Free School: Freaks Welcome (RP)

Terrance noticed the boy talking to him from the corner of his eye, and missed parts of his sentence, but at least got his name. "Erik..?" He would repeat to see if he was correct. Erik would be the second person Terrance met at this school, which was great, though his intentions of studying were now gone for a while.

Making sure to keep eye contact with the boy, he responded to his later question. "Nice to meet you. My name is Terrance. Er... Terry." He was still getting used to introducing himself as Terry, since he was so eager for a nickname before. He noticed the boy was holding onto a lot of different places, but tried not to be as forward as he was to Violet to ask what was wrong. Now was a good time to build small talk skills, since he was doing so well today with talking to people. "Books. You read a lot of books?" His intention wasn't to be funny, but it came out quite jokingly.
After a long time, Rayna stood up. She shifted wordlessly and silently though the halls of the large school, not knowing where she was going. Finally she found a girls bathroom and rushed inside. She was awed at her reflection, streams of black ran down her face and neck, stopping at her collarbone. Her brightly streaked blonde hair was becoming lifeless, her eyes were puffy and she was pale as a ghost. I must stop this. I hope nobody sees me like this. Rayna grabbed a paper towel from the dipenser, wet it and wiped her face and neck off. Her tears had not dried, so the makeup can off easily.

Swiftly, she re-applied her makeup and did her best to poof out her hair again. Gathering her things, she reached for something in particular that was not there. Hmph. She shifted her weight to the other foot and crossed her arms. Where's my book? She leaned back against the wall. Rayna gasped, remembering. The cafeteria! She picked up her breifcase and started running, frantically dashing into unfamilliar halls. She found the cafeteria, but the book wasn't where she left it. SHIT! She flew open the doors of the cafeteria, Looking around at the people eating lunch if they were holding a book. A few people stopped and stared at her, but she didn't care. Somewhere, someone had her book. She held on the both doors to keep them open as she scanned the crowd.
"Hm? Oh, of course!" Devin would exclaim, his eyes still glued to the merchandise upon the shelves. "Really all that's left that I need is some yellow paint and maybe so-" His sentence was cut off though, as he turned to look at his companion, his eyes catching her long hair. "Oh wow," he whistled, his face growing a bit red in embarrassment of what he had just said. Giving her a huge, impish grin, he would add, "I like your hair. Azzy's trying to grow hers out too, but I think you've got her beat."

Trotting over, Devin would then place a few items in her hands so as to lighten the load of stuff in his arms. Taking only a moment more, he would find the rest of his supplies before heading for the counter. He quickly realized he was going too fast for Chersier, though, and slowed down so she could match his stride. Reaching the register, he hesitantly placed his materials on the conveyor belt clasped his hands together, his eyes watching the total sum on the screen. Sighing in relief, seeing it was something he could afford, he paid the cashier with a big smile then helped her place the items in plastic bags before departing from the store with Chersier.
"T-thank you." She replied, blushing a bit from the compliment, and began to think about what Azalia would look like with longer hair. Before she could complete her thought, she was given some items to hold. She held them with duty, determined to be helpful on this little trip to the store. Devin had gotten the rest of the items quickly, and they made their way to the check out counter, he was going a bit to fast for a moment, but slowed to the point where Chersier could catch up. She noticed he kept his eyes glued to the little screen that showed the accumulating total. She thought about how when they got back and were all done building the gift for Riley, she would try to pay him back a little, after all, she didn't want the burden of paying for this to go all on his shoulders. She got the idea that, since he promised to take her to get ice cream at one point, she would pay for his and her ice cream when he wasn't looking. She thought it was brilliant plan.

As they left the store, Chersier took a peek into one of the bags, the yellow paint mentioned earlier and some other items were in it. She wondered what they could possibly make, "H-hey, Devin? What exactly are going to make for Riley?" She asked eventually, honestly curious to know.
"Oh, well I noticed how earlier Riley mentioned that when he dressed up as Link not too long ago, everyone kept mistaking him for Peter Pan. He also just introduced me to the art of prop making and wants me to help him out with his costume making. So, I devised a brilliant plan to create non other than Link's trusty sword, then if he ever dresses up as Link again, maybe people will recognize that he's a Zelda character, not the flying kid who never grows up," Devin would explain excitedly at her question as the two finally reached the school grounds.

Balancing his materials, he opened up the door for Chersier to walk through first, ever the gentleman.
Rayna screamed inside her head. She can't find her song book and she can't ask anyone if they've seen it. She slammed the doors shut and looked around. There wern't any people in the halls. What am I gonna do...? She sank to her knees in defeat, but quickly collected herself. She could check the lost and found, and ask the principal. If she wrote down something on paper and showed it to people, maybe she'd get somewhere. She bit her lip and dashed towards the principal's office to see the lost and found.

