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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Outrealm Guilds Characters


Boopmaster General
Copy/paste the character template and please maintain the formatting I provide.
The appearance can be any combination of picture and description, with description generally preferred.
Homeland should be a location from an existing Fire Emblem game. Also be aware that for the purposes of this RP, I'm considering the mobile game (Heroes) non-canon simply because the story is still ongoing and anything we pull from there would be subject to change.
For class, you may use any existing class from any fire emblem game, with certain restrictions. Lords are off limits without special permission, and exclusive classes like Grima are off limits for obvious reasons. If a character has a promoted class, they should start as the base class. Classes that would not logically make sense in a kingdom should not be used (e.g. a Laguz type class from Ylisse). In addition, custom-made classes can be used, but please run your idea by me first before you use one.
If your class does not promote, delete the "Promoted class" piece or write "N/A."
"Boon" and "Bane" are your highest and lowest stats respectively. I won't be using specific numbers for stats, but these can help to describe what your character is like as a whole. Generally you should only have one of each, but my only rule is that you must have as many banes as you have boons.
"Items" includes weapons as well as consumables and charms.
"Basic skills" refers to skills that actually appear in Fire Emblem (no more than five, probably less to start with), while "Personal skill" is one special skill unique to your character that allows for customization even if you're using a canon class. You do not have to have one if you don't want one.
History should be as long as it takes to describe who they are and why they joined the guild.
And finally, "Other" is totally optional. This is just for general trivia or whatever you wish I'd asked about.





[b][u]Personality: [/b][/u]

[b][u]Homeland (Ylisse, Crimea, Renais, etc.):[/b][/u]

  [i]Promoted class:[/i]




[b][u]Basic skills:[/b][/u]

[b][u]Personal skill:[/b][/u]


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Name: Rey

Age: 45 (biological), 205 (relative)

Gender: Male

Appearance: In his human form, Rey is a large man, comparable in stature to Mordecai. He has a stern, squarish face with a glare that could bore holes in his foes. His spiked crimson hair with black highlights reaches far past his shoulders and nearly to the middle of his back, though in the front it is either pushed out of the way or cut off entirely. He wears a plain, dark red shirt tucked into his black, flexible pants, from the back of which sprouts a tiger's tail. Rey wears no shoes nor gloves, but wraps his hands and feet in rags or bandages to protect them when moving around and working. Overall, this attire shows off a frightening degree of toughness and muscle definition.

In tiger form, he appears slightly larger than a normal Tiger Laguz and his fur is striped red and black.

Personality: Rey is generally very level-headed, keeping a stoic face in all situations, especially on the battlefield. He is a very driven individual, determined to prove himself on the battlefield and prone to getting angry with others who take their work less seriously. Despite this, he was never given a proper education and lacks the knowledge he needs to make sound tactical decisions. Rey tends to speak very simplistically because of this and even then makes occasional mistakes with his grammar or pronunciation. This is one thing that his years in the guild have helped him to improve on, and while in the Outrealms he has grown immensely in his knowledge and understanding of people and the world around him.

It is very difficult for Rey to trust humans, even to this day. He still remembers the tragedy of what the beorc did to his people, and those events are not easily separated from the humans of other worlds. However, it is not unlikely that he would confuse Taguel, Kitsune, and Wolfskin for his own kind or that he would see Manaketes as being Dragon Laguz.

Homeland (Ylisse, Crimea, Renais, etc.): Gallia

Class: Crimson Tiger

Boon: HP

Bane: Resistance

Items: Claws (Unbreakable), Laguz Stone (2/2), Vulnerary (3/3)

Basic skills: Wrath, Provoke

Personal skill: Bloodbath- When in human form, can sacrifice life relative to the remaining transform gauge to transform immediately.

History: Rey was born into slavery as one of only five children allowed in his generation by the tribe's beorc masters. The slave masters knew, after all, that allowing too many of these crimson-furred Tigers to live at once would be very dangerous, and could even spark an uprising that would spread across the nation. Ultimately, their population was so strictly limited that Rey knew every member of his species growing up. He and his closest friends knew nothing of any life outside of captivity. For them, the daily routine was to work for the beorc until they were exhausted to the point of wanting to pass out, only to then transform and work even harder. Rey never even complained about this, never having known a better life and simply accepting his place in the world.

