Anime & Manga Favorite anime?

All you guys should already know what my favorite anime is.

Each episode even gayer than the last and I LOVE it!!!

 I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I just caught up with it last night (I'd gotten a few episodes behind) and just. I have no words. I'm just going to attempt to stop smiling right now, and fail miserably.

Honestly though, are they dating already or are they not?? Because it feels like they're dating, but it's never shown if they actually are or not it's just teased mercilessly. And did they actually kiss or was it just a hug?? I don't know~ XD
Recently Black Lagoon made my top 5 none romance centered anime along with durarara, Loghorizon, all of bakemonotagari, iron blooded orphans, ReZero. But when it comes to Roms or RomComs there's waaaaay to many to choose from
my favorite anime is rick and morty
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Cowboy Bebop. Great characters, a fantastic soundtrack, solid noir style story telling, and a short but sweet 26 episode run. Give it a watch
EVER?! Shinsekai Yori. Love it. Have watched it about 5 times now.

Currently? Natsume Yuujinchou. It's so sweet.
I can't choose just one. But my top 6 are, in no particular order, definitely



Seraph of the End

Attack on Titan

Your Lie in April

Death Parade 
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Here is a list of some not stated yet, or at least with positive opinions, that I feel need some love:

Aldnoah.Zero (almost didn't make it, but the soundtrack was just so beautiful and well-implemented, the Deucalion falling being one of my favorite scenes in anime)

Code Geass (has been stated, but... Lelouche Vi Britannia...)

Clockwork Planet (not an anime yet, and I don't care. It's announced to release some time 2017, and even if it's a complete flop of an adaptation it'll make it here. The inter-character dialogues in the light novel are hilarious, and it has an interesting concept)

Madan Ou no Vanadis (Haters. Gonna. Hate. Tigrevurmund is an interesting character, and I enjoy the tactics in the battles.)

Date a Live

Log Horizon
In no particular order:

Kaleido Star (although this is my top)

Madoka Magica

ARIA the animation

Nastume Yuujinchou


Ouran High School Host Club

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