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Fire Across the Universe

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@tims run

He turn off hologram on his left arm, "take it easy, how you can go by your own?" He asks something to him, "there's no ship outside and where is yours? If not i suggest you need to tag along for a while, i'm interested to see the rest of your lucky 10 if i can find the ship where they are and awaken them" even Max can go alone, who knows what may got him even he's a reaper. Alan prefer him to chill out for a while.
[inside the dome]

Tarus looked to the UGF soldier " Very well tj." He said calmly before holding out his hand. A bright red orb began to form small at first, but quickly began to expand into a small bolder sized ball. Swirls bright white energy flowed, and arched around the orb as it condensed more psionic energy into it from tarus.

@tims run

"Okay." TJ said as he held out his hand forming a white orb expanding it to the same size as tarus. TJ began to pour in majority of his psonic energy into the orb as it began to emitt bright orange arches.

"By your count tarus."

@Lord Anubis



Max pointed a finger at alanan. A cLear indicaton that he did not want to listen to any voices. "You think this is some sort of game?" Max said. "You don't even know them. Stop saying you want to see them. Theylread not even close to the bulls hit you read about them in your pathetic textbooks.

"They are genocidal maniacs!" Max screamed tripping Alanto the ground. His anger clearly taking a hold of him. A very clear distinction for a reaper as they were known as short tempered. "And you won't last around them. Why? Because I am their family. If anyone knows them it's me! And the others! And they'll eat you alive with kind of aura you have. Your aura is pathetic even to me. What do you think they'll say?"

"Something along the lines of. It's an embarrassent to life as a whole."

"Now. Like I said. I'm a person who can deal with things. So I'm going to hunt the UGF down. Unless you or one of your shifty boys has a better plan." Max said venting out his fury.
- Max -

Alan chuckle as he was tripped but he utilize its momentum to make him standing again without being knocked down. "Kid, i told you. Take it easy. You're a short-tempered person and i know it.." Alan doesn't want Max to be exposed on the public otherwise UGF will be fully prepared. "You don't need only to be a reaper physically, what i want is to make them assassinated that lies here" he pointed Max's heart. "You can subdue and use people of UGF as your tools by striking fears at their own heart, killing their will but not physically.." this time Alan is quite serious about this, "i prefer them to see fighting each other then i'll just have to clean up the rest while taking down those who can be a threat in a future to make UGF play safe"

Alan already saw everything coming but Max never see it coming. "If UGF saw your short-tempered, you will play at their hands and you will die by them.." he light up his lighter, "if you want to rise your own SC again i suggest you have to make a scheme secretly.." he grins. "If you go like that even with godspeed or anything inhuman within you and UGF knows it they will toy you through your personality of short-tempered before you realized you play right to where they want you and dead by them" he suggests another thing, "kid, i prefer to let them fight each other and i know how"

Alan know the reaper's purpose even with classified information, just a nickname is enough for him to know the purpose of it. If Max go alone like that with short tempered and UGF notices him, they will toy him and bringing Max to where they want him and executed.

(I suddenly remembered about mighty undefeated warrior Lu Bu was defeated because of his short-tempered by Cao Cao through scheme xD )
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Williams and his flotilla of a hundred ships finally arrived at the planet. While his men were good at fighting on foot, his race were masters when it came to fighting ship to ship. It was well known that they made the best combat fleets, and they knew how to use them. "Attention all ships, I am General Williams of the Republic of Calirion. We are here to offer our assistance in exchange for sharing information from the beacon. If nobody wishes for this agreement, we will take the beacon by force. You have 10 minutes to decide your answer"

Tarus shouted quickly " KNOW! " He said firing the orb of concentrated psionic energy. He continued to fire a beam of psionic energy behind the orb. His psionic energy was one of the strongest given centuries of evolution to his race by incorporating strong genetic strains into the Revanent DNA strain. He focused all of his energy into the attack.

@tims run

[Orbit above relic world]

When a unknown fleet arrived with several ships the commanding matriarch look to the screen, as they sent their transmission to all the vessels. When she heard their willingness to share the technology, and destroy those who didn't wish to she felt a sudden burst of anger. How dare this species to tell the revanent empire, they must share the technology and information with them. The three light cruisers in low orbit took aim towards the unknown fleet. The four heavy cruisers and the several squadrons of fighters both took aim as well. They did not fire upon these vassals, but their point remained clear they did not yield to no one. The Flag ship Matriarch a small planet sized capital ship the only one of her kind stood guard in front of the dimensional gate way connecting the revanent home galaxy to this one.

