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Fandom Fate/No Order Character Sheets

Appearance: ----------

Full Name: -----------

Servant Class: Lancer?

Gender: --------------

Personality: ---------------

Backstory: -----------

Basic history of Servant: ------------

Skills: -----------

Noble Phantasm: ------------
Appearance: ----------

Full Name: Dr Holmes

Servant Class: Assassin?

Gender: Male

Personality: ---------------

Backstory: -----------

Basic history of Servant: ------------

Skills: -----------

Noble Phantasm: ------------
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Appearance: ----------

Full Name: -----------

Servant Class: Saber?

Gender: --------------

Personality: ---------------

Backstory: -----------

Basic history of Servant: ------------

Skills: -----------

Noble Phantasm: ------------
Appearance: ----------

Full Name: -----------

Servant Class: Archer?

Gender: --------------

Personality: ---------------

Backstory: -----------

Basic history of Servant: ------------

Skills: -----------

Noble Phantasm: ------------
Full Name: Oda Nobukatsu
Height: 5'5”
Weight: 136 Lbs
Age: 21
Servant Class: Rider
Gender: Male


Backstory: Summoned to Aine, the two of them seem to be the most mismatched Master Servant pair to have ever exist. The diminutive Master has used him as a work horse and personal shield from responsibility. Nobukatsu, caring soul that he is, has barely noticed this, throwing himself 100% into getting along with his Master. As the two are both fairly new to CHELDEA, they still have an awestruck look at almost everything out of the the ordinary.

Personality: There's only one certainty with Oda Nobukatsu; he will find a way to trip over his own two feet. The clumsy odd-ball of the Oda children, Nobukatsu stuck out like a sore thumb, especially when other lords came to tour the Oda lands. Where his brothers were taught warfare, he had an underlying want to learn poetry and art, rarely ever listening to his fathers lessons in warfare. This led to years of being last in line to receive any kind of praise or rewards from his father. He was looked down on by many lords, both in his family and out, for his humane spirit coupled with his shy and awkward personality.

Despite his fathers best attempts to harden him into a warrior fit to carry their name, Nobukatsu broke away from the ancient and stoic traditions of his clan, investing into his kind and compassionate spirit. As such, without a true warriors spirit, he can seem a little unsteady in battle, and being surrounded can cause him to panic.

He can often be seen carrying even small objects in both hands, trying to negate his incredibly clumsy nature. His incredible luck, however, has a knack for making most of his accidents benefit him in some way.

Basic history of Servant:

Born in 1536 to Oda Nobuhide and Tsuchida Gozen, Nobukatsu was the third born of 6 brothers. In another time, he could have possible lived a peaceful life, filled with his love for the world. The cold reality of the world he was thrust into was straight from a nightmare. Oda lands were contested several times, by both the great clans of the Imagawa and Matsudaira, along with several minor clans who had never fully given into Oda rule. The only comfort he found in the war torn Oda lands was his mother, who doted on the frailest of her children.

At a young age, his family grew as his Nobunaga was married off to another clan, the Saito, just to stop them from destroying Oda lands any further then already had. The Saito were one of the smaller clans that appeared to make a living ransacking Oda lands. He never agreed with the great clans willingness to marry off their children to whomever pleased their parents.

When he came of age, he was married off by his mother at Nobunaga's behest. He was married off to the Hayashi clan, to a cold woman who had no love in her. His constant complaints and demands to choose his own wife went unheard, and when he finally got a response, it was one of Nobunaga's famous overreactions. A retainer arrived and offered him the families ceremonial sword. The message was clear, endure or end himself. He was given many sons by his wife, though he never touched her.

As time went on, and Nobunaga showed an ever growing penchant for war, a growing fear was voiced by what few other upstarts holding Oda lands believed; Oda Nobunaga would lead the clan to ruin. He was to impersonal, too unpredictable. As a small posse of smaller clans convened in secret, plotting to deal with Nobunaga, they chose to support Nobukatsu as the new lord of the Oda; his timid nature would allow them to control him and use the Oda as a jumping off point to gain their own fame and increase their lands.

