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Multiple Settings FREAKING ROMANCE - 1x1 Search


Mistress of the Elements
What’s up issa me Storm the most “electric” girl out here -yalikethatpunlol-

So I see everyone here posting nothing but fandoms and I’m not really feeling that ya dig? I want something new, something fresh, something spicy baby! That’s why Imma post my own ad and have my own ideas here or interests here, to speed up the process ya know.

Now for a little bitty about me I’m 20 years old and attending university. I also manage a Pizza Hut and have a very demanding family life, two younger brothers will do that to you, so my active hours will vary daily. I can assure you that I’ll post every day to every three days if it gets to hectic, anything beyond my power I will inform you to the best of my ability. I’m really only interested in doing MxF stories and maybe MxM if I like the characters or your vibe a lot but it’s always on the table. I’m not really into FxF though sorry, just not my thing personally. Also, despite how I talk like a weirdo in every aspect, I am well versed in the literary world. I do write quite often and have been doing so for years so don’t worry about paragraph count and grammar. I’m a, heh, veteran role player as they say round the block. If you wana know anything else about me just ask tbh. I’m pretty friendly and open so I’ll probably tell you.

As for you, my potential candidate, I do have some criteria I’d appreciate you meet. Post length, keep it meaty and I’ll stay interested. No one likes boring two sentence posts that you can’t respond to. If you’re having trouble or something message me! It’s a team effort so it’s not like I’d say no to helping a fellow writer. Be creative, this means contribute to the plot and progression of the story. Do something spontaneous! Be funny or witty! Just have fun with it ya know? It’ll make it fun for the both of us~ Lastly, be flexible with characters and posting schedules. If I’m flexible with mine I would expect the same of someone else. I’m not asking for a lot tbh everything is something anyone is capable of. If not, I might not be the right person for you and that’s okay too :)
Sorry that was long as hell.

For the plots I have a few in mind currently that I’ll post a small tidbit of here. If you’re interested in anything just send me a message or comment or whateva. Hope to hear from you guys soon <3

Everyone always thinks heroes just work around the clock saving lives. They’re like celebrities in a sense, they don’t live or exist like common people outside their work. They’re always in the public eye with no down time right? Wrong! What about their daily lives behind the scenes? What about the young ‘heroes to be’? After all, no one becomes a hero overnight and it certainly doesn’t pay the bills.

Muse A, a young bright eyed ‘heroling’, wants so desperately to become a hero like one of the greats that they’d do anything to achieve their dreams. Muse B, equally as eager but not as talented, also wishes to become a hero.
There’s a lot more to this that I don’t want to type out if no ones interested in it but I have a few ideas for ways this can go. For example Muse B can be a person completely without powers struggling to make it as a hero like an underdog or even just a normal housemate of Muse A having to live through the oddity of them trying to become a hero. I’m EXTREMELY interested in this idea and really hope someone would like to do it with me. We can double up and all that with this as well even though I’d prefer to be a female in this.
It finally happened, death claimed another human soul. But fear not young one for through death breathes new life. Just as those pearly gates were about to spread open and roll out the welcome wagon Muse A was cast out for past misdemeanors in life, sent to hell as for eternal punishment of something that happened years ago. Seeing how the angels judgement was so harsh the devil took this opportunity to propose a deal, how he loved those. Muse A was selected to be a reaper of souls, to collect lost souls in the world and guide them through purgatory. Muse B, constantly plagued with these bothersome otherworldly creatures, was enlisted to help by Muse A under the conditions that this curse be removed when all is done.

This one’s not too fleshed out and could be completely changed if we wanted. We can discuss it further if you’re interested. I don’t have any particular preference for this.
Everyone always thought this kind of stuff only happened in movies or comics, but this was real life. The internet was buzzing with conspiracies and videos showing what appeared to be “the end of the world as we know it”. People were transforming into monsters right out of their greatest fears. Killer clowns, giant spiders, freakish creatures galore. Muse A and Muse B are both survivors in this apocalypse, neighbors in an apartment complex who barely know one another. No one knows how people get infected but they do know that the people who undergo this transformation become extremely volatile. How will they survive? Is there a cure being made out there? Who knows.

I’d like if we had multiple characters but it’s not necessary. I’d also prefer if they were young adults freshly starting life rather than ex-marine special ops who already know how to survive. It’s more fun if they don’t know what to do in my opinion. Maybe one of them could be a young single parent, maybe they could be a couple, it’s all up for debate.

More to be coming sometime or another.

Also disclaimer: I’d prefer my partners to be my age or similar in age to me. It’d just make it less awkward for me if you were as old as my mom or as young as my brother. Thanks~
I usually struggle to read langthy text, but your writing style is very entertaining. I like the third option more so then the first two. Also, I do have an original superhero idea I've been working on that's independant of Marvel or DC if you're interested.
Do you do Discord? It's Never Safe sounds entertaining with lots of potential to go anywhere.
I usually struggle to read langthy text, but your writing style is very entertaining. I like the third option more so then the first two. Also, I do have an original superhero idea I've been working on that's independant of Marvel or DC if you're interested.
I'm interested. I'd love to hear about your character and everything! Send me a pm and we can discuss it.
Hello! I love your ideas and I am interested in conversing with you about them. May we speak in a convo?

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