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Fandom Fight for Control [closed]

The lecture of the figure before her seemed to offer little in the way of teaching, and more so theory. Reveille had heard plenty of Sith and Jedi ways, at least the theory known, from the Count of Serenno. She tried to commit parts to memory, or at least the gist of the teachings, but it started to sound more like one of the old epics than teachings.

Those were meant to be teachings.

Morality tales.

But the rhythm and stanzas invited one to think less of teachings and more of stories, fantastical things not possible. If only the words matched up with such vibrancy, but they did not. They spoke of the Dark Side of the Force, but without the epic heroes, just an endless lecture on its power that seemed so repetitive, and to her, only seemed to insist on one thing: its chaotic nature.

Still, she did not speak to interrupt. Rather like Kylo, she was hoping to glean something useful from this figure. She may not be capable of using the Force, but she still sought to understand more than she did.


“They would,” Kos’tel’lanni agreed, “and that’s why Tarkin would recognize it. He holds a military base on that world in Tarkintown, and the governor has been a puppet of his ever since Grand Moff Pandion.” Oh that bitter, bitter history, when Pandion made a bid for power and lost, miserably. Pryce had also fallen before him. They tried to escape the Empire, time and time again, but their mines were far too precious.

Armitage scoffed, “Pandion deserved it,” he had been killed by Rae Sloane for his idiocy. “Still…,” the animosity between Lothal and Eriadu was known. Between Tarkin and Governor Pandion, scion of that ex-Grand Moff. “It could be played as assistance to an ally rather than a hostile action. Overtly. Obviously, it’s not to Tarkin’s favor.”

Kos’tel’lanni’s lips twitched, but she didn’t say the thought that crossed her mind – that perhaps, sometimes, Armitage could be as cunning as his sister, “Relief, then. I suppose we would need to arrange a meeting between Governor Pandion, and Commander Sienar’s family, as well as yourself?” Diplomacy, over violence. Aid. Tarkin could do little, “If we move fast enough, Governor Tarkin may not have time to respond. It may still risk the alliance with him….”

“Or it may force his hand towards one if he sees we can take his allies out from under him.” Perhaps not Tagge or even Motti, but allies all the same. “Put them on, Sienar.”

“Can’t we make him wait a few more minutes?”


He sighed, pushed the button, “So yeah, here’s Hux.”

Hux rolled his eyes, “Darrin Sienar.”

“General Hux. I understand the First Order requires more ships.”

“Indeed. Your son informed me that you would be willing to negotiate price if a new source of doonium could be obtained.”

“I would be, yes.”

“To that end, I would like to invite you to a summit with Governor Pandion on Lothal in the next day,” he didn’t have it arranged…but he would force the matter if need be. “I have already been exploring options for doonium and expanding my own reach in the market.”

“Forgive me for saying it, General Hux, but that mine is already owned by Governor Tarkin of Eriadu. I do not imagine he intends to let it go so easily.”

“It is owned by Governor Pandion of Lothal, and while Pandion may be a friend of Governor Tarkin, I would not say it goes that far, particularly as Governor Tarkin does not seem to offer much in the way of economic stability for Lothal, something I believe that the industry of Sienar Fleets can offer, alongside the First Order stability."

There was a moment of silence. A moment of hesitation. Darrin, too, could read between the lines. He understood without Armitage saying it. “When will this summit be?”

“I will send the details to you shortly, Darrin.”

“Very good, General. I will await further details.” And with that, the call was cut after a few quick pleasantries.
The morality tale weaved by the sith of the holocron was one Kylo was familiar with. It was an old story, one that nearly made Kylo grab the holocron and chuck it across the room out of frustration. But he listened. He listened to the teachings and the philosophy and the beliefs of the siths.

Some bits of information were told to him by Snoke during his training. Some he read about in his self-studies. One bit of new information he did learn was the old sith ritual of a thought bomb, powerful enough to destroy the bodies of the Force sensitives and trap their bodies in an endless vacuum.

That would be something to note for further research.

And it continued. The hologram spoke on accepting the true power that the Force would give the user if they embraced the change that came with accepting the dark side’s power. Kylo clenched a fist. He did accept that. He fully accepted any change that would happen.

The sith’s teaching further described that the user must fully erase the traits that prevented such change. Loyalty. Mercy. Compassion. Kylo wanted to scoff. Such were weaknesses, and he had long thrown those aside. Yet the gnawing sensation in the back of his mind continued.

The cloaked figure disappeared, and while Kylo surmised there was a little more left of the holocron, he turned it off in the meantime. It would be better to rewatch the hologram when he could record what was being said. The holocron was shoved back into his bag, and Kylo leaned back against the wall as silence filtered back over the room.

“Any luck yet with transmitting a message?” The bite wound was now a dull pain, but it served as an irritating reminder of how they both needed a proper look-over by medics.


In such information-heavy conversations like the current one, Lavinia wished she had remembered to put some sort of voice recorder somewhere on her body. Taking notes on her datapad, under the guise of being a good aide, may suffice, but instead she decided to count on her memory to recall the important details later on, after she returned to her quarters.

The call ended, and Lavinia came to the quick conclusion that she did not care much for the patriarch of the Sienar family. How was it even possible that he and the Commander were related?

“Would this not risk us upsetting Governor Tarkin?” She would admit that she didn’t fully understand all the factors at play, but with the governor as powerful as he is, wouldn’t gaining access to the mine’s supply, if Tarkin believed he owned it, result in undesirable tensions?

Unless there was something she was missing here.
The Siths did not sound like anything anyone should be listening to. It made more sense why Kos’tel’lanni had such a…reaction to it. Why her culture would despise the Sith. It seemed they lacked everything that made team work and organizations run efficiently. Their lust for power overrode any sense.

