured, and I would be singing my songs. I would be better. She pulls at her streaks. The Foster Home wouldn't take me to the hospital regularly, they barely care for the kids as is. And my mother... She obviously didn't want to deal with it. She gasped, realising the girl was still waiting. She rushed back over and handed it to her, bowing her head. After she took it, She stared at her with wide eyes. I wonder is the boy- if Dalton is still waiting.

Dalton in truth wasn’t expecting to ever see the mute again, unless she didn’t find her book. In his eyes she was going to find it and forget he ever met him. Which in truth didn’t bug the boy; after all he didn’t do anything really interesting. He kept to himself and expected most to do the same. Currently he was trying to improve his security system even more, even if he had to program a way himself. Elementary hacker, or not, having another hacker in the school spelt danger for him that he couldn’t allow. Well . . . at least in the way that allowed them to hack from the school computer. If she wanted to hack nearby and get caught that was her own fault, after all the FBI was all over this place at times thanks to him alone. The door he left unlock never the less, not in hopes that the new hacker would stumble upon it, more due to the fact he did have a few who liked to visit him.

It took her awhile to pull herself together, but after awhile Riley managed to get to her feet again. Feeling a mess and far from hungry in this condition she merely stared at the cookie left for her. If she left it or threw it away though . . . sighing she would go get herself a paper towel before coming back to wrap it up and place it in her pocket for later. Knowing she could never let that girl’s kindness go to waste. After that was handled she would go to the restroom and wash her face from the tears. Her eyes sore the cool water helped just a bit with that healing process, but the red puffy look just wasn’t something she was pleased of so she decided to go home.

Taken one last look at her grayish-green eyes she couldn’t help manage a small smile. She didn’t often see her own eye color, and with the bright red hair it almost made her feel fake. Shaken her head she knew she would have to live with it until she got home, her eyes too sore to take the contacts again. She knew she just had to avoid people now that this part of her shield was gone. So there she would be, all dressed up as Grimm except the contacts walking about the hall like some kind of spy avoiding others as she tried to get home.
Chersier was glad that Devin saw the girl, too. That meant her book was more likely to get returned, right? Either way, Chersier was glad to help out, since she wanted to make Riley happy again, so she simply smiled in reply. She turned to go to the empty room when she remembered something, and turned back around, calling out to Devin, "H-hey... I-if it's not much to ask I l-left my suitcase in the computer room... Y-you can use it to hold the papers until we m-meet up again, though..." She felt bad for asking him to get it, but she didn't want to leave it unattended for too long, and her hands were much to full to get them now. Embarrassed and trusting that Devin heard her, he turned and went back on her way to the empty room, where she put down the stuff, took it out, and organized it a bit.

(sleepy post is sleepy, sorry ^^; )
"Hey, it's not as easy to find healthy choices as you think, smart guy," Azalia laughed between bites of food, "All you have to do is slap on some sunscreen if you're afraid of getting burnt." It wasn't long before her large, open faced beef sandwich had been completely devoured. Even the crumbs had be swept off her plate into her mouth with the leftover gravy. Looking over at him when he corrected her, she nodded and smiled. "I can respect that. To tell you the truth, Azzy is really not the best nickname," she replied, rolling her eyes at her own nickname Devin had bestowed upon her.

Azalia would raise an eyebrow in suspicion as Sebastian hardly ate any of his food, just drowned Pepsi after Pepsi. She watched him carefully as he claimed to be full and asked the waitress for to-go boxes. He had ordered and awful lot of food. Did he really intend for it all to be taken to-go? She allowed a slight smirk to upturn the corner of her mouth at his actions. If he wasn't really hungry...had he come to the diner just hang out with her? That was something new. The black-haired girl paused and stared at the table a moment, pondering the thought. Had she...really made a friend? Was she even allowed to since she and her brother were trying to stay under the radar?