She came back empty handed, the book was no where in sight and her principal would be mad if he found out she had been roaming the halls all day instead of being in class. She sat down outside the office and let her shoulders drop, as her day wasn't going very good.

Dalton glanced up once and awhile to Lynn and around the area while he ate. He was going to be always far from a social person. In fact Dalton was the type to do all in his power not to get distracted or interact with others. Once his meal was finished he would pack up the laptop and head towards his personal closet.

He paused on the way at a site of a girl full of panic. Trying to brush it off as none of his business, he couldn’t help sigh at her distress. Adjusting his grip on the computer case he held, he hesitated before asking. “Can I help you?” knowing those words will probably come back to bite him in the end somehow. The girl looked too frantic though to just let her be, almost to a dangerous extent.

Rayna looked up at the boy. He looked smart, maybe he can help. She stood up and smoothed out her skirt. Frantically, she moved her fingers in the air to draw an imaginary square, then clasped her hands together like she was praying and opened it up, tracing her other hand across it like she was writing. Please understand! I lost my book! I lost my book! Help me find it!!! She widened her eyes and gave him a desperate look. She pulled on her colorful hair and waited for his response, thinking he probably can't understand but was deeply hoping he could understand.
Chersier nodded in understanding, she had heard of this Link guy before, he was a video-game character. She heard people at her old school talk about him, a Legend of Zelda character or something. So Devin's going to start making props? She thought, and then smiled, that means she gets to help him make his first one. She walked a bit faster, excited to start working on it, and gave Devin a quick thank you for opening the door. She waited a moment for Devin, then continued walking with him, "S-so we're going to make a sword..." She began, "T-that sound fun... I-I like making stuff, what parts do you want me to h-help on?" She asked. She wasn't much of a leader type at all, and was more willing to follow and just do whatever Devin needed her to do while making the sword.
Dalton was very surprised when the girl started to make a bunch of hand movements. Frowning at the first one, was she calling him a square? Scratching the back of his head as she started to pray or play pick-a-boo. Yeah . . . this one was a bit insane, he knew he shouldn’t have stopped to talk to her. It was those pleading eyes though that had him step forwards still worried despite all of this. “Can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?” He frowned as she started to pull at her hair and actually stepped forward to try to lower her hand from it. “Look you’re a mess right now, when people get like this they can’t think clearly. Just calm down, take a few breaths and tell me what’s wrong. You’re safe here, there isn’t any need to panic alright?”
I CAN'T TALK! She screamed in her head. Rayna opened her mouth and drew in a breath like she was going to say something but nothing came out. I'm mute, I can't talk! She mouthed. She tugged her hair and bit her lip. Quickly, she remembered she has all her suppies in her breifcase, she popped the lock open and searched through her bag. She grabbed loose leaf paper, held it against the wall and wrote: I cannot talk, I'm mute. Please help me find my song book! She underlined it multiple times and presented it, handing it to him and quickly bowing her head. She shut her eyes and waited for his response.
Dalton blinked before she started to mouth stuff he obviously couldn’t hear. Then she went back to pulling at her hair and such “Careful you’ll hurt yourself.” He held up a hand as if to try to stop her, but lowered them again not sure if his touch was welcomed. It was when she went for her back his eyes widen and he stepped back. Kids who were on the verge of losing it could be quite dangerous after all.

He couldn’t help let out a sigh of relief when she only brought out a piece of paper and started to write on it. “I see.” He said calmly, inside he was kicking himself. He knew if he decided to talk to someone it always ended up in a bigger mess pulling him away from his work. Placing a hand to his head he would rub the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “Where did you last see it? Did you try retracing your steps? If it’s not a big deal can’t we just get you a new one?” Most his words lacked emotions as if he was just reading them off a sheet of paper. He leaves his little protection from the rest of the world and of course something like this would happen.
Rayna jumped up and beamed in victory, clasping her hand together. She took the paper back and began writing again: I left it by the cafeteria but it is not there. The lost and found is empty and- She flipped the paper over -I spent the day looking for it. I think someone has it and I wrote my name on it.

She stopped writing and handed it back to him. I couldn't see it when I looked into the cafeteria. Maybe I didn't look hard enough? Someone could have found it and put it in the nearest classroom, or given it to a teacher. Suddenly, she remembered his last question and snached the paper back. She wrote very fast: I can NOT get a new one. It's my song book, I write everything in it! It's got ideas and finished songs and things that I need to tell someone but can't. She would have continued but she ran out of room. Rayna handed it back to the boy

Dalton frowned reading the paper only for her to start to take off again. He was tempted to just let the girl go. It seemed like such a silly thing to be stressed over. He did say he would help though so in the end he followed the girl silent in his own way. Pause he shifted his laptop and glanced up at the school cameras. Maybe whoever had it was caught on film, not like they would want to keep it or anything. “Where are you going?” He asked knowing if she kept searching and it wasn’t there it would be just a waste of time. Sighing he finally held out his hand for her. “Follow me . . . it may be useless, but I have something that may help as well.”

