• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Felon's Land IC



Mother of Tiny Lions
At one point or another, you were dropped onto the island. Plucked out of prison and literally dropped onto the island. The helicopter took off and left you there stranded, or that was what it felt like at least. You realized sooner or later that there was a village on that island, and it was full of, well...
You've been left to survive on an island full of criminals. Once a week, resources are dropped in and meant to be dispersed among the people. That doesn't always happen, of course. Medications are included, but no one is forced to take them... or their own.
So what will you do? How will you survive? Will you survive? Thrive? It's up to you, and what you're willing to do.
Lillianne had finally sort of found a spot for her on the island, after four months. She had made a friend, you could say, Jordyn. Friend was maybe a little generous, they were more like partners. Lillianne didn't have any problem with the girl, although they did fight at times, but they had each others backs and that was more than she could say about anyone in her life before. It was a necessity on the island in Lillianne's eyes, although she supposed there was loners. But she was only 18 and often underestimated. Not to mention if some of the men on the island really wanted to take her on, she wasn't sure she'd win on her own. But, it was what it was. She had made it this far mostly unscathed, and fed decently. She was doing okay, it seemed, given the circumstances.

She had a mission on this particular morning, though. There was a shipment coming in today. For those that kept track of the days, it came every Wednesday. Most weeks it was ravaged, and if you didn't get your piece you wouldn't get it unless someone was willing to share. A chance she wasn't willing to take.

It came around the same spot every day, but it was airdropped in an the wind would take it off sometimes. It was early, the package wouldn't likely be there for another hour or so, but she wanted to be one of the first. The technique was more or less to just grab everything you could carry and hope it was enough. She had a makeshift bag made out of an old shirt that had worked well so far. She kept her eyes down as she walked to where the drop normally happened. It was an island, and the environment could be as dangerous as the people.
Bertille was on the floor, looking at the sky with a bottle in her hand. She had drunk too much..What did she do last night?. Groaning and sitting up, Bertille ran a hand through her jet black, silky long hair, taking a deep breath. She remembered biting the sand or was it mud? She didn't remeber. She only remembered a man in blue, holding a baton of some sort and saying words. She remembered the smell of pee and wet rocks and hard beds. Did beds even have a smell? She had to ask someone later. She also remembered the annoying sound of a helicopter like in the movies. Wait what!?. The memories came flooding in. Her dad, Little Lee, the guy who was her lawyer whose name she forgot, the annoying mini hammering sound. Everything. Even that traitor son of a bitch, Steve.

Bertille's grip on her drink hardened. That name made her want to spit. She took deep breaths. She remembered her latest plan. And the failure. If she hadn't gotten distracted. She shook her head and threw away the drink, the sound of a material hitting the ground made her realize where she was. An Island

Bertille looked around. She was in some sort of beach, with calm waters, itchy sand and her broken bottle. Stuggling to stand up, she groaned. Was that a hangover she was having there? She couldn't remember what happened yesterday, even if she remembered the days before that. Stumbling some and muttering curses in Spanish and French, she wandered in the Bitchy Beach, which she nicknamed herself. Her hangover definately also stole away her creativity. Chuckling to herself, Bertille started walking out of there, letting her bottle and her memories get washed away by the sea.
Aelinore Michaels

Interactions: OPEN

It had been a pretty standard and boring day for Aelinore. She woke up, ate breakfast, and went about her daily activities. The guards were keeping a close watch on her that day and she couldn’t help but reach fingers up to feel her face. There was a jagged and stitched closed cut that ran along the edge of her face just in front of her ear. It extended down past her jawline and was still pretty tender. Even without seeing it, she could also tell it was fairly bruised. Even brushing her fingers along the edges of it made her flinch.

Ellie had made it a goal to stay under the radar, but apparently she couldn’t stop other people from hating her. When she first arrived, there was trouble. The strongest in the prison always had that reputation to uphold. They had to make an example of the new ones in the prison and most of the time, they won. That was not the case with Ellie. Regardless of why she was there, she wasn’t going to let anyone push her around. She made quite an example of the other ladies and had mostly been left alone since then. Every once in awhile someone went after her again, similar to the day before.

Someone had slammed her face against the tile in the shower hard enough to crack both her skin and the tile. They had patched her up in the infirmary and then thrown her in solitary confinement for the rest of the day.

Now, here she was back in general population where wary faced regarded her wherever she went. It seemed like they were avoiding her more than usual lately, which she didn’t actually care about.

It was sometime after lunch that everything changed. Without a word, a guard had moved to either side of her and lifted her up by her arms and carried her out. She initially fought them, tearing her arms from their grip even though there was nowhere she could run. Almost immediately she found herself on the ground, face pressed into the ground and a heavy weight keeping her arms pinned to her back. “Stop fighting. You’re being taken out of the prison.” A gravelly voice sounded in her ear, but that only made her squirm more.

