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Fantasy Flight of Fancy |Character Sheets|


I Am Omega I Am Omega Malachitea Malachitea Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos Cheesemick Cheesemick

Just to clarify a few things in the character forms, I feel like mages within the cities would probably be a rarity. It's possible they would be seen as an abnormality. Not only this, they would probably be taken by the city officials to do things such as guarding the city or powering the city even.

As for ranks, it'll probably be anywhere from the ones who actually run the city to those who live outside the city so you could come up with anything and we'll piece together a ranking system with it. Just know it seems like it goes something like this:
-Those in charge (They could be considered royalty, but I also feel like that would be unfitting since it's probably a group of people.)
-Nobility/military officials
-Common people

For this, each of could play as at least one family/business that's in charge of these cities if you want to that is.

Any powers?:
Personality(You don't have to go in depth if you're not sure about it yet.)

If you want to add anything to the forms, feel free to do so.

Flight of Fancy |OOC|
Flight of Fancy |Roleplay|
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He's got medium-length jet black hair. It's straight unlike his father's curly, dark brown hair. He has a dark pale tan skin tone and light brown eyes with a hint of icy cyan in them. He has a little bit of stubble on his face, often appearing kind of scruffy yet at least well groomed. He still likes to wear the best clothes money can buy, but this is likely due to him being spoiled in a way. He stands at 5'11
Nico Faulkner
A son of one of the people in charge of the cities.
||Any powers?||
He can use lightning magic. He likes to use it to either play little pranks or just to do tricks and such. He doesn't seem to take this ability very seriously much to his father's dismay where Alexi sees a lot of potential here. However, he is not willing to use his powers for the sake of Faulkner Tech.
In general, he's very carefree, having never had much of a reason to fret or worry about what was going on around him. He is more adventurous and less business minded than his siblings and father all seem to be. He does actually know when he has to take something seriously even if it may not seem like it. He isn't all that opposed to following in his father's footsteps if he had to, but since he doesn't, he tends to just slack off and do whatever he wants to. Part of him does want to impress Alexi, but it clearly isn't something he really, really wants to do, as he's always considered himself to be his own person. Nico, while he doesn't get along very well with Alexi, or Vince he does still like trying to spend time with his family. If he's not at home living the high life however, he's out wandering the streets somewhere, trying to find a way out of the city.
He's always had an easy life. He's the youngest son of the tech mogul, Alexi Faulkner . His father is generally in charge of the technology that's created and he's a well respected man. His mother, Vivian Bellerose (now Vivian Faulkner) on the other hand is a wealthy noble woman, known for her interest in the fine arts. Having been born a mage, he would have been taken away, perhaps to be trained as a foot soldier or a city technician; but his father made sure that this never happened. Not many actually know of this cover up, but due to it, he often has to hide his abilities. As he grew older, he started forming his own interests as most children do. Many of these clashed with Alexi's ideals, but Alexi tolerates it mostly because Vivian doesn't want him to be too hard on him, often pointing out that Alexi was once more of a dreamer.

He has owned a lot of weapons, primarily due to his riches. He has even had several tutors, all teaching him how to use these weapons. While he's missed out on plenty of their lessons, he still faintly knows how to use a few of these weapons. He is by no means a master though.
Alexi Faulkner (47) - A cutthroat businessman who gave his family and company a name through hard work and ambition when the world was being overrun with the Vorlox. He runs the company Faulkner Tech. He often appears cold and rather kingly. Unlike a proper king though, he hardly gives his workers the time of day. He does give others chances to prove themselves as he is the sort of guy who gives people plenty of opportunities... (one chance anyway)... But should they fail he doesn't normally give them another chance.
Vivian Faulkner(43) - She is dainty and yet very fair. She's one of the kinder nobles of this particular city. She does a lot for the city as well. She is known to make generous donations to organizations
Vince Faulkner (22) - The eldest son. He's Alexi's pride and joy as he is supposed to take over the company eventually. He thinks of Nico as more of a freeloader since he never actually does anything for the business. He is a little more carefree than Alexi, often throwing parties whether they're private or not. He's been rather popular among other powerful people. Like Nico, he is also spoiled however. Often believing he deserves to have the best of everything.
Luke Faulkner(20) - He's a little less serious than the others. He's talkative and cheery and generally loves to meet new people. He gets along better with Nico than his other siblings. He is supposedly going to be a spokesperson of sorts for Faulkner Tech. He does tend to laze about similar to Nico. Usually when he does this, he actually hangs out with Nico for the day.
Vera Faulkner(20) - Unlike her mother, which many equate her to, Vera has a mind for business. She isn't opposed to having fun as many like to think, but she always prefers to get her work done first. She plans on being a banker.