Nobukatsu was uncertain of the validity of their plans, believing that his brother could be made to see reason. In 1555 he would meet with his brother, seeking a turning point in their relationship. For poor Nobukatsu this would be impossible, as Nobunaga's own spy network had already placed Nobukatsu as another upstart looking to claim what wasn't his, the Oda throne. Dejected, he returned to Hayashi lands and prepared what little forces he had for war.

The first battle against his brother was a short lived affair, with Nobukatsu's small hill fort, Suemori Castle captured within an hour of the battles outset. During the fighting, as Nobunaga marched his army up the hill to the fort, Nobukatsu, with the only rifle his army owned, fired a single shot at his brother and missed. Nobukatsu later escaped with a small band of his soldiers, hiding out for almost a year before they would be found again.

During the year as they fled, Nobukatsu survived many attempts on his life, usually saved by his own clumsy nature and luck. As more and more assassins reported to Nobunaga that Nobukatsu had an almost superhuman ability to defend against them, it lead Nobunaga to take the field again if he wanted to see this pretender to his family heritage dead. Nobukatsu retreated back to his hill fort, Suemori Castle.

Nobunaga, knowing that Nobukatsu couldn't hold out, encircled the fort this time, cutting off all escape. He sent one of his loyal retainers, Ikeda Nobuteru, to bring him Nobukatsu's head. As the attack slowed, with only Nobukatsu and two other men still alive, he ordered them to commit ritual suicide, while he would charge out on his horse, Kaida. As Nobukatsu charged out, Ikeda gave chase, following Nobukatsu as he rushed through his brothers battle lines and arrived in his main camp.

Nobukatsu aimed his rifle, even as his brothers bodyguard took aim at him. Before he could pull the trigger, Ikeda slammed into him from behind and lodged his sword into Nobukatsu's spine, just low enough that everything below his waist was left numb. Nobukatsu, slumped down onto his horse, yet he still brought one arm up and fired his only round, barely missing Nobunaga by a scant few inches. Nobunaga's bodyguard didn't miss, as the air was filled with smoke and thunder. The last thing Nobukatsu saw in his life were the eyes of his brother, filled with an impersonal hatred for just another upstart.

Class Skills:

- Rider A+. Despite his clumsy nature, Nobukatsu is capable of riding nearly anything. Whats more, he has the peculiar ability to ride from almost any position on the steed. He can even ride a horse flipped upside and under the creature.

-Magic Resistance D. Living in a time of both war and the ghost tales that surrounded the souls of the fallen, Nobukatsu grew up tormented by his brothers haunting tales, leaving him skeptical of the possibility of magic and ghosts.

-Battle Retreat. Knowing when to retreat is just as important as knowing when to attack.

Personal Skills:
-Counter Hero ,Kings/Daimyo. The rebellious hero would stood up to his older and more violent brother. Though he would be crushed into a minor footnote of history, his spirit lived on.

-Item Construction E (Matchlock Pistols). Just like his brother, Nobukatsu loved the Western rifle. He can create 10 Matchlocks in quick succession before they have to regenerate at a rate of 1 pistol every ten minutes. Any created after the tenth have a high chance of misfiring, along with an increased mana drain.

-Curse of the Demon King. Nobunaga was so obsessed with his own legend, he cursed the entire family to look similar to him. Nobukatsu is no exception, though he still maintains some masculine features. And unlike the Demon King, he can't change his appearance.


Strength: D
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Magical Energy: C
Luck: EX
Noble Phantasm: C

Noble Phantasm:

Warhorse of the Oda, Kaida.

Letting out a loud whistle, Nobukatsu can summon his personal Warhorse, Kaida. Kaida is a 14 hand tall, brown, Miyako pony. A gift from his brother as part of his political marriage, Kaida is ill-tempered at best, and downright hateful at her worst. She will buck and bit until any other rider is thrown off, wearing herself out until being phased out of existence rather then let someone else ride her. The only exception is if Nobukatsu gets on first, then another can ride with him. Assuming their brave enough to test the mare's fury.

The Rifle Meant to Kill a Demon King, Tyrant Slayer. A masterwork matchlock rifle handed over as part of the political marriage for Nobukatsu to the Hayashi clan. Once Nobukatsu turned on his brother, he named the rifle Tyrant Slayer and had the name engraved on every inch of the wooden matchlock rifle. When used, it overwrites causality, making the single shot fired from it lethal to anyone who bears the title of a lord. To any other target, it is simply another matchlock rifle.