How could an organization work without Loyalty? At least to the idea of it, anyway.

And watching Kylo’s reactions only made Reveille wish she truly had done away with him. He seemed to be taking it in. He didn’t seem surprised, but seemed to be looking for more, as if he had already taken these teachings to heart.

No wonder Snoke died.

A chill was sweeping in that was unrelated to the Sith and their chilling words. Reveille tried to ignore it, but it did have her looking back at her datapad.

Commenting on the sith now would be a bad idea, but she’d mention it to Kos’tel’lanni. Later. Whenever she could get a message through. “No,” she couldn’t get a message through at all. Not about the sith, not about being stranded – nothing.

She would also not make a comment about Kylo not being able to bring a fire to life with the Force right then, either. They had nothing to burn, and this temple seemed to be made of stone. She glanced again to the entrance.


And still sandy. “I believe we may have to prepare for the unfortunate reality that we’re not getting out of here any time soon.”


“It will upset him,” Armitage agreed. That was not going to be debated, “But if we do it right, he can’t act or he’ll be incriminating himself as wanting Lothal to suffer.”

“Which, he can’t do if he wants to look like the superior person, which I’m all but certain he does,” Kos’tel’lanni added. “So long as we seem to be stepping in to help with honest intentions, then Tarkin can hardly protest it unless he wants to lose some allies for his lack of empathy.”

The situation on Lothal was likely not known to all. It couldn’t be. “We need to arrange a meeting with Governor Pandion,” Armitage noted then, “Are you able to arrange that, Lieutenant?” She had arranged meetings with two others for trades. He didn’t know if she had access, knowledge, or ability to arrange it with Pandion.

If not, he knew Kos’tel’lanni could.

“Do I have to be there?” Sienar asked.

“No,” Kos’tel’lanni and Armitage spoke in unison, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
If the teachings had a way to destroy any remaining barriers to full power, Kylo would’ve been more grateful. Nothing he did fulfilled the transformation, and he simply wanted to strip away any last shred of the light side that dwelled within him.

Do not try and destroy what is clearly part of you. Visible displeasure crossed his features, and he wanted to scoff at his own thoughts. He shared the same blood as Darth Vader. He was destined for the dark side, more so than the light.

But none of that mattered at the moment. With no communication with the First Order, and with the storm still raging on outside, they had to accept the fact that they would be spending the night in a temple filled with tombs of the ancient siths.

A shiver went down his spine. Whatever happened earlier, whatever spooked him, Kylo knew sleep wouldn’t be had if it found a way to plague his dreams.

And he had to sleep in the same room as her. “And it will only get colder in here,” he noted. His cape was stashed away in his bag, but it would serve as a decent enough blanket for the man who already had on clothes that covered his arms and legs. Maybe Reveille would freeze during the night.


Lavinia nodded at the answers and explanations she was given. Her impression of Governor Tarkin was that he possessed quite an ego, and losing any allies would certainly bruise it, not to mention the potential chain reaction of other allies of his pulling away from him.

Her eyes flickered over to Sienar as he questioned the need for his presence and subsequently sighed when presented with the answer he wanted. Lavinia knew she should want to go for the potential information, but as she attended more diplomatic meetings, the likelihood of encountering someone she knew grew.

For now, she returned back to Armitage’s question. Could she arrange a meeting with Governor Pandion? She wasn’t sure. She could try. “I can do that, sir.”

At the very least, she knew of several people who could pull those connections for her.
Of course it would only get colder. Reveille didn’t much want to think about it, but she had to, for her own sake. For Kylo’s sake, as well, even if she’d rather return without him. She could claim anything happened. There was no one else to bear witness against her – but explaining how she survived and he didn’t might be tricky.

For instance, he was far more likely to survive a bit of cold. He was larger and he was in black. She had forgotten that in her considerations, expecting to be able to return to the ship regardless of the storm.

She wanted to ask that, again.

Did it matter if they couldn’t get the ship running to leave? “Perhaps we should move back to the ship, then. It’d be safer, and warmer,” she glanced around the temple once again. She didn’t see any wood, or, well, anything. “Or else find a way to start a fire in here….” Which didn’t seem promising. “And determine shifts,” they both couldn’t sleep. Something could attack them.


“Good, do so immediately,” Armitage stated as Sienar rose, clearly expecting his use was also worn out now. “We need to return the information to Darrin as soon as we can, and the quicker we arrange this, the less likely Tarkin will have an ability to end it.”

Before Tarkin moved. Kos’tel’lanni made a slight nod, and while she agreed with the plan, she hesitated, but mentioned, “Admiral Reveille is not going to be pleased with this, after her meeting with Tarkin….”

“She made no promises against peacekeeping missions to destitute worlds, I’m certain.” Armitage noted, adding, “I am aware of how this is going to brush Tarkin wrong.” So long as it was handled carefully, they couldn’t be faulted. Tarkin may decide not to join them, but that was something Hux was already expecting after he met Kylo.

Who would join them when they were led by Kylo Ren? If he’d known of such things when he had the power to make those choices…but alas, he was already deep under Snoke’s rule when he came to power.
Kylo sighed, turning his head to look back at the sandstorm raging outside. He could probably get them back on the ship, and although they wouldn’t be able to depart the planet for some time, it had to be better than attempting to sleep in the temple.

He still feared whatever lurked within. The longer they remained inside, the greater a chance there was for that hallucination, which he insisted it was, to make a reappearance.

Also, there was the issue of Reveille. He knew she would get cold during the night, and he shouldn’t care what happened to her. If she died, then the general won’t rest until he sees you dead. That’s what he convinced himself. Besides, she actually did her damn job well. Too well.

“I can probably get us back to the ship if we’re quick. We won’t be able to leave the planet, but we won’t freeze in there.” Or risk getting attacked again. “There won’t be room for hesitation if we do this.”


