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Dice (Fate Core) We Are Gems

I'm unfamiliar with the Steven Universe. Is there a wiki page I should read or something, or is the lore for this RP all I need to know?
@Quill Steven Universe is a cartoon show. It is quite short (for now), with each episodes is about 10-11 minutes and about 67 episode so far.

For me, the begining of Steven Universe did not got me hooked, but during the second half of season 1 became very tense and intresting.

If you do not have the time to watch all the episode, or for what other reasons, i can point out the episode i thought was cool?
Thanks @TripTripleTimes for the reply! Yeah, I'd appreciate if you could point out a "cool" episode, I'm not really into cartoons so I'm leaning more towards reading online summaries than watching the show.
@Quill Alright! I'll just list a few to get you started. I will just list the episode from season one that i think is intresting and part of the bigger picture (eh yeah?). This my take on it, some other SU fan may or may not agree with me.

- (ep.2) Laser Light Cannon

- (p.7) Bubble Buddies

- (ep.10) Steven's Lion

- (ep.12) Giant Woman

- (ep.17: Lion 2: The Movie)

- (20) Coach Steven

- (23: Monster Buddies)

- (24: An Indirect Kiss)

- (25) Mirror Gem

- (26) Ocean Gem

- (28) Space Race

- (35: Lion 3: Straight to Video)

- (36) Warp Tour

- (37: Alone Together)

- (38: On the Run)

- (44) Marble Madness

- (46) The Message

- (48) The Return

- (49) Jailbreak

The ones in brackets i think is important but not too important to the big plot of season 1, but if you want to watch more of SU, those are good episode to watch. There's more episode like those which i will list down below.

- (6) Cat Fingers

- (13) So Many Birthdays

- (21) Joking Victim

- (28) Space Race

- (30) Island Adventure

- (32) Fusion Cuisinei

I will just leave you with that. I dont want to bombard you with too many episodes as it is, ahaha.
How close to the lore and what sort of post quality are you looking for?

And even more important, we aren't going to be interacting with characters from the show yes?

Also, ToW is in this so it must be good :3
As an aside, for Emerald's part of it, she probably just did her thing at the local bars and watering-holes, using the sort of things she found in the people's own minds to egg them on. She wouldn't, however, have actually ever lied. She doesn't do that.
?! I didnt get any notifications fron the ooc chat for how long???? Omg i left so many questions un answered ;_;

Ill make an effort to check all the threads nnow.
Edited my post to include actions and whatnot.

Okay...if I interpreted what you were telling me to do rightly, then it ends up with 5. (Null, Null, -1, +1, +3, +2)
so there's the 4 dice, the skill, then the free invoke! That means you succeed. :D

You're able to navigate safely knowing where you are going. I'll let you narrate until we hit the secret room, which is actually just across the room. :)

It's honestly hard not to after those spot on musical selections. You've got me thinking about fusions and their appearances now. Also what I based Schorle on


And @SiliconKitten i just now understood how the dice work in this! Makes much more sense.
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sooooo uuuuhhg you're in a bit of a tight situation. You're two points off the mark so the alarms will trigger. I know I said you can invoke a fate point (again) to reroll but I think you may want to consider succeeding at a high cost. o-o
I'll risk one more fate to re roll. But I'll be earning those back at all the other gems expense later :P

Made it that time
It's okay. I'm pretty sure one of the other gems would've had to convince Emerald to take the subtle route in the first place.

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