Seeing they had eaten all they were going to, she stretched out her arms and uttered a satisfied sigh. "Well...we probably should be getting back to the school now, shouldn't we? Devin's going to start worrying that I've been kidnapped or something for being gone so long," she suggested, sliding out of the booth and standing up. For once her stomach actually felt so full that she couldn't have eaten anything else. It was a weird sensation, yet a good one. "Oh and...thanks for the meal, Sebastian," she told him genuinely with a small, embarrassed smile, rubbing the back of her neck, "You don't know how much I appreciated it."

"Sure thing Chess!" Devin called back in reply, grinning widely. Chess....yes! It was the perfect nickname for his newfound friend. He only hoped she enjoyed it as well. Shaking his head, he chuckled to himself at his success then dashed down the hallway, diving into the updated computer room. Making his way to the nearest computer, he sat down and booted it up. Before long he was surfing the net, looking for the perfect reference pictures and drawings for Riley's present. He couldn't wait to give it to her when he was finished. He could just imagine the smile on her face. Yes, this was the perfect plan. After a while, he finally had collected the best images representing Link's sword and had printed them out. He also grabbed a piece of blank paper, though, and took a pencil, beginning to scribble on it.

When he was done, it read, "Hey Riley. If it makes you feel any better, I would really love to see your Link costume if you come to school tomorrow. I'm sure it's amazing and way better than Peter Pan! -Devin" He then folded the paper neatly, writing Riley's name on the front, then hurried over to Riley's signature game room, and tossed it in plain sight where he knew she'd find it. Smiling, he jogged to the front of the school and examined the book some more, waiting for Chersier to meet him there.
Violet would watch the girl as she took the paper once more and started writing another note, this time Violet would try to read as she wrote, but it was an odd angle to look over her shoulder so she waited until the other girl would hand her the paper, which took a moment as who knows what went through the other’s head. Reading it Violet would nod. It sounded like how Terry was, except that he couldn’t hear so well. With a smile Violet would wonder if the two would be able to form a bond from such a thing. It sounded nice, almost romantic and she couldn’t help but to love the idea of trying to get the two to meet up.

“That must be difficult.” She would manage after a moment of silence. “It’s almost lunch time, do you… want to go to lunch with me? I’m meeting with a friend and I’m sure that Dalton can find your book in the meantime” to be honest she was surprised that Dj would do such; he never seemed the type to reach out to others in such a way. Perhaps there was something about this girl. Offering one last smile Violet would leave the muffin at the side of the door so that Dj would find it when he stepped out to use the bathroom or what not. She still felt funny about the day before, they had parted on odd terms and she wasn’t ready to see him just quite yet.
Rayna folded her hands and waited for Violet to finish reading. She asked to eat lunch with her, so Rayna happily nodded. Her smile fadded once she realized it was lunch time. Oh no, I've been running around all day, I forgot about my classes! Oh no.. No... This is bad. She looked over at Violet, who set a muffin beside Dalton's door. Oh, won't it get dirty? She tilted her head. What classes did I have again? She turned around and picked up her briefcase. I always have tommarrow. I'll just tell them I was lost. They'll understand how I can't ask for help. Rayna stopped thinking about that. She rearranged the words and added a melody to it. She shook the thought from her mind. I can't be writing songs without my book! Oh I'm totally lost without it. I need to find it fast before I freak out.

Rayna walked with Violet to the cafeteria. She started singing a song in her head to feel better. Give me a disaster, give me a 'mergancy. Stand me at the head of the crusade, without a remedy. Show me to the shipwreak, show me how your palms shake. And when I'm at the edge of sorrow's wrath, show me how a heart breaks. Be steady on your feet, no matter the trouble you meet. Without knowing, Rayna started to sway her head to her favorite song. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling. She finally felt happy.