When Rey was 22, one of his tribe, a man he called uncle, snapped. In a fit of rage at being denied food, Rey's uncle transformed and viciously slaughtered three of his captors before being overwhelmed and slain. The man's body was mangled and left in the mess hall for hours before being carted away by his own kind under the orders of the beorc. That night, the masters collectively decided to bring in a squad from the main Begnion army to destroy the rest of the Crimson Tigers, as they had grown too dangerous to keep as slaves.

The smell of smoke roused Rey from sleep the next night. He and his family rushed out of the burning building to find themselves surrounded by soldiers, many of whom were wielding equipment that the tribe knew all too well. Equipment designed specifically for tearing the life from any Laguz without a second thought. Without so much as a word from their commander, the soldiers rushed forward to attack. Though they knew the situation was hopeless, the Crimson Tigers transformed and roared their way into battle anyway, each shredding a soldier or two down to size before being skewered by the Begnion soldiers' terrible spears. Before he knew it, Rey found himself in combat with the enemy commander. Without thinking, he rushed forward and was easy swatted aside. Undeterred, Rey managed to deal a crippling wound to the commander's shoulder on his second rush before being struck again. This time, Rey lacked the strength to rise to his feet as the enraged commander moved in for the kill. At that moment, a mysterious mounted knight came to his rescue, parrying the commander's blow. Rey's transformation undid itself as the cavalier scooped his lifeless body up and swiftly rode to safety.

When the two had managed to escape, the knight found Rey a place to stay in peace. Though Rey was apprehensive at first, the knight eventually won the tiger over and told him the truth. Nobody else had escaped that night, and the world now saw the Crimson Tigers as dead. If any of the soldiers found out about Rey's existence, they would surely kill him on sight. But, all hope was not lost. Rey still had a place where he could go, one where he would have a purpose and a family and a place to call home. The knight revealed the Outrealm Guilds to Rey and extended to him an invitation, one which he had no choice but to accept.

Since then, Rey has been training in the Outrealms. Due to the difference in time between worlds, 183 years have passed in his home realm while he has only aged 23. In this time, much has been done to improve the rights of the Laguz... but to Rey, that is not enough to make up for what they have done.

Other: Rey has a tendency to confuse certain objects with others, such as calling limes "green lemons."
Name: Frangipani (Frani to everyone - few, if any, know her full name)

Age: 24 | 178

Gender: Female

Appearance: Frani stands at a very medium height and stature. Hair like desert sand spills past her waist in the back, while in the front, she maintains it in two lengthy braids. Her eyes are a similar but slightly darker shade of brown, adding to her plain and rather forgettable features.

When dressed for battle, Frani dons the standard pegasus knight gear (consisting of a breastplate, shoulderguards, and knee pads) over her dark, thigh-length jumpsuit. Covering the rest of her legs are tightly laced leggings and leather boots. As a finishing touch, Frani also wears a corset with an open skirted back.



Personality: Frani is a very frequently neglected. Whether it is her plain looks or quiet and apprehensive nature, she is not sure, but it's been happening all her life so she's grown to accept it. It's not uncommon for her to sit down at a table with others for a cup of tea, only for them to forget about her and begin to spill their secrets. In another life, she could have easily been a mouse.

When she is noticed, Frani is generally polite and kind. Thanks to her mother's inheritance, she's been given the best education a girl of her standing could have afforded - both academically and socially. She takes pride in doing things properly, like eating with the correct spoon or drinking tea with your pinky up. Living with the guild has broken some of her more posh habits, but she still maintains a few.

In her spare time, she enjoys reading and writing. Most of the time she carries around a small notebook that she uses for general note-taking. Frani is a very perceptive girl. Paired with the secrets she hears when no one knows she's listening, she's amassed a very decent amount of information on her fellow guildmates.

Homeland: Frelia

Class: Pegasus Knight
Promoted class: Falcon Knight

Boon: Speed

Bane: Defense

Items: Iron Lance, Javelin, Bronze Sword, Vulnerary (3/3)

Basic skills: Re-Move, Darting Blow, Speed +2

Personal skill: Forgettable - When an enemy unit initiates battle, Frani gains +15 to Hit and Avoid.

