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Fantasy Fate/Rp

Bacon is fluffy

Wut'n th'name of davy jonez lockr is uh sall-add?
Please forgive the lack of code, I'm new and stuff:






Professional background:

Magical background:

General skill set:

Combat ability:

Summoning catalyst: if applicable

Personality: I'd like a paragraph or two here. It should give everyone involved a baseline of your character's state of mind and how we can expect them to be solve problems, priorities and sense of right and wrong.

In this section in expecting everyone to be a littl messed up by what is considered normal. Your character's views should like a person who doesn't really need to abide by normal conventions. Your role as a magi will twist your sensibilities and should look alien to a normal person.

An example of this would maybe be why the character in question would choose to experiment on someone and not care. Perhaps this magi thinks of himself as above others because he/she's they're not really human. So their life matters more.

If you choose something akin to saying someone is stern. Why does this character choose to be stern? It's not just because they are, there's always a reason as to why people choose to be the way they are both inside and how they project upon others.

Professional background: There always seems to be a shiro or waver, but most magi have professional backgrounds. Koto chan was a executioner in the Catholic Church while Kerry was a hit man who killed anyone and anywhere for moolah. Give us an idea of how you came to be renowned enough to be considered for the grail war. Even if you don't have a background that can be searched, it's always good to show what they were doing before the war.

Magical background: while there are some with decorated or infamous backgrounds, everyone should have a magical background. This should cover your training techniques and application of magic used before the war.

Some examples of this might be your character's upbringing like what happened to Sakura or perhaps your character's research and therefore their specialty gained by obtaining said knowledge.

General skill set: This involves what we can expect your character to be capable of. Whether that's Kung fu martial arts badass to being a hacker, orator or something outside of magic. it should show us how well rounded your character is and how they can approach the war.

Combat abilities: This one is hard, but all I expect are clear strengths and weaknesses. Remember canonically most characters weren't badassses. Rin usually held a stone with mana in it and was usually restricted to that. She wasn't a high level caster and made up for her innate lack of ability outside of a linear fire ball with her common sense and pragmatism. Whereas someone like Kerry used his skill set judicially and only as a support to his skill with the gun/ his killer bullet things.

So while I can support one or two above saber level fighters, I expect most to approach combat at the human level with a magical skill, rather than being all around killers. That being said I'm not the most versed when it comes to fate at times. If you make a good case I'll trust your judgement. I just want to see skills that facilitate rp rather than skills that kill it.

Catalyst: optional

Concerning servants

You'll be pm'ing me your servants. In general you'll be sending me a message concerning:

Their fall from divinity(if applicable)

Why they're a hero

How their history might differ from popular conception

Their basic abilities


Most of the basic limitations of masters will apply to servants. If you're as powerful as Gil, you better be immobile. If you're as versatile as saber, you better be weaker than servants with actual specializations. If you have a trump card as messed up as a magical beast, it better damn near kill your master.

In general if you have questions about what I expect ask in the ooc or in a private message. You're not expected to know everything, but you should have a general idea of what to expect in terms of mechanics and power levels from the anime.

Lastly servant class, this will be how I know you read the thread. First come first served when it comes to what class you get.


Caster: taken

Rider: taken


Archer:Taken(work in progress)



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Albrecht Faust Corypheus


Affiliation: Clock Tower (None)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Circuit Quantity: A

Circuit Quality: C (EX)

Origin: Change

Element: Quintessence

Personality: [Are we human, or are we damned sir?]

Al is abnormal in ever sense of the word... for a magus. He's not the most conceited of Magi in the Clock Tower, far from it, he commands respect as one of the most patient people in this side of the Kaleidoscope for surviving what others would call hell in it's most terrible and excruciating form. When referring to people, nonmagi and magi alike, he speaks to all with pleasant gentleness, never one to discriminate no matter the circumstances.

He is a perfectionist, always trying to find the best and most efficient way to complete a task, though this stems for form the fact that he needs to prioritize perfection and efficiency to be able to act. He would rather not sacrifice others due to his own condition, though when pushed far enough, he would reluctantly turn back to the bonafide magus attitude of walking with death, handling the lives of others as if they were nothing more than stepping stones to be tread upon and forgotten.

