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Fandom Fateful meeting at the Eeveelution Evolution Event (closed NightRocker13)


The Blood Splattered One
***The Annual Eeveelution Evolution Event***
Once a year trainers from all over the world come with their Eevee's and their evolutions to participate in activities, contests and battles. This event also offers stones, massage thearapists, poffin venders, advice guides and even training seminars. Though only Eevee and it's evolutions are allowed to participate in the contests and shows any trainer and their pokemon are welcome to join in on the festivties.

Sin had been waiting in the contest hall for what felt like hours. She and her Vaporeon had entered to compete, mostly just for fun. She was daydreaming when the large head of her Arcanine nudging her caught her attention. She moved her black hair from her face and rubbed his chin and check in on her beloved Ariel, who was still sleeping curled up against the large fire pokemon. Sin knelt beside them both, getting a gentle lick from her Arcanine as she moved to lightly shake Ariel awake. Sin's hand touched her smooth violet fur that seemed to glimmer in any light.

"Ariel...nap time's over love. I think they're going to be calling our class next."

The Vaporeon stood and stetched before she nuzzled lovingly against the Arcanine known as Fell. She called out happily and even more so when Sin began to rub behind her fins. Fell stood and shook himself, the great fire pokemon excited as his tail wagged furiously.

"I'm glad we were able to be in Celadon for the event this year. It's far more impressive than I thought. Who knew so many people loved Eevee and it's evolutions so much?" Sin's eyes scanned the hall where they stood waiting to be called. Eevee's. Jolteon's. Vaporeon's. Flareon's, Espeon's. Umbreon's. Glaceon's. Leafeon's. Sylveon's. They were all here, some of them even a rare color like Ariel but thus far her Vaporeon was the only one she had seen that was purple instead of the typical blue. "I know you'll do great Ariel, as long as you have fun thats all that matters. And Fell I know you're excited for some battles later."

Fell gave a playful bark and spun himself in several circles in excited anticipation. Ariel too had joined in his excitement, running between his legs and eventually climbing up his back to sit on his head, both pokemon now face to face with their trainer.

"I'm so proud of you both and Toph too. I love you guys." She gave them each a kiss on the nose and just as she pulled back from Ariel the pokeball at her hip burst open with a red glow, her lavitar appearing in her arms. He apparently didn't want to miss out on these kisses being given away. Sin couldn't help but chuckle as she cradled the small pokemon and lavished him with kisses.
Nickolai walked through the impressive crowd his Umbreon, Shade, at his side. The Pokemon seemed nervous, almost jumpy, his trainer knew it was mostly excitement. Shade wasn't used to so many Eevees and eeveelutions around and he was yipping at each new discovery.

Nickolai laughed. It was adorable to him. Meanwhile, his Haunter, Ghoul, was floating/sitting on the 17 year old's head. Nickolai didn't mind. As a ghost type, Ghoul's weight was negligible.

The three had soon gotten through the crowd and into the contest hall. He wasn't much for contests, preferring to watch, but Shade couldn't get enough of them. Since he could never resist they were soon signed in. It was only a matter of time before things got under way.
The loud speaker cracked on as an announcement was made.
Welcome trainers and guests to the Eeveelution Evoltion Event. Our Flareon contest is over! Congratulations to Cy and his Flareon! Our next category class is Vaporeon. Trainers signed up for this class should head into the designated location on the back of your registration card. Spectators may move to the into the contest hall auditorium. Thank you and good luck out there.
"That's us guys." Sin proclaimed excitedly as she moved to enter the closed door she had been waiting near. She saw a few other Vaporeon and their trainers begin moving towards the door as well. She hadn't expected so many.

Sin and Ariel seemed to be close to the end of the contestants but Sin took this as an advantage for they could see how the trainers before them had done. Each pokemon was inspected by a judge and then a display of moves was to be put on before judging was finalized. Sin felt nervous for Ariel but her little violet pokemon was confident and ready.

"Sin and Ariel" called one of the event leaders.