History: Frani was born as the middle of three sisters to one of the most renowned pegasus knights in Frelian history. Though they had always heard much about their mother, they barely knew her themselves. She died gloriously in battle not long after the youngest sister was born. The eldest, Amaryllis, was expected to follow in their mother's footsteps, even inheriting her mother's pegasus. Amaryllis exceeded each of those expectations, besting each challenge that was put before her. She was thought to be the Syrene of her generation and unmatched in battle by any of her peers.

Meanwhile - the youngest sister, Hyacinth, also trained as a pegasus knight. She made a name for herself, not based on combat prowess but on her care of the pegasi in her regiment. Her gentle temperment could be perceived by the sensitive beasts and that helped them to trust her. Hyacinth became known as a kind of pegasus whisperer, able to discern and remedy any kind of ailment they may face.

That left Frani, the middle sister, to fade into the background. Most of their peers didn't even know there was a third sister and often remarked how wonderful it was that two sisters were so talented. A dynamic duo, they were called. Frani was always being forgotten about or overlooked by all except her own sisters. Despite this, she pushed on, determined to make her mother's memory proud.

Due to their skill, Hyacinth and Amaryllis were both assigned to Frelia's famed third battalion, under commander Syrene. After pulling some strings, the sisters managed to get Frani assigned there as well. It was the beginning of Frelia's War with Grado and they needed all the help they could get.

One fated day, the third battalion was summoned to protect and evacuate villagers from encroaching Grado forces. Frani, who had been forgotten about at the barracks, rushed to catch up to her comrades. Her carelessness caused her to overlook an archer nestled in the hills. All it took was a single arrow. Frani's pegasus was grounded and they crashed through the trees to the callous ground below. Frani found herself alive but could not say as well for her beast.

Her's two sisters, Hyacinth and Amaryllis, had spotted Frani's approach and downfall. They broke rank away from their battalion to rescue their sister. Following a trail of blood and mangled branches they found Frani, huddled around her steed.

The commotion had gained some attention. Before they knew it, they were surrounded. A band of Grado mercenaries snuck up on the trio. Sweet Hyacinth went first. She never saw the arrow coming, she was too focused on trying to save the poor pegasus. Her pegasus went next.

Frani's memories of that moment are a blur. She felt frozen in time, unable to move or understand what was going on around her, fixated on the arrow in her youngest sister's back and the blood oozing from it.

After that, all Frani can remember are the sounds of clashing of steel and flapping wings as she was rapidly lifted into the skies, away from the fighting. She can vaguely recall Amaryllis' shouting voice disappearing into barely a whisper as they flew into blue peace.

After gaining control of her senses, Frani's first instinct was to go for help from the batallion. She began to head that way but saw the warning signs all around. Frani realized there was no help to be found, Frelian corpses littered the battle field. The entire battalion had been wiped out by Grado forces. In her shameful cowardice, and distraught by the loss of her sisters, Frani sped away from the battlefield, as far as her new pegasus could carry her.

It was deep in the mountains, cold and alone, that they were found by a knight. Lost beyond all she knew, the knight offered her a place.

Other: Frani's pegasus, Kaikias (often called Kai by Frani) was inherited to her from her older sister, Amaryllis, after her death. Amaryllis had previously inherited Kaikas from their mother.

Kaikias is as strong as any pegasi come, in both body and spirit. He expects to serve only a rider with a character that can match his own. Amaryllis, who knew she would one day ride Kaikias, had spent years taming him and learning to work alongside him. After Amaryllis and Notos, Frani's previous pegasus, both fell in the same battle, it was only natural that Frani would ride Kaikias.

Frani struggles with Kaikias' stubbornness, and their incompatibility sometimes results in uncoordinated movements on the battle field. She's working on it.




Stands only at 5'7 and weighs a simple 150 lbs. Very lithe. His eyes are deep lavender and his hair plum, done up simply with a braid on the right side of his face. His robes are long and flow down to his feet, and are colored midnight purple, with a large red and gold hood. The garments under his robe are ornate, black with gold finishes, along with some standard leather boots.

