Forgotten Love (stormhawk324 & Tigress)

"Eitheeerr one..." Stone answered with slurred words, slowly seating him back up straight as the other man moved forward to the front seat. He forgot to buckle, but that didn't seem to matter for he leaned forward to lean against the back of the driver's seat. "I missed you.." The shorter male whispered softly as his eyes slowly blinked.
Endin nodded slightly. "My mansion.... I don't want Daniel near you for a while, he's taken far too much blood from you recently." he murmured almost to himsself as he made his way down the road, a small smile on his lips as his sad eyes remained focused. "I know Stone.... I missed you too..... I'm sorry I hurt you..." he whispered, reaching back and gently squeezing the human's hand before placing his hand back on the wheel.
Stone currently wasn't thinking about Daniel or returning to his hotel suite, who knows if there were any actual thoughts up there in that foggy head of his. He smiled slightly when Endin declared that he had missed him, almost getting up to climb over the seat just to hug the man infront of him, but luckily he had enough sense to realize that it would be too dangerous if he got in Endin's way. Gradually he returned to lying down in the back seat, tightening his scarf before drifting off into a quiet sleep.
Endin parked the limo in his driveway just in front of the large mansion and climbed out of the driver's seat before moving to help Stone out of his chair, gently holding him in his arms as one would hold a bride. "We're here, Stone... This is my home now, I can't ever go back to the castle since my family thinks I'm dead... But this place is still amazing...." he murmured before moving towards the entrance of the house and opening the door, stepping inside before he lowered Stone to his feet.
Stone yawned widely when he was lifted up, blinking his eyes open to realize that he was no longer in the city. Since he was sober after that nap there was a funny taste of alcohol stuck to his tongue along with a massive headache banging from within. "Ow..." He raised a hand to rub his head, his eyes growing wide as he looked up to see the man that had brought him here. "What...d-did you kidnap me or something?" He questioned before he was put down his own feet, wobbling as he gained control over his balance. 
Stone yawned widely when he was lifted up, blinking his eyes open to realize that he was no longer in the city. Since he was sober after that nap there was a funny taste of alcohol stuck to his tongue along with a massive headache banging from within. "Ow..." He raised a hand to rub his head, his eyes growing wide as he looked up to see the man that had brought him here. "What...d-did you kidnap me or something?" He questioned before he was put down his own feet, wobbling as he gained control over his balance.
Endin smiled slightly and shook his head. "Of course not. I simply removed you from the bar as there were people there with the intentions of doing things to you.... And you told me to take you home. You didn't mind whether it was here or to your hotel though, honestly you had forgotten that you have a boyfriend..." he murmured as he led the smaller male into the living room and seated him on the couch, before settling down on the couch opposite so that he didn't seem like he wanted to force Stone to come back to him. However, in his heart he wished he could have been curled up next to Stone.
Stone listened to the whole story as he was led over to the couch, sighing softly under his breath. He didn't remember a thing but believing this man's words was his only option. "Well...I don't view that man as my that part doesn't surprise me as much." For the first time ever he was admitting to this fact.
Endin smiledweakly. "Then why are you still with him? He hurts you...."he whispered and watched the smaller male with sad eyes, fighting the urge to go and hold the smaller male and comfort him. He seemed so depressed when he spoke about Daniel, and it hurt Endin to have to watch that.
"I know he does..." Stone stretched out across the couch, lying on his side instead of his back. Even though he was still facing the vampire-elf before him, his eyes were glued to the floor with a very dim look in his saddened eyes. "But he offered me money. N-Not for myself of course but to help my mother. She's caught that same disease that my father had before he...passed away. I don't know...just don't want her to leave.......I don't want to be left alone." He brought his legs in to press against his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around them as he held back tears.
Endin frowned slightly before he stood up and walked over to the other, sitting on the couch and allowing the human to rest his head on his lap. "Stone.... Let me help you then. I can give you as much money as you need to help your mother, I can get an elf to heal her.... You know I'll do anything to make sure you are happy and safe, Stone" he whispered, lightly running his cold fingers over the other's cheek to comfort him.
Stone was almost tempted to roll over onto his other side then wrap his arms around this older man. Boy, he definitely wasn't feeling so great --- sick mother along with his broken relationship. He surely needed help. Looking up at the vampire-elf through the corner of his eye he mumbled in a hushed whisper, "...I at least need a hug."
Endin smiled sadly and leaned down to pull the other male up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around his waist, making Stone rest his head on his shoulder. "I'll always be here to support you in any way I can.... Whether you want me back or not, I'll always do my best to keep you happy" he whispered, gently stroking Stone's hair as he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being so close to Stone again.
Stone didn't attempt to brush the man away was he was lifted up to be placed into a seating position for he was the one for had basically asked for the hug in the first place. "...t-thank you Endin." Slowly he slid his arms around the taller male's back to gently return the desired hug. "Never realized how much I missed the feeling of his cold hands running through my hair...I miss this so much." He thought with a soft sigh.

