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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature]



Darius walked into the large campus, taking in the grandiose marble interior that pompously represented the wealthy student body. He rubbed his stomach where the girl from earlier had kneed thanks to the kind Queen Bee's "recommendation". She seemed to be in good shape to be ordering people around and planning schemes again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Damien nervously pacing around with his phone in his hand. The king had just lost his queen...and the spot was in the open for the starving girls to pounce upon. Just as he was about to head over, a girl suddenly linked arms with him. He couldn't remember her name or face, but it was assumable that he had played around with her at a party at some point.

"Darius Simakov...I don't expect you to remember me, but I need you to help me." Darius stared at the girl with utter confusion, as he tried to pull his arm away.

She grasped his arm with desperation. "I know that I have no right to say this...but the girl that Mason loves...Thea...she's nothing but poison. It's been only three days, but there are rumors already that she slept with the Italian boy."

Darius froze. He finally recognized the girl as Bailey Blackwell, the infamous fiancee of Mason.

But the rumor she spoke of...he shook his head, trying to laugh it off.

"I need you to stop her from coming after Mason. A girl like her will only tarnish his name," she murmured, as she brushed hair out of her face. "I may not be the person he loves, but I still need to care for his name. You know her the best."

Darius flung his arm away, his eyes turning cold. "I don't think you happen to understand, but she and I are not in any sort of relationsh-"

Bailey took her phone out, and shoved a picture in his face. "I saw you that night," she whispered. "You care for her, don't you? Then stop her from destroying Mason's bright future. I will do anything to protect my family's name."

"A true aristocrat," Darius chuckled, as he icily yanked the phone away from her hands and deleted the picture. "Putting your bloodline before anyone else. But...her life is not any of my business, and you should probably start looking down your own path instead of hanging on to Mason's."

He turned to walk away, to see Adrian walking down the hallway with his arm wrapped around Thea's waist.


@Couldyoustfu @Bhlow

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B A I L E Y | B L A C K W E L L


Horror filled her face, as soon as she saw Thea and Adrian walking down the hallway arm in arm. She could see the sadistic enjoyment in Thea's face when she saw Bailey. Even though in terms of family name, Bailey was of a higher caliber than the "Queen", when it came to face-to-face youth tension, Thea's overwhelming charisma always won out.

That's how she managed to lure so many men in to her trap. Bailey glanced at the departing Darius with disgust, as she reflected on how the two people that hated each other so were actually terrifyingly similar in the worst ways possible. But then again...everyone at this disgusting school were alike. Pining for the royalty's favor, groveling at the Queen's feet...mindless freaks. In the end, in this sort of world, the monstrous manipulative ones would always come out on top whether or not their methods were clean.

Bailey walked out in to the court yard, trying to get herself together. Ever since she was a child, she rarely went to school and opted out for private tutoring. Her father couldn't care less about what choices she made, because in the end what mattered was that her name and face wasn't in the same category as the beer-pumped wealthy trash. The school was suffocating, filled to the brim with toxic pretentious people. The outside wasn't much better, but she at least could survive. In a school like this, the only way to survive was to step all over people like Thea and Darius.

She glanced down at her phone, almost dropping it when she saw the caller id. After the incident at the hospital, Mason had continuously been calling her assumably to give her an apology that she didn't even desire to hear. She wanted to believe that she was a reasonable human being...and that she could forgive Mason for straying away from her. Their contract had never mentioned that he had to remain clean of any women other than her during their period of engagement. As long as he stayed out of trouble and showed up at the publicity events, she couldn't care less about what he did with his life...sort of.

But out of all the people he could have fallen in love with...why did it have to be Thea Malone.

Just as she was about to hang up again, she noticed that people were beginning to stare at her. The dating...the facade...she had almost forgotten about it during the period of skipping school. She hurriedly picked up the phone, trying to put up a pleasant air.

"Where are you?," she coldly muttered.
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Mason had left the house in a rush, fleeing away from the questions that Rosa had been asking for the last week. The boy had almost looked as wrecked as he did when he found out about his mother. Shutting himself out was an action that his father used quite a lot, but it didn't help that Mason had inherited it too. When he came home from the hospital that night, it felt like the walls were closing in on him once again, a part of him wanted to scream and a part of him felt alone. There was no certain emotion that he could pinpoint at that time because it all came too fast. He avoided all contact the two days following after, turning off his phone and turning it on periodically only to shut it back off again.

The distressed male was in no rush to go to school and wanted to prolong the minutes he had to get to school. He had missed a week which was deemed unacceptable in his household. Sighing he grabbed his wallet and exited his car, making his way to the entrance of the small cafe. Black Vines. He had been to the place many times, most of the time with Thea. The name elicited an internal wince from within him. He hadn't spoke to her all week, and he knew she'd be more than livid. When he went into the Cafe and opened his mouth to order, the familiar sound of his ringtone cut him off. Holding up a finger and smiling apologetically to the Barista behind the counter before answer the phone call. "Mason!" A cheery voice rung through his ear. "Leo The Lion!" He grinned. He felt guilty for avoiding her as well, granted he missed the little girl. "You left early before I could tell you I found Robin yesterday, he came back!" He chuckled softly. "That's great. Look, I've gotta go but I'll see you when I get home, okay? Love you." He let the Cleo mutter a small 'Love you' back before hanging up. I'll make it up to her.