They reached the cafeteria and she remembered, this is the spot she lost her book. She squeezed her eyes shut, to keep away from the memory as they walked through the doors, still skipping a bit as she kept the song in her mind. She opened her eyes, and she saw what seemed like four hundred kids all in one room. Is this what a cafeteria is like? She stopped and stared. The last time she was here, there wern't as many people. Now it seemed like the whole school was here. Her mouth fell open as she stood in awe.
When Chersier was finished, she quickly made her way to the front of the school to meet Devin. She was excited to get started on the sword, and wanted to make sure Riley got it as soon as possible. As she reached the front, she saw a mess of red hair, and knew that Devin was already there. She gave a quick wave to him, then slowed to a walk as she approached him. "I-I got everything set up..." She said, her excitement showing in her voice.
Sebastian would laugh; Azalia had a point, aside from the sunscreen of course. He just hated the outside and sun during the day is all, it irritated him and the brightness in his eyes… Sebastian would rather do without, but saying all that would just be complaining, and that would be irritating to himself in the least, not counting others. “Maybe Lia” he would tease some in response to not liking the nickname she had been dubbed.

Sebastian would nod, not caring either way, stay or go it was all the same to him, but if Azalia wanted to leave then the decision was made easy enough. He couldn't help but to grin when she spoke of her overprotective brother, it had to be nice, plus the look of a panicked guy rushing around like his head was removed… it was an entertaining sight at least in his head. Miming her movements he would stand, grabbing the bag provided with his food and leading them outside. “It was nothing” he would respond and try to hand her the bag while putting a cigarette to his mouth.


Violet would lead the girl with colorful hair into the cafeteria, whoever she was her nerves seemed to be as bad as Violets, which made her assume responsibility and become the cool collected one for the other’s sake. She wondered what it would be like being unable to communicate with everyone else. Sure she could relate being unable to make connections, but at least she had her words, just the matter of them being heard was another thing in its entirety.

Realizing that the cafeteria was unusually packed Violet wondered if the older kids had just gotten back from a day trip or something of the sorts, especially with the over-excitement of their voices. Even while trying to be strong for another, she couldn’t help but to pale at such a crowd and would barely be able to find the table from the day before. Sitting down she would turn to the rainbow haired girl. “It’s not usually this full in here” she would find herself raising her voice just to be heard. “If you want you can go get food, I’ll hold our seats so they don’t end up taken?” she would offer, questioning if her offer was strange in anyway.
Rayna looked around, still in awe. Violet led her to a table, and she sat down. So... So many people. I'm not sure if I like this. Oh, go get food? where is that... Rayna's eyes skirted around the people in the room. The color drained from her face as she stood up shakily, and walked around for the lines for food. People coming from all directions bumped into her, one actually knocked her over into a table. She got up, holding the back of her head. I'm fine, I gotta go get that food. She clutched her breifcase tighter. Rayna spotted the lunchline and rushed over, grabbing two trays. Oh, I didn't ask if she was vegetarian. I don't like meat very much, so i'll give her mine. She filled both trays, putting meat only on one, and paid. Her eyes found Violet's, and she carefully walked over, avoiding spilling anything. She offered her a smile as she sat down, setting the breifcase under her chair.
Minoru sat at the only table that didin`t have anyone else sitting there, spearing mini blocks of tofu with a fork before consuming them at a regular pace and reading at the same time. he was neither lonesome or cared much for the company of others, in his mind he thought ;"If you are near others they will be compelled to speak with you, if you speak with them you will make friends, and if you make friends they just will die anyways ." It didin`t matter much to the genius if he was alone, spicy Mabu tofu and a good book was the only thing he needed to go on .

"sure is loud" he said to himself between bites
Violet would watch the girl, not quite sure knowing what to call her aside from rainbow. Would that be offensive? Shaking her head, perhaps she should ask when she came back. In her absence Violet would find herself scanning the room looking for the boy from yesterday, Terry, but he was no where in sight. Well she was a few minutes early, it didn't mean he changed his mind if he wasn't there yet.

