Free School: Freaks Welcome (RP)

A young girl walked briskly with a newspaper clutched in one hand, and in the other, a rolling suitcase. She kept her eyes on the ground in front of her, only peeking up every once and a while to make sure she was still walking in the right direction. She had been walking for miles, ever since she got dropped off by the lovely couple who asked her if she needed a lift at a rest-stop. They brought her as far as they could, but she still had a ways to go. It's alright, she thought, they weren't psycho killers, so I can consider myself lucky. Her legs felt sore, like they would just detach at any moment. But as the girl looked up once more, she smiled, and walked a little faster, temporarily forgetting about her legs. It was so close, and the papers weren't lying. She approached this 'Free' school at a steadily increasing pace, until she was in a small jog. Her little rolling suitcase bouncing about as she did so. It didn't hold much, just the essentials and some money she managed to swipe from her father over the past few months. She wasn't proud of stealing the money, but she told herself it was something she had to do, or else she'd be toast out in the real world.

She stopped herself short, having got caught up in thought, she nearly walked straight into the road. She stood, anxious, waiting for the light to turn so she could get to her new home. "Ohh... C'mon, turn already..." she mumbled softly under her breath, looking up and down the road a bit too frequently. The minute or two had felt like hours, and when she was finally clear to go, she crossed the street, and was looking at Arcadia in all it's free splendor. "Chersier..." She said to herself, "This is a new life for you, treat it well."
Sebastian would be off in one of the lesser frequented computer labs. He knew of how often the place had patrons by the dust accumulated on the keyboards and how often he never saw a soul whilst in his little hideaway. Sure he was here to learn or whatnot, but for the most part skipped what few classes he was enrolled in, coming by for tests at the best, most likely not going to graduate this way. He didn’t really care for such a thing anyway. It was all a way to pass away the time, nothing more for him at least. Sitting on a cubby he would lean back against the opened window blowing out the excess of smoke, only to bend down to take another hit of his chosen poison. Surely it was a slow way to go, but he had started almost a year ago and already his lungs would protest, surly his efforts were being rewarded already.

He would slide back and look up over through the window, glad the sun never sent its stronger rays this way. A glance down to his cigarette would tell him that he needed to ash it before the ashes toppled over and more than likely would fall onto his own clothes. Taking one last sip of his Pepsi he would twist the tab off and drop it down into what was left of his drink. A warning to himself that there would be ashes inside now and not something to drink from anymore. He would ash his cigarette then turn to look out the window once more. Another day to get through, another day to suffer.
Down below in the yard there was a boy dressed all in green. A funny looking outfit, almost like peter pan, and those who knew the video game Zelda would easily recognize Link. Brown hair and brown eyes this time, who knows where the wigs and contacts ended and the real person began. “Well EXCUSE me princess.” Riley would exclaim to the nearest none school girl who slapped him. He tended to get carried away with his character roles whatever they might be. Fake sword in hand he would be off to fight another tree or irate the next person who crossed his path. Even in this school . . . the poor kid probably ended up lonely, a freak among freaks, go figure.

Sooner or later he would make his ways into the school and through the halls fighting off invisible monsters and asking students about new quest in excitement. Doing minor chores here and there when they were assigned as task to do, always picking up minor items here and there. Never know when something might come in handy next costume or even this custom when it came into play. Finally he would find his way to the dust room in which Sebby was, glancing around killing imaginary spiders that dropped, both with arrow and sword.

As he made it around the room he would pause spotting another. His mind searching for roles in which one might play if they were in a dungeon of Link. “Oh kind fairy! You have came to restore my heart points!” At that Riley made his way over to actually smile, taken the can as if it was a potion to drink from it only to choke finding ash in it as well. Setting it down he would do a dramatic scene of dying. “Poison, why did you not warn me?”