Her thoughts instantly returned to the entire reason she was in there and the people behind it. She assumed they were the only ones capable of getting her out like this.

She was whole bodily lifted off the ground and carried out and up to a helicopter pad where she was hauled inside and forced back to the ground. Someone stayed on top of her, making sure she wouldn’t try to escape as other people loaded into the chopper. It took several more minutes before the doors finally closed and they were being lifted into the air. Ellie was pulled up and practically thrown into a seat and strapped down for the ride.

The helicopter was aloft for quite some time, long enough that her muscles started to get stiff from the prolonged sitting. All of a sudden, the helicopter stopped in midair and hovered. One of the guards unhooked himself from the chair and moved over to her, practically yanking her from her seat and strapping a bag to her back. She was instantly terrified again as the door opened and she tried to cling to him, but her strength was a joke compared to his.

She was unceremoniously thrown from the helicopter and found herself tumbling through the air. She knew the first thing she needed to do was right herself, making sure she was facing the right direction. It was difficult to maneuver herself, but she finally got it. Below her was mostly ocean speeding up towards her, but there was an island some ways away. Not that close, but it would be soon. The helicopter was dropping something off closer to the island, something very large and bulky. As soon at it was out, the helicopter sped away.

Ellie knew she needed to focus and turned her attention back to the matter at hand. She reached around the bag until she found the little pulley that she hoped was a parachute and pulled it. She was thankful her assumption was correct, but also instantly breathless. A sudden jolt felt like she would be ripped from the pack as air filled the parachute, but it held steadily and soon she was lazily drifting…. in the completely wrong direction from the island. She struggled with the parachute and it took all of her effort to manipulate it enough to go in the direction she wanted, but that was only one problem solved. The island was now fast approaching and she had no idea how to land properly.

When she finally did, it was unpleasant. Her body hit the sand where the water washed up on the shore and was thankful for what little cushion it provided. Still, pain erupted up her side and she groaned in pain as the parachute settled above her. She tore the pack from her back and crawled out from the parachute, feeling absolutely suffocated. The light was bright as she turned in circles, trying to figure out exactly where she was and what was going on.

coding by cychotic
jordyn williams

location: the drop area | mentions: lillianne | tags: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

Jordyn knew exactly where to find Lillianne. It was Wednesday, meaning it was good ol' bag drop day, and that in itself meant that her partner (of sorts) would be hanging around the drop area waiting to snatch up her goodies. The kid's plan really wasn't a bad one; after all, things disappeared faster than one might expect. In her six months on the island, the dark haired woman had learned a thing or two and that was definitely one of them. If you wanted to take care of yourself, you had to be quick and you had to be smart. Newcomers to the island struggled immensely until they figured that out and Jordyn had sat by and watched it happen many a time in her few months here. She, too, had struggled initially, but it hadn't taken her long to figure out how to take care of herself around here.

Yet despite having been stuck on the isolated plot of land for 183 days, she had yet to talk to many people. Usually she avoided them like the plague, but Lillianne was a little different for whatever reason. Maybe it was because the girl was so young and had been practically abandoned on an island full of felons. Jordyn knew better than anyone that there were several men here who wouldn't bat an eye at the idea of taking advantage of Lillianne and anyone else her age. But whatever the reason for their unlikely partnership, Jordyn felt somewhat protective over her. So although they fought here and there and didn't always see eye to eye, she knew they had each other's backs.

It wasn't long before Jordyn found the blonde girl headed straight for the bag drop area. With a slight smirk upon her face, she caught up to her, one brow raised in question. "Your shirt bag's still hanging on, huh?" She teased lightly, one hand stuffed into her pant's pocket while her other held onto her own material bag. Of course, with limited supplies on the island, you had to make do with what you could, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to jokingly tease Lillianne. It was part of their friendship (if you could even call it that); besides, Jordyn was naturally sarcastic when she wasn't isolating herself or refusing to speak to others.
code by Ri.a

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Lillianne jumped a little as Jordyn found her. "Shit, you scared the fuck out of me," she said, giving her a look, but let it go. It wasn't worth fighting about, even if scaring someone on an island of felons was a really bad idea. They were getting close to where the drop would be now, and Lillianne had her eyes peeled for others in the area. Someone may try to take them out before they package even arrived, to make things easier in a way. If only everyone could just be nice. "Yeah, it's holding up so far. Wish I could have something real, but it is what it is, you know," she said, looking up at the sky.

"Looks like we got a newbie this time, too," she said as the sound of the plane rumbled closer, and not only a package came out but a person. "Shit day for them, that's for sure," she recalled her first day on the island. She didn't think she'd live long. A girl had tried to help her at the time, Jojo is her name, but she had denied it and basically screamed at the girl to get the fuck away from her until she did. She didn't really feel bad about it now, but she has come to find that Jojo wasn't an insane serial killer. Or, maybe she was, but she hadn't shown it yet if that was the case. You never know when everyone on the island is a bad guy.

