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Flesh & Blood [Trickster Vixen |&| DrCompton]

Trickster Vixen

Double Luck


On the edge of a futuristic utopia lies a threat that no man has faced before. Armed with the ability to manipulate technology and all forms of electricity, it's imperative that 'Hunters' keep this threat away from the city.

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Name: Tom "Tommy" Compton

Age: 24

Appearance without Gear:

Appearance with Gear:

Bio: Timmy grew up in the slums of New Dallas in the Republic of Texas unti he could join the United Earth Infantry Core at 16 and served for 5 years as a Combat Trauma Specialist until he was injured in combat and medically discharged. Having no family to speak of, he met up with an old friend from the Military who had informed him about the luxuries of Hunting Rebellious Droids, or the occasional Big Game hunt for the Rich. He's been a hunter for the last 3 years


Timmy opened his eyes at the sound of his PDA beeping, he sat up and looked over at the tablet, "What is it Duke?"

"A job, Master." The PDA, named Duke, replied.

Timmy sat up and got out of bed reading over the job details. It was a 6 man team, set to hunt a group of Droid who had been harrassing the outer city. He normally didn't care, but he saw her name. They weren't enemies, but they definitely were not friends. Tim would have to go, if he didn't she would send him a message and he would never hear the end of it from her. He walked into his bathroom and started the shower and brushed his teeth. He didn't feel like shaving today, so he didn't.

He walked out and put on just regular clothes and grabbed his gear and threw it onto his dufflebag. He got onto his speedbike, kicked it on and sped through the city toward the headquarters where he would meet the rest of his team. Other than her, he hadn't seen any familiar names, it looked like it would be mostly newbies, which he was fine with. It would be easier to talk them out of their share when the time came. He pulled up to the side of the building and walked in. Timmy walked through the doors and to their loading area.

He sat on the bench in the main room and stated to put his gear on waiting for the others to show up so they could get the mission over with.

Victoria 'Vic' Townsend


age. twenty one

gender. female

sexuality. heterosexual

occupation. soldier

allegiance. hunters

Hunter Uniform



Victoria takes her job as a hunter very seriously and will rarely let anything stand in her way. She knows that she is a part of a collective, something larger that serves as the only thing standing in between her beloved city and the rebel droids. During her off hours she relaxes somewhat but has never been referred to as the life of the party - she prefers keeping to herself.


Victoria grew up in an ordinary household with her parents and younger brother. She hadn't ever dreamed of fighting for what she believed in, and with her father as the bread winner, she never thought she would. That was until his passing at the hands of a droid that left his wife and two children penniless and on the streets. So after coming of age, Victoria joined the hunters in hopes of providing a better life for her family - she has now been hunting for just under two years.
As Victoria threw her PDA onto the grass beside her, she huffed. She was stuck with the new recruits again. What was it about being the best that made everyone else think it was alright for you to take the burden of an unskilled team? She lay down and wiped the back of her wrist across her forehead, reveling in the bliss of a satisfying run. Victoria looked at her watch and immediately got to her feet, she wasn't one to be late; and with Tim on the squad, she wouldn't make a habit of it today.

Taking a final appreciative glance at the morning sky, Victoria pushed herself onto her knees and then onto her feet. She was wearing a basic running outfit, black, tight and ideal for movement; though to her, it was much more than that. Hunters weren't expected to lead normal lives, they were supposed to be on call 24/7 in case of an attack; Victoria had known what she was getting into when she'd signed up, but right now, was
her time.

Shoving her PDA into the removable strap located on her upper arm, Victoria began a slow job back to her apartment. It wasn't flashy or nearly as well-furnished as the other hunters, but Victoria had never seen the need. She wouldn't have people over and she certainly didn't need to impress a man with her decorating skills; especially when it only took a few keystrokes on a keypad.

Buildings made of steel and glass towered in every direction. The city was severely lacking when it came to natural elements, sure there were grassy areas and parks but most of them were fake. Fake trees, fake grass, it was irritating. The hardest part for Victoria that it was beginning to grow harder and harder to tell the difference. It was this that made her resent herself, envy, it was a weakness. Would she rather be out in the marsh or the woods where the droids hid?

+ + +

After slipping into her heavy yet efficient combat suit, Victoria fastened a gun to the holster on her left thigh and made sure the rifle she carried was loaded. The droids were getting more and more unpredictable these days and when you're face to face with something that can lift an old tree from the ground in one fell swoop, you want to be prepared.

Victoria walked out of the locker room and grimaced, though the expression was hidden beneath the balaclava around her mouth. She hadn't raised her hood yet but she was contemplating it. Missions were always easier when you didn't have somebody else to look out for; she was here to do her job and she was good at it. It wasn't her fault if some of these rookies signed up for a bit of extra cash. Victoria smirked at the thought. There was one thing she had to admire about Timothy and that was his ability to separate a man from his money. Only two of the six hunters would go home paid tonight.
Tom looked up when she walked in and stood. He had his gear on, the slender gray exo-suit amplified his strength and when his faceguard was closed it had a tracking system that helped him identy hostiles. His faceguard was open, and he smiled to Victoria.

"Hey there Vic. I think Im ahead by 3 by the last count." He winked to her. He hadn't ever seen her without her gear on, but if her eyes told him anything, it was that she was beautiful underneath all that gear. "Its 30,000 total credits, I can probably get it to 20,000 going towards us, so I figured at 75/25 split of the extra? so you get 7,500 instead of the 5." He looked her over quickly then sighed, "Or you could just buy me a drink and we'll call it even stevens." He winked as the contractor came in

The Contractor was the one who messaged the Hunters, and he selected them by what they claimed their speciality to be. He was a tall, slender bald man with a rough moustache.

"Alright, everyone suited up? Good. Team leaders are Vic and Tom, they'll pick teams as they see fit. We've got reports on the outskirts of increased Droid activity, so find the band of Droids and terminate. Reports say as few as 5 and as high as 20, so be expecting 30. We do have a sighting of a Reaper, so if you can, go ahead and get that bugger down."


Tom frowned, he hated Reapers. One Reaper was able to kill a squad of untrained Hunters. He was lucky to have Victoria with him today, he had a strong feeling he'd probably owe her a beer once the mission was over.

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