Lavinia nearly huffed at the choice in Armitage’s words. Do so immediately she internally mocked as she scrolled through her datapad. No way of contacting Governor Pandion with what she had. That was no issue right then. She had a contact with her hands dipped in the pockets of many influential and wealthy politicians.

If she could count on anyone having a way to contact a governor, that was Calla. A brief message was sent to the woman. Unless she was in the middle of a performance or hosting another party, her response shouldn't take too long to wait for.

Lavinia waited until they were finished discussing the potential repercussions with Tarkin. “It may take me a while to establish connection with Governor Pandion.” Merely so he knew she was working on arranging a meeting with the man. "How soon do you want this meeting?"
Getting to the ship was far better than staying in the temple. Even Kylo seemed to realize that. Right now she still had some strength to her, from the protein bar and the water. That could wear off the longer she waited, and the longer she went without sleep. “Let’s go, then.” Reveille knew the longer they waited, the worse it could get for Kylo, too.

So far he’d chosen not to eat.

She drew herself back up to stand, grateful then that her legs hadn’t been injured. She’d get through the sandstorm fine. She’d have to follow close to Kylo Ren and the thought occurred that she might actually want to grab his arm to make sure they didn’t get split, but she didn’t mention that.

Didn’t act on it.

If it was necessary, she’d do so, and Kylo could just deal with it. She did, however, start to prepare herself to go back out – wrapping the bandana back around her nose and mouth, and locating the visor that had ended up thrown in her bag without the case, and putting that back on.

Kylo would do his best…but that didn’t mean his best would be enough to completely protect them from the sand.


“Within twenty four hours,” Armitage answered, glancing briefly at the datapad and wondering who she had connections with to reach out.

Kos’tel’lanni wondered, as well, but that she had connections was no surprised, and she spoke, more to draw Armitage’s attention away than anything else. She could see the suspicion glint in his gaze. She would get to lay them to rest soon, but speaking prematurely would only worsen things.

“The sooner, the better. Governor Tarkin isn’t known to be lax and I suspect he’ll be alerted soon enough. We’d prefer he be alerted when the meeting is occurring, rather than before,” Kos’tel’lanni added, “I imagine Darrin will be just as quick to move. He seems to understand these things better than some.

“I understand them,” Sienar could hear the implication, “I just don’t care. Also getting a meeting with a governor with that little warning is gonna be hard, you know. They’re the kinds of people who prefer to be in power and make people wait on them.”

Kos’tel’lanni couldn’t argue that. They didn’t tend to like being ordered around.

No matter, “Lothal is not in the best condition. I am sure he’ll be interested in something that could help his situation.”
Kylo didn’t hesitate to grab his cape out of his bag. It would help to keep the sand from buffeting his face as much, even if it didn’t stop it all. The fabric settled on his shoulders for now and the bag back around his body.

Though he’s had no food recently nor any prolonged period of rest, he didn’t feel much fatigue when he stood on his feet. That may not last, depending on the sandstorm and how much Force he would need to exert to get them to the ship.

He proceeded to wrap the cape around his head and over his nose and mouth in a makeshift hood. His eyes may suffer, but the Force could guide him, just as it had guided him to the entrance.

Not even an inch could be seen passed the entrance, he noted, standing a few feet away from where they would no longer be protected by stone walls. Kylo looked back at Reveille. She was injured and much likely experienced greater fatigue than he did. That could potentially slow them down, risking the chance for the Force barrier to fail in the middle of the storm.

He sighed. He hated himself for what he did next. “It would be easier if you just got on my back. We can’t risk being too slow in this storm, unless you wish to find yourself buried under a dune.”


The suspicious glance was not unnoticed by Lavinia. The near reveal from earlier already had her on edge, and so she was hyperaware of any attention thrown her way by Armitage. She couldn’t angle the datapad away from the man too much, lest she wanted to stir up even more suspicions, but she did make some slight attempt to make peering over a little more challenging.

“I’ll see what I can do.” She didn’t outright promise that she would set up the meeting in the allotted time, but if what was said about Lothal was true, then something could be spun up in their favor. “He’ll be less open to the idea of meeting with us, especially on such short notice, if we outright demand an immediate audience with him.”

He may just wave them off and not even hear what they had to say. Or he may decide to invite them to the planet, only to say no to their faces.

She set her datapad down in her lap. No response yet from her contact, but that was to be expected. She had, afterall, just sent the message. “But with the right spin, he’ll have to agree to a sudden meeting.”
Kylo prepared to leave just as quickly, and they left the area to move towards the entrance, before Kylo hesitated. His reason for hesitation became clear, and Reveille bit back her initial protest of it.

Had she not already considered that contact might be necessary?

He was injured, just as well. Less so than she, but all the same…injured. Would it really be a good idea? Somehow she knew asking or reminding him of that wouldn’t be a good idea, which meant it fell to her to determine that on her own.

His posture didn’t indicate much damage or weakness.

“Fine.” Reveille imagined neither of them would speak of this again. It was a necessity. Still, she slipped off the visor she was wearing and offered it to Kylo, “You’ll need this more than me.” She wouldn’t be walking, so she didn’t need to see. She could keep her eyes shut.

If he didn’t take them, she’d keep them, though, and step closer to do as asked – get on his back, once he lowered himself a bit.


With the right spin – Sienar was the one to roll his eyes, “My family’s rich and willing to throw money at their mining industry to get things in order. Do we need another spin?”

“Yes,” or rather, additional ones. Armitage knew things were never that simple. “You are forgetting that Tarkin is aligned with Tagge.”

Sienar was. He winced a bit at that reminder. He was pretty sure no one was richer than the Tagges. “Yeah…they can buy us out three times over,” he agreed, “Amazing they haven’t really.”