Master Profile

Full Name: Aine (pronounced Awn-ya) Johnston
Height: 5'0”
Weight: 101 Lbs
Age: 19
Gender: Female


Backstory: Though she would never admit it, running away from home and joining CHELDEA was probably the best idea she ever had. Not only did she get a swanky new Servant to do her bidding, she got one that did it with gusto. She's been trained by her family in magic, but has never really seen the technological aspect of mages, so CHELDEA seems a treasure trove of new experiences.

Personality: Overbearing and self-serving. Cold and calculated. It almost makes to much sense that her family crest is a Gordian Knot of snakes. She vehemently claims that she wants nothing to do with her family due to how controlling and uncaring they were, usually said right before waking Nobukatsu up from a nap with a kick and threatening to spend a command seal for him to find any kind of sweet treat.

She might seem callous to others on the outside, but inside, she has a tendency to act for the greater good of others, typically claiming her reasoning being that others would be to stupid or ineffective to get the job done. This isn't done out of kindness or compassion, but rather out of need for redemption. The horrors she was complicit to growing up, the vile deeds done to learn her families arts left her feeling hollow. She feels the only thing she has left in her life is atonement, for herself, and for her family. Her exterior is cold and unloving, but her goal is just the opposite. If she dies without harming one more soul, or has a chance to truly save someone else from the pains of this world, she would have no regrets.

What few acts of kindness she does are always performed in secret, with anyone who catches or suspects her receiving the usual flurry of death threats and possible maiming.

Magic: Not a normal student of the Clock tower, Aine was home schooled in magecraft, with a heavy focus on the families particular line of magical ability; poison creation. The Johnston's have long been torturers and murderers in Ireland, both for the crown against notable groups such as the IRA and as a freelance mages.

Her families ability to create poisons comes in many varieties. She can infuse weapons or items with poisons and toxins, such as a Servants weapons or any innocuous thing laying around, coating them in thin layer of absorbent liquid. Unlike most forms of magecraft, Poison creation is a little more hands on, usually requiring mana transference to occur psychically before the poison can be activated. The more potent the poison, or the larger the affected object, the more mana and concentration needs to be put into it.

This strange line also has another oddity added to it. Instead of warming the body and raising core temperature when used, they actually cool it down. This causes hypothermia like conditions to set in, including the shutting down of the heart and liver. This only occurs if the mage craft is overused, but has led to many Johnston's passing away from hepatic failure.

Basic History: Born to the Johnston line of mages, Aine early life was akin to boring in a snakes den. The first of three daughters, all twins, she would be the one to carry on the family name and responsibilities. They were born into a house that was known for it's unapologetic views on the world. There was the strong, the meek, and those who sought to bring balance to the two. To go against the family ideals was to be starved, or worse, lashed. Her training started at a young age, and began with the family magecraft of poison creation, despite the obvious dangers to the families heir.

Once she was proficient in creating poisons she moved on to practical usage. The family had always relied on the human want to do harm to this who were better than them. Without revealing their mage origins, the family had been acting as assassin's for generations, for both mages and normal humans. The first true step in becoming a Johnston was learning to poison living creatures without being caught. It started small with insects and rodents, and within only a few short years she had upgraded to horses and people, and everything in between.

However, the toll on her psyche, along with the toll put on her two sisters who had to watch this all occurring, was immense. At first she had little rebellions, staying up late or going out without permission. As her training regiment increased, so did her rebellious behavior. Skipping her fathers lessons, ignoring her mothers pleas to take her responsibilities seriously, and enduring the punishments for years on end. It was only happenstance that a young baker she had taken a liking to from a nearby village she had visited would become one of the people she practiced on. She needed to escape, but the high walls of their castle and the now permanently locked gate house (recently locked so she would have no choice but to accept her position as the new heir to the family) left her with few ways to break away from the family.

When her 18th birthday was fast approaching in early January, she set about her own plan to permanently end the Johnston family line. First she locked her sisters in their bedrooms, claiming to have poisoned the door handles if they tried to escape. Next, she poisoned her parents pillows as they slept. They died peacefully in their sleep, a kinder death then they deserved in Aine's opinion. The necessary power needed to end them left her with a permanently damaged liver from her body temperature going to low for to long.