He is often well-kept in appearance, usually wearing clothes that would cost a fortune, perhaps to show off the status he managed to climb towards. He has short, off-black hair, usually smoothed back. He has an olive complexion and amber eyes that tend to remind most people of wolves. He has a pencil mustache. As of late, his teeth have started to appear sharper than before. On occasion, he has let himself go in order to finish a project he may have been working on. Due to his relation to a full-blooded were wolf, he is taller than the average human, coming in at 6'8.
Quinn Walker
Half-werewolf. It has never actually shown through that he is one.
He'll say straight, but he is known to stray from this under the right conditions so it can be argued he isn't completely straight if not even at all. He won't admit it as he believes it's not really anyone else's business.
Just turned 21
Nobleman; an inventor that works for Alexi's company, Faulkner Tech. He is the head inventor at Faulkner Tech, proud to have his own office suit.
||Any powers?||
He wasn't born with any, but he soon gains the ability to turn into a wolf. However, being a half-werewolf and an untrained one at that, he is unable to control the ability and this inability to control it really only worsens on full moon nights.
He has grown to be incredibly arrogant over the years, often turning his back on anyone lower in rank than he is, despite having come from such a humble background. He's generally calm and cool, having the decency to hide any irritation or disdain he has of anyone else. He is a curious soul however, often shrugging other more important things off in order to learn. He's got a decent work ethic, often having to finish what he's doing before doing anything else. The only time he ever chooses to wind down is when he's around close friends. Once he's around them, a more easy going and less formal side comes out. He most enjoys his time to himself however when he's allowed to read, come up with new inventions, or even just take naps. While also enjoying learning, he has taken an interest in the arts, often visiting museums and high end art exhibits. He has dabbled in painting as well.
He wasn't actually born a nobleman. It was more he had to claw his way up the ladder to become what he is today. He originally was taught by an older man, Clyde Walker who realized Quinn's interest in building things. Clyde lived in the apartment complex they once stayed in and eventually married his mother. Already being exceptionally talented, he got what Clyde was trying to teach him relatively easily. Part of his current success is because he became friends with Nico and Luke. This gave him the chance, that many don't get, to show off what he could do and even earn a rank many common people will never reach. He however, has recently turned his back on Nico and Luke and has started spending his time around Vince.
He's not the best fighter. At least he isn't when he isn't in his wolf form. Since he can't quite control it, in his wolf form a sort of blood lust seems to take over. Upon changing back, he may not remember turning into a wolf or doing any of the things he may have done. He carries around a sword just for the look really. He can't use it all that well. He can use a gun however so the many guns he owns aren't only there to make him look cool. As a matter of fact, he's invented many of these guns to begin with.
Denise Walker(50) - She likes to tell stories of what's beyond the city gates. She claims she was born outside of the city and that her son isn't full human. She states she only came to the city to raise him somewhere safe. She's told him a lot about his father as of now, but the only thing they'll tell anyone else is his name, Aurelius Kane. She may seem a little eccentric, but she is quite creative. Her maiden name is Oxford.
Aurelius Kane(?) - Supposedly a pirate. It is said that he was a werewolf.
Clyde Walker(52) - An old inventor who taught Quinn a few things. He's a calm, patient man and is very polite. He has influenced Quinn as his teacher and a sort of father figure.

