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Fantasy Fire Emblem Divide: Armina x Emra


Ruler of Twilight
Armina x Emra

Time: Prior to Chapter 1

Location: Alliance of Fire's Training Barracks

Support Rank: C

Join Fire emblem Divide!

The sounds of armor clanging against itself could be heard in the quiet halls of the training barracks, as a woman with long golden hair walked through the garrison on her way to the practice court. She pushed open one of the cantonment's doors, before stepping outside into the light of the early morning. She drew her sword, before walking toward one of the wooden dummies that was stood up on the ground.

As she lifted her sword, her eyes trailed toward a young woman who appeared to be practicing her archery. The woman seemed to be the only other person besides herself in the practice court at this time of morning. Armina watched as she removed an arrow from her quiver, before stringing it and firing it at one of the targets in front of her.

Armina focused her attention back on the training dummy. She wasn't normally the type of person who was easily distracted from her training. She also didn't feel like making needless conversation, or interrupting the woman's archery practice. She moved her feet as she got into her combat stance, before swinging her sword down hard upon the dummy's chest. "Hya!" She yelled.

Corgi Corgi
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Footsteps echoed throughout the vacant halls of the barracks as well as a green haired elf, already dressed up in her everyday attire. She was happy this morning, even if her expression didn't seem to be. The girl had a wonderful dream, woke up early, and still had enough time to practice a few shots before having to go to breakfast.

Upon entering the practice court, she saw no one else and felt even more compelled to practice. No people mean no distractions, and as she drew her bow, she heard the door open behind her and a blonde woman stepped out. "Oh." She thought, shrugging off the small excitement she had about training alone. Trying to ignore the woman that followed few seconds after her, she turned her focus towards the targets.

Steady hands... Breathe in...

And fire.

The arrow went whizzing through the cool morning air and straight into the back wall, missing every one of the many targets. Emra let out an exasperated sigh. She wasn't good at archery, hence why she spends so much time training, and why she comes out in the morning. Not doing proficiently around others makes her a bit flustered, making her do even worse.

Glancing at the woman, she took in her long, blonde hair and her quick, sharp movements. She had seen her around several times throughout the camp but had never talked to her for several reasons. Many being that she was too busy too, her not being comfortable enough to start up a conversation, or just not wanting to talk to others at the moment.

Emra looked at the arrow across the way and back at the woman, making her way towards the arrow and asking, "Have mercy on the poor dummy- what did he ever do to you?"

CallmeMyth CallmeMyth
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Drawing back her sword arm, Armina slashed at the dummy once more, first on the shoulder and then again on the dummy's side. She stopped before she could make another swing, as she realized that the other woman in the training court was talking to her. She lowered her sword, before turning around to face the woman. She had been interrupted after only a few minutes into her training, but despite that she wasn't upset.

Armina's lips turned upward into a thin smile, and she tilted her head to look at the arrow that was lying on the ground next to the wall beside her. She walked toward it, before kneeling down and picking it up off the ground. She then proceeded to walk back toward the woman, reaching her hand out as she offered the arrow back to her. "Looks like you've been going pretty easy on those targets, yourself." She gibed.

Corgi Corgi

"Looks like you've been going pretty easy on those targets, yourself."

Normally, Emra would've been rather flustered and a tad bit embarrassed, but before she had the ability to stammer out an embarrassed remark, a smirk appeared as she joked, "Yeah, well, I have a strategy," Getting closer and lowering her voice, she whispered, "You have to earn their trust, first, pretend you are inadequate at what you do, but then- you stab them in the back! They'll never expect it." Suddenly, her voice returned to normal as she glanced at the arrow the woman was holding, "Or stab them in the front...With an arrow... Whichever works."

"But, uh... Thanks." She smiled sheepishly, quickly taking the arrow, "I'm Emra Chaellyn, by the way."

CallmeMyth CallmeMyth

(Sorry for it being short! I normally have pretty flowery writing but I'm trying to cut back on it ;; )
An amused smirk found its way across her lips, as the young woman explained her tactics for killing lifeless dummies. "I'm Armina. Pleased to meet you, Emra." She replied. "I'm sure the dummies wouldn't be able feel any of that, but I have to admire your dedication. But soon you'll be using those skills on real soldiers." She told her. "So, how about I give you a hand?" Armina offered, her face softening into a smile.

Armina walked back over to the dummy she had been practicing on, before standing in front of it and drawing her sword. She struck the dummy where it's knee would be, before proceeding to swing at the target's head. "I'm not much good with a bow and arrow, but knowing your enemy's weak spots are a vital part of combat. Before you can hit your opponent at all, you have to know which areas to aim for and which ones are the most effective." She stated.

Having given her demonstration, Armina turned and walked back over to the woman, her sabatons clanking upon the ground as she moved to stand behind her. "Now, go on and give it a try." Armina urged her. "Try to cripple the enemy first, with a well placed arrow to the knee. Then, once they cant move, shoot them in the head." She instructed.

Corgi Corgi
Emra gave a weak smile at Armina mentioning having to go against real people. People with emotions and thoughts... and fears. Her stomach sank at the thought, but quickly tried to get it off of her mind, "You too... And I will take anything I can get." She said, watching as the woman walked over to the dummy. Her every move was swift and flawless, no room for errors or mistakes, precise swings with exact hits. She had seen her training earlier, but she failed to notice how tactical she was.

The green haired girl nodded at her explanation, quickly drawing the bow and arrow. She hadn't been using the weapon for a long time, maybe about a week or two, but she didn't thinks he was too terrible at it. When she first got the weapon, she practiced day and night. She had seen other people train and how good they were at using their weapons, and she wanted to be the same way. Of course, it didn't come easily to her, and now with someone that she found really good watching her every move, she felt compelled to impress her.

Taking a deep breath, she aimed the bow and arrow at the knee, then at her exhale, she fired. The arrow whizzed through the air and scraped the dummy's leg, hitting the back wall; however, Emra continued on, taking another arrow and doing the same, but aiming at the head this time, and firing. This time, the arrow went into the dummy, but straight into the dummy's neck. If it were a real person, they would definitely be dead after that.

Emra didn't realize how fast her heart was beating until then. Glancing over her shoulder she gave Armina an excited look.

CallmeMyth CallmeMyth

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