It would take a few minutes for the crate to land, and Lillianne took a nervous glance around her. "I hate Wednesdays."
Bertille's walking was cut short by the arrival of another helicopter. The familiar sound made her growl. Fresh meat? Right back at Bitchy Beach. Turning around, she started to walk back. She felt sorry for whoever's poor soul got damned into coming, wondering what they did to deserve it. She stumbled and tripped on the bottle she threw, her face kissing the salty sand filled with salt and rocks with crabs underground.

"Merde" She said, her curse muffled by the sand, only heard by the crabs, if they cared. She felt too lazy to get back up since the hangover didn't leave her yet but if she stayed at that position, she would die and definately not join her mother, since the dead go nowhere. Struggling to move, the blue eyed raven faced the sky once more. She cursed the bottle"Que te follen, botella" She mumbled. Fuck you bottle, now I don't want to get up.

But she had to, for her own and the sake of the poor damned human being that fell like a fallen angel, no like a fallen alien. Standing up, she started to stagger and stumble to the poor fellow human once again.



Jojo had lost track of how many Wednesday's she'd survived on this island. It was hard to keep track of time when you didn't have a clock, or a calendar, or someone barking orders at you day and night. Without someone telling you when to eat, sleep, piss, and shower-- time was a moot point.

To be honest, Jojo enjoyed the freedom of the island. It had been quite the adjustment from prison, considering she spent a good six months behind bars before being dumped on the nameless island. She didn't even know where the island was located-- not that it mattered much. Where would she go if she got off? Daydreaming was nice, for sure, but if you had Jojo's mindset, the island was nice too.

Currently, the dark haired beauty stood near the drop point, waiting for supplies to come in. She wasn't in the open, but off the beach a little bit, just in case someone thought it would be a good idea to try and get the drop on her. Although she wasn't a skilled fighter by any means, she'd learned quickly upon getting arrested how to throw a punch. That, and the spear she'd crafted that she carried with her helped. It was a little stone-age, but it worked, and she wasn't afraid to hurt someone.

After all, how much more trouble could she really get in?

The helicopter approached, dumping the supply crate along with a girl. Jojo had been dropped in a similar fashion; she remembered swimming for her life, as she had landed in the water. Giving a slight shake of her head, she pushed off from the tree she'd been leaning against and crept towards where the crate would land, spear in hand.

Tags: no one yet
Code by apolla apolla
Bertille sat up once again. The poor human being could wait, she was currently recovering from a hangover. Plus, it would be their own loss if they survived. She looked at the bottle, blue eyes glaring at a glass object. It wasn't broken, since she didn't throw it hard. Fuck it, she took it once again and threw it at the water. Screw pollution, Humanity would kill itself before global warming did.

Sighing, Bertille stood up once again, dusting her face from the sand. According to what she knew, she was hungry and she remembered something about Wednesday drops. Sounded like bird shit, but damn she was hungry. She would kill for some meat. That made no sense, she did kill for meat, back when she was hunting.

Bertille started walking again, her shoes crunching in the sand. Her shoes were lucky, they got to eat sand. "Why don't I have my gun! I could have been eating buffalo meat" She wailed. Were there even any buffalos in this place? She had to ask that too, along with the bed smell question.
jordyn williams

location: the drop area | mentions: lillianne | tags: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

A smirk crossed Jordyn's face as Lillianne reacted to her showing up by flinching and muttering at her angrily. "You're lucky it was just me," she mumbled back with a chuckle, though she wasn't exactly wrong. Had it been anyone else, Lillianne might have gotten herself into some trouble. But then again, Jordyn easily could have done the same for herself sneaking up on her friend like that. Of course, since the accident and her subsequent arrest, she'd stopped caring about a lot of things. Getting her ass beat was one of those things. Sure, she tried to avoid it, but at the end of the day, she just couldn't find the energy to care anymore. At this point, there really was nothing she found worth caring for. Not even herself.

With a resigned sigh, the older female kept an eye out for unwelcome visitors as the two made their way to the bag drop area. As Lillianne mentioned a newcomer, Jordyn raised her gaze to see that there wasn't just a package coming down towards them, but a girl as well. She winced a little under her breath watching her hit the sand hard, but shook her head with a slight roll of her eyes. "Yeah, I don't miss falling out of that chopper at all," she muttered in agreement as they waited for their things to reach the ground.