Lastly, she gave her two sisters a choice. The Johnston line was an unneeded evil in the world. She would either poison their bodies so that they would never bear children or kill them if they refused. And thus, the three Johnston daughters would never bear children, and an old, if not reviled, magic line would be forever lost to time.


Wellspring of Endurance: Maybe it was the punishments for her rebellious nature, maybe it was just an innate ability of the family, but no matter where it came from, Aine is a veritable fountain of endurance. She seems to have mastered the idea of mind over matter, able to retreat mentally and withstand a great deal of physical punishment, more then her frail frame should be able to withstand.

The Old Arts: A definite example of her families lineage, Aine has a large selection of mundane skills. She was responsible for caring for her own clothes, making her own food, and tending to her younger sisters. She also has a basic understanding of anatomy, German, French, Spanish, and fencing. Still, computers, cellphones and TV's are alien to her.
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Full Name: Having forsaken her name years before she even began to qualify as a heroic spirit, Assassin prefers to be referred to by class. That said, she is also known as the Nameless (or somewhat embarrassingly the Beautiful) Assassin.
Servant Class: Assassin
Gender: Female


Personality: Assassin is a young woman who is defined by their faith. To the people around her, she was simply thought of as ”someone lacking in human emotion” but that was never quite right. In truth she was someone so unshakably firm in their devotion that they had no need for things such as self-pity or pride. While this led even the faithful mountain folk to consider her a zealot, and while such a moniker certainly does apply, perhaps the most appropriate term to describe Assassin would be “driven”.

Apart from that, Assassin tends to be a surprisingly gentle person. While she is certainly able to kill when she needs to, pointless deaths are something she finds regrettable. In fact, apart from her actual target she would certainly prefer to simply let bystanders flee. In some ways it could even be said that her hesitation is unbefitting one who could have held the title of “Old Man of the Mountain”, but to accuse her of such a thing would certainly have taken more than just a touch of courage.

In her everyday life Assassin tends to be quiet, humble, and non-confrontational. She would rather try to keep to herself when possible, although it is not as though she simply dislikes people. Rather, she is firm enough in her ideology that she doesn't need affirmation of her character and instead found in life that what she saw as a lack of insecurity tended to make others uncomfortable. If anything others were more often discomforted by the way she accepted their scorn while saying things such as, “You are right. I was arrogant to think that one such as I, who has only ever copied the techniques of those who came before, could ever truly be someone of note” without so much as a hint of pride or resentment.

But that is simply the nature of a girl who believed that if the people she loved and the order she had faith in were good and true, then the only issue that could remain would simply be that she herself must not have had enough faith.


History: Years ago in a country that most would consider to be a mere fantasy, in a place housing the most fanatically devoted people of a certain faith, a young woman strove to take her place among the revered grand masters known as the Hassan-i-Sabbah. To join such illustrious ranks, there was a single great requirement. To become the “Old Man of the Mountain” one had to bring forth a miracle; a technique that brought death to those deserving of it with both certainty and alacrity. But while this woman held many gifts, the one thing she truly lacked was a capacity for innovation. Instead of crafting her own miracle, she looked back on the figures who had led her order previously and took to emulating their deeds.

While young, that girl succeeded at her task, emulating one of the grandmaster’s techniques in only a matter of months. These skills, known collectively as Zabaniya, were crafted over an entire lifetime and yet with such speed this young woman had made one of them her own. But the people would not accept her as their leader even still. They told her that what she had done was insufficient, that merely copying a talent did not make one talented. True, lacking in creativity was a drawback of hers but the matters was more complicated still. You see, in this land of fanatical devotion that young woman was so pious that she alone was called a zealot.

Still, she did not blame the people. In her mind, the young woman could only consider herself childish to have thought that what she’d done was noteworthy. In actuality, she simply blamed her own lack of conviction- her own lack of faith. But still she lacked innovation, and so turned back once more. The nineteen grandmasters of her order had each honed a technique that granted them their names and so one by one, that girl worked to make each technique her own. And within some few years, shockingly, she did.