Getting up again after his grand death scene it sighed finally out of character. Brushing himself off from whatever dust got on his outfit from lying on the ground. “You just lost me a life you know.” He would say seriously to Sebby. “Now I have to go back and start from the last place I saved as well.” At that he glanced at the door wondering where that should be exactly, it was usually the start of a dungeon, but had he saved there. “What are you doing here all alone surrounded by monsters anyways?”
Sebastian would look up as the door opened, only to see a slim boy guised as none other than Peter Pan. He had seen this around before; at least he was quite sure he had, then again many a students seemed to dress quite oddly. His head tilted to the side he would watch as this one would stab the air. How… odd. Sebastian would blink and no sooner the kid was trying to drink his ashed drink and he could only reach out a hand and open his mouth in warning before he would choke on it and discover for himself.

“Why did you drink my beverage without asking? Besides the tab was off” his response was stiff, not used to such interruptions. Interruptions such as an overdramatic death scene. He would shrug off the losing a life bit, was this kid doing that… kinky dress up stuff? Sebastian was oblivious to the world of cosplay. “I’m not your Tinkerbell and have no reason to play into such delusions” He would reach for his quickly outed cigarette and relight it, knowing full well if the kid was a nark the ashes in his drink would be more than enough of a tip.
Riley was about to leave the boy alone, why would he care what the other did. He was . . . the last one to tell when it came to things usually. If he couldn’t deal with them . . . then why would he expect others too? Realizing that he did get into the act a bit much to drink something without permission he would turn to bow politely to the boy. “I’m sorry . . . you’re right I should have asked. I’ll . . . I’ll buy you a new soda to make up for it if you wish.” What was with this kid feeling all wrong like he stole a soda that was going to be trashed anyways.

Of course when Sebby spoke of tinkerbell Riley couldn’t help but laugh only to frown at the words delusions. “I don’t see what Link would need with Tinkerbell, she’s nothing like Navi at all, and Link’s fairies don’t fall for him like Tink does for peter.” He paused in thoughts about that, or did they? Shaken that idea out of his head he sighed. “It’s also role playing NOT a delusion, I know what’s real or not, I’m just having fun. You never played some character out when you were a kid or something? You know wish to be something you weren’t?” He frowned wondering what was wrong with this guy not to get it was all fun and games. “Do you play ANY games at all? You can’t just tell me you sit here and smoke all day.”
Sebastian would snort at the offer. “I won’t make you replace something of no value to me” He wouldn’t feel bad in the least that the kid had tasted his ashes, it was his own fault for taking what wasn’t his, but perhaps this was to be a lesson learned for him.

He couldn’t help but to zone out as the kid talked of unfamiliar names, and would take a hit of his cigarette reaching his hand out for his can. After all he hadn’t brought a second can, only ever needing the one for a temporary ash tray. “Don’t see the difference.” He was blunt and to the point, only to make a face when asked about playing characters, imagine this kids shock if he knew the one time that he had a family try to dress him up and take him out he faked sick to get out of it. He would raise his cigarette as if in a toast “It is free school for a reason”.
Riley seemed surprised by the kid’s last comment before bowing again in apology. “Yes . . . of course I'm sorry again.” He would say with a slight smile and shrug. “I guess if that’s what floats your boat.” A bit of a wave and the kid would be off leaving Sebby alone. It would be a dash really and it wouldn’t be until he was around a corner that he would lean over to breath for air. What was he thinking? He knew better than to ask others about stuff like that. He . . . he didn’t really mean any harm, he was just trying to be friendly. Sighing he would sit against the wall before sliding down it a bit. He made a mental note that he really should be more careful and not get carried away as much.
Chersier slowed as she reached the front door of the school. The newpaper article didn't exactly give her much information about how one applies to the school. Well, if one even applies at all. She stood outside the door, making a hand motion here or there, trying to figure out what to do. Well, maybe I could just walk down the halls and hope to find someone? Or maybe there's signs inside? But what if there's not? I could get lost. Hmm... I prefer my first choice. I'd rather walk around aimlessly on purpose than on accident. She thought, and was resolute in her choice. She opened up the door, and coaxed her suitcase through it along with herself. The halls all looked so new and pretty. Silently in awe as she walked the halls, Chersier kept an eye out for people.

