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  • So I wrote my history exam yesterday ,as I said earlier, have no homework and have alone time on the internet...

    Hello peoples. I wrote/ typed my history exam and I'm almost 50 percent sure that I didn't fail. O.o . Anyway how are people? Also just wanted to say, @Ticci Toby Rogers and @TrippyVirus I'm so glad to meet fellow gravity falls lovers! Also... GRAPPLING HOOK!!!!!
    My first exam is this Friday. I could study but, internet! What should I do? Study or internet?
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    I don't know what you should do, but I saw your profile picture, and GRAVITY FALLS! This is literally my favourite show! So I'ma stalk you now...
    (Omg Gravity falls)

    Choose the former man, you'll have to do Internet's later.
    Hi guys. More cat pictures. Cause why the heck not? We all need cat photos in our lives!
    Cats are the best!
    I know! I mean, I don't want all dogs to die but...Cats!

    Hello Internets! I was wondering, does anyone have any craft ideas for small children.  Preferably something Canada related. Any idea is helpful.
    Your welcome
    ...when i was a kid i used to make cardboard gravestones, but that's pretty morbid... i'd say something more along the lines of the flowers would be a better choice!
    I'm very concerned...
    Your content count is so low. Also Mabel is your profile pic :D
    Thanks. I'm still not quite sure how everything works on this site. Particularly content count and Rps. Also, yay! Someone recognized my photo!
    Hi guys! Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for the next two to three days. I don't know why I felt the need to tell you this but I did so, umm....

    Cute cat photos for everyone!

    Good morning my fellow humans! How are you today? Feeling like life is meaningless and we're all just biding our time until the sweet release of death?
    Hello Internets! Merry belated Christmas. Apologizes for not posting yesterday. I spent all day in lamma pj's hanging out with family and life in a nutshell. Anyway, something pretty weird happened to me this morning. So yesterday I gave @chesirekitten a Halsey CD (your welcome
    ) which we listened to in the car yesterday. When we got back from a party my dad took in a veggie tray and some leftovers. He also brought inside the CD so it wouldn't freeze in the car. This morning I get up and decided to look for something for breakfast. As I'm looking through the fridge I see something pink and blue. I shrug it off and close the door. I then realize what it was and re-open the door to the fridge. My dad had put the veggie tray, leftovers and THE CD INSIDE THE FRIDGE WHERE IT SAT ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even.... just why? How? What? I I took it out and I'm pretty sure it will be OK but still... anyway that was my morning how has your Christmas been? Hopefully it wasn't as crazy as mine was. Merry Christmas everyone.
    Hello, internet. It's been a while hasn't it? i just wanted people to know I'm still alive...barely. I've been held up by school for a while so that's why I haven't been very active.  Also I've started binging on Yuri on Ice and am now addicted. The sad news is that my last day of school is the 23 so I have no time or money to do Christmas shopping. Help!
    Ok. Internet. I need help. Seriously. So many people in my life are sad and depressed. I feel helpless and like I can't do anything. It's getting harder for me to go through school without breaking down into tears. When I'm at school I don't care about my work or my future so long as the people close to me are safe. But then I get so furious at my teachers, friends and myself. I don't know what to do. I try talking to people but then they just feel awkward and apologize. I don't need sympathy, I need help. Any advise would be helpful if anyone is inclined. Sorry for the rant. 
    Just needed to give in to despair and anger for a little while by listening to dark nightcore.
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