Mason looked back at the Barista and ordered what he would on any normal school day. When the Barista handed him back his drink, he thanked her, taking the warm cup into his hand and leaving the the cafe. Glancing at his watch, he made note of the time before putting his keys into the ignition and driving in the direction of the school. Mason was grateful that it was rather close, his only struggle was finding parking. By the time he found one there was only about ten minutes left until he would be counted absent and Mason was counting down the time like a ticking time bomb. He decided to sit in his car for now, realizing confrontation has not his biggest fan in a while.

During his few minutes of mindless staring, Mason's eyes zeroed in a figure.
Bailey? He was a tad bit surprised, considering that she rarely went to school. She was talking to another familiar face. Darius? The association between the two rose questions in his head. He would have never thought that they would have known eachother, considering that Bailey hadn't mentioned his name before. The moment Darius walked away, Mason fished his phone out of his back pocket, dialing Bailey's number. "Where are you?" He didn't miss the icy edge to her tone but instead decided to ignore it. It was definitely a step up from her ignoring his calls. "I'm pulling up. " He lied, "I think I'm going to get to class a bit early, y'know, to pick up all my missing assignments. You don't have to wait up for me." He hung up the phone phone before unbuckling his seatbelt, grabbing his coffee and jumping out of the car. Great way to start off the day. He chanted in his head, walking around the school and entering through the front entrance.
Thea Grace Malone


Thea glanced at Adrian, "Making out and sex is always on my mind, how little do you know me?" She asked, winking.

"But now stay good until lunch, I have to go and get all my assignments, after all I did miss a week of school" Thea brushed a blonde wisp of hair out of her face and proceeded to hug Adrian before pulling away quickly. Giving him one last smile she turned away surprised to catch that Darius had been watching her before he had turned away, and the look he had on his face was that as if she had deceived him, disappointed him and she shivered at the shame she felt at that look, hating the fact that his opinion mattered to her. She didn't want to feel like a traitor to him, but honestly she didn't even know what his problem was this time.

Thea squared her shoulders and ignored the feeling, walking purposefully towards Mr. Macneries classroom to pick up the hoard of History homework when she was brought out of her determined pose with a phone call, she blinked, deciding for a moment before letting it ring in her bag, who ever it was could instead leave a message on her voice mail - and be greeted by her voice there. She wondered for a moment if it was Mason who had called, and remembered seeing Bailey glaring at her earlier in the hallway - unlike usual she had openly shown her dislike for Thea by glaring at her from across the hallway, but she had been alone, without Mason by her side - and she wondered for a moment if he had broken up with her. That thought was short lived as she considered the fact that over the week she was in the hospital he didn't visit her, and neither did Darius, just when she needed them both.

She entered the history classroom, surprised to find it empty and sat down on a desk, deciding to wait a moment as her phone went off again.

Mentioned: @Atsuko @ambiguities @Couldyoustfu
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Adrian nodded with an amused smile before hugging her back and muttering a quick 'bye', adverting his eyes from her form he decided to give a quick look around.

Many eyes were on him, but the italian cared little for them as his gaze met Darius', and he couldn't decipher the pther senior's emotions.

Deciding to ignore the male Adrian also made his way into school, since the alarm had stopped and teachers were now searching for a responsible, so he calmly walked toward his next class: spanish.

Many thought that seen his europeans origins Adrian would easily succeed in the class, but there was just something about that grammar that confused him. So as usual he sat in the last desk since the room was half-empty anyway, and patiently waited for the teacher to arrive.

Mentioned @Atsuko @Bhlow



Darius walked down the hallway, through the stream of people that either feared him or wanted to be by his side. In this school, there was no in between. The academy was like a scaled-down simulation of the exterior world where the top 1% had to differentiate between those two. It had been a while since he had last seen over any of these people outside of dimly-lit parties or drunken entanglements in the bedroom. He couldn't tell anymore between who he could call "friends" and who he had tormented.

He glanced down at the schedule that had been emailed to him on his phone. When he had first entered this school, the school board had created a new program in which the students could choose a career route they wanted to focus on, and all their classes would be customized in a way to better prepare them for their future. It was just another way for the parents of the students to ensure that their children would have to follow down a certain career line instead of deviating in to another side interest during their period of rebellious adolescence. Of course, a majority of the students chose the course line that would lead to them entering the business, STEM, or political route, but he had blindly decided to follow Rachel in to the art route without knowing that she would soon slip away.

Each time he went back to school and looked at his new schedule, it was just another cruel reminder of the naive loyalty that he used to have. Grudgingly, he turned towards the small art department building. Almost no one at the school had decided to take the art course, so it was a quiet sanctuary for him to be finally alone with his own thoughts. Even though he hated the building for the memories that it came with, art still managed to have the same calming effects that alcohol and drugs had.

He entered the drawing room, and threw his bag on to the ground. Darius closed his eyes and inhaled the musty scent of the room, as he sat down on a table.

"You finally came back?"

Darius snapped out of his trance, and turned to see Sara, one of the art students that he had a fling with last year. He smiled, brushing his hair out of his face. "It's been a while."

She walked towards him, setting her wet paintbrushes down on to another table.

"I missed you," she whispered, as she gently placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him. He embraced her, going along with the flow when suddenly he heard the clattering of books outside of the door.

Darius opened his eyes, to see a girl staring at him with surprise from outside of the room. The girl from the party...who looked just like Rachel...Hana.




Adrian straightened slightly from his lazy position as the teacher made his entrance, but the object said man held in his hands made the italian tense in a particularly awkward and painful way. His neck now hurted terribly but the grin that had formed on his lips didn't stop.