As the crate lowered towards them, the dark haired woman glanced around, on guard for anyone who might try something in order to grab what they wanted first. There was no way she was letting anyone take the things she wanted and she refused to be taken advantage of. Besides that, she couldn't help wanting to ensure that nothing happened to Lillianne either. In her eyes, the girl was just a kid, hardly someone who should be left behind on an island full of felons, even if she had committed a felony herself. It just seemed so backwards.
code by Ri.a

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Wednesday morning, and Nolan is stretched out under a palm tree near the beach. His backpack rests beside him, waiting to hold resources and supplies. He glances up towards the sky every so often, checking to see how much longer until the helicopter arrives. His favorite pen takes place in his right hand, jotting down notes of everyone as they come down to wait for the crate. As always, Lillian is the first to arrive with her makeshift bag. She's smart, he's got to admit, but she's also got this childish vibe about her.

'Any second, now', Nolan bites his cheek as he thinks. Then, Jordyn arrives at the scene, and makes her way towards Lillian. 'There she is'. Once again, those two follow the exact same pattern he's picked up in his notes. He's noticed that they aren't necessarily friends, but allies. Being allies with them doesn't seem like such a bad idea, but Jordyn seems far too closed-off for him to make any approaches.

A strange girl wanders around the beach, muttering and screaming drunk words to herself. Nolan hasn't seen her before, which feels odd to him. Before anything else, he flips to a clean page and dedicates it solely to the stranger. Of course, he'll figure out her story soon enough. Dante and Josephine make their ways over, but he doesn't feel obligated to jot down any notes on them.

The sound of the helicopter becomes louder and louder, until it's practically deafening. Not only does a crate come flying out of it, but a girl does, too. Once again, Nolan flips to a clean page; it's only natural that he keeps track of the newbie. He grimaces, remembering the time he was shoved out of the helicopter, and landed practically face-first into the palm tree he now lies under every Wednesday morning.

The new girl lands somewhat safely in the sand, and Nolan feels captivated by her. She's gorgeous, but he needs to learn more about her before making any moves or approaches. For now, he shuts his journal and takes his bag before stretching, and he begins making his way towards the drop-off area. As always, he gets close while remaining a fair distance.

Mood: Calm, curious
Location: Beach/Drop-off area
Tags: N/A

Nolan Borden
code by Kumari
Bertille has no idea of where she's going. She does know that people are approaching the Jesus girl that just fell from the sky. For some reason, a box was also getting dropped. A box of what? Maybe food. The mere thought of it had an amazing effect on her. Hunger was a powerful thing people often messed with.

Before she knew It, Bertille was already running to the direction of the crate, hunger overpowering her hangover. She wanted to eat, not drink. The eighteen year old raven, ran faster, her hair blowing in the wind and a determined look in her eyes. Speaking of eyes, Bertille saw two people and the poor soul, close to the crate. She ran faster. Maybe they knew what was inside? She didn't remember if she ate or not yesterday. Maybe she could ask them her drunk questions?

Bertille's train of thought suddenly stopped on it's rails as she tripped on something big, like a log or something, and fell once again face first to the sand"Merde" She yelled at the sand, which she bet was feeling cranky that she insulted it's crabs, so it fought back by putting things for her to trip on. Bertille looked up, to see instead of a crate, a human being. A beautiful thing, under the legs. She could only see under the legs, since she only moved her head and was too lazy to get up
day bukhari
mentions: open

If there was one thing Day had to thank himself for, it would be working out ways to avoid the rush of drop days. For food, he had his own little vegetable garden and the tools to hunt wild game. In terms of clothing, that full first year alone meant he had all the supplies the crate had to offer to himself. There wasn't much he needed anymore from the drop, aside from fresh grains and the occasional sharpened knife their captors threw in every now and then. Now that they had a nice little crowd going, that crate served as a symbol for cutthroat felons fighting for their own survival.

And that wasn't Day's problem. Not now, not ever.

Whistling a tune to the humid, tropical air, the vigilante sauntered across the beach, bucket of freshly caught salmon hanging off one arm. He had no intention of veering close to the drop site, but when the sight of a female body dropping across the horizon caught his gaze, a spurt of excitement arose in his gut. There had been quite a few new felons being added to his little island home as of late, and while that would normally be a hindrance to him, his latest project was coming to a close and he was in need of some new entertainment. A couple of scared, lost murderers sounded exactly like his cup of tea. And boy, did he love tea.