Rainbow hair was quite noticeable with her colorful hair and Violet would quickly catch her in the corner of her eye carrying two trays. Did she... get lunch for the both of them? Violet had gasped, had she somehow make the girl believe she had to get her lunch for her, trying to remember her exact words she wouldn't recall, but would jump up from her seat and trying to grab one to help before she dropped one or her briefcase she held onto like a security blanket. "Y-you didn't have to" Violet would blurt out, then realize her words had to of come off as rude. "I mean thank you" she would reach into her pocket and try to pull out the amount that it would have come to, a bit unsure but four dollars had to do it right? Offering the girl the money she would glance at the trays, it seemed that rainbow was a vegan. Oh yeah "Umm... what's your name?" she would manage nervously.
(Woh, nice RP guys, just read the last 27 pages, already have a few favourite characters....anyway! Here I go! :D )

Remi Tavian tightened her grip on the massive backpack that hung loosely on her shoulder, looking up at the well kept building with a small, serious smile. Here you are Remi. New school, new life. She shook of the darkness hanging around her, ignoring the constant feeling of blood lingering on her skin.

Pushing open the building, she found herself feeling a bit lost as she stepped inside. She had no idea what to do. She had ran into an oddly eccentric man who claimed to be the headmaster of some Free School, and even though he refused to share his name with Remi, she found herself still checking out the address he gave her and pondering over the leaflet she had received from him. But now she had no map, no directions and no idea what to do. First thing on her list was finding out if there was housing here, but where the heck does she find that out?

Remi sighed, flipping her dark curls over her shoulder as she shifted the backpack's weight once more and headed through the hallways, hoping to either find a teacher or a student who could point her in the right direction. After ages of stumbling around, and yet finding no-one who could help her - only actually spotting a few boys who she was apprehensive to approach - Remi found herself leaning against a wall, looking at a closed door opposite her. Janitor's closet? Would the janitor be in there? Maybe he or she could point Remi in the right direction, it was worth a try right? The weight of her bag was beginning to irritate her now and all she wanted was to get a room and put her stuff away somewhere.

So, with a smile on her face she rapped her knuckles on the door and then slowly pushed it open, "Hello?" Her voice was light and curious, extremely feminine and would be matched to that of a fairy type character on a TV show. She noticed a boy, looking to be a few years older than herself, sitting at a computer. Her deep brown eyes took in his form as she spoke once again, shifting the backpack's weight for the hundredth time, "Oh sorry, I didn't think there would be a student in here." Remi was clearly mixed race, American-Indian, with her chocolate brown loose curls, her almost black eyes and her caramel skin tone. She decided she might aswell ask this boy now anyway, she was already talking to him, "Do you know where I could find anyone to talk to about housing and stuff?"

Dalton started to wonder if someone had added a sign to his door or back. It started to seem that he was suddenly the welcoming committee or had some new sort of magnetism all of the sudden. He would merely continue to type after the hello and knock figuring whoever it was would go away. Most of her words not even sinking in as he had his mind on things he felt were more important. Finishing up to a safe pause spot on his new program he would save then turn to face his new interruption. Going silent as he realized he now had to fish through his memories for the words she spoke to him earlier.

‘Housing and stuff’ yes . . . that was a wide area to cover. He paused glancing back to his computer still silent before turning to type in a few thinks. A sudden sound would come from a machine nearby, closer to the door in fact as one of those all in one office units started to print out a lot of information. Starting with the basics of a school map, quick summery of the few classes, teachers, and tutors the school had, finishing with apartments nearby and help centers for those who were poor and such.

There was no housing at the school and Dalton was starting to wonder if it was him talking to everyone who managed to get them to come back and visit often. He didn’t want to seem rude, he just . . . never was good with people, and never in his life had so many people even visited him let alone talk to him as much as they did this week alone. He would hesitate though, in case the girl had any other questions. It would be annoying to stop or get interrupted once he went back to his work again after all.