She turned a corner when she saw a young man dressed as a... A... She wasn't quite sure what to call it. Oh! I know, she thought, he's Robin Hood! I saw that movie when I was smaller... Except he was a fox... She stood perplexed for a moment, before giving up and asking him, "E-excuse me, do you know where I go to sign up for classes and housing?" She kept her distance, not because he was strange, but because she wasn't sure about him yet.
Riley heard someone talk but kept his head low till he realized they were actually trying to talk to him. Glancing up with a smile some that someone would actually notice some he would pause at the question. “You must be new.” He said softly looking her over a touch surprised, then at her suitcase. This . . . might be a problem. “You don’t really sign up for classes at all here, you can go meet the volunteers and ask them for time slots if you need help with stuff.” Slowly he stood once more brushing himself off.

After awhile he sighed hating to be the bearer of bad news. “There isn’t any school housing really either. It’s a free school so whatever funds they get go towards some of the staff and keeping the building up I figure. I mean only thing they ever ask from the students is a fee now and then that cover stuff like art supplies needed and it is right on the mark when it comes to the prices of the supplies if not cheaper since the school can sometimes get them for a bulk sale.” He had been there awhile to figure out most the system it seemed, pausing confused of what to do but wanting to help the girl out. “I . . . I could give you a tour if you wish though? Explain a bit more what the school is about?” He smiled clapping his hands together as if finally realizing another option for her. “A few of the students camp out here until they manage to find an apartment and job to afford upkeep of one. Maybe you can do that?”
Chersier listened quietly and attentively to the student, her face dropping when he said there was no housing. She guessed it might be what one calls, don't believe everything you hear. The young couple that she had meant had lived around the area, and when she brought up the newspaper article, they told her there was housing. She looked at her shoes for a moment, upset that they were mistaken. She looked up again, though, and continued listening to him.

She perked up a bit at the mention of a tour, and a possible option for housing, Chersier thought about it, perhaps she could call the couple, they gave her their phone number... Her mind wondered on the idea, and decided that she'd try to find a job first, and camp out for now. If worst came to worst, then she could call them, and perhaps they could give her a place to stay. "I think I know what I c-can do for housing." She said, and took a step closer to the student. "And I would very much like tour, perhaps you could drop me off at the volunteers at the end? I would like to see if they have some sort of courses or the like I could take, even if it's just some tutoring sessions." She said with a slight smile.
Riley smiled at that nodding to hold out his hand to greet her. “Name’s Riley by the way, I’m the odd ball of the odd balls here.” He laughed, a bit sadly though knowing it was probably true. Most the odd cases at least knew to die it back in front of others, Riley though saw that as a method to break what little spirit he had left. He would lead her around explaining every area and even a few of the students. They seemed to have rooms for everything, and extra rooms for people who found stuff they wanted to do and wished to have a place to set it up.

“I sorta invented a game room.” He spoke proudly after awhile. “It has all sort of video games, and DnD books and the such.” It was obvious where his main interest must lie. “I wanted to take one for anime fans as well, but I felt that would be a bit selfish so didn’t. I try to set up the game room once a week though for anime week . . . course . . . usually I’m the only one to show.” He laughed nervously before shrugging it off. “You see . . . this school is for people who . . . don’t seem to fit into the normal school for one reason or another. We kind of have a few unspoken rules due to that, nothing official really. Just stuff like don’t stare at others; you wouldn’t like it if they stared at you. No stealing, no asking or pushing people to find out about their past, no fighting, and so forth. You understand right? It’s more a matter of respect and treat others how you would like them to treat you.” At that he gave her another small smile. “It’s . . . it’s a safe place here . . . one a lot of us have always just needed . . . a place of acceptance.”
Chersier flinched for a moment as Riley held his hand out, she closed her eyes to calm herself for a moment, then shook his hand with a small smile, "My name is Chersier, nice to meet you, Riley." She laughed internally when he said he was 'the odd ball of odd balls', it seemed a bit silly for someone to say that about themselves. She looked over every room and hallway carefully, so that she wouldn't get lost later on when she didn't have a guide. She found the tour relaxing, she didn't have to think and worry about what was coming next, she just had to follow Riley and learn where everything was.

