Forsthfall Academy [Inactive]

Wyren looked at Alistair, "Um, can I be the dog, please? I like dogs... Plus, I am a dog and stuff..." Wyren stared off, "wait, did you say fair? I love fairs and piers and stuff! We could go, I mean, if we weren't like this..."
"I don't know, get you stand on your hide legs like i do put a fedora and trench coat you pass for a human any day."He said with a smile as he pulled out the board game."At least it works in movies...In any case, we can go to the fair tonight we have the returning moon. Your own personal human suite for three days."

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An eraser fell on the Off/On button of Zedd's laptop, making it turn off. He sighed and took of his earphones, right in time to hear Alisteir say something about pretending to be a human. "I already stand on my hind legs," he said, walking out of his room. "should I get a trench coat so that I could just pretend I am a human everyday?" If Alistair was joking, Zedd didn't get his joke. If Alistair wasn't joking, apparently, Zedd didn't hear the last part about it at least works in movies. "The Returning Moon... Ah yes, I have forgotten about that. Buy what you want while there is still time during your human form." he said. "Try not to blow your cover, though."

"Just buy? Is that all you are interested in?"He said slightly indignant that his joking was appreciated preferring just to avoid the matter all together. "You first journey back into the world in a while, not to mention one of the few times you are are not glued to the computer, calls for something more significant. There is fairs, a museum were they are bringing new Egyptian exhibits and some Picoso, catch a new plays or even a movie. Hell...we can take to a field and play fetch."
Zedd stared at Alistair when he said play fetch. "I do not play fetch, for your information. I would rather go to a movie than that." he said. "Also, I am going to buy new books from a bookstore I found. Perhaps you would want me to buy you a book that catches your interest?" Zedd loved books but not as much as he loved his laptop. They were like... Non-living friends. But the laptop can play with him on some games. Like Chess.

‘Yes, he would offer to buy you a book,’ Rrkah said, leaning in the door frame. He had just gotten back from checking the outside of the house-it was sometime around the delivery day for foodstuffs, yet nothing was there at present. ‘And then he would want you to throw it for him in a slightly more awkward version of fetch,’ Rrkah finished off addressing both Alastier and Zedd.

Walking over to the table, Rrkah drew up a chair and sat down looking at the board idly. ‘I’m not going to play thanks,’ he said before anyone could get a word in edge-ways. Board games infuriated him greatly.
He smirked at Rrkah comment but was disappointed by his refusal to play with them.

"Come on this is about the whole group interacting together....At least stay here and chat with us."He said taking a seat on the dinning table himself, opening the box and preparing the money."Thats ok about the book by the way, i have done some online work so i am prepared for our adventure to the real world."
Zedd rolled his eyes. "Ha, ha, very funny" he said while crossing his arms. Then he realized what he just said. He just understood a joke. He just UNDERSTOOD a JOKE. SORT OF. Zedd nodded at Alistair and walked to his room. Once he entered it, he got it alarm clock and set it to 11:50 PM. You may be thinking, 'What, he has an alarm clock?'. Of course he does! The sound of the alarm clock, however, can only be heard by him due to the volume. He can't get it to be as loud as a car's horn. And then he went back to the others.


(Continuation of my latest post)

Are we going to play or not?" Zedd asked them impatiently as he tapped his paw on the carpet.

Merrirem walked into the room. "Games?" she mumbled "This early in the morning?" She walked over to the table and muttered " Wow, don't you guys have anything better to do?" she slightly smiled and walked off, she then poked her head back in and said "Umm.. Shouldn't you guys find a way to get in to the city?.. I mean they put more security around the place you know..." She flapped her wings and added " Just saying.. you know..." staring at them hopefully, that they figured it out already.

Zedd shook his head at Merrirem's suggestion. "I have an old friend that owns a bar in the city. He has a basement there that connects to our basement. We may use that to enter the city." he told while patting his spiky hair with his paw. For some reason, it wouldn't go down. When he's in his human form, his hair is flat. Odd. Maybe it's some kind of effect. Eh, he didn't know. "Would you like to play Monopoly with us? I added some custom pieces." he said as he brings out a wolf piece for proof from the box. He added that one time when he was bending some metal he found on the basement. His bending ended up making a piece.

Merrirem smile "Thanks, but no thanks; I'll just watch you guys" she walked over and pulled out a chair from that side and sat down, Merrirem then took out a small journal and started to write a list. She then brought up the question " What would happen if one of us got caught by an officer? or maybe one of the humans?" she had always wondered but never wanted to try it out for herself. "Just wondering..." she added. She then put her journal away and started to fiddle with her pen. " You don't have to answer it... it's not important or anything"

Zedd looked at Merrirem suspiciously when she asked a question. His suspicion only increased when she fiddled with her pen. She looked like she knew something. Something Zedd didn't know. "They would either bring us to court or... eliminate us right on the spot." he answered as he sat down on the chair and waited for Alistair to set everything up. "Why are you speculating about this, though?" he asked her with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Even if Zedd didn't want his soul to be destroyed forever, he knew it would happen some day. Or night.

"ahaha...." Merrirem awkwardly laughed " Just.. um you know.." Merrirem said trying to brush off his suspicion. " It's just a question that popped up in my head..." she hoped that it was a good enough cover for her. "Yeh.. I know that our soul would be destroyed forever if we get killed, and I wouldn't want that to happen to any of us! It's just a simple question!" she added with an slightly awkward smile. " Yup! Just a question" she said as she continued to fiddle with her pen, trying to avoid eye contact.

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"Ah, Zedd always the great optimist."He said as he unpacked the board and dividing up the money appropriately. He turned to Merrirem,"Look i doubt it will be that bad, the police will be to confused or scared to do anything. giving a good opportunity to make a quick escape. Besides, some believe that the souls doesnt in fact die but gets remade to another form depending on how good or bad you are."

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