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Realistic or Modern Fire and Fear

Break's eye widen as he ran after him and pulled him back. The kiss on his cheek felt hot and he felt warm inside, not due to his power either. He looked down at their hands and smiled softly. "I guess we shouldn't." He laughed and continued up to his room. He opened the door and a grey and black striped cat ran out. "Babs! Wait come back!" He cried out. Babs was his favorite and he would be devastated if something happened to her. The cat stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back at them. Break chuckled and imaged that Babs is the female, cat version of Lucious.
Dragging behind Break a little when they reach that floor, Lucious spied the running cat. Before it started to run down the stairs, Lucious picked her up and slowly started to kiss it’s head.
I’m sure you don’t want this beautiful cat to run away. So, here’s this back for now.
Lucious says while smiling, as he walks over to Break and his room. Once he got there, he handed the cat over while kissing Break on the forehead.
Break felt instantly grateful to Lucious for getting Babs before she could run off. He blushed as he was kissed on the forehead and smiled. Walking into his room and stepped to the side so Lucious could walk in as well. He walked over to his dresser after taking his jacket off and pulled out a pull over hoodie tossing it onto the bed. He then looked over at Lucious and eyed him slightly. "Are you going out in the rain in a tank top?" He asked pointing a finger towards the window to show the sprinkling rain. Not hard or enough that they couldn't go for a walk but enough that they would get wet once they've walked for a while.
Lucious walked in with Break, closing the door majority of the way but left a very small sliver of it open. Walking towards Break after he put the sweatshirt on, Lucious dripped his arms around his neck. Whispering, Lucious answered the question.
I guess I probably should put something over what I have on right now. Of course, I might loose my way.
Lucious kisses Break on the neck a few quick times, and heads out of his room, but lingers at the doorway for a second before heading to his room that was next door.
Break shivers and bites his lip lightly as Lucious kisses his neck. A blush lingered on his cheeks and he could feel a headache coming on. He chuckled softly walking towards Lucious' room, making sure Babs was in his room before closing the door. Walking over to his room, he pushed the door open enough to slip in and shut it behind him. S'mores was still sleeping on his bed and Break shook his head, moving to sit with and pet the cat. "You stole my cat!" He laughed softly before looking up at him. He looked really cute in just the tank top, it made him wonder what else he looked good in. "So how do you think you're going got lost?" He slurs lightly and smirks.
The cat can sleep with whomever they want. Not my fault they want this booty. Also, I’d get lost in all these choices I could make. Like, sweatshirt or jacket? Or would just another shirt over this work?
Lucious jokingly said at first, teasing Break. After, he opens his dresser as it’s almost filled with different types of outfits. Lucious lifts up each different option when saying them, looking stressed with each option, even though each option is black except for the shirt which was a purple similar to his hair color.
Break laughs and gets up to help him choose something. He picks up a hoodie from his drawer and looks at him. "If you don't wear this, then I'm stealing it." He pokes him in the side and smirks, looking back at the cat sleeping on the bed. "That cat will stay with anyone that would feed him. And don't look so stressed. While it's nice to know that you get stressed to, you don't have too. I'm here." He smirks more and speaks jokingly.
Lucious looks relieved now, leaning forward kissing Break quickly. Lucious then puts the sweatshirt on his body. And then, after putting it on, Lucious quickly kiss on the cheak while grabbing his hand.
I’m ready to start walking and stay as dry as I can. You can have it when I’m done walking as well. I like to wear anything so I won’t miss it much. At least, I won’t if I see it worn often enough.
Lucious says quickly at the end, then poking Break softly in the side.
"Well I guess I'll have to steal it then." Break kissed him back deeply, not allowing him to leave for a moment. He smirked softly into the kiss and held onto his hoodie for a minute. Pulling away after being poked in the side, he ran out of the room and down the stairs. He went to the kitchen to grab a couple bottles of water from them and some snacks. But he didn't know what snacks to grab so he sighed and leaned against the counter for a little bit and waited for Lucious to join him to give him some insight on what to bring.
Lucious smirked devilishly after Break ran from the room. Lucious followed, of course, in a faster paced walk following Break. Seeing Break enter into the Kitchen, he entered dramatically by swinging on one of the doors through.
This is the cafeteria lady speaking. I’m back bitches.
While Lucious just starts laughing hard and walks over to Break. Going behing him, Lucious puts his arms around Break’s waist and kisses his neck quickly.
Break chuckles and blushes as the staff member shouts at them. She was cleaning up a mess that another student had made. Not caring that she was around, he leaned back against Lucious and blushes more when he kisses his neck.

