Forsthfall Academy [Inactive]

"Fine. Fine." said Zedd in his usual low tone. It doesn't go any higher but it can go lower. He was about to plug in the headphones when a thought hit him. He paused the song and placed the laptop on the bed. Zedd got up and opened the door, "Merrirem, you like the color red, am I right? Would you like to listen to Red by Taylor Swift, then?" his monotone voice bouncing off the walls, like in a cave. He didn't mean that as a joke though, everyone knows he cannot understand jokes, much less make one. He heard the song Red at a commercial once, about Taylor Swift's concert. He wasn't interested in the concert, he was interested in the song. He downloaded it from YouTube and it was really catchy.

Merrirem nods "Yes, I do like the color red.. but the song, i'm not so sure about the song Red" Unlike Zedd, Merrirem wasn't into music and she doesn't keep on track with it. "but I wouldn't mind listening to it, I guess.." She mumbled. " Is it any good?" Merrirem ask. The only music she ever listen to was classic. Yes, 'Classic'. Which made her seems old or boring or just plain weird. She never really listened to any other songs and never actually listened to any other song. Except for the one Zedd plays out loud, in some ways she finds it interesting.

"It is very good." said Zedd. He left the door open and walked towards his bed. Zedd sat on his bed once again then scanned through his song list on iTunes. "Red... Red... Red... Here it is." he said as he clicked the said song made by Taylor Swift. The intro, some guitar strums, was heard then the song officially started. The song's instrumentals were just: some kind of guitar, drums, and an electric guitar. So in shorter words, two guitars and drums. It sounded cool. The drums just added some feeling in it. "So, do you approve of it, Merrirem?" Zedd asked while the song continued to play. The chorus was about to begin.

Merrirem stood by the door and listened to the song. Not knowing, she kind of zoned out when she listens to music. Which is kind of embarrassing, well for her. The drums and guitar harmonized in her ears. She thought to her self "I might actually like this song.. The lyrics isn't so bad" Her eye brightened up, the more she listen to the song. She snapped out of it when Zedd asked her whether she liked it or not. She replied quietly "Yes" giving off a slight smile. She then notice the time.. "Oh dear look at the time..It's almost 10 am!" she said. "Thanks for the song Zedd!" She then hurried off somewhere to the unknown...

Wyren was wandering through the halls of Forsthfall. Once again, she was lost. She never really minded being lost. It was kinda fun, actually. It was always nice and quiet, and it was peaceful. Wyren hummed a little song to herself, "La la la..." Wyren's voice echoed throughout the halls, bouncing off the walls and the floor. Wyren wondered if she was gonna find anyone else in these halls.
(ooc sorry, still havent figured out that "watch this the role play" doesnt mean "watch all threads as well" silly me)

If Alistair was not woken up by the morning alarm, he was up now laying half a sleep in his oversized cat bed which was more comfortable than it was demeaning. He stood up in all fours stretching out all his legs and letting out a sound that was a cross between a roar and yawn, before stepping out of bed and waiting for a moment. When he felt he was awake enough, he made attempt to stand on his hind legs, once done successfully he shook his tale snake awake which slept comfortable on his mane. He walked up and opened his door, but couldnt seem to get through it as something impeded his way. At his state, it took him at least a minute to realize he needed to duck down to avoid having his goat horns knock on the door frame. He sleeped walked out nearly running into Wyren along the way.

"Morning....Is there Coffee?" He muttered at her."And if you will be so kind..Something to kill the wolf."
Wyren was padding along the halls, not really paying attention, when she almost ran into Alistari, "Eek! I'm so sorry, that was my mistake!" Wyren squeezed her eyes, "oh, uh, coffee? N-No, I don't think so, but-" Alistair mentioned killing the wolf, "k-k-killing?" killing was a heavy subject for Wyren, "wh-why do you wanna kill him?"
"Dont worry about it, its a joke ...Just dont like being woken up first thing in the morning."He explained realizing how his words were interpreted. "Especially to Tailor Swift, how can somebody call that music? Never-mind, anything good from the today's delivery?"
Walking down the halls to the 'unknown', she hears a few murmurs. "Oh it looks like more people are awake..." she continue walking until she bumped into Wyren and Alistair. "Are you guys planning to kill someone?" misinterpreting the actual question. She gave them an odd look and a light smirk. "Well good luck with it.." she said and quietly giggled as she continue walking to the 'unknown'.

(Sorry guys I was really busy the past week and I couldn't get to this ! )

She silently slips into the room. "What did I hear about killing someone?" She raised an eyebrow. She had also, misinterpreted the question too. Her hair was pulled slightly out of the ponytail and hadn't fixed it since she before she went to sleep. She was usually one of the last to wake up, she was a pretty hard sleeper.
"Who do they plan to kill?" Merrirem still stuck on the misinterpret topic as she continue to walk to the 'unknown'. "Why do they want to kill? If the returning moon is tonight does it mean they want to kill one of the humans?" she mumbled to herself. "No, that will give us away and a bad reputation.. not like we have a good reputation either way.." She suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway and the thought suddenly hit her! "Could it be they are trying to get rid of one of us?!" Merrirem started to panic and forgot what she was doing and ran back into her room..