He is not a normal magus, in that he prioritizes research, rather he searches for more applicable and realistic ways to use magecraft in general, more often than not as simple utilities and a handful of combat spells. Make no mistake, because of certain alterations and rituals, he has mastered most of the Clock Tower Curriculum with such proficiency that it would not be a surprise if he started teaching. This stems from his pragmatic nature, as to even live

Professional background: [To see people is to simply observe points of convergence, the things around them are whats important to study. One cannot properly name an element without seeing how all the Quarks interact after all.]

To normal people, he looks like a simple invalid, but others who know he does in his free time know he is something more; an inventor who's devices nudge some of the most powerful scientific organizations in the right direction. It would not be too much to say that he was instrumental in the reverse K experiment, his strange unprecedented knowledge of particles and the forces around them allowing several scientists to do the supposedly impossible. Of course, as per his request, his contributions are accredited to others, but he still receives monetary compensation.

Magical background: [Please stop calling me that]

With titles like "Undying King of Knowledge", "Master Key," "Equal to Alcatraz" and many more he would rather not remember, it's not exactly hard to see where he is on the Magus totem-pole. The reason for this though is the fact that he the only person who has actually survived the course of a certain wizard marshal. Once branded as a heretic, that achievement opened doors only available to the upper echelon of the Clock Tower, and though he has something akin to a Sealing Designation issued against him, no man is sane enough to take on a Magician in combat.

General skill set:

What no one really bothered to find out though, was that the usage of Second Magic, he managed it once under the supervision of Zelretch himself, permanently damaged him as a magus. He is still proficient in most if not all basic thaumaturgy, like the manipulation of matter via the Sepirot, the closest thing humans still have to High Speed Divine words, to Alchemy and Jewel Craft, but the most powerful spells, ones that require a large amount of prana to crystallize, escape him.

He is versatile as a magus, though to use any large scale magic over a shot period of time, say to participate in Ancestral Raids, is impossible for him. Conversely, he has a nigh-infinite amount of prana at his disposal, and some even doubt the fact that it has a limit. It's like having an ocean of power resting within him, though to bring it out, he can only cup his hands use whatever he draws out.

Combat ability: [You may be able to beat me... but can you beat him?]

As one not suited for large scale magic combat, he fights with a rain of spells cast repeatedly, often able to take a single spell and cast it several times at such speed that it would be indistinguishable to a normal high level attack. To illustrate properly, he could summon several bolts of mana and launch them simultaneously or in waves, effectively drowning any foe in an ocean of repeated scratches. If such a tactic does not work however, he makes up for it with his... strange hobby of using... not so obvious familiars.

Summoning catalyst: A strange looking stone fragment
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Name: Alecta Nekros

Age: 18​

Affiliation: Wayward Crows (Street gang or "Runaway alliance" Alecta is one of the commanders)

Personality: Alecta is a quiet suspicious person, paranoid and insecure, but most of all untrusting. She is a frequent runaway and knows that there are those constantly on the hunt for her.And she acts like it. She looks over her shoulder more then most people. her paranoia doesn't let her stay in one place for long, she gets get scared of being tracked down and pulled back into the system or worse, her parents. As a result she enjoys being a drifter and knows every hiding spot in the city. And no matter where she goes, she always has an exit strategy. Alecta finds it hard to trust people as its hard to live on the streets for long without a healthy distrust. It can be broken through but until she really gets to know a person they are not trustworthy and at the first sign of trouble she ducks out. And in her very few interactions she is very inward facing, a introvert, Alectathinks much and says little. Everything she does and says is thought out and planned as she likes having control over any situation. She also loves puppies.

But when you dig downwards Alecta is actually a Kind thoughtful person. Beneath her toughened exterior is a soft center. She is very empathetic and a good listener. She is kind and supportive to those she deems worthy and has a soft spot for runaways like herself. She can go way out of her way to help someone who she may not trust. To her friends and allies Alecta is extremely loyal, she never breaks her word once it is given and has done some crazy crap to fufilher end of bargains. She can be counted on to be a bastion of calm and careful planning in chaotic solutions. Word on the street is she cans top a fight with a word and make the fighters best friends with three more. Alecta grew up in a broken home for the first part of her life was abused physically and emotionally which hardened her to the world . When she ran away her kindness and loyalty was allowed to flourish and let her take a place as a blackwing.​