"Hey! You know that there is none of that allowed!" She walked up angrily and yanked Break away. She tightened her grip on his arm leaving a red mark, that was surely going to bruise later. Break narrowed his eye at her, but with the way she was holding his arm he was unable to take his gloves off.
Lucious, obviously pissed sighed. His eyes turn straight black after a blink, not a fade like his usual turning.
Excuse me miss. I don’t remember saying you could have him. After all, with it being a school and all. Sharing is caring, at least so I learned in my early years. So why don’t you let me have my turn back with him? I’ll let you have him whenever I’m done. Which will be when he decides to be done.
Lucious angrily growls, as his voice changes into a more dark and angry. The nurses however, sees her fears being straight up pulled from her memory. Eventually, if she was resisting at all, it’d get to be too much for even her.
Break tried to get away from the female staff member but she tightened her grip even more and put his arm behind his back. She smirked and pressed a button on her pager to call for another staff member to get Break and take him to the main building. "I may not last long once you bring my fears to life, but I can at least separate you two." She narrows her eyes and starts walking towards the door with Break.

Break struggled against the woman's grip, wanting to stop Lucious. "Lucious, don't. Please." He whispers, loud enough for him to hear him. But she heard him too and pushed his arm further up his back causing him to cry out.
Lucious wanted to help. He couldn’t stand her doing that. But Break specifically asked him not to interfere. Lucious stopped prying in the lady’s head, but made a constant pressure, similar to someone holding a finger on you lightly but noticable, on the woman’s fear. Lucious then blinks, as his eyes very slowly fades back to normal.
Lady, you better be careful with what your messing with, and more importantly whom your messing with. Especially when that person is getting something precious stolen..
Break's eye starts to tear up and they spill over down his cheek. The way she was holding his arm was hurting really bad. As much as he wanted Lucious to help he didn't want him to get in trouble. But the tighter she made her grip, the more he remembered his father. His eye started to go blank. "I'm sorry... it won't happen again..." He whispered softly. The staff member having the ability to make anyone's will break, and she was definitely breaking him down. When he started to slow down his walking, she pushed him forward causing him to almost fall. "I SAID I'M FUCKING SORRY! I'M GOING! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SUCH A BITCH!" Break shouted at her, this angering her even more. She let him go briefly, slapping him and sending him down to the floor.

"You ungrateful little prick! How dare you speak to me like that!" She shouted back. "You should be grateful that you're even still here! When you should be in jail for everything you did! All of you should be!"
Lucious heard the screaming, as he was after all somewhat tailing them with their fears. Sensing Break’s spike up suddenly, Lucious ran into complete darkness. Under a bench, which happened to be in front of them and dark underneath, Lucious crawled through the dark appearing normal.
The creatures of the dark. The monsters under your bed. The things that happen to be everywhere that’s dark. Also happens to freak out a great deal of children, so it’s useful to use to travel quickly.
Lucious says, his voice sounds like a mix of a group of fears combined together with his on top. After crawling through, he walks over to Break, and helps him up. After Lucious trys to calm Break, telling him everything’s alright and kissing him softly, Lucious looks straight up at the Nurse woman.
You know, I told you to take care of him. And last I checked, throwing people and breaking them isn’t taking care of. Of course, I know what you can do and how to remidy this situation thanks to some little digging around in the other inmate’s heads. Because breaking ones will can be preaty fearful to most. And I mean, how can I blame them for having such a powerful fear of them breaking their will to resist. Cause, as you can see with the monsters under one’s bed, I can also so some more than normal people. You see, I can be the one people fear.. Just like you..
Lucious smirks, slowly turning into the Nurse as he opens his hands feeling his power as this Nurse.
Break kisses him back softly and wipes his face, holding his cheek. It held a hand print from the nurse. His other hand gripped Lucious' hoodie, holding on for dear life. He's been here for a year and no one, NO ONE had hit him. She must be new. The staff could handle the students roughly, but they were never allowed to hit them. He was scared slightly of Lucious, knowing just what he can do, but he didn't go all out when it came to Break, he was just showing off then, now he was angry. Break went behind Lucious and held onto the back of his hoodie.