Chersier got a bit excited by the mention of a game room, thoughts of 'Monopoly', 'Shoots and Ladders', and 'The Game of Life' flashing through her mind. She wasn't too disappointed when she soon found out it was more of a video game room. Well, they had DnD, she at least knew that that was a board game. Perhaps she could see if there were any other board games later. She wasn't quite sure what anime was, she thought it was something to do with cartoons, or was it comic books? Either way, she nodded in acknowledgement.

She nodded as he went through the rules, after all, they were things that came naturally to her. Although the mention of stealing did make her feel guilty once again for taking the money from her father. She shook it off, and gave a larger nod, to let him know she understood. "Safe..." She said, returning his smile, and tilting her head to the side a bit, "I like the sound of that." She had been on her own for the past month, and hadn't known safe since she was a smaller girl. So the mention of safety made her very happy. "O-oh!" She exclaimed in a hushed tone, "I meant to ask, is... Is there any sort of room for home-ec? If not, cooking, perhaps?" She asked, hoping there would be a place for her to spend any free time she had.
Cooking? Riley thought about that, of course a few students tended to cook, and even help some of the lesser students out with the left overs and such. “In away, there is a cooking area . . . if you want to learn and such I’m sure the others will teach you. That is kind of how this school mostly works. You don’t really have any classes, you show up and do what you want. They help you get your G.E.D. and even sign up for colleges when you’re old enough. That’s what most the teachers and tutors are here for in fact. I mean we can’t learn it all on our own right?” He would bring her to a front office like room and motion towards it although he himself seemed not the type to go near. “All the busy bees and happy helpers for stuff like that is in there. Some of them are even past students here . . . guess it’s such a nice place that even once you get a college degree you don’t want to leave.” He laughed at that though, although wasn’t so sure where he would be headed future base. “I guess . . . I’m more of the sewing type myself. If you need help searching for apartments though I know where a few cheap ones are nearby. Maybe even a space in my building if you’re lucky. The landlord can be strict when it comes to noise and weird stuff but as long as you pay your money on time and don’t bug others they’re fine.”
Chersier smiled brightly when she heard there was a cooking area, "Oh that's great." She said, still quiet, but obvious excitement in her tone. She sighed happily a bit, perhaps this place was going to be more comfortable than she thought, after all, it seems like everything was covered. Activities for the students, places for them to research on their own, and help for getting your GED and getting into a college? It seemed almost too good to be true. For most young people, this is a normal thing, but for Chersier, it was something that seemed like a rare treat, something rare and precious.

"You enjoy sewing?" She eventually asked, rhetorically, taken off guard by the fact. She was always told it was a girly thing, and guys in her old school almost seemed repulsed by even the mentioning of it. "I like making things with my hands." She continued, "I guess that's why I like cooking, and crafty things. It makes me feel like I'm good at something, to stand back and think, 'Wow, I made this.'" She smiled again, she hoped that maybe there was someplace near by that she could pick up materials for a project of some sort. When Riley mentioned apartment hunting, and helping her, she light up again, but then grew a bit weary. She had just met this person, she had to stop trusting people so readily. She convinced herself though, that she could at least take his advice, but would save his apartment building for last. After all, what if she ended up next door to him? He seemed like a very nice person, but he could also possibly hurt her. She didn't want to be hurt again. "Thank you," she smiled, "I would love to know of some places, after all, I can't camp out here forever."
Riley paused as she asked him if he liked sewing before nodding a bit. “I guess I do.” He said as if it was some joy he just realized. “Although, I don’t really know if it’s the sewing or the fact I can make the outfits of some of my favorite characters.” Rubbing the back of his head feeling a touch embarrassed at that though, after all there wasn’t a one yet who seemed to understand cosplay in this place. Then she would go on about how she felt good about making things and do a spin to show off his outfit. “I made this.” He smiled brightly at the though. “I make most the things I wear in fact, since you can’t buy stuff like this in stores. Well maybe closer to Halloween but usually those are cheaply made and tear easy.”