Professional background: The wayward crows are a street gang formed around the ideal of finding protecting and raising runaways while fighting crime throught the city Of course their most common method is to fight crime with crime but killings, muggings and other felonies are generally reduced to near zero in Crow territory which is nearly a third of the city at this point. The crows use Robbery, threats and blackmail to get what they want. They are highly organized and have eyes everywhere. The crows are on a FBI watch list but generally ignored by local law enforcement who generally find them a pleasent alternative to normal crime. and generally Alecta works as blackwing (Code for commander/coordanator/ just-go-to-this-person-if-craps-going-down) for the wayward crows gang, of which she is a founding member. The crows are a prominent street gang in {INSERT NAME OF SETTING CITY HERE] Among the three blackwings (Her best friends and co leaders) Her job is the talons, or enforcer. She either coordinates or personally carries out activites that require muscle. Robbery, territory disputes, protection and generally anything that requires punching is under her purview. She has robbed killed and stole in the name of the crows.

Magical background: N/A (Kinda stabbed a summoner and accidentally completed his summons. ooops) (will learn basic magic throughout rp with a focus on fire and earth spells, her specialization will turn into big flashy destuction spells.)

General skill set: A good leader and vicious undefeated street fighter (Has taken down black belts with her two fists and a knife, high untapped magical potential. Proficient in general burglary extortion and espionage after a fashion, Master of urban stealth and quick travel (She knows all the shortcuts. ALL OF THEM)

Combat ability:Street fighting both unarmed and with knives. Does not like guns but willing to use them.

Summoning catalyst: Volcanic rock​
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Name: Xi Cing AKA Sasha Berger AKA Daniel "Danny" Reeves

Danny Reeves
...also Danny Reeves

Xi Cing

Lt. Sasha Berger

Age: 23

Affiliation: None


Danny Reeves is incorrigible, now that's not to say he's a bad guy, heck the opposite might be argued, but the guy's got a lot of nerve to say the least. For one thing he never picks up a tab, he's always slacking off, and perhaps worst of all, he's a thief. Danny is a thief in every sense of the word, stealing money, items, even the dreams and aspirations of those around him. He's fun loving, mischievous, and adventurous to say the least, taking great pleasure at the misfortune of others, and more importantly making a clean get away. If that wasn't enough he's lazy, often times thinking his way around problems in a fashion that requires the least amount of effort on his part. Honestly, talk about a punk, heck even with all he's got stored up from all of that stealing, he doesn't give much back.

Then again why would he? He's in the stealing business, not the charity one, and at the end of the day he's alright with that, magical item acquisition has never been a job for the sentimental, and his master instilled that in him from a young age. That being said at 23 Danny is starting to get a bit tired of the same old song and dance, even if that dance is being the world's most premier thief/con artist. Surrounded by Paris, the city of love, has much to his embarrassment, gotten to him a bit, and caused him to think on where his life is going. Of course with the grail war about to be underway he'll have to make up his mind quick, perhaps he'll steal someone else's reason for the grail, or perhaps he'll find his own, who's to say?

Professional background:

Danny Reeves is not exactly known as "Danny Reeves" in fact to say Danny's an unknown in the magical world would actually be quite accurate. See Danny's story all started 19 years ago when he was living in America. San Francisco to be exact, China Town to be more specific, see when Danny was a kid he was brought to China Town to eat with his family. On their way back Danny was lost in a crowd, and wandered into a rather peculiar store. Crying and alone the shop's owner Xi Cing saw to Danny, comforting the boy with a small display of Eastern mage craft. Danny would go wide eyed and ask to see more of the man's tricks, to which Xi Cing agreed, but only if Danny would become his disciple. Danny thought hard on the matter, his Dad was a boring tax attorney and his mother was a school teacher, but they loved him. For a second Danny would resist, but an impressionable young child Xi Cing would make a more than convincing case for himself and Danny ultimately decided to join the man.

The next day Danny's training began well sort of, see Xi Cing's operation moved for the first time that day, following a lead he'd move from San Francisco to Japan, taking Danny with him and leaving the country before the benign authorities could catch wind. After all there was nothing more high profile than a missing middle class white child in America, not like in China, kids went missing there all the time.