Ariel's head was held high as they walked onto stage, Ariels fur sparkling and gleaming in the bright lights. Sin could hear a few gasps as Ariel moved onto the judging table. As the judge approached she gave a friendly smile. "Gorgeous color." She inspected Ariel throughly and after she was done she scratched Ariel under the chin and allowed them to continue onto the next phase of the contest.

Ariel took a deep breath before a fountain of water erupted from her mouth with a powerful Hydro Pump and before the water could go but so far Ariel shot a beam of ice towards it, freezing it. She began to move across the stage at speeds amd lept into action, her body twisting and flipping as she came down up her frozen subject with a Mud-Slap. Directly after Ariel began charging for her final move but as her paws hit the stage she lost her footing on ice that had formed from the stage being so wet from previous contestants. Ariel slid and tumbled but got up with her head held high just as her timer ran out. Sin ran to her partner and outstretched her arms, Ariel leaping into her arms. They watched a few more of the contestants before Ariel seemed to want back into the halway they entered from. With Lavitar in her arms and Fell by her side Sin followed Ariel to the door and opened it for all of them to exit. She could sense her pokemon's frustration.

Sin set LAvitar down and moved to sit next to Ariel on the contest hall floor. "It was out of your control you know. You're not an Espeon...how could you know there was excess water on the stage. You did a fantastic job and I'm so proud of you Ariel." Vaporeon tried to remain upset but her trainer always knew how to difuse her anger.

The speaker cracked to life once again
Welcome trainers and guests to the Eeveelution Evoltion Event. Our Vaporeon contest is over! Congratulations to Shawn and his Vaporeon, Ace! Our next category class is Espeon. Trainers signed up for this class should head into the designated location on the back of your registration card. Spectators may move to the into the contest hall auditorium. Thank you and good luck out there.
Nickolai sat in the auditorium with his Pokemon. Shade was watching the contest intensely. Ghoul, becoming bored, disappeared to cause some mischief. Nickolai, who was keeping an eye on the contest and trying to calm Shade, who had started to get nervous, didn't notice the ghost type vanish from site.

Ghoul was soon looking around for someone to play with. He soon spotted that pretty violet Vaporeon, the one that fell. He giggled and sunk through the floor. He got right behind the ticked off Pokemon before he made a loud cry, his ghost nature making him look more intimidating.

Nickolai had just noticed Ghoul was no where to be found when he heard the scream. He cursed and ran to where the sound was coming from with Shade close behind. He pushed through the crowd, hoping Ghoul wasn't getting hurt because of his antics. It had happened before. Last time he screwed with the wrong person Ghoul had been knocked out before Nickolai could get there. He always tried to keep a hold of him, but he was tricky and loved giving his trainer the slip.

Ghoul was above the likely quite startled group, laughing his guts out. He floated through the air still laughing when red light hit him and he disappeared. "I'm so sorry about him. He's mostly harmless, just loves pranks." Nickolai apologized. He stood at 6' with long black hair and golden amber eyes. He wore a black trench coat over a band T, black skinny jeans, and black boots. Shade, a normal looking Umbreon, sat quietly beside them not at all surprised by the situation.
Fell suddenly felt as though they were being watched, his body growing tense as he went of high alert. Ariel was far to into her emotions to notice the ghost type until it cried and made itself visible. Sin screamed, the pokemon startling her. Fell went into protective mode and almost gave the HAunter a flamethrower to the face but Sin had managed to catch the fire pokemons maw and hold it shut.

"Calm down Fell, I'm sure he didn't mean any harm." And just as she said that a tall and mysterious type guy came up to them apologizing for the Haunter's hijynx. "See Fell...he's just having a good time." She patted the Arcanine's chest and he calmed. "Hi there, My name is Sin. This is Ariel, Fell and Toph." She said pointing to each of her pokemon as she called their name. "You're pretty lucky to have a Haunter and am Umbreon, almost didnt see that hansome little guy." Sin knelt down and held out a hand trying to entice the Umbreon to her, her own eeveelution brushing against her in hopes of some affection herself.

