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Commission [Free!] [All sorts of code!] SliceThePi's programming/web design requests


caked in resin and vile to behold
Hey! So, as those of you who know me probably realize, I'm a massive nerd. I do a lot of programming- the languages in which I'm fluent enough to effectively program are:

Java (including Minecraft mods and basic Android apps), JavaScript (including both jQuery and Node.JS), HTML/CSS, PHP, SQL (I'm database design certified by IBM), Python (I'm learning the basics of Tensorflow), Lua, RobotC, Linux Bash, Batch, C#, the very basics of C++, AutoHotKey, GlovePIE, BBCode, and probably some other language(s) that I'm missing. I'm also willing to learn new languages to complete a project!

I've gotten past the average programmer's early stages of spaghetti code, so my code is at least mostly-readable to others, and I have experience with Git. Currently, my sights are set on learning how to design artificial intelligence with neural networks.

So, what does this all mean? It means that when I'm all worldbuilding'ed-out, I get the urge to code. I like making stuff.

But I need ideas! If you have a practical program idea that you think would be useful, tell me! I may decide to make it a reality. I put the "commissions" tag here but, to clarify, I'm doing most of this stuff for free, unless it's something complex or something that would cost me money to make. Though, if you wanna pay me for something simple, I'm totally down for that. ;)

Examples: A utility (like maybe a program/website that keeps track of your RP characters), a website (for example, http://wowsavage.com/ though if you want it to have its own domain [the part right before the .com or .net or whatever; mail.google.com is a subdomain while google.com is a domain], you'll have to pay for registration for me), etc.
Awesome! I took a college class for programming but they forced us to use Android studio, which i do not like. Running the emulator crashed the program 9/10 times i tried it :/
Awesome! I took a college class for programming but they forced us to use Android studio, which i do not like. Running the emulator crashed the program 9/10 times i tried it :/
Haha yeah I always use a physical device.
Oi Oi Oi... You tryin' ta steal ma title as the best B-B Codur around, budday?

Nah, I truthfully doubt I have such a title on me. But nice to see another BBCode freak doin' some work for the community. Hope all goes well with this, lemme know if you have anything interesting come up.
Suppose, hypothetically speaking, I kindly requested a stat calculator for my roleplay... a little in-line script that I could paste into the HTML of a Wordpress blog, or perhaps deploy as a web applet from Google Apps Script?
Suppose, hypothetically speaking, I kindly requested a stat calculator for my roleplay... a little in-line script that I could paste into the HTML of a Wordpress blog, or perhaps deploy as a web applet from Google Apps Script?
Yeah, no problem! I've been thinking about making one of my own, so I could probably just alter the code I write for you to make mine. I've got lots of experience with HTML/JavaScript, as well as Google Apps Script. It never occurred to me to use the latter, but that's a good idea!
I used GAS and some jQuery copied from the vast interwebz once upon a time to create a submission page for a writing contest that would allow people to submit documents directly into my Google Drive folder without them ever seeing the folder. Unfortunately, I never got data validation to work, so I got a lot of accidental "blank" files XD

Right now, I use a spreadsheet hosted on Sheets to help my players with their character stats. It works, but I'd like to have something a little more nimble, you know?
I used GAS and some jQuery copied from the vast interwebz once upon a time to create a submission page for a writing contest that would allow people to submit documents directly into my Google Drive folder without them ever seeing the folder. Unfortunately, I never got data validation to work, so I got a lot of accidental "blank" files XD

Right now, I use a spreadsheet hosted on Sheets to help my players with their character stats. It works, but I'd like to have something a little more nimble, you know?
Yeah, I totally get that! Could you link me to it so I can see what kind of stuff I'd be dealing with? Most likely scenario is that the form would be designed to get data from and send data to that spreadsheet.
Ay dude, let me PM you with more details. I'll try and draw a flow chart for you too, that should help.


I'm DJ MagicHat. Software Engineer by day, anime convention DJ by night. I like my music loud, and my Hawaiian shirts louder.

In no particular order, I've worked in/with: Java, C, C++, C#, Ruby, SQL, Android (though Android Studio was a lot kinder to me than it apparently was for others), Swift + Swift 2.0 (NEVER. AGAIN.), Assembly language for Intel x86 processors and a specific 8-bit PIC processor we used in the Embedded Systems course I took several years ago, and prolly a couple others I can't remember off the top of my head.

Currently exploring the necessary tasks required to get myself into grad school to pursue a Master's degree for something involving software and maybe hardware, revolving around audio somehow.

I'm also completely insane, as anyone who knows me well enough will tell you.

Pleased to make your acquaintance. I can make the codes and link the compiles. Feel free to hit me up whenevs, I've got nothin' but time right now.
Sorry Pi, I told him that you were a cool-looking kid and that he ought to introduce himself to you.

So, I've been trying to program this discord bot for ages, and while I've gotten simple text responses to output, this switch is killing me. I think it's trying to apply Java knowledge to Java Script that's screwing with me. Gah, give me a few minutes to get the code. ^^

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