All the same Xi Cing smuggled his extensive collection of artifacts and magic novelties to Japan, and Danny was trained. See Xi Cing, of the Cing magic house was the last of his kind. See the Cing were a Chinese Magical House, and Xi was the heir to it. Unfortunately the Cing violated a pact between several other ruling houses, and were all but eradicated. Save for Xi, see Xi lived on, cast out of his homeland, he became renowned around the world as the leading black market magical item hunter. Xi lived this life comfortably enjoying the worldwide demand from buyers ranging from established noble houses to curious magic students and even the church.

But eventually he knew he'd need an heir, an heir to help him rebuild the Cing house, to finish his work in hybridizing Eastern and Western Mage Craft, the work that brought the other houses down upon the Cing to begin with. That was why it was no mere accident that led Danny to Xi's shop, and why Xi took such time and care into training the boy. Over the years Danny would come to treat maybe even love Xi like a father, even if he was often stern and a bit harsh with his training. Often times Danny would find his body incapacitated entirely by the nature of Xi's trials, and the tole the magics took on his less substantial magic circuits.

All the same Danny pushed on, and would soon come to find himself entrusted with more than just the mere store chores. Xi would send Danny on quests to acquire items for buyers, using it as a means push Danny's training further. As a teenager Danny would love the travel and intrigue, and often expressed interest in wanting to travel for more than just the missions. Xi wouldn't hear of it, and often scolded Danny for lacking discipline.

Danny would be angered by his master's unwillingness to let up, but ultimately conceded, doing as he was told. Xi, noticing a decline in the boy's spirits decided to tell him of the Holy Grail War, and his plans to join the next one in order to rid China of the opposing Houses so that he could return with Danny to reestablish the Cing. He'd show Danny the catalyst he'd acquired in his travels and tell him that as his heir it was his duty to assist him when the time came.

His interest renewed Danny's item retrievals began to go much smoother, he'd figure out a system, find out what worked, both in human society and in the magic ones. It was around his 17th birthday on his way back from one of said retrievals he'd come to find his master bloodied, dying, and the catalyst he so coveted stolen.

Using Eastern Healing, Xi was able to extend his dying hours long enough to finish transferring his crest to Danny, a process that due to rushed circumstance and substantial strain on Danny's circuits put him into a coma.2 Weeks later Danny would awake and no longer tethered to Japan, he'd finally get that chance to travel.

He'd wander for the better part of a year, going from place to place, everything feeling empty, a vague unsettling feeling building in his gut. What was he supposed to do now? Who was he supposed to be? Why? He'd return to Japan with those questions on his brain, and as he re-entered his home it would dawn on him. He'd take revenge for his master, enter the next grail war, and reopen shop.

Taking jobs would give him the ability to seek out a new catalyst, while honing his abilities, heck he even came to like it, love it even. He'd eventually move the shop to Paris partly in preparation for the next Holy Grail War and partly to meet increasing European demand. His magic had allowed him to assume the identity of his master, keeping consumer confidence at an all time high. If you were a mage and you needed an item (stolen or otherwise), Xi Cing was/is the de facto man to hire.

In keeping with tradition Danny moved the shop to Paris's 13th Arrondissement, home to Paris's very own China town.

Magical background:

Xi Cing picked his heir wisely, that is to say he did so with a plan in mind, a plan that hinged on Danny's very DNA. See in magic Eastern and Western mage craft is not compatible, the genetics of the magic circuits have become too disparate. Even Xi Cing himself could not use Western Mage Craft and had to rely on his own equivalent techniques in order to achieve the same results. There is only one known group that might be a match for some hybridization of mage craft, and that is a human born with magic circuits, that is a proper mix of native american and western blood. See the Native Americans origins were originally Eastern having crossed the ice bridge from Asia to America in the time before colonization and having been properly mixed and acculturated over the years, the possibility of varied circuits increases. Xi Cing placed a bounded field over his shop to find just such a mix, one that matched his theories, and Danny was just that.

With Blonde hair and an American flag T-shirt Danny wasn't exactly what one might expect in a mix of East and West, but with just 1/16th the blood of Cherokee his circuits were varied enough to allow a varied current to pass through them. As such Danny was tutored in both disciplines, though he always leaned towards Western teachings, his natural affinity more geared to it, his master having very little know how could do little to instruct him in it. Instead Danny was taught the Eastern equivalents and then given knowledge on the Western studies, until a point in which he could bridge the gap and do whatever seemed the most natural.