“As I understood it, the New Republic had some rules against monopolies?” Kos’tel’lanni asked, and Sienar shrugged. He didn’t pay that much attention and he knew plenty of buyouts happened. He didn’t really see why TaggeCo wouldn’t buy one of its rivals. “Regardless, the Tagge funds aren’t unlimited and I imagine it is good to have rivalries who can do other research. We know Governor Tarkin has been watching our developments now.” Which was not a good thing.

“The spin can be simple. Lothal must know by now how many we’ve brought under the First Order. Lothal can join us, and reap the benefits early, without a fight. Without military oversight.” Armitage thought that was more than generous. They’d be a part of the First Order eventually, after all.
Reveille hesitated, but she agreed to his suggestion without protest. He was surprised but swallowed any visible reaction to her compliance. Then she had to offer him the visor, a further unexpected action. Why did she have to be so damn complicated?

He paused, but he accepted the offer. She was right. He needed them, and although the Force could guide him through the storm, that would require more effort and energy. Wearing the visor would be a simple enough solution for now. He mumbled his thanks as he slipped the visor over his eyes.

In a move he questioned himself for, Kylo lowered himself so Reveille, despite her height, could get on easier. “Use part of my cape to help shield your face if you need it,” he offered, though he didn’t know why. It didn’t matter. What did matter was getting to the ship before they were buried alive.


Lavinia nearly rolled her eyes at Sienar’s words. He was cocky and arrogant, not unlike the men she used to fraternize with. Men loved to compare their wealth in the same way they compare their dicks, didn’t they?

Sure, the New Republic had a few rules regarding monopolies, but Lavinia didn’t bring that up. She didn’t feel her knowledge on anything related to the Republic would help her case against any suspicions. It didn’t matter anyways.

“We should be careful in telling them that, or else they could perceive us as threatening them. Then they would be less agreeable with us. Why don’t we simply just tell them we can help them, and if they refuse, they can realize their mistake later?”
The visor was taken, and Kylo lowered himself enough that she could grasp his shoulders and pull herself up, before he would rise. She’d adjust her arms around him a bit so she would make sure there was not threat of strangling him, but she still held most of her weight up by the as her legs wrapped around his midsection.

Even if his arms came down to help hold her up, she didn’t imagine she’d lighten her grip much.

“Thank you,” she didn’t think she’d need it, but it had been a genuine offer all the same. No, in fact, she imagined she’d end up burying her head against his shoulder, and try not to reflect on the fact he was still rather strong for someone who relied on the Force.

Or think much of his other qualities, like how his hair was somehow soft. She was making sure not to intentionally touch it, but she had still recognized that before, and again. He wore a helmet so often, she still found it hard to believe he knew the first thing about hair care.

Nonetheless, she wasn’t about to say any of those things. She was just going to try and make this easier by not flinching or choking him.


Of course, Armitage didn’t really register the threat, given it wasn’t a threat. However, he did know that many were out there, resisting the First Order, and it could be threatening to look at them and trust them with any planet’s well-being, given the new-ness of their ascension, as well as the troubles the Resistance were likely to cause.

And, possibly, Tarkin.

He had never been known to be generous to Lothal. “We can put it that way, as well,” he had no problems with that, and Kos’tel’lanni nodded her agreement.

“That’s not really a spin,” Sienar pointed out, “That’s just the truth.” He thought they needed something creative, not just ‘hey, we can help your decrepit planet’.

“Some spins are simple, Commander,” Kos’tel’lanni reminded. It was meant to be the truth, but in a way that was easier to digest. “You may leave, if you like, Commander. Now that we have your father’s agreement, your presence would be useful elsewhere.”

“Is that your way of saying I’m annoying you?”


Sienar smirked, but nodded, “All right, I’ll see you all later,” he gave a bit of a lazy salute, before he headed to the door.
Reveille didn’t weigh much, and Kylo straightened back up with ease. His arms instinctively moved to support her legs wrapped around his midsection to support her weight and to help ensure she wouldn’t fall.

He had to focus on the task at hand and not on the woman currently wrapped around him, or he could become too distracted to properly focus on forming the protective shield around them. He took a deep breath, willing the shield to form, and stepped out into the storm.

Instead of sand harshly battering them, they were met with nearly calm conditions. Some sand and wind escaped the barrier and whipped past them, but it was something they could easily deal with. The actual storm moved all around them as Kylo willed a protective barrier around them with the Force.

It was difficult due to the sheer size of the storm. He struggled, and he knew the barrier would only last so long, but he hastened his way to the ship as quickly as he could with his fatigue and extra weight on his back.


Lavinia crossed her arms as she watched Sienar saunter out the room. She was not overly impressed with him, but he was entertaining. But did he truly show his worth in a ship during a battle? Kos’tel’lanni could probably answer that for her later. If she bothered to ask.

“Well, he seems pleasant,” she mumbled, eyes directing back towards her datapad, where the screen indicated she had a new message. She mustn’t be busy right now.

While Calla had responded, she kept the message short and simple with her only response detailing contact information for Governor Pandion. I could kiss you, Calla.

She quickly got started on the message for Pandion, with her initial message only detailing that General Hux of the First Order wanted to arrange a meeting with him as soon as possible. She expected an initial rejection, and if so, then she would try and be more…convincing.

“Is there anything else we need to discuss?”
Much to Reveille’s surprise, there was little need to duck her head down, though before they stepped through the entrance she did. She pressed her face lightly against his shoulder and waited for the impact of sand. It didn’t come.

Only then did she look up to see the sandstorm kept at bay by – well, nothing she could see – the Force. It was confounding, really. Rather like the forcefield Tarkin had was confounding, but this moreso, seeing the storm raging around them, and yet not able to touch them. Not really. Not with the intensity that was outside that field.