Remi watched the silent boy as he paused whatever it was he was doing on the computer, just looked like a bunch of gibberish to her, and looked to her. She almost jumped at the sudden sound, you could see she was a bit startled in her eyes before she brushed it over, looking to the printer. How could that have scared her? It was just a printer, nothing else.

"Uh, thanks" She muttered, wondering why on earth the boy didn't just speak, maybe he was shy? Or he could be a jerk, either one would work. She swept up the papers, and after a quick flick through - just to check he hadn't printed something entirely unrelated - she nodded her head at him. Noticing the housing as she had flicked through, and realizing she would have to get an apartment, she shifted her impossibly heavy backpack's weight again, glad the boy hadn't carried on with his computing so that she didn't feel like she was interrupting him - again. "Sorry to keep you from your little hacking stuff, but do you have to be a certain age to get one of these apartments?" Her mum had always spoke of kicking her out at 18 years of age, but she had no real idea how old you could be to live on your own. Remi used the term hacking loosely, not actually knowing that was what he was doing, but she just associated computers, gibberish-looking stuff and hacking all together.
Of course that wouldn’t be enough, and Dalton sighed turning to face her when she continued to question. Going tense and even paling some as she happened to say the word hacking. How much did she really know of what he was doing? Was she associated with the other in anyway? He would rub the bridge of his nose slightly as he was starting to get a headache. “Programming isn’t hacking.” Rule one to hacking; never admit out loud that’s what you’re doing. Who knew who would be recording or have a wire.

It seemed odd she would pester him once more for such a simple question. Surely there was a number somewhere on the paper she could call to get all the answer. “I think 15 is the youngest through that homeless program.” He said calmly leaning back some in his seat to cross his arms, literally studying the other for once. Just in case she was one he would have to keep an eye on from afar. “Of course that or younger may be with the acknowledgement of being disowned by your parents.” He paused, she seemed well together but at this school you never knew. “You could always lie and say that you are if you aren’t. If you’re in one of those situations in which you . . . don’t want to let them know where you are. I suggest get a job and get one of those cheaper apartments. I hear a lot of students tend to crash at the school till they get settled.”
Remi didn't fail to notice how the boy turned slightly pale as she mentioned hacking, what? Was he actually hacking right now? When he defended himself by saying he was programming, Remi grinned, "Oh don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't." She saw no problem with him hacking anyway, he was probably just changing the school menu to something he preferred.

Remi then listened silently as the boy actually begun to speak, it was a miracle! As he confirmed that 15 year olds could infact get an apartment thanks to the homeless program, her face lit up into a smile. Cool, that means she'd be able to get an apartment then!

As he mentioned disownment however, her smile fell, no...she wasn't disowned. But that sure as heck reminded her of that dreadful day - her own birthday ironically. She carried on listening however, and thought over his words, don't want to let them know where she was? That probably would be best, now that she thought about it. She wasn't sure if they were looking for her, social services, police maybe even people she knew before she ran.

"Well, thank you. Sorry about interrupting your...'programming'." She air quoted the word and turned to go, she didn't need to get a job just yet. As she walked under the door's threshold, her stupidly heavy backpack swung slightly and hit on the side of the doorframe, the strap on her shoulder finally ripped and her bag came crashing down on the floor, still inside the room, making a considerable thump considering it was just a bag. Where the strap had torn, it ripped the actual bag slightly, causing some gold chains and diamond rings to fall out, certainly too much jewellery to be carrying around in a bag, let alone to own. Her face unwillingly flushed red and she quickly pulled the door closed before she dropped down to the ground, starting to shove the jewellery back into the bag, avoiding eye contact with Dalton.

Sh*t. How was she going to cover that up?

