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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (Out-of-Character & Episode Thread)

And I'm still waiting for that next post. Are you using that totally different font for your character or something? Or are you deciding a font color for your character's dialogue?
Hey, guys. Can I let y'all know somethin'?

In the roleplay, once a certain point has been reached, Susan will gather the crew into a small hallway that has the crewmen's rooms. She'll tell them that they have a mission that starts first thing tomorrow morning (Human time). She'll each give them a card that'll allow them access to their rooms and wishes them goodnight.

Talia, Xu'Orz, and Hamele already know their rooms (even decorating them to where it reflects their personal tastes) and are already used to the new time, but not the recruits.

By the way, here's what the rooms'll look like.
Man, sorry with the current lack of posting on my end, I'm still working on a massive post, and starting to run out of ideas for the day
Nah, it's alright. Perfection takes time, after all.

Actually, you kinda remind me of the big league role players here; they make long but cool and detailed posts but they only do that once or twice every day.

If you ever need more information about the roleplay, don't be afraid to ask me!
Hey, guys. Can I let y'all know somethin'?

In the roleplay, once a certain point has been reached, Susan will gather the crew into a small hallway that has the crewmen's rooms. She'll tell them that they have a mission that starts first thing tomorrow morning (Human time). She'll each give them a card that'll allow them access to their rooms and wishes them goodnight.

Talia, Xu'Orz, and Hamele already know their rooms (even decorating them to where it reflects their personal tastes) and are already used to the new time, but not the recruits.

By the way, here's what the rooms'll look like.
Here's a just in case reminder.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Meme Machine Meme Machine
GolemGuy GolemGuy
The One-Sided Coin The One-Sided Coin
Eyo, what this.

...Oh, just that about the rooms - got it! I want to assume it'll be soon, then.

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