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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Ayumi skidded to a halt when the teacher called the first time, knowing she was right behind her. She breathed hard and walked over to her, patting her back. "Nice...hah...job...you're pretty fast." Her body instead of feeling like it was going to collapse, it felt energized. She then realized that she was jogging in place. "I wanna ran again so badly, it felt great!"
Shuiro and Yuki were skipping class again, of course the redhead's idea "Bro are sure about this? I mean what if someone sees us?" Yuki questioned hiding behind the slightly taller male like a frightened kitten in the middle of a storm. Akashi nodded "Trust me, have I ever been wrong?" "Yes" The blue boy replied plainly.

"Oh yeah?, name once" He said confidently

"Well there was that one time you thought that you could actually fly, that didn't end very well..."

"That doesn't count"

"Whatever" he sighed knowing he wouldn't win this arguement.

The two boys wandered the halls aimlessly and stopped by the gym sneaking a peek and seeing a bunch of tired kids, must've had to run. Poor things Shuiro hated gym, which was weird 'cuz he loves sports he just didn't see enough compettition in the gym as on a basketball court. 
(What's the character limit? Can I add one more girl?)
Ayumi didn't know what to do and didn't know if there was anything after this so she started to stretch. It was a quick stretch but she wanted to keep running. She ran all the way back to the starting line and ran the whole track over and over again, giggling and laughing the whole time. Her legs never got tired and she felt more alive. Ayumi stopped since she noticed a lot of people staring at her in awe.
Ayumi jogged over to the locker room and changed, waving at a few people who were waving at her. She walked out and sat on the lowest bench on the bleachers, leaning back so she could swing her legs. Her hair swung back and forth in its ponytail which made her giggle at the feeling.
Thr final bell rang and Nichole grabbed her backpack and walked out. She sighed seeing the groups of friends walk home together and felt out of place. her bang over her eyes again. Nichole sat in some park thinking m
The loud sound stayed in her ears and made her cover them in pain. "Why are they so loud?!" Her voice was covered by many conversations already happening around her. She hopped off and walked around the school without a place in mind. After a while she stopped and realized that she was lost and didn't know where an exit was. "Great, first day of school is going swimmingly." Ayumi plopped down in one of the desks she found and stared out the window, watching a couple groups of students leaving the school happily.
The dismissal bell rang..

Ritsuka had begun to walk out the front school gates, looking down at her phone. She walked at a leisurely pace while the gentle breeze carried her hair and parted her bangs to see the luminous crystal eyes.

Suddenly her phone buzzed. She sighed when she read the message and picked a tree to lean on...

Itaru sent a text to Ritsuka, asking her to wait for him. He had a lollipop in his mouth as he wandered the hallways looking for a way out. "Havent i been here already?..."
The brothers chuckled watching a girl run again after everyone else had quit. Shuiro had an idea the mischeivious cat dragged his brother along as he crawled up into the vents "What are you plotting now?" Yuki was starting to get curious "Were going to pay the girls a special visit" he chuckled, he had a prank in mind.
Ayumi banged her head against the desk and walked out into the hall, sitting with her legs in front of her. She started mumbling a few words from a song she heard on someones phone. Her head hit the back of the wall and she continued doing that because she was curious. "The teachers should still be in school but noooo, the students have to survive on their own. Stupid teachers, they're so annoying." If she's alone for a while, she starts speaking what's on her mind without realizing it. Ayumi played with her skirt and the bow in her hair before slumping down all the way in the hall. "Uuugh."
Nichole slowly started to draw in her sketchbook and tried put detail into her drawing. Nichole nodded and shaded in the bunnies with a smile. She loved to draw.
(Yay! More kitties to play with!)

Itaru wandered for a while,"hmmm..." He looked up and down the hall,"this isnt school its a maze!" He said to himself. He walked for a while then stop,"but you can cheat in a maze..." A smirk grew on his lips as he looked up and a light bulb went off. Just down the hall was a vent and luckily no one was around,"its a little high..." He thought.

He took another look around then poof! Black ears and a long black tail came out. He grinned with fangs poking out. With his now enhanced agility, he could jump and reach the vent which is exactly what he did.

He hummed as he crawled through. His tail swished as if happy to be out in the open. He could hear what sounded like more crawling coming towards him. Itaru stopped dead in his tracks, he cant go back, the space is too small! 
Ritsuka waited by that tree. "Where is he..." She tapped her foot and crossed her arms impatiently. She looked around, looking at each boy that matched his profile, but no luck. She sighed and actually started to get a little worried...

She brought her hands to her chest in a self conscious manner. She started to feel that maybe he wasnt coming...she looked down at the ground and played with the hemming of her skirt as a frown grew across her tiny face.
Shuiro set up a trap that would blow a bunch of plastic spiders into the girls locker room as soon as the air was turned on tommorow "Heehee" Yuki just smiled at his brothers antics but turned his head when he heard another person... smells like another cat Yuki thought and followed the scent his brother actually following him for a change, the duo eventually found Itaru and Yuki waved his tail happily both brothers growing ears and tails, Shuiro despite being the leader didn't like social interaction. It's because of his eyes, the red and yellow mis-matched eyes scared alot of people and he felt very self concious about it. Yuki smiled "Nya!" he said hello in his own way.
Ayumi stopped what she was doing when she heard pounding coming from the ceiling. The only other floor above her is the roof and it sounded like someone was banging on metal. "The vents?" She got up and tried to listen closer, failing since she was somewhat short. Something weighed her hair down and it made her feel weird so she reached up to take it off and felt something soft, and fluffy. Ayumi dug in her bag and found a small mirror, bringing it up to her face to find small canine like teeth and what looked like wolf ears on her head. The new found tail and ears were the same color as her hair, just with black tips. "So I'm a wolf....huh..." She got used to it quiet quickly and found and open vent nearby. Her height and weight allowed her to crawl easily through the vents. One of her ears twitched when she heard a voice straight ahead. Before she knew it, she bumped into someone. "Hello."
Itaru's ears perked,"oh!" He saw their ears and tails too,"heh heh! Well whaddaya know. Im not the only one out there!" He grinned, his fangs flashing.

