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Fandom Fate/END |Detailed| (Post Apocalypse Fate RP)




  • This is a detailed roleplay focused around what happens after the Corrupted Greater War grants a wish after the last Holy Grail War. The planet earth as we know it has been put into ruin. Most of the population was wiped out as the corrupted essence of the grail flowed out consuming most of the world. Those who were killed were resurrected as shambling zombies seeking to kill anything that lives. The more unfortunate ones who survived were quickly driven mad and became ghouls, possessing greater agility and intellect posing a threat to any normal human being, with the most dangerous being the Magus Ghouls, capable of using twisted magecraft seeking only to kill those they encounter.

    The Greater Grail seeks to exterminate the rest of mankind. Twisting the rules it has summoned 7 greater servants of its own in order to hunt down the survivors. In order to fight, the last group of Magus has come together creating a new lesser grail in hopes of summoning servants of their own to try and combat the Grail, seeking to find it and destroy it for good and give mankind a chance to rebuild itself in the ruined earth.

    Quick Q and A

    How will the RP work?
    The Roleplay will focus upon the group of survivors and the servants summoned by them and their attempt to survive and retake the world from the grasp of the Greater Grail's Corruption. This roleplay is very much a co-operative roleplay rather then the typical Fate RP with the Alter servants being secondary characters (likely controlled by the Masters). It will focus on their efforts to destroy the Greater Grail and attempt to retake the world and give mankind a chance to try and flourish once more.

    While it is meant to be a cooperative effort, I do very much like some drama and do like some group conflict. While it is an alliance made from desperation, there are likely to be some parties who will try to do things to try and secure influence for what happens after that might help create some clashes (and I highly encourage my fellow roleplays to help create this element in the background. ^^ )

    What is the expected post length/rate of the RP?
    Posts in the roleplay are expected to have reasonable grammar (I don't expect perfect... I am sure I goofed up a lot of stuff in this interest check I just want what is typed to be readable) and be roughly 3 Paragraphs in length. I don't need full book length responses though I like to see some effort put into place.

    As for a posting rate, I am looking for players who have LONG TERM interest who are willing to post 2-3 times a week at minimum (more is always encouraged). If you aren't the type to show long term interest, do not join. Chances are you probably won't get in anyways as I'll be strict with the character sheets. I find people who put work into their CS and fleshing out their character tend to be more attached and much more likely to stay dedicated to a roleplay.

    Can I claim a servant?

    Currently, Servants are NOT open for grabs. This is right now meant to be just an interest check so any attempts to 'claim' a servant will be ignored and will likely mark you as being someone to be cautious about recruiting. I will announce when I'm taking claims for servants when its time for it and I'll likely throttle it (only allow for 4 Servants/4 Masters as an example for allowing for more). I am looking for consistent players rather then filling out a whole roster of servants.

Whew... got that in.

Speaking of, I'm completely open to ideas or suggestions. I do have a general idea of things though I'm open to hearing more in order to flesh out things. I expect the group trying to save the world isn't exactly all goodie-two shoes and there are many interests in it, even if they have a united goal that takes priority. Figuring there is plenty of room for people to contribute their own ideas or groups into the fray to give a bit of drama while still maintaining the team element. ^^
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I'm just browsing around looking for an rp,but nothing I've expressed interest has really gotten off the ground. This looks okay,but the 14 player rosters gms should for are usually destined to fail. I'll be waiting for word on servants and if they'll be playable.
I'm just browsing around looking for an rp,but nothing I've expressed interest has really gotten off the ground. This looks okay,but the 14 player rosters gms should for are usually destined to fail. I'll be waiting for word on servants and if they'll be playable.
Aye, its why I'm leaning on only doing a few servants at a time and filling it up from there. I'd rather have say 3 dedicated teams then 7 teams with half the teams having one person missing.

I was actually half tempted to try and not have Servants at all on the Human side and have them struggle having to take on servants in one of my drafts. :P
Aye, its why I'm leaning on only doing a few servants at a time and filling it up from there. I'd rather have say 3 dedicated teams then 7 teams with half the teams having one person missing.