Because in his spanish teacher's hand there was a cup of coffee, seemingly steaming, and it didn't look like it belonged to the coffee machine.

The senior barely listened to Mr.Martinez's rant about the alarm and the scare he'd gotten, his eyes were glued to the supposedly drugged coffee.

He wasn't sure if it was from the cafeteria, of if perhaps he'd taken it before the whole 'accident'. And he also wasn't sure whetever the teacher would find weed or ecstasy in the drink, but Adrian couldn't wait for the effect to take over.

''Alright, Frederick go read page 67 please.''

Said student opened the book and started doing so, skillfully reading the words in spanish. But then he slipped up on a word, and made it sound incredibly like a curse. The whole class chuckled and expected for the usually stoic Mr.Martinez to shush them, but none of it happened.

Instead the man giggled, and everyone's eyes almost popped open.

Adrian almost chocked because of the laughter that was treatenin

Adrian straightened slightly from his lazy position as the teacher made his entrance, but the object said man held in his hands made the italian tense in a particularly awkward and painful way. His neck now hurted terribly but the grin that had formed on his lips didn't stop.

Because in his spanish teacher's hand there was a cup of coffee, seemingly steaming, and it didn't look like it belonged to the coffee machine.

The senior barely listened to Mr.Martinez's rant about the alarm and the scare he'd gotten, his eyes were glued to the supposedly drugged coffee.

He wasn't sure if it was from the cafeteria, of if perhaps he'd taken it before the whole 'accident'. And he also wasn't sure whetever the teacher would find weed or ecstasy in the drink, but Adrian couldn't wait for the effect to take over.

''Alright, Frederick go read page 67 please.''

Said student opened the book and started doing so, skillfully reading the words in spanish. But then he slipped up on a word, and made it sound incredibly like a curse. The whole class chuckled and expected for the usually stoic Mr.Martinez to shush them, but none of it happened.

Instead the man giggled, and everyone's eyes almost popped open.

Adrian almost chocked because of the laughter that was treatening to evade his mouth. "Oh shit." He whispered, watching the professor calm down and waving for Frederick to continue.

The italian didn't seem to be the only one aware of the spanish's weird behavior, because a girl that had sat next to him whispered into Adrian ear with an highly amused tone.

"Oh my god, what's he doing with his head?"

The man had in fact started nodding uncontrollably, the movement was small but noticeable, and his expression was one of utter confusion.

Immediately taking his phone from his pocket Adrian snapped a pic of the teacher and sent it to Thea.

To: Princess Thea


From: Adrian

"It's fucking working. "

With now a dumb grin on his face Adrian stared at the professor, holding back a snort at every weird movement the man did.


H A N A ~ K I M

Hana stared down at her schedule, all her attention was focused on memorising the various room numbers and teacher's names. Her method of memorisation involved mumbling the numbers and names to herself whilst not paying attention to any of the other students she was bumping into. Only mindlessly looking up from her phone for a split second to apologise before averting her eyes back to her phone screen. She scrolled up to see her first class of the day, located in the science block. Hana smiled, she loved science; it being her favourite subject.

Hana's parents had protested to her focusing her studies on science, they much preferred her to take business related courses but Hana persisted on taking science. The school organised it's student's classes based on what they wished to pursue as a career, and with Hana wanting to go into medicine, science classes were perfect for her. Hana stumbled through the corridors, thinking about her parents dislike of science. The thoughts distracted her from thinking about the large number of people she had to make her way through, her hatred of crowds showing itself through Hana turning her music up as loud as possible and closing her eyes at every moment possible.

After a few minutes of making her way through the maze of students, Hana approached the art block. She disliked coming through this end of school, the smell of paint made her sick and the students always seemed either extra boisterous or extra chilled out; a mix Hana didn't really understand. Dismissing her thoughts, Hana focused on her music, though maybe a bit too much. She closed her eyes and a few seconds later, her and her books were on the floor. Hana opened her eyes to a young boy apologising profusely before darting off in the opposite direction. Brushing herself down as she stood up, Hana turned to face a classroom door, it's window dirty but clear enough to see through. In a state of shock, Hana stared through the window, her eyes met with Darius'; the guy she had met at the party not too long ago. She frowned, frozen in place, some of her books still on the floor.


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B A I L E Y | B L A C K W E L L


Tears stung Bailey's eyes, when she heard the line go dead. She warily glanced about her, feeling like a rabbit that had stepped into a cage full of lions. Ever since she was young, she had failed to fit in a long with her peers due to her cursed up-tightness. Her family name was like a cage that prevented her from letting loose and partying away with her peers. She had seen what had happened to the children who got caught up by the paparazzi...and the destruction of their families.

She herself was already a bomb that could destroy the Blackwell family if people knew what sort of blood ran within her, so she had to be extra careful to not expose herself. She needed Mason by her side...and with each second passing by she felt like she being suffocated by the tense air in the school.

"Help me...," she whispered, as she sank to the ground staring at his number. Bailey desperately wished that somehow he would know where she was and that he would walk over and sweep her off her feet...but she wasn't his princess and nor was their relationship a fairy tale. Bitterness began to flood in as she remembered how Thea daringly kissed Mason in front of her and the way Mason lovingly stared at that bitch. Bailey slowly reached in to her pocket, gently brushing her fingers along the ridges of the engagement ring. For a long time, she had held back because she didn't want to hurt Mason anymore that she had to. She had truly loved him so she had given him as much room as she could before their marriage would lock him away...but she couldn't stand by any longer.