She has the appearance of a panther which can properly stand up right. Generally, she wears a hoodie, it's enough to hide her eyes. Her fur is an off-black, sort of a grayish-black. There are darker flecks on her back. Her eyes are pale green with lighter yellow hues. She can run on all fours or on twos. Despite being animal-like in appearance, her species has evolved to walk upright so she is more comfortable standing upright. She can run relatively quickly on all fours though. She stands at 5'3.
She just goes by Eris now.
Her real name is Rosaria Mauville
Cat-like creature, often called Felys. They once lived in abundance in the region the city is in, but when the city was built, they started to move into the cities, even helping the humans to build it.
Criminal; traveling criminal from beyond the city gates.
||Any powers?||
Eris is often sent into the city with others to take supplies and currency. She, like any panther, is quick on her feet and agile. She has a way with words and can often get her self out of situations at a moments notice. She seems a little low energy most of the time, having a slow yet smooth way of talking. If she's not doing anything else, she likes to spend her time laying around, usually in trees, watching the world go by. She has a restless personality, often bored with her typical schedule. She is a humble girl, realizing that even the best can be brought down.
She was born inside these cities originally. Part of her family was already outside of the cities and since they already wanted out, they were smuggled out and met up with the rest of their family. She eventually struck out on her own and took up residence with a family friend, Miguel, who turned out to be the leader of a criminal syndicate. While not officially named, this organization is often referred to as the 'Renegades' by city officials. She became interested in working for them despite her parent's protests. She joined the group and has taken her place, as an assassin. She appears to be more of a common thief when she hasn't been sent on a mission.
Because she doesn't have any powers, she carries around a few weapons. Most notably a dagger for close combat and a gun for long range attacks. She excels at stealth. She would rather not fight someone without weapons, but because she is a panther, she is able to do a lot of damage to anyone that may have soft flesh that could be easily rend and torn. She prefers to eat a full diet of meat.
Miguel de Leon(42) - A kind of teacher/friend for Eris He was a friend of her family and a known leader of criminals within the region. He treats her as though she is his daughter.

*Faulkner Tech. AKA Falcon Tech.
In charge of much of the technology in these advanced cities, Faulkner Tech is a huge company that builds, distributes, and fixes technology ranging from normal every day appliances and entertainment systems to military grade weapons. They appear to have a monopoly on technology, usually ruthlessly crushing other technology based companies only to buy them out and annex them on. While this should be illegal, due to Alexi's position of power, complaining about the immorality of the situation would be basically complaining to him. Faulkner Tech, unlike many other companies, is willing to make deals with criminal syndicates if it means that they can profit in the end. Of course their company logo is a falcon.
The Renegades don't quite have a primary MO. They do plenty of things as long as they're paid the right amount for it. Much of the time their members skulk around as common thieves, trained to do tricks to woo the crowd in order to distract them and take their things as they pawn jewelry and various other things off for money. They earned the name Renegades because they are seen as traitors to the remainders of life. Because they live beyond the walls and outside of these safe havens, they are seen as being wild and obstructing the survival of the remaining races of the world. They don't have a specific emblem they all wear.
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Appearance: Xandel stands at 5.6 foot tail. He a little more skinny then your average person. He has white hair and blue eyes with very pale skin as if hes hardly seen any sunlight.

Name: Xandel "Smoke Screen" Xiro

Species: Human (Probably)

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: As straight as a stripper pole.

Age: 24

Rank: Formerly Information Broker in the Harpers. Currently Information Broker for the city leaders.

Any powers?: Ability to turn into a ghost like state making him able to move though walls giving him the code-name Smoke Screen

Xandel is a hardcore thrill seeker always looking for anything exciting and interesting that's happening. He his extremely optimistic always making light of everything. He like bend the law as much as he can just to annoy the city leaders and see how much he can get away with.

History: Xandel was born into the slums of the city, his mother was always sick so he worked for the biggest Information Broker in the city as a child for money. He was pretty small and children beggars always make the best spy's. When he was nine years old his mother(Zyra) died of a terrible illness leaving him a urchin.