The main teaching of Xi Cing is the Transmutation of the human body, basically the ability to change the shape, features, characteristics of the human body through exertion of mana. With this both Xi Cing and Danny are master's of disguise, able to change shape at will. In addition to this they can alter the density, and basic structure of their bodies. With this ability Danny has become one of the world's greatest thieves, and ultimately assumed the identity of his master as well as a constable in the French Police.

But what about the East VS West thing? Well the culmination of Xi Cing's studies was never finished but the theory basically goes like this: Eastern magic isn't based on a system of flooding magic circuits with a store of held back mana, instead it's based on changing the polarity of constantly applied mana. Yin and Yang is a concept often used to portray this, so when combined in the right pattern different spells are achieved and different results are obtained. However the basic core concept behind these spells and the application, is that yin is negative emotion and is used for predominantly destructive magics. The danger of using purely yin on the circuits, while powerful, is dangerous to the body and can cause harm. Yang is the opposite often associated with healing, it is gathered from positive or serene thoughts or emotion. Using purely Yang is also dangerous as it can cause too great healing in the body, while it's not as inherently toxic it means any offensive attack be it punches or even physical kicks can actually inadvertently heal an adversary, and over greater periods of time results in uncontrollable healing, growths, or tumors.

As a result Eastern(Chinese) Mages are often deemed deeply apathetic or unemotional, always keeping their emotions in balance. However Xi Cing theorized that if a Western Mage had enough inherent traits or genetics of an Eastern Mage, they could change the polarity of their mana just as eastern mages do. Danny isn't exactly in perfect control of his emotions, but he often makes it a policy to keep a cool head. This can change however under certain circumstances and if pushed to emotional extremes he can exhibit some polarity changes in his western oriented magic circuits.

In combat this can be useful though dangerous, due to Danny's smaller Magic circuits (the result of being a first generation mage), he is limited in his mana output whilst maintaining a servant. The polarity change of his magical circuits is the trump card he has to play, allowing him to deal greater damage or minor heal without the knowledge of healing spells, and without using up his limited mana. Of course he does so at the risk of potential damage to his body, and he does so unreliably.

(Though his Magic Crest adds additional mana, and reserves, due to it being an Eastern house the mana pulled from these reserves is entirely reflective of Danny's balance of emotional state. If he were to dip too far in either direction, his servant might even be fueled with said polarity)

General skill set:

Danny is a master of getting into places he probably shouldn't be, as a thief this has always helped rather than hurt him and it's one of the traits he finds some of the most pride in. In addition to this he's adept at fooling people, and intel gathering, able to plot out a proper heist or develop a scheme with the proper information gathered and the right saps lined up to take the fall.

Combat ability:

Danny's combat ability lies in his training in martial arts, and his ability to manipulate his own body. The rule of the alchemization of one's own body is that you cannot create more mass than is available. However you can condense mass into more powerful/durable material, as a result Danny often takes the form of a child no older than 10 or 13. At this size his muscle fibers can be condensed and made stronger, his skin can be compressed and made more durable, his bones are stronger, and if he needs more reach he simply extends the appendage at the expense of it's strength or durability. Danny can also form vague human extensions like claws, however he cannot turn his body into animal features or turn himself into an animal or object.

Danny's master however could turn into an animal (a black cat to be exact), though Danny cannot understand how, and may not be able to due to his mostly Western configured circuits.

Summoning catalyst:
After searching and searching Danny came up with little to nothing to summon his familiar. In the end he tried a dozen different items before on the verge of giving up he tried a simple bone knife that had been in the shop since he'd first arrived. Wonder what happened?
Name: Uriel Ombre De Glace


Age: 22

Affiliation: Ombre De Glace Magus Line.

Personality: Living a privileged life has allowed Uriel to grow into a cold man with little to no regard for human life. He looks upon those beneath his station with unhidden disdain. This is especially true of those who complain about the hardships they have face as Uriel sees them as attention seekers. Seeing those below him as lower then trash he finds entertainment on manipulating them. He is not above using his looks or a Fake charm to get information that he can use to crush the lives of others or turn friends against each other.