Sin was of average height with a muscular type build. Her hair black and reaching to just above her rear end. Her eyes nearly matched her Vaporeon's color, the black eyeliner around them helping to accentuate her face. She wore dark wash blue jeans, a plain black tank top and multi-colored high top sneakers. She carried a hoodie with her as well that she usually wore but the large hood that covered her face often made people suspicious.
"I'm Nickolai. This is Shade and this little trouble maker is Ghoul. He can be a bit of a handful, thankfully Shade helps keep him in line." Nickolai explained. As he introduced his Pokemon, he motioned to his Umbreon first and then raised the pokeball in his hand.

"Yeah. Lucky enough to get an Eevee for a starter and live near a graveyard... Your Pokemon are adorable. I've always wanted an Arcanine." He added. He waived hello to the other Pokemon. He didn't go to pet them automatically cause he didn't know how people friendly they were.

Shade had sniffed at Sin's hand and allowed the trainer to pet him for a bit. He was a lot like a cat in a sense so after a few strokes of his sleek black fur he walked away to sit back down beside his trainer. Nickolai simply gave him a pat.

"Sorry, Shade's a bit stand offish with strangers. Ghoul on the other hand loves people, it's just people typically don't like him back." he sighed, honestly wishing for Ghoul's sake people wouldn't freak out about ghost types so much.

After about five minutes Nickolai let Ghoul out. The ghost type hated being in a pokeball so it was often used as a punishment for bad behavior. "Now. Apologize to this trainer and her Pokemon. You scared her Vaporeon half to death and you almost got a Fre Blast to the face!" Nickolai ordered, getting a bit riled up out of worry. He really needed to get Ghoul to learn timing. He doubted that would happen anytime soon though. The Haunter gave Sin puppy dog eyes as he apologized to her and her Pokemon. He hoped they forgave him. He just wanted to play.
Sin was pleased Shade had come over to her and didn't take it personally when Shade moved back to sit at his trainers feet. Sin chuckled and reached out to pet Ghoul. "Aww you're alright little guy. No harm no foul and don't worry about Fell....he's just protective of his girls, aren't you buddy?" Sin reached over and patted Arcanine on his chest. "You got pretty lucky getting an Eevee for a starter. I had to catch little miss sassy britches here." Sin nudged Ariel with her foot, the bubble jet pokemon sticking out her tongue playfully. "She was a fantastic and lucky find though...truly I was unaware her fur was so special until after she evolved but Fell is my big baby. I've had him for as long as I can remember, he was a birthday present when I was younger. My father is actually a breeder, specifically for Arcanines but he's been known to do some side projects. If you like I can always get you in touch with him about a Growlithe puppy but they can be a handful too."

Sin chuckled as she doted affection on her pokemon, not noticing Toph had climbed on Fell's back in order to climb onto her. She wasn't sure what it was about her head that her Lavitar loved so much but that where the little lady liked to be or of course in Sin's arms. "I hope you know when you evolve you're not going to be able to do this Toph." The pokemon chirped at her even though it couldn't understand why her trainer wouldnt just let her sit on her head forever. Sin removed one of the straps of her bookbag from her shoulder moving it around to fish inside one of the side pockets, all her pokemon suddenly interested in what she was doing. "Hey now.... our new friends first. Shade...Ghoul would you guys like some poffins? They're freshly made." Sin held out a poffin in each hand as her own pokemon watched with anticipation for their turn.
Ghoul cried happily, leaning into Sin's touch. He was very much like a puppy. Easily excited and bound to get into trouble eventually. Nickolai still loved him of course. He would always defend the Haunter after a prank blew up in his face. It was just after last time he had to keep him on a shorter leash, scared of him getting hurt again.

Ghoul was soon greeting the other Pokemon, properly apologizing to them as well. He made funny faces at Toph and flew around Fell's head. He didn't really approach Ariel even though he wanted to. She seemed haughty and he didn't want to get blasted by her powerful Hydro Pump.

Shade was slowly coming out of his shell as well. Soon he was chatting with the other Pokemon, his thick tail whipping about. Nickolai was happy. His Pokemon were getting to be more social and this girl seemed really nice. He hoped they could be friends.