Thea needed to be crushed...and if Darius the monster wouldn't help her...she had to take matters in to her own hands. After all...she was the only heir of the Blackwell family, and she had to protect their name.

Slowly she got up, ignoring the stares that she got. She never wanted to leash in Mason, but if Thea was to be the heroine in his story...she had to destroy the fairy tail before it reached a happy ending. Scrolling through her log book, she reached her secretary's number.

"I'm sorry Mason," she murmured, as she pressed the call button.

"Hello Ms. Blackwell. How may I he-"

Bailey brushed back her hair, as mischief flooded her eyes. "You know that press conference that I had requested father to push back to next year? I've realized that was a selfish action, and I believe that I'm ready to proceed with it. Please pull back the press conference to the original date," she icily commanded.

"But Ms. Blackwell...that is this weekend. Didn't you originally push back the date because you wanted to give Mr. Avana a bit more time? You do know that this press conference will publicly announce your engagement and that he will no longer be free as you wanted."

Bailey laughed coldly. "It's alright. In our world, time is money. I've given him enough time, and waiting any long would only put both parties to a disadvantage. Is it possible to pull it back?"

"Yes...it is possible...but are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. I've got to go to class now. Please notify Mason's father as well. I'm sure he'll be pleased."

Bailey walked to class, trembling. She couldn't look at Mason in the eye anymore...with just a couple words she had stripped him of the freedom that she had promised to pro-long. But she was tired of having to look at Mason's back...and she couldn't bear seeing Thea beside him in her rightful position. Over the past couple years, she tried to ignore the fact that Mason would kiss or sleep with anyone other than her. She tried to give him excuses thinking that he just wanted to protect her. But...it hurt to the point where she couldn't breathe at night knowing that he was most likely lovingly entangled with Thea in bed.

She had lived her entire life, feeling guilty for being part of the contract that blocked him from living happily...but what exactly had she done wrong?

@ambiguities @Bhlow
Julia Peters

Julia Peters eyes fluttered open and immediately closed again as bright, sunshine rays shone through the curtains she forgot to fully close last night. The events that transpired last night came flooding back to her when she heard a tired groan come from her side and she turned over, her blue eyes gazing happily at the naked woman in her large apartment bed. Melissa's dark skin practically shone in the golden light as she was bathed in a warm glow. Her black curls were spread out messily all over Julia's dark blue pillows and Julia found herself reaching out a gentle hand to play with the dark hair. Melissa had been so graceful, her poses so elegant that Julia thought she was truly one of the best models she had come across in a while. Besides, she hadn't felt such soft lips in a long time...

Julia rolled to her other side to look at her clock whose red numbers seemed to glare angrily at her, practically screaming "how could you be late on the first day of school!? She didn't really care much as she was never on time to anything really and slowly began to rise, the silky sheets sliding off her naked body and falling to the floor. The blue eyed teen yawned loudly, stretching her arms high above her head.

Damn that felt good! Julia thought before quietly getting up as to make sure Melissa didn't wake up. She opened her closet, picking out a button down and a pair of dark blue jeans that she slipped brown ankle boots over her feet. She tiptoed into the bathroom and opened the mahogany cabinet pulling out gel and deodorant. After putting only the slightest bit of goo in her hair, she closed the cabinet.

"Damn I look good!" She exclaimed out loud. Julia never wanted long hair ever again.

She walked by her bedroom and went to the kitchen to eat something. No sense in trying to eat lunch at school since she would JUST make it. She popped a plain bagel in the toaster and grabbed a piece of paper from the kitchen counter, scribbling a note she hoped Melissa would be able to read when she woke up.


I hope you slept well, you are a great subject:) Lets do it again sometime. Grab some food before you go and don't forget to take all your stuff.


Julia folded it up and placed it in the middle of the table so the dark skinned beauty would see it before she left. The bagel popped up and she grabbed it almost burning her fingers in the process.


Her red fingers grabbed her silver keys as she exited her apartment building, closing the door loudly behind her by accident.

Time for hell.



Darius pushed Sara off of him, and slowly walked towards the door placing his hand against the glass.

"Where are you going...," Sara whined. "We were just getting started."

Ignoring her, he slid open the door and stood before Hana and her fallen books. Clumsy...just like Rachel. He glanced over her, and the similarities were more obvious since he was seeing her in sun light instead of the dimly lit party where he met her. Brown eyes...small pale face...confused and naive expression...

Sighing, he crouched down and slowly picked up the books. Biology...anatomy...chemistry...a STEM course student.

"You do know that you're are the wrong side of the school right," he sighed, as he handed her the books. "Are you l-"

Sara suddenly walked out and wrapped her arms around his waist, as she glanced at Hana with surprise. "Holy shit. She is like a clone of Ra-"

Darius's face went cold, as he turned to stare Sara. "Stop," he muttered quietly, as he stared down at her threateningly.

Sara slowly backed away, laughing nervously. "Gosh. I was just joking." Turning to Hana, she glanced over Hana's outfit and neatly packed bag. "Anyhow...what is a girl like her doing in our department, the haven for sex and alcohol obsessed hippies." Darius rolled his eyes, and pushed Sara in to the classroom. "You're just making this worse," he groaned.

"Sorry about that," he awkwardly muttered, as he brushed his hair out of his face. "You should probably get out of here soon or else you'll bump in to someone worse than that girl in there. Are you lost?"