Uriel learned early on that the easiest way to get what he wants is to manipulate people into giving it to him. As such he learned to mimic emotions to the point that almost no one can tell what he really feels. As he learned to mimic emotions he also learned how to read what other people were feeling. As such he is constantly thinking about how he could manipulate those around him, or destroy them if they fight against him. He has tried to make enough ties that he can crush someone’s socially without much effort and has learned exactly what needs to be done in order to break someone’s heart. He would stab someone in the back while smiling to their face if it helped his cause. Knowing that direct action puts him in dangerous situations if the plan falls through.

Professional Background: Uriel is the Sole Heir of the once great Ombre De Glace Magus Line. Every branch of the family save one was wiped out by a genocide that lasted from the 1930’s to the 1940’s. Uriel’s Father, who was determined to empower the family once again, built an empire that made weapons for the French Military, a company that Uriel seized control of when he turned 18.

Magical background: The Ombre De Glace Magus Line has always specialized in Shadow and Ice Magic. They would combine shadow melding and the use of their actual shadows with the defensive and creative properties of ice magic. The reason for the genocide that almost destroyed the De Glace’s was their habit of practicing magic on humans. Due to this Uriel’s branch had to find a new way to practice magic, a much darker alternative.

General skill set: With an advance knowledge on most ranged weaponry, including the more destructive ones such as rocket launchers, Uriel is a force to be reckoned with. However get in close and you will have to deal with his favorite weapons, a set of mana infused daggers.

Combat ability: Uriel Uses Gorilla tactics when in combat fading in and out of the Shadows to use swift strikes with his Daggers, he’ll also use his magic to enchant his daggers. Uriel will only use guns as a last resort and he likes to fight at night or in dark places.

Summoning catalyst: Ancient War helmet
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Name: Cyril Aegis

Age: 17

Affiliation: none

Personality: Cyril has grown up in a respectable family, the son of a Noble. he was raised to join the Holy Grail wars, and his father worked tirelessly to find a proper servant for him. because of this training Cyril has become quite strong and somewhat withdrawn, although if you get on his good side you can see a different version of him. a happy guy who just wants to have fun. he has no desire to win the Holy Grail war, except to appease his father.

Professional background: has been trained in fencing and archery to a high extent.

Magical background: he is able to control his magic as well as most magicians, although he doesn't lean on it. his specialty is empowering items with his own magic.

General skill set: horse riding, cooking

Combat ability: Sword fighting, Archery, hand to hand. weaknesses:long range, he strikes fast and light, so hard and slow is his counter.

Summoning catalyst: Bone of an animal from Mesopotamia​



Cyrus Root




The One Man Army (None just a title)


Cyrus is a cut off person from society he really does not get along with other people besides his servant, Cyrus has been alone for most of his life going through many hardships at a young young age until he cut off most of his emotions. The good side of being cut off is that he doesn't have to care about anyone but himself this helps with getting answers out of people and people can not read him easily, Plus this attitude let's him kill easily with no hesitation at all killing his opponents without out mercy and giving them so much pain as he does it.

Cyrus learned while he was still young that everything comes with a cost and any opponent should comedown with no mercy. He learned these things by experience when he was young his mother would be beaten along with his father by people he never knew they were probably people his dad owned money to so they would constantly come back to beat them until one day they just killed them by sliting they're throats so that's where he went cold and became the one man army killing anything and anyone that opposed him with no mercy.

Professional background:

Has self learned and made his own personal style in hand to hand combat and the spear/ Giant pike lance and great sword's to a very deadly degree

Magical background:

Cyrus focus's on Body enhancing magic and destruction magic. his body enhancing is where he spreads mana or magic to part of his body or his whole body strengthening it up to 20x a normal human's strength. while his destruction is put into his weapons making the point where they stab, slash or hit explode after the attack.

General skill set:

Well Cyrus is very good at lock picking and stealing even though he is a brute force person, he is also good with melee combat and hand to hand combat, he is pretty good with ranged weapons and technology but he is not that great just average at best.

Combat ability:

Cyrus is a person that fights right in your face. He focuses mainly on attack and defense with deadly precision. he will also infuse magic into his weapons for very powerful attacks that are like sonic waves.

Summoning catalyst:

A titanium giant pike Lance


Ill create the servant in a minute.

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