TV & Film Favorite films?

Dude, my favorite film would have to be Jurassic Park.... Its amazing!!! The second one is ok in my opinion and the 3rd one.... Just no please..... But, I am excited for Jurassic World!!! I hope its better than the 3rd one at least.
My favorite movie... 12 Years a Slave. Very, very powerful movie. I loved it and still do.

I used to say Super Mario Brothers just to see people's reactions. Thinking about it though, it's tough to come up with a favorite.
All About Eve


There Will Be Blood

Both are as close to perfect as you can get; though, quite different, respectively.

All About Eve has some of the finest written dialog—ever.

In terms of modern directors:

Paul Thomas Anderson > Quintin Tarentino
The Mist (That ending DX), Lucy, and Jaws are all runner ups be my all time favorite is Unbreakable
Ah, I would be more than honored to provide a list of my most favorable films! Inglorious Basterds, Casino, Guardians of the Galaxy, and the grand majority of Godzilla films are master-pieces I consider well-executed!
storyweaver29 said:
The Boat that Rocked is probably one of my favourite films. Love Actually is my staple Christmas film.
Haven't seen The Boat that Rocked, but looked it up and it looks like a lot of fun; it looks like they got the 60s vibe down. And Love Actually is quite good too, but for a Christmas movie I'd take Die Hard any day ;)

Sparkstorm1000 said:
Dude, my favorite film would have to be Jurassic Park.... Its amazing!!! The second one is ok in my opinion and the 3rd one.... Just no please..... But, I am excited for Jurassic World!!! I hope its better than the 3rd one at least.
Jurrasic Park was really great! I personally have no time for the sequels. However Jurrasic World looks good, but I'm a little skeptical of the CGI, but not much you can do about that.

NotAllThatCreative said:
My favorite movie... 12 Years a Slave. Very, very powerful movie. I loved it and still do.
12 Years a Slave was great. I think everyone knew it would win the Oscar.

PCVSjason said:
I used to say Super Mario Brothers just to see people's reactions. Thinking about it though, it's tough to come up with a favorite.
What are you talking about? Super Mario Brothers is a masterpiece :P

ronnydazzler said:
All About Eve

There Will Be Blood

Both are as close to perfect as you can get; though, quite different, respectively.

All About Eve has some of the finest written dialog—ever.

In terms of modern directors:

Paul Thomas Anderson > Quintin Tarentino
I like both movies quite a lot too.

In terms of directors though, I personally Tarantino; I just like his style more. Not to say PTA is bad or anything, quite the contrary, just I prefer Tarantino's movies.

[QUOTE="Jaw Breaker]
The Mist (That ending DX), Lucy, and Jaws are all runner ups be my all time favorite is Unbreakable

The Mist and Jaws were both great, but to me personally I thought Lucy wasn't that good; not awful by any means, just mediocre.

Unbreakable was really good too, one of M. Night Shyamalan's only good movies.

Discord said:
Ah, I would be more than honored to provide a list of my most favorable films! Inglorious Basterds, Casino, Guardians of the Galaxy, and the grand majority of Godzilla films are master-pieces I consider well-executed!
I like pretty much anything directed by Tatantino or Scorsese. Guardians of the Galaxy was good fun too. The Godzilla films are usually good as well (except for the 1998 one).

Ferretknight said:
Anything horror and suspenseful is amazing. But the occasional comedy as well
Hoe can every horror and suspense movie be good? What about bad horror/suspense? Those definitely exist.
I personally agree with you on Lucy, I just think the concept and Scarlet Johansen were great.
Funfawn5 said:
Ugh, so many! I love the Harry Potter series and anything to do with the Avengers. You name it I've seen it.
"You name it I've seen it"? That's a bold claim I must say. You must be the really into the indie scene :P
I'm quiet easy to be please so I do have a lot of fav movies, but if I have to pick one, I'll choose Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

Simply because it has different concept of love story, unique. There is so much beauty and pain in one movie, I can't really describe it but it is highly recommended!
Oh, I have lots of favorite films? But among them are: Some Like it Hot, Doctor Lovegood and How I Learned to Love the Atomic Bomb, Man on the Iron Mask, and Amadeus.

I rarely see new movies. C: I love my oldies.
Mordecai ur so ooooold

//says the person who only sees a new movie about every other year

I think my favorite movie is Disney's Atlantis. I am absolutely a sucker for animated movies, adventure stories, lost civilizations, scenery porn.... the part where the giant statues all clap their hands? Fantastic. Bonus points for their vision of Atlantis being all like... stonepunk.
Blade Runner, probably! I have a lot of movies I really enjoy, but I've watched Blade Runner a lot and love it every time.

I also like the Godfather, Goodfellas, A Clockwork Orange, and some others that I can't think of right now. Also I really like Monsters Inc. ( :P )
Scratch that. I just saw a film so incredible that it physically affected me. What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?
I think that would be "Pirates of the Caribbean".

I really loved those movies (all of them) and am truly addicted to them to the point that I've watched them million times already. I really love the character Jack Sparrow as I like the way he lives and how he walks and talks. And I absolutely adore his quote:

"The problem is not the problem;

the problem is your attitude about the problem."
tsundere said:
Blade Runner, probably! I have a lot of movies I really enjoy, but I've watched Blade Runner a lot and love it every time.
I also like the Godfather, Goodfellas, A Clockwork Orange, and some others that I can't think of right now. Also I really like Monsters Inc. ( :P )
+1 for A Clockwork Orange! My username is a reference to it because reasons.
Fight Club.

Its got Brad Pit, Edward Norton, and Meatloaf (With Bitchtits). Its got some of the most amusing dialogue I've ever heard in a film and has a genuinely surprising twist that makes watching it the second time better than the first.
It's an odd list but I'll give some of my favorites

All older live action Ninja Turtles movies (I can quote all 3 word for word)

Lion King

Never Back Down

Repo: The Genetic Rock Opera

Just to name a few

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