After ten years working as a spy for a Information Broker he had never met a young woman only four years older then him approached him, someone he had never met before. She explained to him that he had actually been working for the biggest Information Broker in the whole city and that they finally caught him. She like him was also a spy for their old boss and the criminal syndicate(code-name Looker), The Harpers, had promoted him to be the next Information Broker, while she was promoted to be his Bookie, Accountant and Record Collector. His new code-name in the underworld would be Smoke Screen.

The Harpers are a massive criminal syndicate that control all crime in the city, nothing gets pass them without them knowing about also nothing happens without them knowing about it. They deal in money laundering, transportation, piracy you know name it they deal it.

His life didn't change much being the new biggest Information Broker in the city, he still went out and gathered information just now the pay was a lot better. Over the next three years he would be repeated chased by the law and eventually caught, they offered him a choice to either work for the city leaders or be killed. The Harpers found out about this and where surprising fine with it, he was still a Information Broker only now he knew everything that happened in the city all they had to do was pay for it, not much changed.

Other: His favorite food is spicy food. His favorite music is rock. His favorite colour is green. His favorite animal is a mouse or spider.
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Appearance: 6' tall. Roughly 230 pounds. Muscular build. Tan skin with faded scars marring his exposed skin. Snow white hair, 1/16 of an inch long on sides and back with top around 3/4 of an inch on top, naturally spiky. His eyes are neon blue, with the white of his eyes completely black. Wears grey pants, a white undershirt and black short sleeve shirt. A platinum chain hangs around his neck with the rune for destiny hanging from the chain.
Name: Hunter McAllistar
Species: Galra (Human elemental)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: 22
Rank: Knight
Powers: Energy Manipulation - The ability to generate and manipulate energy within and around his being to various effects. Capable of energy absorption/transference from/to others by physical contact. Capable of creating energy balls, barriers, continuous beams. Capable of creating energy constructs such as energy swords and whips. Capable of energy sensing, allowing for detecting magic and life forces. Capable of telekinesis through energy manipulation around an object or person. Capable of flight.
Personality: Friendly and upbeat, Hunter is someone that is easy to get along with. He has a strong sense of honor, and doesn't tolerate those in power abusing it. He will not hesitate to challenge a stronger opponent, regardless of the possibilities of death. Hunter values his friendships above all else, regarding those that has earned his trust and faith as family. Slightly hot-headed, Hunter has a habit of doing things when he is irritated oblivious to the consequences.
History: Hunter was raised in a small tribe in the forests outside the cities the mortals populated. His parents were very powerful elementals themselves, and they passed that potential onto Hunter at birth. However when he was 12, as was the custom, Hunter was subjected to the Ceremony to discover which element he had inherited. What would happen next would forever stun his people. Hunter presented his blood to the mystical monoliths, eight in total with each representing one of the elements of nature. When the first seven monoliths had not responded to his blood offering, most feared that he didn't possess an element at all, for the eighth and most powerful element, energy, had been extinct for millennia. When Hunter wiped his blood across the arcane runes, they came to life and blue fiery energy exploded from the monolith in a blinding pillar of power that pierced the heavens. The village elders saw this as a sign, and took Hunter into secret training that had not been given for millennia.

Since then, he has been searching the world for his purpose. The village elders told him of a darkness that had been slowly consuming the world. Though what that darkness was, they had no clue. However they felt like Hunter had been born to combat this darkness, and thus sent him on his journey.
Other: He carries the demon sword Eon on him. The sword is sentient and can channel Hunter's energy power with no strain. The sword also allows the user to create and manipulate fire.
When the incantation is cast, the sword is transformed into Eon's true form. In this form, Eon's pyrokinesis is at it's peak, along with empowered usage of Hunter's Energy Manipulation power. However in this form, Hunter has no powers and must supply Eon all of the energy to maintain his form and powers, as such this is his trump card.
Chant: "Oh Lord of Destruction. I call upon thou power. Bathe the world in fire and kill God."

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