Dalton actually found himself clenching his fist at her words. For the first time since he could ever recall he wanted to just yell and scream at someone. He WASN’T hacking at that moment, and this girl was going to go around acting like she knew he was a hacker. Just for the fact it could land him in jail due to the strikes he had already if not careful. How did they keep finding him? The air quotes was the last stand and he would actually stand so fast that the chair fell to the ground with a crash behind him. Luckily this caused him to pause realizing he was about to lose his temper only to glance down at the chair some. He would try to calm before approaching her.

“Don’t go about assuming things you have no inkling of.” He would move a bit closer only for her bag to rip and make a mess within his space. Someone upstairs had to hate him. “No air quotes, no need not to tell anyone, because you don’t know what you’re talking about obviously.” Then the contents that fell came to his eyes, and a sigh left his lips annoyed with a realization. “I see, you’re a true criminal so you project on me a crime so you could feel better about yourself.” He would watch her scramble, only to step back in slight fear some as she closed the door, who knew what a desperate criminal in that manner may do.

Reaching over to the side desk to rest a hand, making sure he had a firm standing feeling weak at the idea she may try to silence him. That’s how it went right? He really wasn’t around many to know the difference. Only to pause looking over some of the items, wondering if they were truly real or some sort of props, they sounded real, looked real. “A lot in this school have their secrets.” He managed to find some words after awhile. “Just remember to mind your own business, and don’t try to pretend you know more than you do.” He may have sound cold there but it was because he was still upset with her even though he might be in danger.

Even though Remi was the one with the 'stolen' jewellery and the one who was called a criminal by Dalton, even though he was the one who was supposed to be fearful, Remi jumped as the chair fell with a crash.

She had managed to scoop away the jewellery as he spoke, and stood up, the bag still resting on the floor as Dalton placed a hand on the side desk. She watched him speak, not meeting his eyes until he finished, and there was a defiant glint in them. "I'm not a cri----" She trailed off. Yeah, she was a criminal, but not for the reasons he thought. She stuck her chin up a little higher, "I didn't steal that jewellery, if that's what you're thinking. It was my Mum's."

She glared at him now, "And I wouldn't project a crime onto anybody, I was just joking, the only type of hacking I know about is changing the school menu." This made her even more supsicious of the boy, if he wasn't hacking the school menu, then why was he being so defensive? Was he a real hacker? Her eyes widen slightly before she looks down at her bag.

"This sucks." She mutters lightly to herself, dropping down once more to the ground as she reaches for the other bag handle, the non-broken one. She goes to make a move as if she is going to lift, then besides it would probably break aswell, and stops. She looks up at Dalton from her spot on the floor, sighs in defeat and stands up, taking a step closer and holding out an unsteady hand, "I'm sorry if I upset you, I didn't realize hacking was such a touchy topic. I'm Remi."

(Made a subtle change on the form, Remi isn't her real name, 'cause if she used her real name either the police or social services would probably be able to track her or someone could recognize her name from newspapers or whatever)

Dalton narrowed his eyes as she spoke to him. “and now it’s yours? Did she give it to you?” Was this girl really going to try such a simple truth to cover up a lie? The audacity of the female before him made him twitched annoyed some. To think he would be lowly enough to hack JUST to change the school menu. “Actually the principal lets me set up a lot of the stuff on my own.” He frowned to her, most didn’t know it but to help keep him out of trouble the principal tended to let him do some of the weird stuff like menu, and orders, and random things to help around the school.

What’s worse was she kept using the word hacking around him. She was either a real idiot or good at playing games with others. This of course merely made him more and more wary of her. “Just get out.” Sure the words were cold, but there was only so much he could take. She came into HIS space and started to already make him feel unsafe or uncomfortable in the few places he had. He didn’t go around sticking his nose into what she did, asking fifty questions. He took care of himself. “And forget you ever met me, I’ll be sure to do the same.”

