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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

(Srry Guys im sick and have a fever. I keep trying ro reply but i always fall asleep)
(Don't stress yourself too much :3)

The birds were talking again.

"Girl, you must fly! Become one with the sky!"

The plethora of blue birds, birds she'd never seen before were perched on an old tree, it looked sad, that tree. Leafless, the ground around it dry and cracked.

"I can't fly. I'm a human girl." She said, gazing up at the many birds. She tried to remember what birds they were, but couldn't place it.

"You must!" They were getting irritated now. Several opened their wings and flew up. "Fly!"

"I can't! I'm just a girl!" She was getting scared.

"FLY!" The birds all chorused, and divebombed her, pushing her back as she tried to wave them off, back towards a cliff- where did the cliff come from? Soon she was falling through space, not knowing how to stop it..

Isha gasped and sat bolt upright in bed. She looked around. "My bedroom...." She sighed and laid down once again, staring at her ceiling. Then aftr a glance she realized she missed school. "Ohhhh dear. I missed school." She smirked, and cuddled deeper under the covers. "Oh nooooo. Whatever shall I do?" She laughed and closed her eyes.

(I wasn't sure how to jump in, I hope this is good.)
(Hope you get better too, btw I can't really take credit for the emperor eye idea Shuiro came from Kuroko No Basuke his name was Akashi, and Yuki was Kuroko I changed personalities and names, all I took was appearance and the emperor eye thing although I'm changing that a little too.)

Shuiro flinched and jumped out a vent before it caved in pulling his brother by the tail. "Owow! Shu!!" he whined once they were out they decided to go outside and Shuiro blinked curiously hiding in a bush as some guy did some weird stuff to a cat... whatever was going on he didn't like it. Yuki whispered to his brother "what do you think he's doing?" he asked his brother since he relied on him for almost everything. "you think I know?, trust me if I did I'd tell you" and then the worst thing possible happened... Yuki knew what would happen next and it was never a pretty sight. It started the same as always, his left eye started to glow and deepened looking more cat like and dangerous. Then came the voice change, "Emperor eye" it came from Shuiro's mouth but it wasn't him, not anymore... his voice was deeper and had a darker tone.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/thumb.png.9c7a33a0bf33ddb28fc84bc4669dd23c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/thumb.png.9c7a33a0bf33ddb28fc84bc4669dd23c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yuki just stayed where he was and hoped nobody saw him like this... Shuiro smirked and came out from hiding walking slowly in the guys direction teeth bared and laughing maniacally.



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"Aw only one?" Xavier had flown over to a nearby tree where he could see the action,but stay hidden. "Maybe with enough ruckus others will come."

The cat glared at the girl who approached and let out a loud hiss. Then swiped furiously at her with its long,sharp, claws.
Nichole gulped and sighed. Her eyes narrowed and she jumped onto a tree branch. "What do I do what do I do?" She thought and bit her lip. "Just let your instinct guide you." A voice said in her head. Nichole nodded but froze. "W-what?" Her eyes dulled and she went to her subconscious. There was a cheetah there. "Are you ready to accept your destiny?"

A guy with blonde hair with red streaks stood on the side of a building. He nodded and smiled. "Theres one of them." He held a pendant and Nichole nodded to the cheetah and gulped looking at the cat monster thing. "What do I do?" The guy said"CATCH!" tossing a pendant to her. Nichole caught it and he said"mew mew transform!" Nichole was surrounded by a light and the cheetah walked into her as she transformed.

Nichole landed on her feet and her tail swished from side to side. "Huh? WAH!" blushing at the outfit. "W-what is this?!"
Isha leaned out the window of her house, after hearing some kid laughing like a maniac. "Guuuuh, stupid teenagers getting drunk outside of my house." When she looked out, she immediately spotted some kid going a little crazy.. on the other side of the street? "How did I hear laughing across the street? Ughhh, keep getting weirder everyday..." She scooted along the floor in her slippers, and got dressed out of her penguin pajamas, into her normal black shirt and jeans, then stretched and went downstairs. The second she opened the front door to head out, her nose was blasted by the smell of exhaust. Living on a main road sucked.
"Looks like I was on the right track after all,"Xavier said after seeing the girl's transformation.

The cat was slightly caught off guard by Nichole jumping into a tree. The cat dashed over to the branch that Nichlole was on and slashed at it. Though not at her,but the branch so it fell off the tree.
"Looks like I was on the right track after all,"Xavier said after seeing the girl's transformation.

