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Realistic or Modern Floribama Shore | OOC


@ Camp Flog Gnaw

Floribama Shore

Are you ready for a wild summer?
Come talk about the rp here!

coded by dwale
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What kind of jobs are they supposed to be doing, is it like life guarding, working at a snack bar...etc?
Basic beach work , you can kind of decide that for yourself. I'd like them to actually work on the beach so like life guarding would be good or equipment rental or something of that nature, I'm not too picky.
Can mine be a bartender in a small beach bar who occasionally jumps in as a lifeguard?
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18+ but I don't want anyone older than like 25.

Hey, so i was wondering as i haven't classified yet in my CS, as my character is a professional Drag Queen, they could either be a waiter / waitress or maybe entertainment at the bar? Sorry for the hassle just want to clarify :D
Yo, so much love for my character. I wasn't ready. Thanks. ^_^ Like, y'all got me blushing. Attention kinda does that to me, though.

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