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Thea Grace Malone


Thea waited for Mr. Macnaries until he came and after a hassle of a conversation with him she managed to extract a week worth of assignments which she immediately regretted. With a heavy heart and an even heavier bag, she walked towards the gym for her first lesson of the day. While sports was compulsory, and most students at the academy hated it, Thea thrived for it, not only was it a Monday morning wake up call, but it was also a way to keep fit. To add to that, Bailey was in the same class as her, which often led to them civilly competing against each other - with Thea winning, she could only image that thing were about to get even more heated. Mason was also in their class but with her current jumbled mind she could only take on one thing at the time, and ignoring him seemed like the best plan, considering that he had been ignoring her for a week.

As she was changing in the changing room, she went over her timetable once again, unlike the other students, Thea hadn't chosen a certain route that would lead to a brighter future like the other students; mostly because she had no idea what she wanted to do, and because her mother simply hadn't cared for her subjects, as long as she continued going to the academy. That meant her subjects varied from fashion design, textiles, interior design, to politics, maths and biology, with various in between. She of course excelled in all of them, much to the amusement of her peers, who continuously thought she was just a pretty blonde - and she loved to prove them wrong. She jerked out of her thoughts as her phone pinged and she looked down at a text message from Adrian.

"It's fucking working. " Thea grinned at the message, after seeing the professor with his head craned in a probably humanely impossible position and she only hoped her luck would be the same. She tied up her blonde hair in a high pony tail and once she was changed she went out into the gym, surprised she was the first person there. Thea started running laps around the gym, as she waited, knowing she would have to anyway so it would only make sense to start earlier. Unlike usual the girl didn't have her midriff showing as she ran, her top covered her side neatly, and she almost didn't remember when she had decided to be so modest about her clothing, but it was better to cover up than reveal the scar on her side to the world, which to her looked like a monstrosity.

@Atsuko @ambiguities @Couldyoustfu
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H A N A ~ K I M

"Oh," Hana scrambled to pull her earphones out as Darius approached her. "Yes, I need room 416?" Trying hard to remember the teachers name, all she could think of was the room number. None-the-less, she took the books from Darius and smiled nervously as she looked between him and the girl who had been wrapped around him.

Hana looked around, the corridor was filling up with people and the smell of paint was making her feel queasy. She thought about his point about the art block being the 'haven for sex and alcohol obsessed hippies', Hana shuddered at the thought and tensed her shoulders up, feeling very out of her depth.

"Mrs. Faun," Finally able to remember her biology teacher's name, she looked at Darius. "Could you point me in the right direction?" She asked him politely as she stuffed her earphone wire into her pocket and adjusted the position of her books in her arm.


Julia Peters

Julia couldn't think of a worst way to start the school year.

After parking her silver Ferrari, a present she had received from one of her many "subjects" the blue eyed teen attempted to walk through the halls to her first class without being stopped. No such luck. A teacher, who must have been new and obviously didn't know that nobody gave out detention slips anymore, stepped in her way and asked her name.

"Excuse me young man, do you know you're late?

Julia stared at him, annoyed at the way he looked at her like she didn't know first period had started 20 minutes ago.


"As a teacher I have to write you a detention for cutting class. Now tell me your name."

"It's Julia Peters" she said crossly to the short, chubby man with a large forehead and wrinkled clothes. Who would hire such a guy? She towered over the man, his balding head barely reaching her chin. The loud RIIIIP of paper being pulled from the detention pad startled her.

"Don't let it happen again young man- uh I mean young lady."

Julia huffed as she walked away. The gym hadn't been that far and she could have made it without all the fuss. Teachers were so unnecessary sometimes. As she walked, the almost non existent heels on her brown boots made small clicking sounds on the white, tiled floor of the school hallway. The red lockers on either side of her reminded Julia of all the girls she had pushed up against them after school hours as they would make out wildly and passionately before ending up either back at Julia's place or a janitor closet. She smirked, wondering what would happen this year. Julia finally got to the gym, stopping in front of the doors and opening up the black computer bag that was slung on her shoulder, searching for her most prized possessions. The sketch book with the black cover sat waiting to be used. Julia smiled and opened the gym doors.


B A I L E Y | B L A C K W E L L


Bailey stepped in to the large locker room with her gym bag, crinkling her nose at the overwhelming scent of cheap perfume that filled the room. The chatter stopped as the girls slowly turned to stare at Bailey with surprise.

"So Bailey Blackwell decided to finally step out of her shell and return to civilization," Julia, one of the girls, chuckled. She wrapped her arm around Bailey's shoulder, and pulled her in to the throng of girls. "I told you that private tutoring would get boring at a certain point."

Bailey shrank well, weakly smiling as she searched for her locker. "It's been a while," she meekly smiled, as she busied herself with attempting to remember the lock. Julia leaned over and unlocked it for her.

"H-how do you know my code?"

Julia sneered, as she pushed back her short red hair. "The Queen said to use your locker to put whatever we couldn't fit in to our own lockers while you're gone. The lockers at this school are too small for the amount of the funds they receive...and darling. You should come to school more often. You've basically ceased to exist at this school. I don't think the teachers even remember that they need to get an extra desk for you."

Flushed in the face, Bailey quickly pulled the lock off and opened the door. She froze as she stared at the contents that spilled out. Old gym socks, torn bras, unidentifiable rotting food substances, and wrappers. The girls snickered as they watched the horror spread across her face. She had almost forgotten...the very reason why she rarely came to school and chose private tutoring instead. It was hell...each and every day, as she stepped through the monsters that wanted to tear her apart.

Sighing, she calmly picked up her bag and walked away from the throng of girls ignoring their sneers and entered a bathroom stall. Inside, she sank down trembling on to the seat desperately trying to hold back her rage and tears. Closing her eyes, she remembered her father's words.