The cat was slightly caught off guard by Nichole jumping into a tree. The cat dashed over to the branch that Nichlole was on and slashed at it. Though not at her,but the branch so it fell off the tree.
Nichole jumped up and landed on her feet running around it. "CMON FUR BALL!" being cocky. "GET YOUR WEAPON!" shouted the boy. "MY WHAT? WAH!" getting swatted into the tree. Nichole growled and stood. Two pistols appeared in her hands. Her amber eyes narrowed at the monster and she smirked. "Tata! STRAWBERRY AND CHOCOLATE FLURRY!"shotting at it. Then jumped up and kicked up.
Isha immediately headed for her spot- The darkest, least gone to part of the park. She loved to go there to read, do homework, or nap. Napping is good, and the squirrels were all scared of her so they left her alone. Except for that one, but he's just pissy at everyone. She found she could hear things she never could before. In fact, she passed some old lady feeding pigeons bird seed and had to really fight the urge to get on her hands and knees and eat some. THAT was weird. She could hear things far away. She could've sworn she saw a giant cat attacking people as she passed the school- "Wait what?" She immediately backtracked and looked again, sticking her head out from between trees.
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Ayumi heard yelling and what sounded like fighting coming from outside. She opened one of the windows and felt her ears and tail pop out as she jumped out and landed on her feet. Her ears picked up the noise easily and ran at top speed towards it. "What the-?!" She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the gigantic cat and someone fighting it. Ayumi saw something in the air coming her way and she caught it, turning it around in her hand. A white light engulfs her quickly, making her step back in confusion. "What is going on?!!" She sees and wolf walk calmly into her and then she's back in the real world in a weird outfit. "Huh??" Ayumi then focuses back on the cat when it suddenly growls and hisses really loudly. She then realizes that she's right in front of the cat and is growling back at it. Her hands grip around dagger looking objects that suddenly appeared. "How...what...??" Her train of thought was interrupted when the cat clawed at her. She jumped up and threw one of her knives at it, also clawing at its face.

((Big one, also this is the outfit:))

Isha looked in and frankly couldn't figure out what was going on. A giant cat, two people with cat ears and tails sprouting out their tailbones, and some guy like from one of her fantasy novels, with the big pointy ears and pale complexion. Dude, seriously. Committed cosplayer, or just a weirdo? Am I interrupting some weird LARPing thing or something? God, can this day get any weirder? And that giant cat, it could be a robot, but... it doesn't move like a robot, it looks alive....
The cat revived damage from the attacks,and became more annoyed. With two girls two focus on the cat dashed at the blue girl with the knives. It clawed at her,and tried to bite her as well.

"Seems like more are finally showing up,"Xaiver though as the battle still went on,"Knives are going to be a bit tricky for it to deal with."
Shuiro watched everything around him in slow motion, his stare was cold and heartless "Why don't you stop playing with little girls?, you don't look like a challenge" He said pulling out the pair of scissors he always holds in his pocket and a cheshire wicked grin spread across his face as he threw the scissors in the air a blackish, murky golden aura surrounding it as it grew and split in two and Shuiro caught them both with a downright psychotic smile on his face he launched at an impressive speed and cut a slash in his cheek, a small warning shot of sorts. He wanted to see blood. Yuki watched too timid to get involved, "T-this is bad!, really bad!" he yelped "Don't you feel that rush of adrenaline?! the pain!? this is what it feels like to be alive!"
Itaru followed Ayumi with Ritsuka slowly trailing behind. He carried her in his arms for a moment cust so they could jump out the window,"Stay here!" He said as he set her down. He turned his back to her and followed Ayumi's scent...

As soon as he arrived at the cite, his ears and tail popped out along with a rapier at his waist. "What the hell is going on?!" He yelled above the commotion to no one in particular. 
Ritsuka's worry grew as time passed. She made the decision to try and follow him but it was no use. She was pretty much lost... Luckily up ahead, the sound of two voices caught her attention as well as the sound of something...monsterous!! She cautious followed the sounds but stood hidden. Infront of her were two twin brothers that also looked like Itaru with cat features,"Theres more of them?!" She said. She looked up and saw a giant cat like creature. She stared with those sapphire eyes in amazement but knew it was dangerous. She trembled a little in fear but at the same time was entertained by it.
"...Yeeeeah, I'm just gonna leave now. Byyyye" Isha began to step away, slowly, trying not alert the giant cat or elf, man, thing of her presence, but apparently fate had other ideas. She tripped, no idea what on, but something. She fell with a loud thud onto the pavement, and laid there. "So much for being quiet."
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With all the attacks the cat took,it started slowing down and looked weaker. It also showed signs of taking damage with a few scratches,bruises,and bleeding somewhat. Though the cat still showed persistence in attacking its enemies. Its attacks though were a little less effected though,and it was going slower than it initially was.
Isha wanted to keep going, to get out of there, but somehow, she couldn't push back the feeling she had to fight this thing, or elf boy over there. How would I take down THAT thing? She thought as she stared the giant cat down. She turned her attention to elf boy, and thought, well, I'd have a better chance against him.
Ayumi picked different voices and scents but didn't pay attention them. She spun two times before throwing three daggers into the cat's arm, landing a little off and scraped her knee. She growled in pain but stared at the cat, hoping that it would disappear soon. Her breathing was uneven and it felt like she as going to collapse any second. Ayumi felt something build up inside of her for a a little bit but it vanished quickly. "No...more..fighting..." The strength she had a few minutes ago felt like it was fading, and fast.
Soon the cat had enough. With a couple more blows,it collapsed finally from exhaustion and pain.

"Well looks like that didn't take long,"Xavier thought,"I'll need to bring some more next time for their next challenge."
Nichole changed back as the cat went back to normal. She ran over to the poor thing and picked it up. "Dont worry little one. I gotcha." Jogging to the animal clinic.

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