Fate/Resurrection OOC Thread

Ex means 0? E?

Also, wow only 3 of us masters now? I hope the other 4 get filled. Seems like not a lot of people wanna be the person on the sidelines (we still cool though!).

Ex means 0? E?

Also, wow only 3 of us masters now? I hope the other 4 get filled. Seems like not a lot of people wanna be the person on the sidelines (we still cool though!).

EX (given you don't know about it) is pretty much the ulitmate stat you could have. In Noble Phantasm it pretty much means its impossible to compare it to others. Lets just say stuff in that category going against someone without it... chances are they pretty much instantly lose the fight unless they have something of like strength. 

Depends on the series, truthfully the Master's are usually the main spotlight, just the battles and all the flashy bits are a servant's specialty. Masters are the ones who will go through character development and ultimately have the greatest effect on the war itself. Servants are just basically tools... not that they can't do things to alter the flow of the war themselves outside fighting but they are more supporting cast. 
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EX doesn't always necessarily mean better. EX means that it can't be measured using the ranking system available. This means that it could be immeasurably powerful, or it could be an effect that simply can't be summed up the same way other effects are.
Aside from one class, the servants don't really get to do much on their own :P

We trade freedom for bad ass fighting scenes
Ah alright. Thanks for the explanations.

Also, I was wondering how much experience everyone has with the Fate series? Just curious is all.

For me I remember watching the first few episodes of fate/zero like a year ago, then I just stopped for no exact reason. I am thankful for that because a few months ago I started looking at info for the series and realized that zero spoils the vn for you. I forgot the zero stuff I seen, so now I am going through the vn. After that I will watch zero, get the sequel vn hollow ataraxia, then watch fate/kaleid. 
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I watched the original anime, then read a let's play of the VN, then read and watched Zero, but I can't remember in which order. I think I read it first? Not sure, cause I've watched the anime about four times through at various points.

Then I started binging fanfic, and got spoiled on pretty much all the side stuff. I don't really mind, though, it happened because I was too lazy to find translations and stuff online. Come to think of it, I've still got Extra downloaded on my Vita. Never even got past the first boss.

Nowadays I do a lot of lurking around Fate fanfics, forums and such just as a way of finding out about cool historical and mythological figures. I also ran a Fate game for my friends, but it didn't get too far. 
It is pretty crazy how developed out it is. There's a LOT of stuff about it I didn't even know about. I think they pretty much used almost every single popular in history at this point. 
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Just finished fate stay night 2006

Edit: just found a type moon page for my hero. I have really nerfed him. Lols.
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Just finished fate stay night 2006

Edit: just found a type moon page for my hero. I have really nerfed him. Lols.

Type moon page? Send me a link. Or post it in your thread since only you and the GMs can see it.
Don't know if it's official or not though. Love the noble phantasm on it

Will pm you link
But I wanted to be a servant. ;-;

Fine, I'll be a master. But I'm going with big strengths and big weaknesses type character for that situational advantage. ;)  
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Don't know if it's official or not though. Love the noble phantasm on it

Will pm you link

It's not official, it's a fanon wiki. Still always fun to see other people's take on it though.

But I wanted to be a servant. ;-;

Fine, I'll be a master. But I'm going with big strengths and big weaknesses type character for that situational advantage. ;)  

Oh my~ Stealing the role I had in Dante's fate RP.
Yo, so combat wise, is there an idea as to how that would work? In the interest check, it is implied that most of the RP will be 1x1 RPs between master and servant, and then we will be given chances to fight in between. Will there be dice rolls determining who we fight or something like that? And will there be chances for something other than direct one on one battles, since some servants will be stronger than others. Surprise attacks, or alliances that result in two on one battles in some cases?
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There's no actual battle system, as such. Servant and master base attributes will be visible to all players, and players will use their best judgement to roleplay fights. If a dispute between players happens, or the GMs see something out of line, GM intervention may occur, but I highly doubt it will come down to that.

As far as making surprise attacks, alliances, and major brawls, it's entirely up to your characters how that may or may not play out. The GMs will not force any roleplay upon you apart from the basic participation you agreed upon when joining.

Aside: We've received bios from 5/7 servants, and 3/5(current) masters. If I tag you here, it means I haven't seen a bio from you. @cojemo @Hanarei @SomeStupidWords @Olivia Acerbi

No rush from Olivia, as I'm aware you just joined within the past day. But remember, the sooner we get those bios in, the sooner we can get an early start while we wait for the last two masters to sign up.
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@Darkholme What? Was pretty sure I sent you a PM with all the stuff that I was suppose to or was I missing something else I was suppose to send? ^^;;
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@Darkholme What? Was pretty sure I sent you a PM with all the stuff that I was suppose to or was I missing something else I was suppose to send? ^^;;

@Darkholme What? Was pretty sure I sent you a PM with all the stuff that I was suppose to or was I missing something else I was suppose to send? ^^;;

Hmm, might be the case that Colt just hasn't forwarded over the completed form to me yet. Feel free to PM it to me, or just post it in your character sheet topic.

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