"Even if you may not be strong enough to fight back your enemies yet, exposing yourself will only hurt you more."

Pinching herself, she swallowed her anger and dressed in to her gym clothes. She stepped out and walked towards the throng of girls, smiling serenely. Bailey handed her bag to one of the shocked girls, and began to tie up her hair eyeing the girls.

"Would you girls be so sweet enough to clean up after your own shit," she said sweetly, as she glanced at the dump with disgust. "I believe that you are all of high class, so let's not degrade ourselves to pigs." Smirking, she walked out of the locker room and stepped out into the gym to see Thea running around the gym alone. Once again, the urge to run away and hide began to crawl up her skin as she watched the girl who stole away Mason nonchalantly going about her life while Bailey was slowly corroding. With each passing second, her thirst to destroy Thea once and for all was growing larger and larger.

She walked over to Thea smiling softly, making the girl stop and stare at her. To Thea, she was nothing but a push over who would let Thea run away with her man...but Thea didn't understand that there was an invisible chain that could never be broken between her and Mason in the world of business. It would only be a matter of a couple hours before the press conference would be announced...and tomorrow...she could finally see Thea crumble.

Bailey glanced out the large glass windows, where she saw Darius standing beside another girl who looked strangely familiar...a face that she hadn't seen in years. Remembering the Darius's brushoff from earlier, she glanced back at Thea with amusement. "I thought that you and Darius were on terrible terms...but I guess a dog is always loyal to its master no matter what happens. Even a monster like him...," she chuckled. "The girl beside him looks awfully similar to Rachel doesn't she? That sure brings back good memories."

She walked away when the bell rang as the girls and boys began to spill out of the locker rooms. Bailey spotted Mason in the crowd, but he was staring longingly in another direction and Bailey didn't need to turn to know who he was looking at.

"Just give them another day," Bailey whispered to herself, as she tightly gripped her shirt.

Just a couple more days...and she would no longer have to feel like a monster.

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Amari Hasn't attended School Lately, But now she was back and better as ever. She had gym, The brown skin girl went to the locker and placed her duffle bag on the bench and bend down took out her clothing for the gym class. Amari heard a Cleared throat and she looked up to see, Julian and a bunch her minions. "Uh, Not now bitch keep it moving" She said Calmly, Amari took out her shirt and exchanged it with a white T-shirting her black jeans with black volleyball shorts. She zipped her bag when she was done placing her clothes back inside. She picked up her feet and made sure her shoe laces were tied up nice and tight. "Look, I don't know who-" Amari rolled her eyes "I, Seriously don't have time for this I need to get to class and so do you" She commented before walking pass the group of girls. Amari noticed Bailey as she walked into the gym, She could tell Bailey's eyes were clearly focused on something, Or someone else. Amari ran up to Bailey and bumped her left hip to bailey's hip.

"Hey, Baby Girl!"

"Who are we looking at?"

"Oh, I see" Amari commented. She crossed her arms.

"You do know he isn't worth your time right?" She laughed. "If, The guy is gonna dish you out like that, he don't want you so move on girl!" Amari continued.




Darius pointed down the road to the statue that indicated the center of the school, a large Romantic sculpture of a woman in a toga with a lyre in one hand. "Just continue down the main road and when you reach that statue, turn left and you'll see a large glass building which is the science building. Mrs. Faun's class is on the 3rd floor, in the first classroom to your right when you get out of the elevator." The girl meekly whispered a thank you and walked away.

The two of them were so alike...yet so different. They both seemed like they would snap in half if he stepped over a certain boundary...yet nothing else was similar between the two of them other than their appearance. He laughed to himself when he noticed the confusion in his mind. They weren't alike at all...yet...

Darius shook his head and turned to walk back in to the art building when he saw someone staring at him through the glass window in the gymnasium.


Beside her stood Thea, who looked alive and well...and for a moment, a sense of relief flooded through him without him even knowing why.

Bailey was saying something to Thea with a smirk on her face, and glanced at Thea's unchanging cold expression. He didn't even know what was happening anymore at this point, but all he could hope for was that he wouldn't be forced to get involved.

Suddenly his phone buzzed...a message from his family's secretary.

Your grandmother would like you to leave this Saturday open for an engagement ball. More details will be sent later.

Darius groaned internally as he thought of the pretentious people he would have to deal with while being sober. Shoving his phone in to his pocket, he walked back in to the art department.