She told herself not to be awed…but she was, a little, her only saving grace being that she was behind Kylo and he couldn’t see her expression of wonder. With any luck he also wouldn’t be picking up on it, since it seemed his focus was on the storm.

And she was soon able to spot the ship. “Just a little further,” she murmured, seeing the glinting of it through the sand, and hearing the sand strike it, over and over. The poor ship would definitely need cleaned up after this.


“He's more pleasant than some,” Kos'tel'lanni offered. He wasn't as racist as most in the First Order, which made him...tolerable. Whether or not he liked aliens to spite his father was a question for another day, and not one Kos'tel'lanni really needed answered. He got along with Rani, and the other non-humans within the First Order, which was more than many flyboys could say. His particular brand of arrogance either attracted, or repelled, but in the heat of a battle...he was exactly what was needed.

The enemy never got into his head.

He never knew the taste of defeat.

Lavinia’s expression changed, and Kos’tel’lanni noted it. “Who is it you heard from?” She inquired, curious.

Hux was also, obviously, curious. However, he responded to the query, “No, we just need to get this arranged so I can get back to Darrin."

It would not be too long before a message was returned to her, that message being simple:

Kylo lightly tensed his muscles as Reveille pressed her face into his shoulder. He should’ve expected the contact, given how close they already were to one another, but he was more so wishing that she kept her head there, or closer to his neck.

You are just exhausted and have spent too much time with this woman. So he refocused on the task, picking up speed once he saw the glint of the ship, and with Reveille’s confirmation, through the sand and dust. His breathing picked up, the exertion of the Force wearing him down. He need food, and he needed rest. Soon.

The ship was only a few feet away, but more and more sand started to break through the barrier. Beads of sweat perspired at the brow line, but he only had to last a few more minutes.

Before the ramp descended, he tightened his grip on her legs. “Hold on. I will need to sprint these last few feet, and I don’t know how much longer the barrier will last.”


Lavinia had to agree with Kos’tel’lanni. He was more pleasant than most of the officers she’s encountered, and at least their interaction didn’t end with her wanting to end his life. Sienar was entertaining, if anything.

She didn’t immediately answer the question asked by the Chiss, not when Hux soon spoke up to answer hers. And she didn’t wish to immediately answer the question. She had no believable lie prepared, and stating that she was communicating with a well-known opera singer would seem odd at best, given their circumstances.

Pandion’s message soon came in, which Lavinia was relieved to see. “It was Governor Pandion,” she answered as her fingers typed out her own answer for him.

We wish to discuss a potentially beneficial arrangement that will help your planet.
Kylo’s strength was waning. It was evident with how sand started to break through the barrier, forcing Reveille to duck her head down once more. Still, they were going to make it. Reveille was certain of that much, even if the barrier broke. They could practically see the ship in full then.

There was just the matter of getting to it, and making sure not much sand got in after them – that they were able to bring the ramp up.

She pressed her head back against his shoulder as he mentioned he would need to sprint. “Mmm.” Her wordless agreement that she was prepared, tensing her arms and legs a bit to make sure she wouldn’t lose her grip, even if Kylo’s own grip on her legs promised as much.

Still too damn strong for someone so reliant on the Force, though she wasn’t going to be complaining about either right then. Or considering that she quite enjoyed his strength right then. Or the scent of whatever he used in his hair that still lingered on the strands.

She really didn’t need to get this close to him unless they were sparring. Which she also shouldn’t be considering doing again. She should just get back to her ship and try to get rid of him. And spar with Sienar.


“How did you come about Governor Pandion’s personal contact information?” Hux asked, realizing he didn’t know how she got most of her information, or how she had contacts with criminals.

“She worked in data analysis, didn’t she?” Kos’tel’lanni chimed, and Armitage nodded, “No doubt she has encountered discrepancies in our data before and had to reach out to multiple sources. We do not work closely with Lothal, but we do acquire some from them. They can’t only work with the Tarkins. If a shipment did not contain the expected amount, a follow-up would be necessary.”

Armitage hadn’t considered that.

It put an end to his questioning, for the moment.

Either way, he was curious about the conversation. He didn’t ask, but he did look expectantly towards Althea for updates.

That is needlessly vague, and unnecessary. Lothal is not in need of assistance.
Kylo nearly lost his concentration when he felt Reveille’s face near him again. He cursed himself for being so distracted by a pretty face, and a little more sand broke through, but he was still able to see the ship. That was what mattered right then.

Tightening his grip slightly on her legs, he made a run towards and up the ramp before it had a chance to even touch the ground. As he sprinted, more of the storm punctured the barrier and battered the duo, but it was short lived.

Kylo stormed into the ship, and the ramp followed suit before too much sand could get inside. Some managed to get swept inside, but it largely remained around the entrance of the ship. Kylo grimaced at the gritty texture he felt all over. It was a nuisance and greatly irritating.

He lowered his body enough and let go of Reveille’s legs so that she could get off. And so that he could forget how nice it felt having a soft body pressed up against him like that. No, he was simply fatigued. That’s it.

“There may be some spare clothes around here,” he grumbled, removing the cape and the visor from around his head.


Lavinia felt her heart started pounding at Armitage’s answer, so when Kos’tel’lanni answered for her, a wonderful answer that didn’t incriminate her, she was careful not to sigh from relief. Either the Chiss meant what she had said earlier, or she was playing a cruel game.

“She’s quite right. Delicate data required meticulous oversight and painstaking effort to account for any errors, including communicating with an array of people.” She hoped that was enough to pacify Armitage for the meantime.

If he continued to press the issue later, Lavinia was prepared to divulge some of her past before she joined the Resistance.