When Sin mentioned poffins she got their undivided attention. Nickolai was terrible at making poffins, so they only ever got store bought ones on special occasions. "If you got spicy and sour poffins, they will love you forever." Nickolai suggested. Shade and Ghoul were eyeing the other trainer with anticipation. Nickolai kept a hand on both of them. They were getting rather excited and they both had a bad habit of tackling anyone with a poffin tin.
Sin pulled the poffin from her bag and opened it with ease, the smell of the home made treats wafting into all of their noses. "I have both of those...sweet ones I'm a little short on but I planned to go make more before the battle competition. There's a special area near the poffin vendors where you can make your own."

Sin held out a sour and spicy poffin for Nickolai's pokemon with a happy smile, her own waiting patiently, well at least Fell and Toph were. Ariel had slowly begun to search inside the bag for any dropped poffins, not caring what flavor she ended up with as long as she got something.
Ghoul quickly snatched both types and devoured the sour one. He dropped the spicy one at Shade's feet. Shade ate it quickly with a purr.

Shade, a glint of mischief in his yellow eyes leaped up to bring Ghoul to the ground. Before long they were chasing each other around. Nickolai laughed, enjoying the spectacle. He kept an ear out for the sound of the intercom. Depending on how many Espeon there were, the contest would be over shortly.

Shade was in peak condition. Nickolai had gotten ahold of some TMs in order to teach him some interesting moves. He couldn't wait to show his buddy off. Meanwhile Ghoul was trying to get the other Pokemon to give chase, his absolute favorite game was tag after all.
Toph quickly gave chase to the ghost pokemon and after a while Ariel joined in on it as well. Fell simply sat by Sin and nuzzled her with his head. Sin then pulled out a spicy poffin for Fell and handed it to him, his large mouth taking it ever so gently. She tossed a dry one to Ariel, who caught the treat gracefully before continuing the play with the other pokemon, especially Shade. Just as Sin picked out another spicy poffin Toph was pulling on her pants leg. "Awww I didn't forget you little lady. Here ya go." She exclaimed as she picked up the little rock pokemon and fed her the poffin. Toph shoved the whole poffin in her tiny mouth and lept down to go chase after the others. Sin leaned against Arcanine and rubbed behind one of his ears. "You can play too yanno?"

"Arrrrrrrr. AR-AR-CAAAAaaa" He barked as he pushed into his trainer again.

"spoiled to the core aren't you mister." Sin couldn't help it. Yes all of her pokemon were a little rotten, even Toph who hadn't been with her that long but Fell was her baby. He hardly ever went in his pokeball and he followd Sin everywhere and had since they were both young.

Welcome trainers and guests to the Eeveelution Evoltion Event. Our Espeon contest is over! Congratulations to Luna and her Espeon, Violet! Our next category class is Umbreon. Trainers signed up for this class should head into the designated location on the back of your registration card. Spectators may move to the into the contest hall auditorium. Thank you and good luck out there.
Sin gave Nickolai a smile as she heard the announcement. "That's you guys. Good luck out there Shade, I'm excited to see you perform. Would you like to meet up after you're done? Our pokemon seem to like each other and I could always show you how to make some poffins before I head to the battle dome."
"Shade! That's our cue." Nickolai called. Shade immediately stopped giving chase to return to his side. Nickolai turned to Sin. "Yeah, I'd love to." he said happily. "Ghoul return!" Nickolai ordered. The Haunter dodged, having too much fun with his current game. Nickolai tried again and caught him this time. I'll need to scold him later.

With a final wave goodbye Nickolai and Shade ran off. They arrived at the meeting place after most of the other contestants. The rings on Shade's pelt flickered briefly from nerves. Finally it was their turn.

They walked out and Shade was examined by the judges. His pelt was sleek and healthy, his eyes gleamed with intelligence. His rings glowed bright as the judges gaze. Some might think Shade was a show off when really he was both nervous and excited. He was given good marks. He wasn't a shiny or anything but was obviously healthy.

