Anime & Manga Favourite anime, recommendations?


Hello there,

So I've watched quite a bit of anime and I need some more to watch. So does anyone have any recommendations on anime's for me to watch? Anime's I've watched are:

-Dagashi kashi

-Danganronpa: The animation

-Danganronpa 3: despair arc

-Mirai Nikki

-Higurashi no naku koro ni

-full metal alchemist

There's a lot more just can't rememeber. Can't wait to hear your suggestions

You've probably watched Death note. Perhaps Bleach? Sword art online?

Everyone has seen Attack on titan. 

Cory in the house?
Kamisama no inai nichiyoubi. Beautiful art style, smart integration of ED, amazing OST and good story. Made me sob quite a few times, despite being short. I recommend it to everyone 
You've probably watched Death note. Perhaps Bleach? Sword art online?

Everyone has seen Attack on titan. 

Cory in the house?

I've seen death note and sao I don't like bleach though. And yes I'm sure everyone has.

Cory in the house :D

Kamisama no inai nichiyoubi. Beautiful art style, smart integration of ED, amazing OST and good story. Made me sob quite a few times, despite being short. I recommend it to everyone 

I'll give it a go
Haruhi Suzumiya, A Certain Scientific Railgun/Magical Index, Noragami,  Clannad, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, One Piece, Steins;Gate, AnoHana, Your Lie In April, and Isshuukan Friends are my favorites.
Boku ga inai machi is just amazing! I highly recommend it :3 It's definatly one of my favourites! 
I will never be tired of recommending Barakamon and Ano Hana. Both are beautiful and funny shows with brilliant moments. If you're leaning more on the action side, you can never go wrong with Samurai Champloo and Basilisk. Now, I'd put in Bleach as well if you didn't mention how it wasn't to your taste.
Haruhi Suzumiya, A Certain Scientific Railgun/Magical Index, Noragami,  Clannad, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, One Piece, Steins;Gate, AnoHana, Your Lie In April, and Isshuukan Friends are my favorites.

ahh you just said what i would have. Yeah one piece on top there. Try watching ichigo 100%, hero academia, the infamous SOA, big order, the legendary legend of galactic heroes, slam dunk, yuyu hakusho you know the classic and the big ones
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If you like videogames, I suggest Log Horizon, which in my opinion is ten times better than SAO (Sword Art Online).

Similarities being that usually second seasons aren't as good as the first, which I recommend you go watch as soon as possible, it's that good.
I mean

Fairy Tail and Digimon



Oh, and there's also Shiki, Magi, Noragami, Eureka Seven, Gosick, Pandora Hearts, Nisekoi, Brothers Conflict, Tokyo Ghoul, probably five thousand others I'm forgetting....
Pandora Hearts anime was awful. The manga is worth reading, but the anime did it absolutely no credit
I mean

Fairy Tail and Digimon



Oh, and there's also Shiki, Magi, Noragami, Eureka Seven, Gosick, Pandora Hearts, Nisekoi, Brothers Conflict, Tokyo Ghoul, probably five thousand others I'm forgetting.

I mean

Fairy Tail and Digimon



Oh, and there's also Shiki, Magi, Noragami, Eureka Seven, Gosick, Pandora Hearts, Nisekoi, Brothers Conflict, Tokyo Ghoul, probably five thousand others I'm forgetting....

Digimon is awesome. I love it, I remember watching it as a kid and I'll still watch it now
Why'd it quote twice? Internet *sighs*
Pandora Hearts anime was awful. The manga is worth reading, but the anime did it absolutely no credit

Yeah, I'll admit that. But I'm only on episode seven, so I'm giving it a chance.

The manga got me all hype though. One chapter in and I was like, "OMIGOSH MUST READ ALL OF THIS OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH"
I have 1-19 volumes xD but really, the anime was bad, really bad ^^;; it's usually the case though
I literally tried to find my list of anime, but unfortunately I can't find it. ;w;


Black Bullet 




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I love black bullet also. Its awesome but it really doesn't feel like its finished, same as deadman wonderland
Brooh. Right? I feel the same for both of them! xD

Deadman Wonderland was ruined because they were like "frick it, let's not follow the manga! *flips manga away*"


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