(There is a hundred just so you know, not several)

Williams saw that a fleet in orbit of the planet aimed it's guns at his fleet. It appeared that they didn't like his ultimatum, no matter, they would all suffer for their insolence. "All ships open fire, blow them out of the skies." As soon as the order was given, every one of his 100 ships fired upon the enemy fleet. Within seconds of his ships opening up, the other fleet lost a ship that wasn't as prepared for fighting as the others. With his ships superior numbers, weapons, shields and armour, they would win this fight. "I shall give you one last chance, work with me and my men, share the information, or be annihilated. Either way, I win. So, what shall it be? Death or survival?"


With the beast dead, the beacon broke free of it's bond as the beacon was hoisted into the hubrazian ships.



TJ had gotten the message from his admiral about William's. "Williams. I have a capital ship the size of a supercity that can house billions and stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers. I have on board that ship. weapons that can take out anything bigger than the capital ship with a single shot. If you don't want me to use them against you, then stop firing upon my allies the revenants. And I'll share with you, information as well. Which you so desperately want."
- Max -

Alan only shake his head as Max said it, "Even you want to annihilate every one of them include those who are just civilians? You want to kill UGF civilian as well with those who can't resist as well? Tell me about it"


He try to analyze every mechanism for the door, "as long as there is clue of it we can try rigging it but i don't know what the system is.." Jacob try to understand the mechanism on the door while he's bringing the devices, "we can't just blow this thing up.. this door was thick.. we need to know what kind of mechanism is to open this thing.."
Williams got TJ's message, and knew he was either serious, or bluffing. Either way he didn't care, he was willing to share and that was all he needed. "All ships hold fire. Mr TJ, I am coming down there to inspect the beacon personally. Is that a problem with you?"


"I am not Sashi. I only go after military and politics." Max said. "But, if I must I shall kill the people as well."



"The other faction has retrieved the beacon." TJ said referring to the hubrazians. "But they are no longer important as I already know where to go."

TJ said. "You want to know what's indie the beacon don't you. We'll then, I hope you don't fire uon our allies."

"The location is pointing at a system called, the renegade system. I have sent coordinates as well for you. If you wish to leave for the system now, you are more then welcome to do so." TJ said before cutting off transmissions.

@Lord Anubis

"It was the only way to shut him up." TJ said. "But more importantly, it's best that someone does the dirty work for you, and you are the one to reap the rewards. Of which I will take 10% of keeping our 'alliance' in mind." TJ said to tarus handing him the black circuit board like device.
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- Max -

Alan chuckle, "good.. but going alone won't be able to eliminate all of them.. you need someone to lure them into right where you want.." he wonder if Max was capable of ruling the Colonies once he took power of it but it will cost his ability as a reaper because he will be attacked by papers, papers and papers to signed with everyday. "Do you like to sign paperwork and meetings everyday like that? I have to ensure that you can do it or not because being a ruler must have a tons of paperwork as a daily meal and the fighting abilities can be blunted unless you have someone that was capable of doing it.." it's a funny question but it makes sense, if he can't then who he will assign unless he got someone fit to rule billions or even trillions of people.

(lol, fact of being a ruler xD )


Jacob finally understands the mechanism of the door and with few magic tricks that has been set by Rho he will push the button to open it as Rho finish rigging the system, he's not forget to wear the mask in order to be caution.

The doors slowly opened up, the rusted metal rubbing against each other making a low pitched noise. Inside, it was pitch black. There was no light source and the sunlight was only penetrating the darkness only several yards.


"I'll improvise." Max said. "But about the paperwork. I don't think I'll last long in that aspect. Probably will just get someone to do it for me and pay them a ridiculous amount since it's only fair. Or, I can simply break in and re-commission every single reaper." Max stated. "But i'm still keeping the title as leader like it or not to them at least."
Williams looked at the data that TJ sent, seemed pretty straight forward, almost too easy in a way. He ordered most of his fleet to proceed to the coordinates, while he and a small contingent retrieve the bodies of the fallen.
-Renegate System-


The system had ten planets orbiting. Most of them gas planets. There was only two terrestrial planets and both of them were within the inner core of the solar system. It was most ly a desert world with only small bodies of oceans and mostly massive continents of sand. Within the system though, there seemed to be another faction already there and that there was activity on a certain area of the planet.

The activity was revealed from the device's signal retrieved by the NSA still being transmitted as it pinpointed the location of the NSA's activities.




