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Fantasy Flight for Freedom OOC - Over

Is it possible for me to use a custom wyvern who feeds off of electrical storms? (It may sound silly but it could give some interesting encounters)
It would be, yes. However, electrical storms are likely to be rare here. You'd also have to explain what feeding off an electrical storm would allow the dragon to do and such
It would allow him to shoot lightning instead of fire, gas, etc.

On top of that it acts as a sort of turbo charger as it would increase his heart efficiency and decrease muscle fatigue thus allowing him to fly faster.

(Also he is fricken massive)
Potentially yes. Especially if combined with his other abilities. If it had a big enough weakness, such as one time use only, or the fact he couldn't move whilst performing it, then perhaps.
Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. : Unfortunately he cannot be accepted just yet. I'd require you to explain the full depths of his powers, such as the other abilities you mentioned here. Plus, though I haven't yet got to that part of the Lore, the humans are more medieval than modern. With candles and no electricity needing to run their kingdom. Plus, humans are no longer allowed out into the Forest, and the packs are both located a very long distance away from them.

Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 : Of course :)
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia : Unfortunately, he cannot be accepted just yet. For a start, his weakness has to be a little more accurate than 'Stronger Dragons'. It is assumed that a stronger dragon will be likely to beat a weaker dragon. Perhaps, as he is altered to match his environment, you may consider something he isn't made for? For example, if he's altered for fighting and killing, then perhaps his scales are a little softer and weaker, to compensate? Or the fact that his wings, although bigger to fly faster, perhaps make him clumsier on the ground? Or the idea that his black scales don't help him blend in when he's in the sky. Or simply the fact that it takes him a while to alter for a new situation.

Also, just as a little nitpick, Astra pack only ever fights if they need to. Therefore, it would be unlikely that they'd kill his father for the fun of it. They'd potentially wound him if he threatened what was theirs, and that could perhaps kill him?
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 : Of course. Could you perhaps add if there are any limits to Slade's powers? Preferably on the allies made from shadows part. Would they be easy to dispel? How many can he make? Does he have to keep concentration on it? That type of thing :)

Apologises to everyone if I'm being picky :)
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Alright, I added more detail on that!

Also, the setting is modern times, right? Like... realistically this time that we're in irl. Or would it be set in the 1900's or?
Oh, and do the packs live together in both human and dragon form in the forest? Or do they gather in the forests as dragons and live in the city as humans?
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 : Looks good!

The setting is actually more fantasy medieval. Like, knights and kings and candles. Stuff like that.
Thats a good question. The packs live together in both human and dragon form, in the forest. None of them go into the city, as it is deemed unsafe, and it is hard to get back out once in there.

I'm slowly getting through the Lore, so setting will come along later
Lore has been updated to include setting!
If there are any other categories you'd like to know about, please tell me, and I'll add a section to the Lore!
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 : they’re all good, and will be added when I get on my computer.

zCrookedz zCrookedz : Please post here when you’re finished :) also, as you’re taking the Beta Male, would you want the Beta Female closed off, so you can find him a mate in the RP, or open so someone can make an existing character for it?
Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 : they’re all good, and will be added when I get on my computer.

zCrookedz zCrookedz : Please post here when you’re finished :) also, as you’re taking the Beta Male, would you want the Beta Female closed off, so you can find him a mate in the RP, or open so someone can make an existing character for it?
All done! edited a few things on top of the Background. You can keep the beta female position open until the RP starts. If someone wants to take the female position before we start then we can hash out the details of it. IF not, then we can close it after start and see where the RP takes us.

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