Ophelia walked through the halls aimlessly, she had no friends or any acquaintances, she had her phone out and was watching a K Drama called heartstrings. She leaned on her locker and had her headphones in, she was eating dagashi and drinking a squirt, waiting for the bell. As soon as her episode ended she put it away in her bag before shoving it in her locker and grabbing her books, checking the time on her watch. She walked to class and sat down in her seat, listening to a teacher blab on and on about things that they learned last year, she rolled her eyes and cursed him for wasting her time in Greek. She looked at her books uninterested, the period went by excruciatingly slow. RIIIIIIIIIIIING "Oh thank god" she said sighing in relief, she never wanted to leave a class that much. She ran out into the hall and back to her locker to get the books for next class when another student tripped her "Illiterate trash" the kid said and chuckled darkly before leaving her alone, She got up and saw that she had a scrape on her arm. Ophelia looked at all of her things had spilled and were scattered across the hallway. She sighed and began to collect her belongings, it felt as if it would take forever before the hall was cleaned and she had all of her things. Ophelia cursed the evil boy in Greek, she only was considered Illiterate because she was born in Greece, yes she spoke Greek but she could speak english and didn’t miss pronounce like the teens around school who Were born in America, but she was used to the constant teasing and didn’t really care. She picked up all of her things and put them in her locker, running outside to sit down at a picnic table and cool down her temper, sure she was used to it and all but she still had feelings, the boy had been handed everything he was still a fetus, he has no real accomplishments, and just like always that small thought calmed her down. She was a bit different from the other kids, sure her parents were well known, her adoptive mother was a famous artist and her adoptive father owned the hottest bar in the country, and threw some of the best known parties. Ophelia, just like her parents, wanted a creative career, she wanted to be a writer. She got up off of the bench and walked back inside, unlocking her locker to grab her books. Though she hated the populars she didn’t really mind a few of them, they were cool for a reason anyways. She walked to class and sighed, looking down till she reached the door, she decided to lean on the locker by the class till the bell rang. She pulled out her Ipod and headphones, listening to her favorite K Pop songs, the music worked like a charm and helped pass the time, just as she hoped.
Adrian got out of the spanish class satisfied, his belly almost hurting for the laughter he had held back. He basked in the knowledge that the later it became, the more people would start being under the effect.

Looking around himself he could notice some students' walking being a little off, and it couldn't have been a coincidence.

The teen was about to walk toward class when he felt an hand grip his shoulder and a loud voice a little too close to his ear "Dude! There's a cat fight in the gym."

Adrian fought the urge to roll his eyes and brushed the hand off, not a little annoyed.

"Man you know how these voices work, they were probably just talking, don't get too many illusions."

He gave a mocking path on his shoulder and then immediately slipped away.

His next class was practically on the other side of the school, so while dodging either running students or people that tried to trap in annoying chatters he went for it. But then a figure, much smaller than himself, hit him square in the chest and was about to fall on the ground.

With a surprised hiss Adrian immediately grabbed the girl and put her alright again, before releasing her.

Then his eyes met her and something about the girl was strikingly familiar, he never forgot pretty faces.

"Pardon me, I didn't see you there. Are you oka"

Julia Peters

Julia had entered quite an interesting scene unfolding in the girls lockeroom. Like always, it was filled with tons of girls, quite a few she knew... personally and some she never cared to learn more about. This morning felt different though. Almost like an unexplainable tension in the air.

She went to her locker, testing out her old locker combination to see if she remembered it. With a click it opened and the smell of perfume wafted out, a sweet vanilla scent that had been there since her freshman year.

The chatter seemed to get louder and Julia glanced over, wondering what was going on. The group parted and a girl pushed through, her face showing nothing but rage and sadness.

'What a strange combination of emotions' Julia thought before recognizing her. It was Bailey Blackwell. There were too many rumors about her to even start somewhere, Thea had made sure of that. Julia looked back over to the group of girls who haden't moved from their place.

'Disgusting pigs' She thought, shaking her head. She didn't like Bailey, but she also didn't like the way girls acted in this place even if Thea had told them they could dump all their shit in Baileys locker.

Julia grabbed her hoodie and sweatpants and walked into the changing rooms, slipping them on and pulling on the blue hoodie. She hung the other clothes back in her locker and closed it, walking out.

Julia spotted the familiar blonde hair almost immediately, slow jogging over to her since she was all the way on the other side of the gym.

"Thea!" She called out waving, hoping to get her attention. Julia then realized Bailey had beaten her to the blonde haired girl, and she got there just in time to hear Bailey say the name Rachel. Julias eyes widened. Why did the name Rachel just come out of Baileys mouth? As she finally caught up Thea, Bailey glamced put the wimdow them walked away.

Julia turned to Thea,

"What the hell was Bailey Bitchwell saying about Rachel?" She asked her.

@Bhlow @Atsuko
As Madison pulled up into the school, late as always,she checked her hair. I mean, the daughter of a millionaire couldn't be looking like a complete pig; right? She grabbed her bag before opening the door and stepping out of the car. Her sandals touching the rough cobble. She ran her hand throu her hair before smoothing down her pants and crop top. Unfortunately, the grease from her hair transferred to her shirt. "Dammit. That's the second time today." She cursed, before furiously stuffing the part with then stain into her pants before anyone else sees.

She fixes her posture, before walking towards the opening of the school. It was around P.E time. So the first thing she did was head towards the locker room to change. She found a stall, peeled off her clothes, before pulling her workout clothes from her bag. It was a matching pair of purple shirts and shorts. She slipping the clothes on before neatly putting her other clothes in the bag. Not before hearing some chatter about Bailey Blackwell and... Rachel? She had never cared for Bailey, so she just ignored the conversations. After checking herself in the locker room mirror, she heading to the gym.

As she pushed open the big doors, surprisingly, only a couple people where there. One of them being -
oh no, Thea Malone. She was flipping her hair and acting like the perfect girl she was. Oh it just annoyed Madison to know end. Ignoring her, she heading over the the uneven bars. She chalked up her hands point on the the bars. Hoping Thea would see her.

mentioned -
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Finishing a quick text, Jin slides his phone into his pocket. Although coming to America and meeting new people is interesting, he misses his old group of friends. His intellectual prowess and looks made him one of the most popular and talked about students in his school in South Korea, but he had only a few true friends. However, he made nearly unbreakable bonds with the friends he had, their group was close-knit and they act more like brothers. Despite the extreme time difference, they have been texting in a group chat almost nonstop, keeping Jin up-to-date with his hometown. According to them, the underclassmen girls are asking where Jin is, as they had heard stories about his handsomeness from the girls in his class. Jin thinks it's fake, but it makes him laugh for some reason. He can't imagine that he left such a mark on his school, but it's not like he can find out for certain.