I was actually half tempted to try and not have Servants at all on the Human side and have them struggle having to take on servants in one of my drafts. :P
7 shiros = 7 times the people who die when they are killed

I would not mind playing the role of a magi who makes a pact with the world, but I'm not too keen on the mechanics behind what made shiro strong enough to fight servants or what made him a hero in death. Overall that sounds a lot more interesting than having servant teams. But there's just that part of me that wants to come up with some stupidly over the top reality marble and engulf the world in an ocean of misery and death. :P

Like I said, I'll just be keeping an eye out on what cha decide and what not.
I'm assuming we won't be keeping the Heroes identities secret from each other, since it is a cooperative game?
I'm assuming we won't be keeping the Heroes identities secret from each other, since it is a cooperative game?
Honestly I don't mind keeping it secret, it depends on the Master and the Servant really. While they are working together, in the end once their goal is accomplished they would have a Grail war to fight between one another (unless they all manage to lose) so I can see given the nature of humanity and that there are various 'sides' working together who wouldn't normally be working together they might be secretive to one another to some extent.

... or in simple terms (and as Misuteeku Misuteeku says) its pretty much up to the Master and Servant... or in this case mostly the Servant since they won't have access to catalysts and are relying on a grab bag of servants and hoping they get a good one. :P
Hanarei Hanarei
So does Ruler get summoned? If I remember correctly, the servant is usually summoned when an anomaly happens in the holy grial war. Unless of course the Grail just simply doesn't want to summon it, and since they're two different grails, it doesn't count, since there are no anomalies going on (I.E. Apocrypha) during the grial war.
Hanarei Hanarei
So does Ruler get summoned? If I remember correctly, the servant is usually summoned when an anomaly happens in the holy grial war. Unless of course the Grail just simply doesn't want to summon it, and since they're two different grails, it doesn't count, since there are no anomalies going on (I.E. Apocrypha) during the grial war.
Would it be the Grail summoning our heroes or the World, like in Grand Order?
Quite an intriguing take on Fate here. Definitely interested.
Hanarei Hanarei
So does Ruler get summoned? If I remember correctly, the servant is usually summoned when an anomaly happens in the holy grial war. Unless of course the Grail just simply doesn't want to summon it, and since they're two different grails, it doesn't count, since there are no anomalies going on (I.E. Apocrypha) during the grial war.
[Pretty sure jeanne was there to be a good waifu[

She was there to be a referee. To make sure the rules were upheld, a separate and neutral entity from the rest of the master/servants.
[Pretty sure jeanne was there to be a good waifu[

She was there to be a referee. To make sure the rules were upheld, a separate and neutral entity from the rest of the master/servants.

(I feel stupid. I kept on missing the insert quote button) (Upload A File > More Options > Insert A Quote)

I see.
Misuteeku Misuteeku Ian Temero Ian Temero Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Basically with my current idea (pending any changes) there are two Grails, the old corrupted Grail and a new Lesser grail which is what the the group managed to create as a last ditch effort to take out the corrupted Greater Grail. The grail they are using you could classify as a 'Fake' Grail, more so used in order to pull Servants to the world to serve their cause. While it technically does function like the Grail does, its actual ability to grant a wish is greatly limited. It could probably grant a lesser wish but some large scale effect isn't likely able to be accomplished with the Grail.

As far as ruler goes, there won't be a Ruler involved. The conflict is effectively the old corrupted Grail vs Mankind. I suppose it doesn't hurt to say but effectively its the Counter Force that is what enabled mankind to even create their 'Fake' grail, not Gaia.
I don't know much about the greater Fate lore but I did really enjoy Fate/Stay unlimited and fate/zero. I am rather interested while my primary interest would be in created a new servant off of some unused as of yet historical figure. I already have ideas rattling around my head that I would love to see become reality.
Misuteeku Misuteeku Ian Temero Ian Temero Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Basically with my current idea (pending any changes) there are two Grails, the old corrupted Grail and a new Lesser grail which is what the the group managed to create as a last ditch effort to take out the corrupted Greater Grail. The grail they are using you could classify as a 'Fake' Grail, more so used in order to pull Servants to the world to serve their cause. While it technically does function like the Grail does, its actual ability to grant a wish is greatly limited. It could probably grant a lesser wish but some large scale effect isn't likely able to be accomplished with the Grail.

As far as ruler goes, there won't be a Ruler involved. The conflict is effectively the old corrupted Grail vs Mankind. I suppose it doesn't hurt to say but effectively its the Counter Force that is what enabled mankind to even create their 'Fake' grail, not Gaia.
Sounds a lot like apocrypha's plot to be honest. There's plenty of grail wars ever since the forumula was made global after ww2. And while none of these grails were as good as fuyuki's, the process for reproducing lesser grails was more or less a routine thing. :P

Was a detail skipped in the anime,but it works well here. So in this version, the fake grail is the good one?

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