Day picked up his pace and jogged over to the drop site, wondering if there'd be anything out of the ordinary this week. The selection had been rather dry the past few times, but there was only so much he could predict off his past experience. The ones in charge of the selection liked to spice it up every now and then, or at least it seemed so to Day. 'Who knows? Maybe they'll send a canoe this time around,' he joked to himself as he spotted several other faces. Some new, some old, but all unimportant to the man on a mission as he scanned the area for the latest addition to their humble island abode.
coding by cychotic
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"Here it comes," Lillianne said quietly as the package came lower and lower. It was pretty close now. The wind up high weren't bad that particular day, thankfully, as the package was more or less falling straight down with its parachute. Something that had always bothered her about these drops was the people in the helicopters. They saw them all, on the island, standing around like animals in a zoo waiting for their next meal to be dropped in. That's what they were, really. It seemed disgusting to her, but those people dropping the crates were the same people as the ones pushing humans out of a helicopter and hoping they had the sense to pull the chute. They were the ones that should be on the island, if you asked her, but at the same time she didn't want to be back in her cell. Neither of it was a good scenario, and she wasn't sure what was better.

Lillianne's main goal was to get food and alcohol, but if there was a weapon that was always the goal. Not only because it was endlessly useful on an island of felons, but as soon as someone grabbed a weapon it was game over typically. They were in charge of the crate now, and you had to wait to see what they left behind. There wasn't often weapons, but occasionally. She was determined to get to the drop first. Jordyn and herself. It was so close now, it would be close enough in just a minute or so.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Lillianne saw a girl she didn't recognize sprinting, towards herself and the crate. "Oh fuck," she said, standing in a different position. Did they really get a crazy one, now? So far everyone on the island wasn't total bat shit crazy from what she could tell, but it was just a matter of time before it happened. Luckily, the girl fully face planted into the dirt, and the crate landed. Lillianne's mind completely turned away from the girl, and she sprinted towards the crate.
Bertille stood up, dusting her clothes. That was the second or third time she fell on the stupid ground. Dirt and sand both tasted nice, If you got used to it."Malditas piernas, no me dejan andar"She muttered under her breath. Fuck the legs, don't disappoint me now! She then saw one of the girls from when she was sprinting, running towards the crate, as if it had something important. Maybe some food or a package like those people that ordered pizza? She doubted there was any signal here and bet some rich person trapped here would call an escape helicopter instead of pizza.

Bertille started to jog towards the crate and the girl. Her energy was zapped by her hangover and by the sprint she pulled. Bertille hoped that, in that crate, there was food and beer. She needed something to put in her mouth, other than sand and dirt."Hey nena! Mind telling me what's in there, If you made the delivery?" She said with her strange mixed French and Spanish accent.


With her makeshift spear in hand, Jojo watched as the crate-- and the girl-- fell unceremoniously to the ground. With a roll of her eyes, she pushed herself to a standing position, taking off a few seconds later as the crate crashed to the sand. It didn't open, but that didn't surprise her. It never did.

Spotting Lillie a few seconds later, Jojo smirked. Oh wouldn't she just love to beat her to the crate... Another girl popped up, an unfamiliar face, but Jojo merely pushed her out of the way as her feet pounded sand. Practiced from a year of being on the island, she won the imaginary race. Biting down on some string that wrapped around her spear, she used her hands to wrench the crate open.

Yuck, veggies and beans. Who wanted that shit? Picking up a few cans, she quickly inspected them and threw them aside. Spotting a fifth, she snatched it up quickly, along with the package containing the medication. Ripping it open, she stuffed some of the bottles into her pockets, anything that looked like she could possibly sell or trade later. Some bottles fell to the sand but she ignored them, happy with her grab.

Looking up as Lillie reached the crate, she smiled sweetly. "Well hello there, friend."

Tags: Lillie ( JustAlexandra JustAlexandra ); Bertille ( ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool )
Code by apolla apolla
As soon as the crate landed, Nolan made his way towards it. He didn't run, no, because he saw no point in doing so. After all, he knew that people would toss and throw things around like nobody's business.

Sure enough, Josephine was creating a mess. Nolan quietly grabbed all the cans she was tossing aside and dropping, placing them safely into his bag. They were mostly dried vegetables and beans, but he was lucky enough to snatch some beef jerky before anyone else could notice. He steered clear of the medications sprawled all over the sand, as he knew it could bring him some issues if others knew he had it.

Once Nolan was content with his canned goods, he stood up and walked towards the opposite side of the crate. Peering into it, he saw packages of bottled water near the bottom. He quickly tried to move aside the other goods covering them, grabbing some oatmeal in the process, before ripping open a new package and snatching some bottles.

Stepping back and tossing the last few items into his bag, he zipped it up and began making his way towards his tree again. Before he could get very far, he glanced over towards Dante and the new girl. He's not sure why, but it's almost as though he has to get to know her. Regardless, he trudges through the sand and takes a seat in the shade. After all, he has to watch over his fellow felons for possible notes.