He looked behind them and saw Ayumi,"oi! Ayumi!" He smiled at her. He saw that she had more canine features. His tail puffed up,"a dog..." He muttered under his breath. The vent creaked under them,"Dont you think all of us in here is a liiiiiiittle too much weight?" He sweat-dropped and told them.
Ayumi stepped back in fear and shook her head. "N-No! I'm a wolf not a dog." She then saw the other two and smiled, her canine teeth showing. The creak was heard loud and clear for her and she stiffened. "Just a little...." Her legs started to move backwards but that made the vents creak again. She shut her eyes quickly, thinking that it was going to break.
Ritsuka gave in. She ran back into the school and searched for him. Her and Itaru were hit by that light at the same time but she never noticed physical changes in herself, only her feline friend. But she noticed her scent and hearing were more keen, and the slightest differences in the environment would catch her attention.

With her scent, she tried to track Itaru. She roamed the hallways, taking the same route he did.

"It stops here....." She looked around, wondering where he could be. She stood under the vent he took as an entrance and didnt think hed be up there so the thought never crossed her mind. She continued to search and quickly caught again.

Something stopped her path. The door to the girl's locker room stood in her path,"no...." She whispered.

She bursted through the door,"Itaru?!" She searched for him. She could hear voices but couldnt pin point where they were. 
Itaru's ears perked when she said wolf,"oh! Just like Ritsuka. She doesnt know it yet but i can smell it on her."

His ears flattened at the sound of Ritsuka's voice under them. Behind them was another vent opening. He slowly scuttled backwards from where he came and looked down.

"Ritsuka?" He tilted his head,"Ritsuka! We were just talking about you!"

Ritsuka looked up at the vent,"Gah! Ruru-kun! Wh-what are you doing up there?! Youre gonna get in trouble!" Her eye brows furrowed with worry. She moved some of her white hair out of her face so her sapphire eyes could get a better look.
"Let's see where is it? The school where those new mews are is around here somewhere." Xavier floats around the city looking for the school. Soon coming across it he sighed,"Finally found it. Took me long enough." Xavier pulled out a Chia Spirit,"Well I should introduce myself to them. Seeing that we are going to be seeing each other for a while. This spirit should cause enough trouble for them to get lured out." Xavier looked around for a stray animal,"Hmmm lets see....no...no...aha!" Xavier spotted a black stray cat that should do just fine for him.

Getting close to it,but not too close so he doesn't scare it off. Xavier tosses the spirit onto the cat,which leaped and yowled in surprise. It then grew larger about 35 feet tall,its look's became more monstrous,and it's blue eyes became yellow with rage inside it. "Good boy! Or girl,doesn't really matter." Xavier floated in front of the now transformed cat. "Okay. Listen to me and go cause some mess around the school." The cat shook its head and leaped over to the school. "It should draw the Mews out. I'll see how good they are against it before introducing myself." Xavier had a nice laugh to himself as he hid in a nearby tree,"Its showtime!"

((Hopefully I didn't use any wrong terms. Its been a while since I've seen the show))
Ayumi looked out of the vent and saw the girl from before. She waved and glanced at Itaru. "So you're Ritsuka...hm.." Her scent did smell somewhat like she did so she believed him. "Wait, are we above the locker room?" She dipped her head down and confirmed she was right. "I'm coming down." She turned herself around awkwardly and got her feet out first before letting go and landing on her feet. "Hi."
Ritsuka jumped back when Ayumi jumped in front of her,"Wah!!!!" She looked back up at Itaru, her face begging for him to come down.

Itaru sighed and looked at the two boys,"you guys comin?" Before they could answer he too jumped down and landed on his feet just like a cat would. As soon as his feel touched the ground his feline features poofed away. Ritsuka ran to him and clung to his left arm. She looked at Ayumi, her face red, and finally replied,"hello..."with her tiny voice that matched her tiny stature. She looked up at Itaru,"What were u guys doing up there?" Then it hit her, they were both in a secret place together. A boy and a girl. In secrecy! She looked at Ayumi then at Itaru, then back to Ayumi. Her face turned a deep red as she pointed at the two, speechless. Obviously getting the wrong idea...
Ayumi felt the weight on her head disappear, thinking that they went away for now. She tilted her at the girl and was confused. "I heard him banging against the vent so I went to see if he was okay." She lied because she didn't want to tell them that she got lost earlier. "And then here we are now." Her face was slightly red since she was in a small area.
(Ok let me think. ) 
Nichole looked up feeling something admiss and ran to the school. She saw the huge cat and gulped afraid. But something in her said to fight.

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