Rayna's spirits rose and she took his hand. Yes! I'm getting help! She beamed and started singing in her head. She wanted more than anything to get her book back. Even though he looked trustworthy, she wondered where he would take her. Camras? Hmmm... maybe there's a lost and found that I don't know about. She followed the boy ad stared at the back of his head.

Dalton lead her to the janitor’s closet he had taken over. He dropped her hand as he fiddled in his pockets for the keys. “You can’t tell . . . I mean you can’t let anyone else know about this place alright?” At that he unlocked and open the door to what looked like a computer with a lot of monitors attached. Going over he sat down his laptop not even taken the time to get it out. His hands flew over the keys as if they were an instrument of music and he was the best trained to play it. After awhile the screens would host camera images of when she entered and such and he would turn to face her. “After all I could get in a lot of trouble for doing just this alone. Come on, two pair of eyes are better than one. Maybe we can see where you lost your notepad and who may have it now if anyone.”

Devin smiled at Chersier as she held the door open for him and he walked through, holding his head high in a peppy manner. "Yeah, definitely," he answered, "I thought I saw a nice open room with wide tables we can use to craft it in earlier. If you already know where that is, could you take the rest of the supplies there while I go look up some reference pictures? I want it to be exactly like the original." Stopping a moment, he would glance down to her, a spark in his deep blue eyes as he awaited her reply.

Pausing as they passed through the cafeteria, however, he suddenly noticed something lying there on the ground off to the side. It was mostly covered under one of the tables, but his sharp eyes had caught the tip of it sticking out. Bending at his knees, he reached over and pulled it out, shaking off some of the dust it had received from the floor. There appeared to be a name,"Rayna", written on the front as he looked it over. It seemed to be someone's personal notebook, and it must not have been lying there long because it looked quite clean.
Rayna stared at him. Who would I tell? I can't talk. She frowned and joined him. Rayna stared in awe at the camra. She watched her own movements, when she was walking in and knew what was going in her head at the time. She watched herself start to smile and skip as she was singing in her head. Do I always do that? What was I singing... oh. She remembered that sad song she wrote about being mute. She hid the reality in the lyrics to make it about a girl not knowing how to say she likes a boy. She watched herself look around and frown, and sitting down at the cafeteria. On the moniter, she set her book down. Rayna felt a twang of pain in her chest. If I wasn't so careless, I wouldn't have lost it. She remembered what happened soon after that, and panicked. I don't want him to see me cry! Wait, that was out of shot. She exhaled, not realizing she was holding her breathe. She stared at him.

Dalton watched just wanting to get it all over with so that he could get back to his programs and such. Pausing shortly after she sat the book down he turned to look at her only to pause and feel nervous when she seemed to be looking at him for some reason. “Well . . . um . . . did you pick the book back up?” He asked rewinding it some before pointing to the spot she sat it down. “If not . . . did you go check there?” Did she really have to keep looking at him, he would turn once more to look at the screens although they had nothing interesting. Sighing as he remembered she was mute he had to face her to communicate and turned back. “I . . . I need to set you up with a PDA . . . something that can talk for you maybe. Go check for your book. If it’s not there come back and we can see what else the camera’s have.”

Chersier gave a big nod, "S-sure! It's the one in the h-hall by the cafeteria... I remember seeing it." She said smiling, she was getting more and more excited to start making the sword. She imagined Riley's face when he would get it, he would be so happy, he wouldn't even think about crying. She took the rest of the bags from Devin, and placed them strategically on her arms, she nearly fell backwards, but she balanced herself out by shifting one of the bags. She was so busy in her work, she hadn't noticed Devin walking off, when she looked up, she did a clumsy jog over to where he was, and took a look at the notebook. She gasped a bit, "A-ah, the girl I saw earlier... She had colourful hair..." She looked at it, questioning herself for a moment. That girl she had saw when she and Devin were leaving for the store... She was holding a notebook that looked exactly the same. "U-um, I saw a girl earlier, when we were leaving... She was holding this notebook, m-maybe it's hers?"
Rayna shook her head no, she did not pick it back up. She did check but didnt see it. maybe she should have looked harder. He mentioned a PDA, and she thought about it. Hm. It would talk for me. Even though its not my own voice I guess its good enough. Then the boy told her to go back. She nodded. Rayna exited the closet, looking around to make sure no one saw. She ran over to the spot she had left her book. On the way, she started singing her song again in her head. I practice all the things that I could say. Line by line, every word. I tell myself, today could be the day. But every time, I lose my nerve. I look at you, you look away. I wanna tell you what im feeling but I don't know how to start- She stopped. She looked around, but the book wasn't in sight. There was a boy walking away, and she considered stopping him but she couldn't say anything.