This time, when the girl presented herself to be considered as the next Hassan-i-Sabbah she was told that she was too young. One of her contemporaries, a young man who housed many personalities within his head, was instead selected to be the order’s newest leader. The people were afraid of this girl who took each of the great leader’s skills and made them her own, just as they were unnerved by her lack of pride and overwhelming piety. The girl however felt only shame, for truly she could not learn to do as her peer did since it was simply a matter of inborn talent. In that case, she once more found herself lacking. And once more she did as she had previously, blaming her own weakness even as those around her spurned her.

- And that was the end. While the young woman had forsaken her own name, and paid for the techniques of the previous Hassan in blood and pain for each forced her to alter her body even further… She never managed to accomplish anything at all. In actuality, that young woman never should have met the qualifications of a servant, but then neither did any of the Hassan. They were never heroic spirits, merely wraiths that happened to fit an archetype. And with that being the case, in this one particular circumstance, perhaps that young woman could just one more time…


Also of Note-
While a servant is generally summoned at the relative peak of their life, this is not quite true for Assassin. Even she would normally be pulled in with all of her abilities mastered and ready for use… But her summoning is already tenuous seeing as how she is a wraith with no fame or story of her own. That being the case, this time she seems to have been summoned earlier in her life than might have been preferable. Specifically this instance of her is from only her second year of pursuing the previous Hassan’s techniques, meaning that she has only managed to master six of the eighteen Zabaniya.

Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: D
NP: B+

Class Skills
Presence Concealment: A- ; This skill, being representative of roughly half of the process known as “assassination”, is the capacity to hide oneself and conceal one’s nature as a servant. At this rank it is possible to completely erase one’s nature and become nearly invisible assuming circumstances allow for it. However, due to Assassin’s nature as an assassin who never truly held the title of “Old Man of the Mountain” her capacity for assassination is somewhat reduced and as such when making preparations to attack the level of concealment is substantially reduced; further Assassin’s relative inexperience also makes it difficult for her to attempt to mask her animosity or “killing intent”.

Personal Skills
Zealotry: A ; This is a skill wherein normally unobtainable mental strength can be obtained by having so much religious faith in something that it is beyond the understanding of those around the user. At this level, trauma is instantly overcome and strong resistance to mental interference type magecraft is obtained.

Noble Phantasm
Zabaniya: Phantasmal Pedigree
E~A (Currently D~B+)
Type: Anti-Unit ; Anti-Army

Phantasmal Pedigree is the culmination of Assassin’s extreme exertions, her attempts to circumvent her inability to innovate by instead learning the techniques of the various grandmasters before her. As such this noble phantasm acts more as a collection of those techniques that she learned in life- although in this instance it is a bit limited due to being brought forth at a point prior to her having mastered the full array of abilities. Those that she does possess, however, are listed and defined here. It is also worth noting that several of the Zabaniya that Assassin can utilize have been altered slightly, occasionally being weaker or stronger than the originals. - Not that Assassin would ever acknowledge a claim that her version of a technique could be superior to one of the true Hassan’s, of course.

Zabaniya: Delusional Heartbeat
Type: Anti-Unit


This technique allows for the user to invoke a primitive but effective form of magecraft in order to destroy the opponent’s heart or spiritual core. By reaching out and touching the target’s chest, a sympathetic link can be created with their heat. From there one must use aether clumps to create a duplicate of the heart to focus the sympathetic link on. This effectively causes the two hearts to share a single existence- and then crushing the duplicate similarly destroys the original. It is a technique that ignores defenses, and as such the only ways to avoid it are to either stay out of range, have a high enough level of mana that the magecraft is rendered ineffective, or to have a high enough luck attribute that the sympathetic link fails altogether.

Originally this technique was made possible by sacrificing the user’s right arm and replacing it with a grotesque limb more suited to the job, made possible by dealing with demons. In Assassin’s case however she elected to simply utilize aether in order to grow the arm from her back whenever she found need of this technique.

Zabaniya: Raving Shadow Flash
Type: Anti-Unit (1 - 10)

A technique utilized by one of the previous grandmasters. It is said that the Hassan who created this skill could freely control her hair, elongating it and using it like blade to cut apart her enemies. Supposedly, she had even been able to make her hair as thin and invisible as spider’s silk and stretch it out so far as to be able to decapitate a target kilometers away without anyone being able to trace it back to them.