Finally the move stage. Shade stood perfectly still, as darkness emanated from him with incredible force. A moon-like glow made his pelt glow silver. Nickolai threw a frisbee. It was caught in midair as Shade's eyes glowed purple. It was tossed back around and Nickolai caught it. Then, finally, Shade flipped high into the air, a huge power surrounding him. He landed with a crash, a small crator was left in the stage. They both bowed and went to the backstage.

Once back there Nickolai praised Shade giving him a spicy berry as a snack. Shade had looked effortlessly cool on stage. He just hoped they didn't mind the hole in the floor. They were pretty the last ones competing so it should be okay.
Welcome trainers and guests to the Eeveelution Evoltion Event. Our Umbreon contest is over! Congratulations to Nickolai and his Umbreon, Shade! Our next category class will be held tomorrow at 9am in the contest hall. The first class of the day will be Leafeon. Please make sure to arrive early and go to your designated area. There will now be a 2 hour break before battles in the Battle Dome will commence. Thank you and good luck out there.

Sin gasped when she heard Nickolai's name. "Holy crap they won!" Sin and her team gave a shout in support of their new friend. Some special poffins were definitely in order. Sin knelt down gently rubbing Toph and Ariel. "Ok ladies...get some rest." They both went back to their pokeballs and Sin stood, placing a hand on Fell's side. "Let's go see if we can find Nickolai and Shade bud."

One of the event planners came over to Nickolai and congratulated him with a firm handshake. "Here's your prize. Trainer gift basket specifically for Umbreons. Theres some specail Umbreaon treats in there that are top notch. A brush. Coupons for the pokemart and the ribbon." The ribbon was black with tellow bands much like the ones on an Umbreon. Inscribed in it's center read. 'Best in Class Umbreon.'
Nickolai was speechless. He knew Shade was amazing but he hadn't expected to actually win. He thanked the organizer, taking the basket and immediately tossing Shade a treat. He admired the ribbon briefly before putting it in his contest case. He and Shade had competed in a few contests over their journey. He continued praising the dark type, he had performed brilliantly.

They soon left the contest hall to find Sin. Shade spotted Fell first and ran off with Nickolai following behind. "Hello!" he called to the girl as they were still separated by a mass of people. He hoped to get her attention. Ghoul, meanwhile, had popped out of his pokeball and was now on Nickolai's head.
Fell gave a bark, his tail beginning to wag as the fire type spotted the boy they had recently met. Sin turned and waved to him making sure he could see her in the crowd as she pushed past some of them. Sin gave him a smile when they finally got in proximity of one another and congratulated them for their win. Fell gave Shade a nod and a tail wag, his own way of saying good job to the tiny dark type.

"Well what better way to celebrate then to make poffins? If you still wanted to that is, because I'm kinda good at it and I can show you what to do. It's really easy once you get the hang of it."

Sin began heading towards the area where they had set up the stoves for cooking poffins they even had a few berry vendors in the area. Sin moved over to two stoves side by side and set her bag down, fumbling inside of it for a moment before pulling out a large bag of red berries. "Those are cherri berries....they'll make spicy poffins. Let's start there ok?" Sin dropped a handful in her pot followed by the standard poffin mix. Careful and at a steady pace she swirled the mixture around. "The key is to keep a steady pace at first. Once it cooks for a while the mixture will thicken and thats when you have to stir faster so you don't burn the poffins."
Nickolai followed Sin and Fell to the poffin stoves with Shade and Ghoul in tow. They were both excited about having more snacks, especially Ghoul. Nickolai often joked that the ghost type was simply all mouth. He loved nothing more than to eat. Nickolai often wondered how his Haunter never gained any weight. Must be the ghost typing.

Once they arrived and Sin began teaching him Nickolai only managed to burn a small amount, two or three out of the large batch. Nickolai happily kept trying. He was starting to really enjoy spending time with Sin. It was nice. Meanwhile Shade sat quietly as he waited patiently for poffins while Ghoul tried to bug Fell into playing with him.

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