Hardin is a kind, intelligent, and prideful man. He cares for many and can develop bonds with others rather easily, and has a friendly aura to him, which makes him rather approachable. He is well known for discounting his prices on jobs with clients who have little funds with which to hire, or flat out dissolve his fee if he feels their plea for assistance is just. Do not dismiss his altruism for naivete though; He has an innate sense for character, and can usually tell when those with impure intentions come calling. His study of magic is almost second to none; He is a devout student to the arcane, and even though he still has much to learn, he is eager to speak of it with anyone and try to teach those who are willing to learn.

Grado, Magvel





A tome of Hardin's own creation. Summons a pillar of crystal from the ground to damage foes.
Might = 7, Acc = 70, Crit = 5
Will improve upon class change.

Thunder Tome (30/30)

Concoction (2/2)

Magic +2, Focus

Arcane Bonds
When placed within 2 squares of a unit with C+ Support, gain +3 Magic and +2 Resistance.

Hardin was born in the Empire of Grado long after the War of the Sacred Stones. His ancestry is a jumble; his parents say that they're unsure whether it goes back to Emperor Vigarde and his son Lyon, or perhaps to a man called Knoll, a wise researcher of Prince Lyon. This never reslly bothered Hardin though; he knew that wherever he came from, it still gave him a love of magic. He showed aptitude of it at a young age, and his parents were ecstatic. Immediately, they began to enroll him in the finest magic schools available and had a whole future planned out for him. His line was well respected for their magical ability, and they hoped their son would one become a renowned magic user as well.

Hardin, however, had different ideas. Though the young 'Lord Hardin' spent many days in study at the manor, he often went into town to converse with the commonfolk, who found him easy to speak to, as if he held no title at all. He met many people at the local inn, especially mercenaries, who would spin the lad grand tales of their adventures across the continent. Enraptured by these tales, Hardin began to dream of adventures of his own. That's when he began to doubt his future; was what his parents had in mind truly what he wanted out of life....?
It took him years to answer, and when he choose his happiness over future glory, his parents were outraged. Hardin left his home to wander like the mercenaries of his town, exploring old tombs and supposed monster infested places. He even met some of the Manaketes in hiding near Darkling Woods!

Years passed, and Hardin had grown immensely, but there was still so much more he wanted to learn. Hearing rumors of an abandoned island off the coast of southern Magvel, where whole ships seemingly dissapeared, Hardin immediately set off to investigate. The crew who took him there refused to step onto the cursed island, and so Hardin went by himself....never to be heard from again by the people of Magvel.

And that's because of what he found on the cursed island; an old ruin, guarded by a fearsome Elder Bael, a giant, ancient, and deadly spider. It was a terrible battle, but in the end, Hardin was the victor, and he was free to explore the ruins to his content. However, in a seemingly empty doorway, a light flashed, and a portal appeared. Out stepped a knightly looking who looked at Hardin with confusion, then asked what happened to the spider. After informing the man that the Elder Bael had been vanquished, the knight laughed in amazement. He told Hardin that they had been trying to get rid of the spider for years, and even though it wasn't one of them who did it, they were just glad it would be gone now. Curious, Hardin asked him to explain, and the knight told him all about his Outrealm Guild, a place connected to multiple different worlds. Immediately, Hardin begged the knight to let him join. This was such a grand opportunity to learn about magic from different worlds! The knight figured that he couldn't refuse the person who killed the Elder Bael, and so he reluctantly let Hardin go back with him. Hardin has been a part of the guild for a little over two years, he supposes, as time has a strange effect in the Outrealms, and is still adjusting. However, he is determined to help however he can while learning all he can about magic.

Hardin, though very experienced with combative anima magic, likes to fool around a lot with household spells and incantations. You may usually find him rather easily by following the trail of possessed cleaning equipment, candles, or dishes of half eaten food returning to the kitchen.

Never ask Hardin about Dark Magic. He is absolutely terrified of it; the very mention of it can turn him rather solemn.

For all his altruistic work during his time as a wanderer, the people of Magvel began to know him as 'The Amethyst Paragon'.​
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