He seemed confused as she hesitated at his offer on helping with apartments. Waving it off some as he would turn as if to walk away from her, figuring she needed her room perhaps or he was freaking her out due to how he was. “Well . . . I’m always around somewhere if you need me.” He said back pausing to look over his shoulder at her with a smile. “Check the game or sewing rooms first, who knows, maybe if I teach you the sewing machines we can make some things together even.” He couldn’t help feel a touch excited about that. Sure it might not end up being the costumes he so loved to do, but . . . hell a possible friend was a possible friend right?
Chersier panicked a bit as he started walking away, "W-wait! Umm... So I'm allowed to just walk in, right? And do I just say I want to enroll in the school? A-and..." She hesitated a moment, should she say this? If she asked the official people they might lie... After all, they might think its 'for her better safety', "Do they need to contact my parents about this?" She asked, her voice quieting down so he could just hear her. She looked at the ground, embarrassed she had to ask that, but she would much rather ask him then one of the adults. Adults frightened her much more then other people. Other people she could be around and talk to, but adults... It was more difficult for her. Plus, the last thing she needed was her father to find out where she was. She'd be forced home, and then she'd have to start from square one all over again, and have to find a new place to stay. Even though she had only been in Arcadia for a little while, she already liked it better than most places, the only exception being her home when she was a child. That was her favorite place.
Riley would stop in surprised as the girl called wait. Pausing to turn to look at her he didn’t expect anyone to call after him, only to be pelted with new questions. Of course, now it made sense, he gave her a kind smile and just shook his head. She only kept him around while she needed him . . . it was no big deal . . . he just had to make a mental note of the fact he might never see her again. “There is no enrollment, no one calls your parents . . . you come and go from the school as you please at any time.”

His voice was soft understanding that most might find that hard to believe at first. “Look, a lot of us have problems or we wouldn’t come here. We’re all trying to escape from or get over something. Hell I’ld be surprised if most of us even go by our real names.” He glanced away at that, not about to say one way or another about what may be true about him or not. “This school is a kindness, for us . . . a way to escape and move on in away . . . or at least to escape, right? I’m sure you have your own reasons to be here. I don’t know how to explain it better than . . . it’s like a safe haven. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want too, if you don’t even want to go into that room and just started showing up in random classes it would be fine. You . . . you understand a bit better yet?” Slowly he glanced back up at her, not really sure what else to say. Sure he was more outspoken then out kids when he was in his outfits, but that didn’t mean he was the smartest, or had all the answers by far.
Chersier nodded all through his explanation, a habit of hers actually, to nod. She felt weird if she didn't. She looked up at him, "I read a newpaper article about this place, about how they help kids," she unfolded the paper she had been clinging onto the whole time, "but I don't think it explained it as well as you did..." She didn't want to get off on a childish tangent, but couldn't help herself, "So... I... I don't have to go into that room after all? That's a relief..." She took a sideways glance in, and of course all the volunteers were adults. "I was a bit confused earlier about there being no real enrollment process, I thought you had to at least check in, but I really am glad I don't."

At this point, she was confused on what to do next. She had planned on enrolling or something, and that taking up time. But now she guessed she could just hang out with Riley? She didn't know anyone else, and he was the closest thing she had to a friend so far. "Hey Riley?" She asked, "Is it all right if I stuck with you for now?" She didn't want to be alone her first day in a new place, to the point where if she just watched whatever he felt like doing, she'd be fine.
Riley nodded glad she seemed to understand, only to look a bit taken aback when she asked to hang out. A huge smile crossed his face at that and he would dash to get closer to her even try to take her by the hands out of excitement alone. “Really? You really want to hang out with me?” He couldn’t believe it himself . . . after all who wanted to hang out with people who still dressed up as super heros from time to time at this age.