Remi could tell by his tone and narrowed eyes that he didn't believe her, she stiffened slightly, retracting her offered hand, feeling a bit annoyed herself. Sure it's understandable that he didn't believe her, but to speak of why she had the jewellery now, to speak of her Mother's death just reminded her that she caused it.

"No. She didn't give it to me, she died." Murdered. Her inner voice chastised her.

His three harsh words shocked her a bit and made her mood drop considerably, her first hour here, her first person to talk to and he already hated her? Way to make friends Remi. She sighed outloud by accident, bending down to grip the bag at the broken point, keeping it together as she - with difficulty - pulled the bag up into both arms, holding it. What more did she expect? A warm welcome? A new friend in seconds? Like she deserved that. She had ended the lives of two people - ignoring the fact that they both deserved it, since it wasn't her job to give them what they deserved.

"Yeah okay." She murmured almost silently in defeat, not meeting his eyes as she pulled open the door with one hand, managing to balance the bag on one knee before re-gripping it in both hands, "Sorry.." She muttered, still not looking at him, as she left his room and shut the door behind her with her foot. It was really his last sentence that made her so docile, not to mention how her first attempt at talking someone had turned into making him hate her.

Feeling utterly defeated, Remi carried on down the hall, not realizing she had infact left the papers he had printed for her behind in his room in her hurry to leave.
Lynn made her way down the hall. She wasn't really paying much attention as she walked, her ipod back on and her humming along. She did not notice the hurrying Erik running down the hall and the two collided.


Erik was knocked backwards onto the floor, the book he had reclaimed flying away from him. Lynn did not get knocked back but she did stumble backwards. She looked down at Erik, frowning deeply.

"Watch where you are going!"

"I'm....I'm sorry." Erik scurried to go get his book, not liking the nasty look at Lynn's face. The girl scoffed as if she didn't believe Erik's words and kicked his book more down the hal.

"Whatever. Just watch it." Lynn stalked off as Erik went to get his book.
(Sorry chaos im on vacation ^^")

She handed Violet a tray. She offered her money, but Rayna turned it down by holding up a hand and shaking her head. I'm a freak and you're helping me, I don't need money. The girl was confused about her name. Rayna winced. Oh right... she doesnt know. She quickly started rummaging through her case. Oh no, I'm out of paper. She looked around to find something to write with, but when she closed her breifcase she was empty handed. I'm sorry Violet, I can't tell you my name. She gave her a saddened look. Now what? She mouthed the words. I'm out of paper, now I have no way of talking. SHe hung her head low in defeat and picked at her salad slowly.
Massaging his neck slightly as he walked. Going home after getting no studying done was terrible, but he managed a little, still tutoring might be a good idea. Somehow yesterday night he got locked out of his room, and this may be because his sister decided to take it as her own for the night. It's most likely the place she was staying before was off limits, and since her room was a mess as usual, staying in Terrance's would have been more comfortable. Terrance had to sleep on the sofa chair they had, which was a just a bit short for him. He hadn't gotten much sleep either, but somehow he made it to school.

Maybe this was a good time to grab some food, since he didn't have time to eat much last night. He felt like he was supposed to remember something, but all was a bit foggy. He groaned, "Food..." seeming almost zombie-like when he announced that to himself. He pushed his way into the cafeteria, which seemed way busier than yesterday's meal time. It was a bit overwhelming, but not terrible, everyone seemed usual. He made a rush for the lunch line, his stomach had turned into growling beast, and he needed to calm it right away.

Out his peripheral was a very familiar figure. It was Violet, and now Terrance just remembered, they were supposed to eat together at some point. "Violet!! Hey Violet!" He yelled, and suddenly noticed she was communicating with someone else. He wanted to retract his voice, but it was a little too late. He hid behind the person in front of him, though that person seemed to had felt embarrassed and scooted to the side. His eyes looked side to side, and looked down a bit embarrassed. She seemed to have mad another friend, maybe someone who was her friend, now, too. He didn't want to intrude.

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