Literature Favourite books?


Just a small Asian trying to live
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I love;
Game of Thrones
The Ranger’s Apprentice series

What are your favourites?
Mmm... books.

The Night Circus
Crooked Kingdom (and the others in the series)
The Star-Touched Queen
Girl with the Red Balloon
The Veronica Speedwell books
The Raven Cycle Books
oh god, there's so many! I think my most favorite though would have to be the Nightshade series

If you mean the one by Andrea Cremer
I love you
If you don't
Sounds interesting

My favorites in no particular order:
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Anything Rick Riordan/Greek
Little & Lion by Brandi Colbert
And A LOT of others

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