Mood: Calm, curious
Location: Beach/Drop-off area
Tags: N/A

Nolan Borden
code by Kumari
Aelinore Michaels

mentions: sox sox RosateNena RosateNena
Interactions: apolla apolla ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool

While Ellie still had no idea what was going on and was utterly confused, she knew she couldn’t just stand there hopelessly spinning in circles. The crate that had come off the helicopter had landed and people gravitated to it rather quickly and some of them had weapons. If they were moving like that, whatever was in the crate had to be important. She walked fairly slowly as she walked towards the crate, and she kept a wide berth. She glanced around and couldn’t help but notice two of the guys eyeing her, but as long as they weren’t going to attack her, she mostly paid them no mind. If she had been taken from prison and literally thrown onto this island, she could only assume the same had been done of at least some of these people. Her eyes kept gravitating towards the weapon. She wondered if she had plans to use it or if she had it for protection.

It seemed her question was answered as a guy approached the crate, picking up cans and other things as he went. When he got close, no one started attacking. She could only take that as a good sign and quickly rounded the crate until she was behind him. One other other lady was busy stuffing pill bottles into pockets and the other didn't seem to be in any rush to get what was inside. The guy quickly left and she took that as her cue to grab whatever she could. She didn’t have any bag or substantial pockets, but she did have the jacket she always wore at the prison. She quickly shrugged out of it and laid it on the ground. Her eyes darted around, trying to keep an eye on her surroundings so she wouldn’t get attacked. She kind of wanted to say something, but she had no idea what. She hadn’t had a real conversation since she first got to prison and this situation was more than a little bizarre. Should she comment on how she had just gotten there? Being new around criminals usually wasn’t a good thing so she scratched that out. Anything even remotely hinting towards the weather was completely out of the question.

“So uh, looks like there’s a lot of good stuff in the box.” She sounded awkward as all hell and she knew it, but there was a little strain of confidence in there. She huffed as she started a small pile on her jacket. She didn’t know how much she would need, but she wasn’t about to take an inordinate amount. She was sure people would attack if she did. So, she took mostly water bottles. In a place like this, staying hydrated was her most pressing concern. Beyond that she grabbed a few things of food, mostly the canned stuff, tossing them onto the small pile that was forming. She did notice a few packs of meat as well as something shiny at the bottom and grabbed one of the things of chicken, confident she would at least have something hot and easily prepared for the day. She also used it as an excuse to peer into the box at whatever she had spotted. A knife. She quickly realized what it was and looked up at the others. They still seemed to be preoccupied with other things and she quickly snatched it up, sticking it in a front pocket as she squatted down to wrap up all her stuff. When she was finished, threw it over her back, and grimaced. It was difficult to carry, but she would manage. With glances at the others, she quickly but calmly walked away at an angle, determined to keep them in sight until she was out of range, where she then began sprinting towards the treeline.

coding by cychotic
dante martinez

location: the drop area | mentions: no one | tags: none

Dante could hear the sound of the helicopter long before he saw it. He'd been making his way towards the drop area when he heard it, where he knew the loud chopper would soon be depositing their supplies for the next week. It had taken him a good couple of weeks to figure out the whole routine and how to grab what he wanted and needed before anyone else could. He still struggled with it, though, given he only had the chance to "practice" once a week. Regardless, he was determined to make it out here. Though it'd proven tough, it wasn't nearly as bad as prison and he was much more open to imprisonment on an open island than in a cold, dark cell.

With a sigh, the ex-businessman continued on his way, silently picking his way closer to the shores in an attempt to avoid those who might choose a more direct route. But as his feet hit sand, the helicopter suddenly grew much louder, as if now overhead. Sure enough, when he glanced up, there it was. And... was that a girl practically falling from the sky below it? Squinting, the man realized it was in fact a young woman. He'd seen a few people arrive since he wound up here a month ago and though he knew they were literally dropped onto the island like flies, it never failed to shock him when he witnessed them being shoved from the hovering chopper above. With a shake of his head, he found himself faltering, wondering if he should help her as she flailed towards ground. It was only moments later that she hit the sand ahead of him with an audible thud, causing the innocent man to wince. That must have hurt.

Swallowing thickly, Dante hesitated for several more seconds before finally deciding to disregard her and head for the crate instead. It held much more important items than a conversation with another felon. There were several other people approaching the crate as well, but he wasn't overly concerned about any of them. Thus far into his stay on the island, none of these criminals had attempted to bother him, so he figured he was safe enough so long as he kept on guard.

Once close enough, he darted in and out to grab things that were more or less leftover, things no one else had bothered to grab. A couple cans of veggies and beans, two bottles of water, and a thing of beef jerky. It was all he could grab before he felt it was time to duck out and head to the safety of his hut. Like Day, he had some vegetable patches and a fruit tree growing outside of his hut, which he regularly harvested as much as he could. The garden patch wasn't much considering he'd only been here a month, but the tree had been here before him and grew fruit easily, so he wasn't terribly worried.
code by Ri.a

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Bertille stumbled on her jog. Damn these legs! The sprint really did her no good. She noticed people were running and grabbing before like their lives depended on it. She was close enough to the crate and a promise of food before she got pushed. Given her sudden clumsiness, she fell. Knowing she was too tired to chase after her-She figured it was a chick thanks to the hair- She yelled"Oye! Porque tanta prisa, puta!" Annoyed, she stood up. She could bet the prision ladies were nicer than she was.