Assassin’s control is not nearly so fine as all that, but this technique can still prove quite devastating. With it she is able to extend her hair out to just under ten meters, and can easily cut through even magically strengthened objects without substantial effort. Further, by compressing her hairs together she can grasp and maneuver objects from a distance- although this is understandably something not to be done casually, as it is an extremely easy way to dirty her hair.

Zabaniya: Meditative Sensitivity
Type: Anti-Unit (Self)

Unlike the other techniques she has mastered, this particular instance of Zabaniya is impossible to trace back to a particular Hassan. Since the stories of their feats and ventures are vague at best, it is difficult to say rather or not Assassin recreated it correctly or not. Regardless, it is a simple but pointedly effective skill. By focusing the mind to extreme levels, one using this technique is able to enhance their senses to an incredible extent. One’s sight becomes so refined as to count the leaves on a tree miles away, in the depths of the darkest night and at a single glance.

Zabaniya: Febrile Inspiration
Type: Anti-Unit (Self)

An oddity among techniques created for assassination, Febrile Inspiration is the only known defensive Zabaniya. It allows one to harden their their skin to be as “nether world crystal”, stronger than diamond or the most refined steels. Although admittedly only middling in durability when compared to other noble phantasms, lower classes of attack are severely degraded and this ability can even has some limited mitigation when applied against purely physical attacks from servants.

Zabaniya: Delusional Poison Body
Type: Anti-Unit

Originally the product of an effort to recreate the Visha Kanya of indian myth, this is a technique that causes one’s entire being to be so thoroughly infused with poison that even one’s skin or hair is a potent toxin. This proved to be something of a stumbling point for the grandmaster who utilized this technique, and as such Assassin elected to reproduce it only in part. Rather than her entire body becoming poisonous, she managed to isolate the effect to her blood. While this has rendered the potential for wide-area destruction somewhat reduced, it also has the pleasant side effect of not preventing one from being able to physically touch anyone.

Also of note is that the sheer act of having attained this Zabaniya without dying has granted Assassin near immunity to poisons and toxins of nearly all sorts.

Zabaniya: Intoxicating Scent
Type: Anti-Army (1 - 200) / Anti-Unit

A technique crafted by a Hassan who was held as being particularly skilled at infiltration and assassination, Intoxicating Scent allows exhale a thin dark smoke. Infused with aether, this smoke holds an effect similar to high class mystic eyes; when inhaled normal beings are either brought under the smoke’s sway in a state similar to long-term enchantment allowing the user to verbally direct them for a time. Against more resistant targets it simply acts as a form of mental and spiritual pollution, reducing their agility and mana scores for a time.

While certainly a useful enough ability on its own, Assassin is unable to use this skill to its full extent. The grandmaster who created it was said to be able to become one with the smoke and move through it completely unseen, a feat that Assassin cannot boast. However does have one advantage that the original did not. Should she choose to do so, Assassin can allow her own blood to enter into the stream of smoke to use it as a sort of catalyst to carry the toxins through the air. This causes the smoke to take on a slightly acidic quality and can paralyze or kill most targets without noteworthy resistances.
Servant's Form:

Name: H.P Lovecraft
Gender: Male
Class: Caster
Era of Origin: 1920s
Summary of Legend: HP Lovecraft is renowned for being a great author of the horrifying and the occult. Having written stories through his life about nightmarish beasts, absurd worlds, and unearthly forces so terrifying to even comprehend whilst staying sane. Some of his creations, such as the Necronomicon and Cthulhu are staple topics people first think of when they think Lovecraft. Influencing young authors and franchises even to this day, fans of his work and those following in his footsteps can't help but be enamored by his mystifying stories. Stories of human transformation, nihilism, and madness touch a certain part within them that draws them further in.

Unfortunately, this is long after his death; Lovecraft's life was full of much turmoil and strife; his father's hospitalization and passing of his grandmother messed with the mentality and dichotomy of his other relatives. Mourning constantly and dressing in dark colors, Lovecraft was known to talk about having nightmares as a result; one's which would influence his later works. Never touching ground as a successful author in life and always struggling with financial difficulties, Lovecraft always lived in poverty and could barely pay for bills and sometimes went without eating. Towards the end of his life, Lovecraft acquired cancer in his small intestine, making the rest of his days painful and agonizing. Passing in 1937, his legacy disappeared until the eventual surge of fans decades later.