"The only monster under the beds are you freaks." She stated walking up to Lucious, reaching to grab his arm, not realize the extent of his power. The other staff members where coming into the dorm building and she thought she was going to be in the clear, when all of a sudden they stopped in their tracks, the younger boy had snapped his fingers. She had forgotten that he could stop time. She was fucked.
Freaks? God, I haven’t heard that since.. a month ago. And you know what? It hurts being told that, ya know? And so, I’m gonna have to make sure you say sorry for that and for hurting my boyfriend.
Lucious says, while he slowly walks forward. An almost silent Thank You was spoken for Break freezing time. As Lucious got to the Nurse, he smiled devilishly.
Now, miss, we can play this two ways. One, you could play nice and say sorry out of your own free will. If not... then I may have to get a little physical and make you say it...
The nurse smirked and crossed her arms, tilting her head at them. "Your boyfriend? This little whore?" She managed to walk around Lucious and yanks Break away once more, this time by his hair. "Do you know about him? How he was passed around? How much he loved it." She ripped his patch off and made him look at Lucious, one eye missing completely where it had to be taken out.

Break struggled against the nurse and growled, managing to get his gloves off. But it did no good. He couldn't use both of his powers at once. He'd have to unfreeze time in order to set her on fire. He clenched his teeth and fought against her, but he couldn't focus as much while freezing time. That was his draw back. She slammed him against the floor and looked back up at Lucious. She knew she was pushing her luck, but she was one of those people who didn't know when to quit.
Lucious’ eyes turned black while in the Nurse’s form. Lucious grabbed the Nurses arm, yanking her away from Break. Kissing him softly, whisper that it’ll be all right. Then, Lucious then walks over to the Nurse, grabbing her arm. The Nurse is surprised though, as it’s actually her power on her.
I guess you chose the hard choice then. I suppose making you see your fears and submitting you to my will is up to your style, after all you do everyday. And, to be frank. I like him for who he is now. If he was different back in the past then so be it. But, you still don’t hurt him, based on the past or the present.
Break kissed him back softly and reached out for him lightly. "Lucious, don't hurt her... Just... subdue her..." He whisper, standing up slowly. His head was beginning to pound and his vision was getting blurry. This needs to hurry. He was getting sick, he need some fresh air.

The Nurse tried to back away but was stuck in Lucious' grip. She growled at him and attempted to shove him away. "Let me go! I am your elder. Not to mention, I am a staff member. I have the authority to subdue any of you!" Her eyes widened as she stared at him, and saw herself. She saw how ugly she looked. What had happened that made her this way. It must be this place. This evil, evil place. "He will always be a whore..." She whispered and looked away, still struggling to try and get away.
Of course, if that’s what you wish. And miss. Last I remember, I was never told you had permission to beat us and throw us on the ground. Cause that’s pretty scary to some people, and a nice nurse like you wouldn’t do that no would you? And, please submit quickly I would like to get some coffee soon..
Lucious says, smiling creepily as the black eyes fade into the Nurse’s form as well. He was putting way too much energy into this, hence the coffee he needs soon. However, with more energy the pay off of the power he’s pushing also increases to make the nurse submit even quicker.
The nurse started to slump in Lucious' grip, she was getting weak. This must be what happens to others when she uses them on others. She let her arm go limp and glared angrily at the pair of them. But they got the best of her. "What about the two outside? What's going to happen with them?" She asked and submitted to Lucious, getting weaker.

That's when Break spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper getting weaker, needed to lean against the wall to stay standing . "They'll be fine. If anything, I'm the one being affected negatively by it, much to your delight most likely. In fact they won't even remember why they're here." He stumbled over to Lucious and gripped the back of his hoodie, laying his head on his back. He closed his eyes and whimpered softly. "Can we go soon...?"
Now Nurse, remember what you learned today. Now repeat it with me. Don’t fuck with the lovebirds. Okay? Okay.
Lucious jokingly says, letting the Nurse go and goes back to normal. He walks over to Break, helping him on his feat and letting him know he can resume the time. Making sure he isn’t showing affection to the staff Lucious makes sure Break is okay until he can move with Lucious’ help.
The nurse fell to the floor and breathed deeply. She learned a lot about herself today. She guessed in all reality she could have just left them alone. But there was just something about the two of them that she just couldn't stand. "This isn't the end of this." She growled and stood slowly, brushing off her backside. She checked her arm from where he grabbed her and raised her arm. "The Dean will find out about this." She stated, rubbing said arm absentmindedly.

Break reached down and picked up his now broken eye patch and sighed. His arm was beginning to bruise along with his cheek. He had a pounding headache from holding time for so long and his hair being pulled so roughly. He also hit his side on a table when he was slapped to the floor, so there was going to be a nice bruise there as well. "I've been here longer than you. I don't believe anyone ever said anything about affection between each other. I know it was explicitly said that staff and students couldn't, but nothing was said about two students. I could see maybe if it was causing issues, but as far as I know you're the only one with an issue." He leaned up against Lucious, not caring that she was there. He didn't want to be anyway from him, besides he wasn't going to be able to walk to good without support anyway.

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