((Should Kira or Daniel show up to ruin their precious moment? If so, which one?))
(Hum dee dum..... Methinks Daniel. But in like, two posts time. I want them to kiss first and then he comes in while they're kissing X3)

Endin continued gently stroking the soft black hair, making soft sounds to comfort Stone. He nuzzled the human male's cheek softly and with a sad smile before speaking again. "Anything for you, Stone.... Will you let me help with your mother, please. I know that she will survive under the care of an elf.... But Daniel will never offer that.... With human medication, all he is doing is slowing her death.... I don't want you to lose your mother, Stone, please let me help...."
((Alright x3 Sounds like a good plan to me~))

While Endin carried on talking, Stone had began to adjust his position, moving so that he was completely seated up on Endin's lap as he wrapped his legs around the man's waist, also slipping his arms up to wrap around his neck. "You're still as sweet as ever...maybe even more than I remember. Thank you." He thought before leaning up to peck the lips of the guy that was so desperately trying to win him back, achieving that goal at this very moment. "If you really want to help me then start off by kissing me. Please?"

At Stone's offer, a smile formed on Endin's lips and he nuzzled the human again. "Of course. It is only my intention to keep my mate happy.... that is, if you still want to think of me as your mate..." he murmured before moving forward and pressing his lips against Stone's lips and keeping him held securely on his lap. The half-breed vampire purred into the passionate kiss, having missed the touch of another man.... Stone's touch in particular.
((Got distracted by all the snow outside))

"I AM your mate~" Stone thought and desperately hoped that Endin was 'listening' at that point. He felt his cheeks burn as Endin leaned forward to answer his request with a warm, passionate kiss. Even as the kiss deepened and the two gradually began to press their bodies together, he still wanted to do dirty as it sounds but he wanted this man to be a little rough with him.

Unfortunately they didn't have time for that. The door creaked open slowly and quietly as a figure stepped inside, entering into the living room with a dark look in his eyes. It was Daniel and was absolutely horrified to find that young boy in the arms of another man, kissing especially. "Hey!! What the heck is going on here?!"
(We don't get snow here T-T)

Endin smiled and held him close, running his hands over the smaller male's back as the kiss deepened. It had been so many years, so long since Stone and Endin had been together.... The last time they were together was probably the last time Stone had been with someone as gentle as the vampire he was kissing now. His eyes gleamed when Daniel entered the room, and the vampire sadly broke the kiss, gently stroking his cheek before standing up between Daniel and Stone with a grin.

"Daniel, long time no see. And I believe you've been hurting my mate. And that is something I cannot forgive" he purred, his blind eye gleaming dully while his good eye remained filled with fire, happy that Stone still wanted him as his mate. And he was going to do anything to protect him.
((Oh, that's too bad :/ ))

Stone had been startled by the sound of a familiar yet scary voice from behind, growing disappointed when Endin pulled away to stand up, leaving him alone on the couch. Quickly Stone turned away so that he could face the Daniel and also scoot a little bit more behind his lover for protection.

"Your mate? Ha! Yeah right, I'm afraid that this little one belongs to me and me alone. His blood an' all are mine." Daniel beared his fangs.
Endin snickered softly and shook his head, looking at the other male. "No Daniel... Stone bears my mark on his side, he is my mate. Ask himm yourself who he would prefer to be with" he growled, baring his own fangs at the other vampire and reaching back to gently squeeze Stone's hand. He had already grown protective of Stone again despite the fact they had been apart so long...
Daniel's gaze lowered down to look Stone in the eye, almost questioning him mentally before he actually did so verbally. "Are you really choosing this man? I've been giving you money this entire time and now you chose to toss me aside like an old sock?" He growled.

Stone almost looked frightened since this was directed specifically towards him, squeezing Endin's hand briefly before his muscles stiffened up along with his expression darkening. "Asshole," he spat bitterly.

The vampire looked absolutely horrified by this answer, hissing coldly as he stepped forward in plans of attacking the other male. "I'm not going to give up so easily. I may be young but I'm thirsty for blood!" Quickly the stubborn vampire lunged at Endin, hoping to kill him and claim his prize.
Endin grinned triumphantly at Stone's response before laughing and returning the attack. "thirst for blood is only going to get you killed, runt. what you need to survive is experience!" he growled before easily pinning him to the ground. "You hurt my mate Daniel... I can never forgive you for that, you vile creature"
Daniel obviously did not appreciate the words that Endin had chosen to describe him with. "Runt...vile creature? You've got a lot of nerve calling me those things, Old Man." He growled again due the fact that he was annoyingly pinned down with hardly any effort to do so. The upset vampire tried to snap at Endin which only resulted in failing; even if he did happen to bite that man then it probably wouldn't affect him very much.
Endin shook his head and laughed. "Old man? guess you're right. At least I'm still better looking compared to you"he sais with a laugh before standing up and pushing the other vampire into the wall and glaring at him. "Get out of my house now before I kill you. And stay away from Stone, do you understand me?" at the vampire's response, Endin carried him to the front door and basically threw him out onto the driveway before padding back in to the lounge and smiling at Stone.
Daniel groaned when he was slammed into the wall, Endin was clearly the stronger male which obviously results in reducing the chances of possibly winning, but definitely not winning anything today. He screeched when he was literally thrown out the door, struggling to get up then racing off when he actually succeeded.

Stone smiled when Endin returned to the living room, proud to see that there wasn't a single drop of blood on that man's clothes, proving that he had dealt with the situation well. "He's always been that aggressive. Since he's draining me of my blood a lot throughout this last year or so, I've grown skinnier along with weaker as well. My business found me, I suppose they thought I looked skinny and decent enough to help them advertise........even though I've been surrounding by so many different people...I've still been lonely. That's why I'm glad you're back." He raised his arms up as if silently begging to be lifted into his arms. "I don't feel lonely any more," he whispered.

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