We both know that is not true, Governor. Your planet is in desperate need of an economic recovery, and we have the resources to make that possible.

After she sent the message, she looked at Armitage and finally gave an update on the arrangement attempt. “Governor Pandion is being a bit stubborn at the need for a meeting, but I think I can convince him to grant us an audience soon.
It had been a good idea to drop her head, as she soon felt more of the sand strike out at them. It was short, but all the same, annoying. She was quietly grateful for Kylo being willing to carry her, and for the Force, in that moment.

Soon, they were in the ship, and Reveille followed Kylo’s movements. Her legs were soon on the ground again after she slid down a bit, and then she stepped back and away from Kylo and brushed at some of the visible sand on her clothing.

She didn’t have another outfit.

Kylo noted there might be spare clothes, though. “I don’t suppose there’s a spare bed, is there?” That was likely asking too much. Just as asking about a shower was likely too much to hope for. She would have loved to wash this world off of herself, but that would likely have to wait until she returned to her own ship.

Until then, the issue of something to wear, and somewhere to sleep, would dominate her thoughts. Given, she could probably easily fit into any of Kylo’s shirts, but his pants would likely be too big. Then again, his shirts would likely resolve that problem easily enough since they’d probably cover her rather effectively.


It was indeed enough for Armitage. It was viable. It wasn’t as if he knew everything that went on in data analysis, or the particulars of what was analyzed, or even what part Althea had worked in. It seemed she had plenty of connections to materials, so he was starting to assume she worked in those kinds of areas.

Her answer about Pandion being difficult wasn’t a surprise. He scoffed. “Politicians.” They thought their time was worth so much more.

The next message came through, just as quickly as any others.

I’m sure you do. I’m sure I want nothing to do with whatever that involves, thank you very much. I have dealt with enough so-called powerful industries and powerful people and that’s how Lothal’s ended up in this state.

The frustration was clear.

Neither Kos’tel’lanni nor Hux attempted to peer at the message, though Kos’tel’lanni did note, “It seems he is at least interested, to be responding so hastily,” she wanted that to mean something, “Even if he is being…difficult.”
Kylo shook off some of the sand sticking to his clothes, as well as attempted to shake out some in his hair. He would need to change clothes just to simple feel like he’s not completely covered in sand.

“There’s only one bed.” And he would not be so willing to give it up. He would love to see her try and move him from the bed. As if he knew what she was thinking, he added, “But there’s a bathroom. No shower, but there’s a sink.” It wouldn’t completely get the job done, but cleaning what he could with a washcloth would be better than nothing.

And, as if he felt the need to emphasize it, he stressed the sleeping arrangements. “The bed is mine.”


Lavinia internally agreed with Armitage’s complaint of politicians. She knew how they worked. Her family was full of them, and she grew up in that society. They often thought the universe revolved around them, not knowing they were so easily replaceable.

When the new message came in, she frowned. Naturally, this is how Pandion would respond. She hummed at Kos’tel’lanni’s words. The chiss was right. If he wasn’t so interested, then he could simply delay the messages.

I apologize. I thought you wanted to see the survival of your planet and of your people from absolute poverty and vulnerability to any attacks. If you truly care about your people, you will reconsider.

“A bit too difficult. We may have to bring out more persuasive words for him to agree to this meeting.”
A sink would suffice. She could at least wash her face and she could probably at least find a wash clothe, or use her shirt as one, to try and get the rest of the sand off of her. Or at least feel cleaner. She’d have to hope there was at least some towels or soap.

He suggested the bed was his.

He probably meant it as more than a suggestion. “I’ve come to this forsaken planet with you and been waylaid by a sandstorm, Supreme Leader. Next time you feel the desire to drag me along on some mission, you’ll select a better ship for our needs.” However, that was not this time, “Since you did not, unless you sleep in a twin bed, I think there’s enough room for both of us.”

And to lighten the words, she added a slight smirk, “I promise not to steal your innocence. I’ll stick to one side, I don’t move much in my sleep.” But she wasn’t sleeping in a pilot’s chair, or on a bench. Not after all of this. She also knew she wasn’t getting him to leave the bed, but she doubted he had a good argument to keep it all to himself.


Armitage cocked an eyebrow, but Kos’tel’lanni moved from where she was to be behind the lieutenant and look over at the messages, just as one came in.

I do not appreciate your veiled threats about our vulnerability. Lothal is protected by our own industries and our alliance with Governor Tarkin.

Kos’tel’lanni saw that and clicked her tongue, noting the message above, “It’s never a good idea to point out vulnerabilities. You’re just going to rile them up more.”

She had learned that fairly quickly with humans in general, and some other species. Humans were notorious for it, though. “What else have you been saying?”

“Did you indicate anything about Sienar Fleets?” Hux asked, wondering how Pandion could already be sensing a threat in all of this. They were trying to avoid that, after all, but apparently he’d been called out on something and now they had to remedy that, quickly, or they’d never even get the meeting with him in the first place.
Ahh, Kylo was wondering how long it would take for Reveille to irritate him again. And they were doing so well just a few minutes ago. With her body pressed against yours as she trusted you to get them out of the storm. And his thoughts played traitor to him once again. He was most certainly not thinking that at all.

“I would think twice before insulting my ship again, Admiral.” His voice lowered and eyes narrowed as he took the insult personal. This was his own personal ship, and he tended to think highly of its capabilities. It also just so happened to only be able to accommodate him in the case of an emergency overnight stay.

He ignored her highly inappropriate comment. “Since you’re so insistent on sleeping there though, I make no promises to move in such a way that may aggravate or reopen any wounds.” His eyes flickered down to where her stomach was covered by her spare shirt. He could hardly be faulted if they opened up in the middle of the night due to their sharing a bed.