Defeated, Rayna walked back to the boy's room. I wanna tell you but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart she continued her song. Oh why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do? She stopped, depressing herself with the song. She stood outside the doorway but wouldn't open it.
"Colorful hair? Hmm... Oh, now I remember. I think I saw her when I uh, whizzed past earlier," Devin answered sheepishly, tossing the book slightly as he grinned a bit, "Alright, well you head to the room, I'll go see if I can print out some Zelda pictures then why don't we meet at the front of the school and see if we can find this girl, er, Rayna."

Cleaning off the book some more with his shirt, he held it carefully in his hands. If this was the girl's personal book, it could be important and special to her. He wanted to deliver it to her in top condition. "Thanks for helping me out. It means a lot," he told her, giving her a dramatic bow. With that, he jogged off towards the computer lab at a quick pace.
Violet went to school quite late the next day the only reason she even showed up at all was a promise she made the day before and being unable to break a promise knowing what it was like on the short side of that stick. In truth she was wishing she hadn’t made such a promise to begin with. Making friends, building bonds, what was the point when a girl such as herself was just a waste of everyone’s energies trying to keep up with the mess in her head. Reaching for her arm through her hoodie, a memory of the night before vividly flashing through her mind.

It was almost eleven when she got inside and found a clock, taking a minute to actually read the thing and try to figure out if it was almost eleven or of the hour had passed entirely. An hour to go and some change Violet would make her way into the school cafeteria and pick up a muffin with some quarters and make way for Dj’s private computer room. Her movements would slow and stop when she saw a girl with colorful hair sitting outside of his room. Violet felt a pang of jealously that Dj would have more friends than her, knowing how petty such a thought was but feeling it none the less. No wait, he hated people, he had barely even talked to her, perhaps she just was sitting there on random…

Trying to be coy, since Dj liked his personal space and she hadn’t a clue if this girl knew it was his door or not, Violet would offer a smile to the girl. “Looking for someone?” she would shift the muffin somewhat uncomfortably in her hands.


Sebastian would make a face as she called him a nickname of long ago, that had just a few too many dark memories attached to. “It’s Sebastian” he would simply state, mixing his soup with the oddly large spoon they always offered with it. Yeah he knew, but of course, but still sometimes it was better to stick to a middle ground then to go to one extreme or the other.

Was this girl, trying to make a deal with him, one that didn’t have anything to do with shady business? Sebastian couldn’t help but to shake his head and laugh at the irony of it all. “Sure, avoid the grease some and find cheap food that won’t kill you and in turn I’ll fry my skin off” his tease was not only quite a long stint of vocabulary for the guy of few words, but alas he never once said no in it.

The aroma of fresh food hit and soon enough their entrees were there for consuming purposes. Taking a sole French fry and dipping it into his soup he would take a bite, almost burning his taste buds once more in doing so. For the duration of the meal he would finish off two cool glasses of Pepsi and manage to get the soup down before claiming to be full and getting the rest of his food to go.
Rayna turned and saw a pretty girl talking to her. She absentmindedly traced her hand along the hem of her miniskirt. She frowned deeply and bit her lip, looking at her shoes. Another person? It's hard enough trying to communicate with one of them. She winced and brought her head up, smiled, and waved at the girl. She brushed the hair from her eyes and backed up a bit, thinking she may know the boy. Are you a friend of the boy? I'm sorry for blocking your path. She would have said. She felt bad that she couldn't say anything to her. Rayna played with her hair, waiting for the girl to do something. Please say something, like what's your name? I know you can't hear this, but Hi, I'm Rayna. Nice to meet you.
Violet couldn’t help but watch the girls actions and reading into them some, sometimes for her it was easier to read someone based on what they did instead of the words that came from their lips. After all majority of people lied, their actions weren’t as easy to mislead. Whoever this girl was she seemed either shy or self-conscious, then again wasn’t that the same thing, Violet pondered.

She waved at her, so that had to be a good sign, yet she was still quiet, maybe she was just sitting and enjoying the silence… some people did that after all. But no, she moved from the door some, so she had to know that was Dj’s room. Violet would bend down, practically hugging her knees so that she was at the other girl’s level. “You know Dalton?” she’s ask, afraid maybe she was trying to be too friendly.

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