Stumbling some, Bertille finally got to the crate. She grabbed some cans of whatever, a fruit and some beef jerky, looking until she found her prize. Enclosed in a glistening glass bottle, with a color that shined in the sun there it was in all it's glory, Vodka. Bertille's eyes widened at the only miracle she knew existed and started to take as many bottles as she could. She noticed there wasn't enough space for the cans and the precious drink in her hands. That was serious business! She shook away her hangover and ignored it, getting to work.

Bertille put them all on the floor and removed her hoodie, revealing a slim body with a small blouse that was revealing her stomach underneath. The hoodie was oversized and was perfect for a bag. Stuffing all of her things in the pockets and the hoodie itself, and walked away carefully but quickly. Bitchy Beach was her destination since she saw some palm trees huddling together. They were small enough for shade and big enough to expectpalm fruit. She noticed some girl running away and shrugged. She continued her walk, doing her best to stumble as little as possible.
Lillianne reached the crate... after Jojo. Dammit. Despite being first one there and perhaps the first person with eyes on the crate, she was still second. At least it was open by the time she got there, she guessed. "Don't talk to me," Lillianne said sharply. She was there to get resources and get the hell out of there. She heard the girl she hadn't recognized yell behind her, but she ignored it. She wasn't trying to help anyone at the moment. She shoved whatever she could into her makeshift bag, even managing to grab a pack of jerky and a couple cans of tuna, but mostly beans and veggies. She also managed to fit two water bottles, but that was it. It held a decent amount, enough to barely get through the week, but it would have been so much nicer if she had had a real bag. She noticed the new girl putting some things in her bag, but she wasn't attacking and so neither was Lillianne. She grabbed a fifth to carry under her arm, when she realized the new girl had shoved something shiny into her pocket. She was far away by the time that Lillianne realized what it must have been, and the girl was already sprinting towards the woods. "FUCK!" she yelled loading her things over her shoulder and grasping the fifth tight as she ran after her.

She said nothing as she ran, wishing she hadn't even let it known that she had noticed what the girl had. It was a knife, it had to be. She was so quiet, so sneaky, and Lillianne had only seen the glimmer out of the side of her eye but it was still there. It had to have been it. That was what she was waiting for, and she'd be damned if she let this newbie have it. Lillianne had a makeshift knife tucked into the side of her pants, and she fished it out with her good hand. She really didn't have any intention of using it, unless the girl came after her with her real knife.

She could hear the girls feet running, and every now and then she'd catch glances of her hair or leg. Surely, she'd have to stop sometime.
day bukhari
mentions: open

Once the ladies had rushed past and Day was positive no one would come flying in his direction with a rocket launcher, he casually made his way over to the crate and took a peek inside. Most of the meat, alcohol, and water had already been torn through, to no one's surprise, which left some medications, some unlabeled canisters, and plenty of packaged goods. Since he could hunt for himself and had plenty of seafood to last him a lifetime, the sight of various types of beans sent a wave of excitement through his body. Farming was always more difficult than killing livestock, especially due to the constantly changing weather near the equator. Trench foot wasn't as pleasant as it may seem, and too many hours wringing his hands over the fields wouldn't set him up for success in that department.

Day dropped several cans into his bucket until he noticed one fifth left, hidden behind an unwieldy box of oatmeal. "Oi, you guys seein' this? Tito's!" he whistled in appreciation, pointing at the bottle as he turned to show anyone who hadn't already fled the drop site. "They dropped a pretty penny on this one, yeah? Thanks for the love, Big Brother!" With his sarcastic shout towards the chopper on the horizon, Day tucked the vodka under his arm and grabbed the few medications left, grateful at the fact that no one took his monthly citalopram and ambien supply. He'd been approaching the need for a refill of the two drugs, without which his insomnia would take its hold over his nights. Along with these, he picked up two tiny bottles of antivenom, pleased that he'd be able to add them to his collection. The last time he'd been stung by a jellyfish, their lovely captors had made sure to send a full load of antivenom in the weekly drop so he wouldn't spend another two days completely incapacitated. That hadn't been a pleasant experience for the young felon.

Dropping them all into the bucket over the raw fish, Day stretched his arms in front of him and began heading back the way he came, figuring he'd sort them back in his cabin and head out for a chat with the few other inmates that entertained his banter. The man wasn't in much of a rush; if anyone attempted to break into his home, they'd get caught in the various nets and traps he'd set up around the perimeter---and that was if they managed to find the damn place, anyways. After all, he hadn't spent a whole year building it just for it to be easily located by the public.