Biting his lip softly not wanting to ruin it he would step back, trying to think of stuff the girl also might like to do. “Well . . . we could play a video game, or sew, or watch anime, or . . .” His eyes widen as a thought came to mind and he would start to circle her some. You so have to let me make you a Chi costume sometime, you would make the prettiest Chi. She’s from the manga and anime Chobits. Don’t worry the costume covers well, and usually they’re very pretty if you go for the lollita look when it comes to them. He couldn’t help smile at the idea alone only to pause realizing she probably wouldn’t like cosplay like him. “I . . . maybe we could watch the anime together first. Since you probably don’t know anything about her . . . or I could always just get your measurements and make the dress. If you don’t like it I’m sure I can sell it. I tend to make quite a bit of money off some of my old costumes, or just orders I get to make customs for others. It’s kind of how I get by, my job in away.”

((What Fluffy said. ^.^ People can join at any time during the roleplay as long as their character is accepted. It's open like that and the plot allows people to come and leave freely.))
Chersier began to get a little nervous, he came so close to her, and when his hand came near hers, she flinched it away. She smiled a apologetically and continued to listen to him ramble on about something, costumes and lolita. She nodded as if she understood at least somewhat, but in all honesty she didn't. He seemed rather excited about it, though, so she figured it must be fun. But the whole measurement thing freaked her out a bit, since she wasn't exactly comfortable sharing that kind of information, and with a boy!? No way. She figured if she did end up wanting to dress like this 'Chi' person, she could convince him that she could make the dress herself.

Eventually, watching him made her giggle, he seemed like a funny, or at least interesting person. "I... I guess it would be cool to watch this... Umm... Anima, no that's not it... Anime? Yes, this anime. I mean, you seem so excited by it, it must be alright at least." She said, giving a slight smile. She thought about how he got by on selling these costumes, and was intrigued by it. Perhaps she could try her hand at selling clothes she made? She was rather good at sewing dresses.

[[ I for one, am interested in what Chersier's reaction to Chobits would be xD Haha... ]]
When she flinched away Riley seemed slight startled, glancing to her with a pause as if understanding in some method. “No touché eh?” He chuckled and nodded willing to never touch her again if need be. At that he would simply put his hands behind his back with a smile leading the way to his game room. Sure it wasn’t anime day yet, but rarely anyone else came in there at times. Well unless they were killing time with the systems and he after awhile had set aside a tv in the corner just for his animes.

He would pull out a key as if in victory once they got to the room unlocking a closet of sorts. “It took me forever to find the principal and get him to let me have a place to lock things up in. I just . . . didn’t want my collections stolen is all.” Inside there would be tons of mangas and dvds, some with even weird languages on the side . . . after searching a bit he would take out the Chobits one with a smile. “I got this one even dubbed in English, I know how tuff it is for you first time anime watchers to get into subtitles.” At that he would pull her over a seat, then him one as well, keeping an area of distant between them. Had he really understood why she may have flinched earlier? Popping in the DvD he paused as he thought of something. “Munchies, do you want anything while we watch? I could get some popcorn? Soda? You don’t even have to wait for me since I’ve seen it many times before.”
Chersier was relieved that he wasn't mad at her from flinching her hand away. The last time she did that...She pushed the thought out of her mind, she didn't want to think about her father at the moment. She simply smiled and followed Riley back to the game room. When he opened the door, she was slightly amazed by the sheer amount of DvDs and the like. She hadn't really noticed them before, thinking more about board-games. When he pulled a seat over for her, she sat down in it readily. When she did it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of her, she hadn't even noticed, but she hadn't sat down in nearly 10 hours. It felt nice. She stretched her arms a bit, then looked up when he said some weird word.

Munchies? Oh! Food...
She thought, she was a bit out of it and couldn't recognize the word at first, "Um... Just a water would be nice." She said, she would have opted for some food, but things like popcorn and soda didn't appeal to her much. She would really have to be in a mood for one to eat or drink it.

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