Stat Parameters:
Strength: A
Endurance: B
Agility: E
Luck: D
Mana: C

Noble Phantasm:
The Crawling Chaos (B-): From his hood, out comes the tentacle shaped Elder God, Nyarlathotep. It releases a slurry of whispers and empty promises to those around, in an attempt to convert those into cultists of the beast. Ineffective against Servants, Masters and Magi, this is great for controlling innocent people and many species of animals to do Lovecraft's bidding, for a short time only.

In His House at R'yleh (A): The tentacles from under Lovecraft's cloak dig into the ground, initiating a Reality Marble; this turns the surrounding area into the Eldritch City of R'yleh. This heightens the stats and abilities of Lovecraft and those who he (or his master) deems worthy. An added effect is the chance of scaring enemies into submission, just from the frightening landscape, for those caught in this Reality marble are said to see Cthulhu himself, watching from his house. Severing Lovecraft's tentacles at any point instantly makes R'yleh disappear, though, they are more durable than they appear at first glance.

Insanity EX: This Lovecraft is the culmination of the turmoils from the real man's life, as well as the many nightmarish, insane stories created by him and those since his death. Somewhat illogical and lacking in a true voice, he can only be understood by his master via mental communication; and even then, he speaks in rather nonsensical poetry.

Item Construction (B): Whenever Lovecraft comes out into his humanoid form, his master always gets a Necronomicon automatically strapped to them like a backpack. It serves as the means of communicating with Lovecraft mentally, and how he identifies who is his master.

Independent Action (D): Lovecraft sometimes wants to drive random people to madness, and will manifest in order to do so. He will always announce this to his master, but can be easily halted just by the master saying no.

Extras: While completely mad in every sense of the word, Lovecraft has a small human side to him. Those who openly admit, or it's obvious, that they are fans of the occult/supernatural genre at all make his remaining ego flourish. He will not hurt them intentionally and will rarely try to save them.
You want to make a caster servant? Sure thing, but as for using another anime character, that's a no. That kind of goes against servants entirely, since they're heroes, notable figures and legends from history, like King Arthur, Gilgamesh, and Solomon.
You want to make a caster servant? Sure thing, but as for using another anime character, that's a no. That kind of goes against servants entirely, since they're heroes, notable figures and legends from history, like King Arthur, Gilgamesh, and Solomon.

Yet, someone is using Gaia the fierce knight are they not?

Also, I can name two heroic spirit that gets around that rule.

Fate Testarossa and Nanoha Takamachi. They both appeared in a Fate/Stay night cross over comic.
That person using Gaia is not in this roleplay; they never made any further contact before the ic started. Therefore, they're not in this, nor does their character exist.

I'm not familiar with that crossover comic, and the source material those characters are from is very different from the master/serant pairings and singularities of the main fate franchise+the grand order game. The magical girl prisma series is not considered as part of the world in this; but you are free to use any historical figures and legends. Ones that exist as charcters in the grand order game as servants, or you can feel free to make your own like I did with HP Lovecraft.
That person using Gaia is not in this roleplay; they never made any further contact before the ic started. Therefore, they're not in this, nor does their character exist.

I'm not familiar with that crossover comic, and the source material those characters are from is very different from the master/serant pairings and singularities of the main fate franchise+the grand order game. The magical girl prisma series is not considered as part of the world in this; but you are free to use any historical figures and legends. Ones that exist as charcters in the grand order game as servants, or you can feel free to make your own like I did with HP Lovecraft.

So may I have permission to make Caster/Ruler Yamato Takeru?
So may I have permission to make Caster/Ruler Yamato Takeru?

In my opinion, I think he sounds more like a Caster, what with magic swords and all that. Plus, he doesn't exactly fit into the idea of having done anything 'saintly'.
In my opinion, I think he sounds more like a Caster, what with magic swords and all that. Plus, he doesn't exactly fit into the idea of having done anything 'saintly'.
So caster servant then.
And the best part is he can classify himself as a Saber as well.