Lavinia angled the datapad so that Kos’tel’lanni could read the messages better. She hardly cared if her messages angered or scared Pandion to the point where he would refuse to see them at all, in any given time, but she had to at least put in some effort that she was trying to fix things.

“I haven’t mentioned Sienar Fleets yet. I simply mentioned that they could use our resources, and refusing to do so could potentially lead them vulnerable.” She paused, glancing back up at the woman peering at her datapad. “Would you care to try and convince Pandion to see us?” She offered Kos’tel’lanni her datapad, messages still pulled up on the screen. “You may have a better way with words than I.”

She considered offering the chance to Armitage, but the risk of him discovering something incriminating was too high, even if nearly everyone on her datapad was secured with every encryption she knew. Anything could happen. Poe Dameron could randomly decide to send her a message right then, and Armitage may decide to read it, just because he could.
Reveille sighed, “It was not meant as an insult to the ship itself, it’s a fine model, but you haven’t equipped it for more than yourself.” Unlike her corvette, which did have other rooms beyond her own. Of course, she usually traveled with others. When she didn’t, it had more than enough space for her.

At least that much was true, though. There was nothing wrong with the ship, just the ship for this particular situation. If Kylo intended to run missions with her in the future, he’d have to consider the limitations of his vessel.

She did arch a brow when he suggested her wounds might re-open. Naturally her thought only went to one sort of activity, she couldn’t exactly imagine anything else. She knew better than to suggest that, and had a feeling it was more due to the physical closeness shared earlier. “I’ll risk it,” she answered, “It’s better than trying to sleep on a bench or the pilot’s seat,” and given her condition, all the more reason, as well.

She wasn’t truly worried about his movements. “Do you want the restroom first? I can try to find a shirt if that’s the case, or I can go take over it first,” and get the shirt after.


Kos’tel’lanni took the datapad, “I like to think that I do,” she tended to be fairly good at maintaining the peace, and she scrolled up through the messages. Obviously, she had to maintain the tone. She nodded to herself, “The problem with politicians in a position like Pandion is that they’ll want something…solid. Obviously we cannot speak for Sienar fleets, but there is a need to mention them so they understand what we’re trying to do.”

Kos’tel’lanni wouldn’t offer Armitage a look at the pad, “We also need to explain what we mean by resources. He seems unwilling to admit the situation on Lothal is bad,” she analyzed, “General, what would you suggest? What do you believe we can offer without the Supreme Leader being informed?”

“We can offer them a contract with us so long as they remain exclusive to selling to us. We can offer to build an academy on Lothal. That will, by default, create a town around it that is likely to bring funds in, and it gives us an outpost on Lothal, which means we would, by default, be required to protect it.”

Kos’tel’lanni nodded. She imagined that could be passed off easily enough. She looked to Lavinia, “How would you go about phrasing such an offer? I do not want Pandion thrown off by the tone. I may deviate from it a bit, I admit, but I cannot make this appear like the offer is now coming from someone new.”
“There’s been no need to equip it for more than myself before.” Kylo was quick to defend his ship. He certainly hadn’t expected to bring someone else on board for a mission, nor did he anticipate it happening again in the near future. If it did, then his passenger will just have to suffer. Although he would be sharing his bed with Reveille, he would not do the same again with anyone else.

He had hoped warning her against her wounds reopening would deter her from his bed, but she wouldn’t take the bait. Damn it. Although she said she hardly moved in her sleep, he knew he did, and then some, so he wouldn’t accept any complaining from her if such a thing happened. “Very well. You can have the restroom first. It’s connected to the bedroom, just through that door.” He motioned towards the back of the ship, where it was obvious there was only one bedroom on the vessel.

It didn’t hold much in terms of rooms and the like. Normally, Kylo travelled alone with the occasional stormtrooper or two. He had no need for bigger accommodations, and it would’ve been a waste of credits to build anything larger.

While she did whatever she needed to do in the restroom, Kylo would change into something more comfortable for sleeping, and for reasons unknown to him, he would go ahead and find something suitable for Reveille. Just to keep her from snooping through my stuff he told himself.


Lavinia waited for the moment Kos’tel’lanni would hand her datapad over to the General and expose her in all her lies. During the entire meeting, she was always on edge, waiting for that moment of expected betrayal, but again and again, the Chiss stayed true to her word.

Which meant she should probably be truthful to the woman in their future private conversations. Damn her.

She considered the offer discussed, musing over it in her thoughts. “Maybe we could say that we could help stimulate their economy in the form of a military academy, which we will build with our own resources and provide the protection for.”

And to think she would have the absolute joy of meeting this man, who perceived her as threatening him. Unless she could persuade Armitage otherwise, which she ultimately decided to ask about. “Would I be needed on this particular diplomatic mission? I don’t particularly see the benefits in both of us going.” Screw what the Supreme Leader wanted. The less time she spent around politicians who may or may not know her family name, the better.
Reveille followed Kylo’s gesture and the obvious direction of the bathroom, taking herself towards it with her bag and shutting the door after herself. She stripped off her shirt immediately and glanced around for a towel, or soap. She didn’t find a towel, as expected in a ship without a bath, but she did see soap, so she soon turned her shirt into a washcloth of sorts and used it to wipe herself down, careful around her injuries so she wouldn’t disturb the wrappings.

She knew it would be impossible to remove all the sand, but this went a long way to making her at least feel better. She stripped off her pants, and put on the spare she had in her pack, deciding they were at least a little bit comfier than what she had on – and not coated in sand. She didn’t want to sleep in sand, and that was a bit unfair to Kylo, as well.

Once those were on, she stepped out of the restroom.

Kylo occupied his room, and had already dressed down. She noted what he’d pulled out for herself and she moved over to it, dropping her bag in a corner with the shirt laid over it. She could wash that when she got back, it at least wasn’t ruined.