With thoughts of Korea on his mind, he makes his way towards his first class. Like many of the students at Farveyl, he chose the STEM path. It's the only true acceptable pathway for him. Art and creativity, especially art revolving around American culture, doesn't come naturally to him. He is a gifted singer and dancer, but that is as far as the fine arts carry him. Politics isn't acceptable because he doesn't care enough about the system of government, and frankly he doesn't feel that as a native Korean he is qualified to make decisions for the American people. He would likely be looked down upon because he is foreign anyway. STEM is the only sensible choice, even though Jin has a weird relationship with mathematics because of its connection to Asian stereotypes. Despite his wariness of the subject, he continues to excel at it. He enjoys science the most, especially biology, and desires a career in biotechnology or genetics.

He navigates the school, trying to find some pattern to the numbering system. His first class is biology with Mrs. Faun in room 416. Jin is used to schools being planned out almost like prisons, not any more intricate than they have to be, with clear, logical floor plans. Schools like this, however, seem to use numbers for decoration only. With some missteps, he reaches a large glass building that he hopes is the science building. He explores the building in search of room 416, and after a few minutes finds it on the 3rd floor.
"Now wouldn't it make sense to have the 300s on the 3rd floor and the 400s on the 4th floor. But what do I know?" He mutters irritably. Jin shakes his head, clearing it of his frustration. He knows it won't help him to be frustrated on the first day. He waits outside the classroom door, leaning effortlessly against the door frame. He remembers Hana mentioning that she has this class first as well, and he decides to wait for her so they can sit together. It's much easier to get through the first day when you have a friendly face to help you through it, especially if that friendly face belongs to a kind and beautiful person who happens to speak your native language. Besides, he can't deny that he genuinely enjoys spending time with Hana.


B A I L E Y | B L A C K W E L L


Bailey glanced up at the boy who caught her mid-fall, as she stumbled back on to her feet. Brushing her hair out of her face, she smirked when she realized it was the boy from earlier who had his arm wrapped around Thea. Adrian LaGioia. His father was one of the Blackwell family's business partners, and she remembered seeing him once in a while at the balls hosted by her family, flirting with a numerous girls at each one. He was certainly of high
caliber in terms of appearance, but she never really felt attracted towards him. She remembered hearing about him running off to America because of an incident while she was in Paris, but then again at a school full of wealthy children that wasn't an uncommon course of action.

"Thank you. I'm alright," she murmured, as she smiled softly at him. Adrian...was also the only person who of her knowledge was capable of making Darius lose his shit. She remembered a couple years ago when she attended this school there had been a sense of friendly rivalry between him and Darius till Adrian went too far and snatched Rachel away from Darius. Remembering the scene from earlier, where Darius was staring at Thea and Adrian with a perplexed expression on his face, another terrible idea began to sprout within her.

She didn't care whether or not Darius claimed that there was nothing between him and Thea because the look in his eyes begged to differ. This was just getting easier and easier.

Bailey pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and stared into his eyes. She couldn't help but tell that Thea was using him for another one of her cruel games, and for sure didn't have the same level of love for him as much as she had for Mason. But just exactly what sort of game...she couldn't decipher the mystery behind Thea's actions.

"Adrian...it's been a while," she chuckled. "Haven't seen you since the Christmas Ball two years ago. How have you been?"



H A N A ~ K I M

After Darius pointed in the general direction of the room Hana needed to be in, she quietly muttered a 'thank you' and smiled as she walked off. Hana straightened her books up in her arms and reached around in her pocket, trying desperately to find her earphones. Unable to do it one handed, she walked over to the side of the corridor and balanced her books on a metal water fountain. Hana reached around to her pocket and pulled her earphones out, popping them in each ear and pressing play on her phone before slipping it back into her pocket.

The school corridors were a maze to Hana, she could barely remember what room she needed to be in, yet alone how to get there.
3rd floor.. She repeated Darius' instructions in her head as she gathered her books and headed for the statue he had pointed out. First classroom on the right. Eventually, after repeating the instructions whilst examining the surrounding area, Hana made it to the statue that marked the center of the school grounds. A glass building stood, decorated with manicured gardens laying around the edges. Hana headed straight for the large double doors, dodging more and more people. Luckily, Hana preferred the look of the students near this big glass building. STEM block, I guess. It was much more her style than the art block; less paint and more books.

Hana found her way to the elevator and stepped in, she was alone which prompted her to start humming along to the music bellowing in her ears. Hana liked a variety of genres, ranging from Korean pop music to English indie. Currently, she was listening to an indie band singing about love; something Hana had a soft-spot for. She pressed the button to take her to the third floor and stared at her reflection in the mirror, all the while humming along to the song.

Not long after she got in, the doors opened and revealed a new cluster of students; most of which were stood chatting outside of the numerous classroom doors. She weaved her way in and out of a few students before spotting a familiar face, stood outside room 416.

"Jin!" Hana waved a bit too dramatically and yanked both her earphones out. She felt butterflies creeping up on her and couldn't help but smile as she walked over to were Jin was stood. "Are you not going in?" She gestured to the door, curious as to why he hadn't gone and taken his seat yet. Thoughts floated through Hana's mind, she wondered if he was waiting for her and the butterflies in her stomach increased as the thought crossed her mind.


Mentioned: @Atsuko


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