I will start working on it now.
Here it is.

Hopefully it can be accepted

Caster (Fate)

Full Name: Osu no Mikoto

Servant Class: Caster

Other Classes: Saber
Non-Standard Classes: Berserker, Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Good
Physical Parameters:
Strength - A
Endurance - B
Agility - B
Mana - A
Luck - D
Noble Phantasm - C

Character Type: Servant, Human, Dragon,

Gender: Male, can be confused for female.

Personality: Caster can be a complete narcissist when fighting, enjoying inflicting much pain to his adversaries instead of straight up killing them from the start. He has issues with his temper as well, breaking anyone's nose by slugging them who confuses him for a girl. He is however very compassionate and protective towards his master, and will do whatever is necessary to meet his orders.


Basic history of Servant:
A Prince from the Yamato Dynasty, son of Emperor Keiko. He was disowned by his father after killing his own brother. He had fought many enemies in his own legend, and possessed the sword found within Orochi, Kusanagi no Tsurugi. He eventually died from being killed by a beast, due to not having a weapon to protect himself.

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance - A
Due to possessing the sword that was sealed within Yamato No Orochi - the sword itself absorbing some of the attributes of the demonic dragon, The sword grants Caster high Magic Resistance being the sword's current owner.

Presence Concealment - C+
Because of Caster's feminine appearance, he was capable of dressing as a maid to sneak into a drinking party and kill the Kumaso leaders. He can hide his own Servant status if he is dressed as a female.

Riding - C
Caster can ride any creature or vehicle with average skill. He cannot ride any divine creatures however.

Personal Skills:
Alluring Disguise - By wearing female clothing, and due to his own feminine body, Caster can make any male master or servant become lovestruck, believing him to be a beautiful woman. Female masters and servants will not be affected however.

Natural Born Leader - His skills at guiding troops and forming strategies to defeat an opposing army is astounding, similar to that of King Arthur.

Blessing of the Sun and Sea - Having obtained the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi from the high priestess of Amaterasu, which was in turn, given to her by the God of the sea Susanoo, Caster was given the divine blessings of both gods, granting Caster temporary invincibility against unholy beings.

Noble Phantasm:
Kusanagi no Tsurugi
Type - Anti-Army
Description: The blade becomes an giant beam of electric orange light, that is brought down upon its targets. The attack is comparable to that of Excalibur, the sword used by Atoria Pendragon.

Please don't fire me! ;-;
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How come you left out Kusanagi's ability to control the wind? I mean, I understand Fate has a tendency to just turn swords into laser beams, but Kusanagi actually has a legend involving magical powers. Hell, Yamato Takeru is really the one who figures out it can control the wind in the first place since he uses it to sweep a fire back towards the guys who lit it in an attempt to kill him, and is how it got the name Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi at all. I feel like that'd be a pretty important part of a Noble Phantasm with such a strong connection to its wielder.
How come you left out Kusanagi's ability to control the wind? I mean, I understand Fate has a tendency to just turn swords into laser beams, but Kusanagi actually has a legend involving magical powers. Hell, Yamato Takeru is really the one who figures out it can control the wind in the first place since he uses it to sweep a fire back towards the guys who lit it in an attempt to kill him, and is how it got the name Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi at all. I feel like that'd be a pretty important part of a Noble Phantasm with such a strong connection to its wielder.
I felt that the wind manipulation may be too powerful for this. I left that out only because of what people may think of it.
Why would wind manipulation be too powerful? There are abilities in Fate that let you kill someone with a single touch... in fact several. Plus laser sword seems more powerful to me than wind sword. Altoria in fact has that ability, but her others are so much more powerful its kinda a side note. You could base his NP off of Saber's strike air.

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Why would wind manipulation be too powerful? There are abilities in Fate that let you kill someone with a single touch... in fact several. Plus laser sword seems more powerful to me than wind sword. Altoria in fact has that ability, but her others are so much more powerful its kinda a side note. You could base his NP off of Saber's strike air.


With how the blade was owned by Susanoo, before being gifted to Amaterasu, and in turn, to the priestess who gave Usu the sword, it would gain that ability since Susanoo is a storm God.

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