Max's arm began to sound as he tapped the screen on his black trench jacket. "Hang on. Shit." Max looked up. "Looks like we have company. The thing is detecting several ships in orbit around this planet right now." Max took out his red combat visors. Although his weapons were out-dated by tens of millions of years, it was still better than not having any weapon at all. "I'm guessing they're here for something. So I need answers. Your men should start talking, or better yet, you should start talking." Max sad as he turned to face Alan.
Williams landed on the planet and collected his fallen men. His fleet reported to him about the system, and the NSA activity. "Alright, form a defensive position and hold it." While the last of the dead were being removed, he had a few samples collected from the Beast and the dome. "Hopefully High Command doesn't kill me for failing"

Putting out his cigarrete Alan chuckle and will gave Max names if he agree on his suggestion. "I have two person that was good on politics and warfare.. If you allow me to help you, i will put those two to take your seat and doing the paperworks while you can command them both.. your presence can concealed while we can fool public that you're the actual leader.."

Alan looks at Max, "what do you think, kid? You can learn one or two things from my student since he knew the politics of warfare while also another aspects of politics as well that you can't master it"


He order his firely robot again to light up the hallway. He bring the devices inside as he receive transmission from his crew. "We got another company sir.." Jacob nodded as he continue to walk inside with firefly robot to light the hallway and corridors while bringing the devices.

The NSA already alerted outside, tanks are coming out from crawlers and defense tower has been constructed by defense crawler to tight up defenses around the SC's wreckage.

@Lord Anubis

"Admiral. Warp me back into the capital ship." TJ said through his ear piece as he walked passed tarus. "Where are we headed sir?" The Admiral replenish. "I sent the coordinates and everything. Just make sure that all marines are accounted for and get me back to the ship." TJ said. "And under no circumstances are you to fire upon the revenants." TJ added before leaving the dom3

-Renegate systemperature. -


The NSA seemed to be digging up a massive builting from the surface. Along with the signal of some sort of alien device under their grasp which they took earlier from another system.whatever they were doing, it seemed I.mportant.


"I'll just sit outside." Max said as he turned around and started to walk back through the hallways.



It currently seemed as though there was nothing but a long empty hallway which did not even branch off into separate subsections. The building though seemed to be corroded from the sand, the inside seemed to be very clean and refurbished.
Williams and his men left the planet and headed to rendezvous with the rest of his fleet. We they arrived, the data from NSA puzzled him. "Attention, attention. To whomever may be listening. I am General Williams of the Republic of Calirion. If anyone can hear me, please respond"
- Jacob -

Both Jacob and Rho are continuing to go onwards as they are walking at where the devices will guides them. Hopefully they can discover something unique of it.

- Alan -

He looks at Max while following him as he took something from his pocket. It's a cigar but he put it back to his pocket. "Kid, you want my offer or not?"

- NSA -

In the meantime the current officer that Jacob has placed to defend the ship's wreckage response to the contacts that comes to NSA, she's Commander Michelle LaCroix, "this is Commander Michelle LaCroix.. what business you have here?" In the orbit there are NSA 1st Fleet taking caution of incoming fleet.
Williams got a response from the planet, "I am here because and alien beacon lead me here. I lost a lot of men trying to get that beacon and all I could get was to come here. Since you seem to be all set up, you wanna tell me what the hell is going on here?"

LaCroix replies in calm but also she gave what she can find here, "It's a ship's wreckage abandoned by decades or maybe million of years.. To be honest i prefer you guys to stay out from this problem since it's not suitable for those who are not suited to be inside.." Rho, Angelus and Alan was the only officers that was inside the ship while the rest of soldiers are guarding the gates as they keep sending firefly robot to light up the roads at the ship.

William doesn't know that there are a reaper inside which was awakened by Alan, the "Lord of Death". LaCroix already got notifications from Angelus and she will do her best to prevent anyone from getting inside it. If they come in by force then it will be a slaughter for them.
Williams became suspicious, "Do your people need any help down there? I have some engineers that could be of use in finding out what that ship was used for." He gave the order for his flotilla to spread out in small groups, and to ready to send down troops to the planet if necessary
At that moment, an SAA went into the ship to deliver two crates. LaCroix rise her shoulder as either she will let them go or not. "We're not going to take responsibilities if you guys got casualties.. It's yours to decide" The defense soldiers are still stationed outside and on alert but since LaCroix told them to let them do what they want they continue to patrol around the ship's wreckage again. She made a contact again with them, "Speaking of something, which faction do you belong to?"

the SAA arrives to Alan and Max, the crates opened and Alan take his arsenal. "We got another faction coming.." He looks at his team member, "Zepp, be a "Ghost"" He nodded and slowly he vanished nowhere.
Williams frowned, "What faction I belong to is of no concern at this time. Simply put I am a friendly force who is trying to help. Is there any hostile forces on the planet? Any traps or such?"
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