She pulled on the overlarge shirt he’d found for her wordlessly, before gesturing to the restroom, “All yours,” she pulled her datapad out to attempt one more message, certain of failure, while walking to sit on the bed.

She’d keep the datapad near on the end table, anyway.


Kos’tel’lanni started to type out a message, frowning occasionally and clearly deleting some things. Armitage was tempted to ask to see it, but Althea’s question distracted him. “I doubt the Supreme Leader cares about such things, given how he’s decided to make use of the First Order’s Admiral.” Who he still had yet to hear from in quite a while, “Have you heard from Reveille?”

It was worth asking.

Kos’tel’lanni shook her head, “I have not heard from her just yet,” she answered, and added, “While the Supreme Leader may not be back before you return, I do not think he would approve of you not going along, Lieutenant. Especially given he went to the meeting with Tarkin before, he would want your insight into this.”

No threat was meant, only we did not wish you to miss an opportunity. The First Order wants to invest in Lothal’s future by building a military academy there to help stimulate the economy. It will be at our expense, and we will provide protect for it. Sienar Fleet is also interested in this academy and an investment in Lothal.

Kos’tel’lanni settled on that wording, and waited, wondering how much longer it would take. She’d have to speak with Lavinia later about how to work in these situations. It was clear from data analysis that she must not have been prepared for working in these matters – politicians and the like. She must have been meant to just gather numbers for the Resistance.

Eventually, a message was returned.

Well, I’m glad you decided to stop being needlessly vague. We can discuss this sort of investment. When did you want to meet?

She offered it back to Lavinia so she could see it, and confirm the rest with Hux. She did note, "Sometimes, we have to give them a bit more information than just an offer of help. Here," she tapped the screen to indicate a message above, "had we told him of Sienar fleets, or what we wanted, he may not have been so difficult." Kos'tel'lanni didn't know if she was trying to get away from having the meeting or not. She supposed Althea could have hoped to sabotage the Lothal arrangement, and Kos'tel'lanni had just ruined those plans.

Oh well.
After Reveille left for the bathroom, Kylo made quick work of his clothes, ignoring the sand that fell out as the fabric rustled. He slipped on a spare shirt and pants he had on the ship, also grabbing the spare shirt for Reveille. It would easily fall to her knees on her body, but he was certainly she wouldn’t complain too much about it as a sleeping shirt. At least, he hoped not.

Kylo looked up when she exited the bathroom, though his gaze quickly adverted as she, of course, didn’t have a shirt on. Reveille was quick to find the shirt he pulled out for her, and he wordlessly moved into the bathroom.

He didn’t even bother to pull out a washcloth. He splashed water on his face, and fingers gently ran through his thick hair, attempted to shake out some more sand. It would have to do until he was able to take an actual shower with shampoo.

The sand would probably linger for days, reminding him a little longer about his eventful time on Korriban.

A few minutes later, Kylo emerged from the bathroom, briefly noting how small Reveille looked in his shirt.

He didn’t dwell on that strange thought. He did note the datapad on the end table. “Any luck yet?”


Lavinia wanted to shoot a glare in Kos’tel’lanni’s direction, but she didn’t due to Armitage’s presence in the room. It would only lead to questions from him or assumptions that she didn’t want to do her job, or that she couldn’t stand him, which were all ideas she didn’t want him to think of. She only nodded at Kos’tel’lanni’s suggestion, seemingly satisfied.

She took the datapad back from the Chiss and read over the message sent to her. Lavinia nodded along to what she told her, although it was advice she already knew. It was just something she initially chose not do to, but now had to, thanks to the Chiss. It seems while Kos’tel’lanni was going to keep Lavinia’s secret for now, she wasn’t going to make things easy.

If possible, we would love to meet with you this evening. If that is not possible, then first thing in the morning.

“Thank you for your help. Obviously this isn’t quite my area of expertise just yet.” The lie rolled off her tongue. “I’m more comfortable around technology.” A slight smile crossed her lips, and one leg crossed over the other as she shifted her body in the chair in order to get a little more comfortable. They may be there a while longer.

Absolutely nothing.

Reveille couldn’t believe their technology was so bad that a message couldn’t be picked up from this distance through the storm, or sent through it. “No,” she answered him, datapad set aside, “We need to have our engineers look into this. We shouldn’t be halted by a mere sandstorm from exchanging messages.” True, Korriban was also far from anything, and so it was likely more difficult for the messages to hit a receiver…nonetheless, this was ridiculous.

Kylo looked strange out of his armor. Reveille wasn’t certain if it was a good strange or not, but she acknowledged it was strange nonetheless. “I’ve set the volume high for incoming messages. I imagine a storm of them will arrive when they can finally get through, so we’ll be alerted to the change.” If it interrupted their sleep, oh well. She didn’t imagine Kylo was about to protest that.

It would get them somewhere more comfortable, quickly. “I’m going to sleep.” She didn’t know if he would retire as quickly, but she was going to. It was likely better for her wounds, and her sanity.

She and Kylo didn’t do well with long conversations.


Althea took the criticism fairly well – for Armitage could at least discern that such was what Kos’tel’lanni was doing. Not that it wasn’t unwarranted, as Althea herself indicated her newness to all of this, and he accepted that, just as well. She was new to this, and even he didn’t much like arranging meetings.

Kos’tel’lanni had a bit more experience with it. Intelligence work usually did require it.

“You’ll get there,” Kos’tel’lanni easily reassured her, before the message chimed in.

Tonight would be good if it can be arranged.​

They were blissfully unaware of the reasons why – of how the Governor wanted to slip under the radar of the watchful Tarkin, and learn what Hux had to offer and what he was willing to do without that influence.

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