"If any of you scary folks wanna have a little welcome party later, you know where to find me!" Day called over his shoulder to anyone who was listening as he veered off the beach back into the shade of the foliage. Perhaps Dante would be down for a grill out, if he had the time to spare. He quite liked that man. "Well, you actually don't, but just scream or something. I'll try and reach you before the ocelots do!" With that, he trekked back towards the other end of the island where his beachside home awaited, picking a few edible mushrooms out of the ground along the way.
coding by cychotic
Aelinore Michaels

Interactions: OPEN
Mentions: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra sox sox

It didn’t take long for Ellie to figure out someone was following her. She regretted taking the knife for a moment. That was the only reason she could think of why someone would be chasing her down. She had left plenty of food and water and unless someone just really wanted that fresh chicken, the knife was the logical choice. Then again, if she was being chased for it, she knew it had to be rare. With that in mind, she wasn’t about to give it up.

She actually slowed her pace just a bit, mostly so she could navigate the forest easier. This other person would have an advantage over her since it was her first day, but her daily training gave her an edge above most people. Her constant running had upped her stamina and her flexibility training kept her agile. Slowing down also gave her the chance to readjust her supplies so she carried it in her arms instead of over her back. Having a clunking thing behind her as she ran would only prove to be disastrous.

With that, she weaved herself through the forest to try and escape her pursuer. She focused on keeping her breathing level and her eyes fixated on the landscape in front of her. She didn’t let sounds or anything in her surroundings distract her and she didn’t ever look back to see if she was still being followed. One false step and she was done for. She wasn’t sure how long she ran for,but it was some time before her body started feeling the effects of running and maneuvering for so long. Her muscles were starting to burn as well as her lungs, but she pushed through the pain and kept going.

It wasn’t long after that when something seemed… off. She had zoomed by it so quickly that she wasn’t even aware of what it was until it was too late. A few steps later and she found herself being hauled into the air and quite high off the ground. The sudden shift in vision and body left her confused and the adrenaline clouded her vision. It took her a moment to realize what had happened as she looked around. “Shit…” She was dangling probably at least 30 feet off the ground in some kind of net. Whatever she had passed before that had confused her had been another kind of trap that she didn’t trigger. If only she had realized it a little sooner, she could have avoided this trap.

It wasn’t all bad, though. It was highly unlikely this trap belonged to her pursuer and after some looking around, she was able to see that the net was secured in a way that made it difficult to undo. The only way to take her down was to cut the rope and if her suspicions were correct, her chaser probably didn’t have anything to cut it with. If they tried, Ellie could always climb out. It would be difficult, but doable. So, she laid there and relaxed for a moment. She was captured, but at least safe from immediate danger. She closed her eyes for moment to slow her breathing and let her heart calm, but she always peeked out to see whoever it is that had been so determined to find her.

coding by cychotic


Lillie's reaction to her friendly-not-so-friendly greeting didn't surprise Jojo in the slightest. Outright laughing at the girls hostility, Jojo finished gathering the supplies she could carry and stepped back from the crate. So busy celebrating her own wins, Jojo didn't notice the new girl grab the knife and take off. She did, however, hear Lillie's exclamation, which caused her to look up.

"What the hell?" Watching them disappear into the trees, she blinked a few times, debating on whether or not to follow. After a few moments, she shrugged and decided why not?

At a more leisurely pace, Jojo set off into the woods after them. This island could be quite boring, after all, and this seemed like it would be some entertainment. Making sure nothing fell out of her pockets as she walked, she held the fifth of vodka under her arm as well. "Well, where did they go?" She asked herself, humming a tune under her breath.

Tags: Lillie ( JustAlexandra JustAlexandra ); Bertille ( ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool )
Code by apolla apolla
Nolan reaches to pull out his journal and favorite pen, but is interrupted by a loud 'fuck'. He glances up, watching as Lillianne and the new girl disappear into the trees. His best bet is that the new girl has something that Lillianne wants. Events like this typically don't happen that often, so naturally he wants to take some notes.

"Well," Nolan pushes himself to his feet, "guess I'll head out, too". He begins making his way towards the direction the girls went to, and nearly runs into Josephine in the process. Watching as she jogs deeper into forest, he takes a different route in an attempt to avoid her. He doesn't know if she took her medication or not, and he's not really willing to find out.

As Nolan makes his way farther and farther into the trees, he's pretty sure that he lost the girls. That is, until he rams into a tree.

"Son of a bitch!" The young man stumbles before falling to his ass. When he looks up, he realizes that he didn't run into a tree, but into Lillianne. "Oh, uh, hey. Funny running into you here."

Mood: Curious
Location: Forest
Tags: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

Nolan Borden
code by Kumari

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