"Oh for pete's sake, i was being sarcastic!"Alaister said loudly, he then sighed while rubbing his eye lids."Christ, its too early in the day for this... I need my coffee or at least some milk."

He walked of towards the kitchen.

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I sulk off after hearing the news and peek through my bedroom window to check the weather. Darn. It was pretty and sunny outside, the opposite of what she hoped it would be. Stormy or at least, cloudy.

Zedd played Viva La Vida by Coldplay once Red was finished. Because of his wolf senses, he heard some people talking about killing.

-something to kill the wolf."

-do you wanna kill him?"

-a joke."

-hear about killing someone?"

Who do they plan to kill?"

-Pete's sake, I was being sarcastic!"

Zedd sighed. Alistair and Scarlett did a bad job easing Wyren's panic fit. If only he didn't say the word 'kill'. Alistair knew very well that Wyren was sensitive and all. "
Kill "people" at Left 4 Dead." he called out to them. The door was still open and he was pretty sure they could hear him clearly. "And by "people", I mean walking corpses. Zombies. They still count as people." he added for the sake of Wyren, although he wasn't entirely sure of his choice of words.

Wyren sniveled, wiping her eyes with her large paws, "O-Okay..." Wyren gulped, "s-so, what are we going to do today?" she asked. it was still pretty early and Wyren wanted something exciting to happen.
"Nothing much until until tonight, its a full moon right?"Alistair said turning around as he walked."Maybe have a couple of games of monopoly or cluedo until then."
Karo, upon putting the skeleton away in the lobby, had swiftly returned, taking a route through the dormitory area on his way back to the kitchen. This was simply to check if any other souls had stirred from their slumber, and as Karo clunked down the hallway, hearing the roar of Alistair, he knew that people had woken.

'It still surprises me how you manage to play games like that, in all fairness Alistair.' Karo joked in passing.
"What? Just because i am ferocious monster of myth , i cant play games of the intelligent beyond playing with a ball of yarn." He said in mock offense putting his hand in his hard."That's racist, Karo, i take offense to that."
Karo snorted, already at the far end of the hallway. 'I'll remember that information for future reference. Who knows, maybe that cat part of you does want to roll around some string. ' And then, adding in a hushed whisper, Karo said, 'we shall have to get you some tomorrow.' He then turned around, pulled his gash of a mouth into a smile, and progressed down the stairs at the end of the hallway.
"Really? Actual yarn, no fooling...Eh.."He found himself saying with a slight genuine excitement. He cleared his throat trying to retain his dignity."I mean...Eh. Oh hahaha....I don't like yarn..."

If his face could redden, it would have right now as he followed down the stairs to the kitchen avoiding eye contact to anymore.
Scarlett chimed in "Yeah, what are we going to do today. Hopefully something...exciting." She grinned. She probably had a different sense of fun than everyone else there.
Wyren smiled, she liked board games, but she always had to get the people with opposable thumbs to move her pieces for her, "We should play some games! Games are fun!" Wyren bounced from paw to paw.
Zedd yawned. Board games? Really? He already played Chess on his laptop so he pretty much will own 'em easily. But this was Monopoly, now that is awesome. "Let's start then!" he said, his tone slightly higher. He paused the song on his laptop and closed iTunes. He clicked Start and then Shut Down. Zedd walked out of his room and leaned against the wall. "Alistair, you were the one who suggested playing board games. You are the one who is going to get the game." he told the Chimera.

"Ow, fine, fine. Just get yourselves to the dinning room and i will bring the game once i am done making coffee."He called from half way down the stairs."I call dibs on the little hat piece."

He continued on to the kitchen, where he filled a kettle with water and turning it on. While that was going, he went to the storage wardrobe for the board game.

"This reminds me!"He shouted to the others,"I read in the newspaper yesterday, there will be a fair in the pier the next couple of nights. Could be fun!"
Zedd's wolf ears turned upwards a little when the Chimera said there will be a fair at the pier. His eyes lit up. "Really? I love fairs! I-" he stopped short, realizing what he just did. "I mean... fairs are interesting, I would visit it. Thank you for the news, Alistair." said Zedd. His tail swished slightly as he said this. He couldn't take it anymore, he ran back to his room and closed the door gently so that it wouldn't break. He sat on his bed and turned on his computer once more. He logged in again and plugged in the headphones then put it on. He opened iTunes then played Monster by Eminem. "Very suiting song for us..." he muttered.


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