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Fantasy Fantasy pirates is dead

Sraphina smiles and laughs. Her laugh is sweet like honey. she starts to mix the batter, she goes really fast and before you know it the batter is all done "i finished. Is it to your satisfaction?"
she smiles back, her teeth being shown through her plump lips. She had two small cute fangs. "why thank you! Now what do i do with the batter?" she goes to sick a finger in the batter.
A lid appears on the bowl with a spout and it turns into a pitcher. Razor turns on the stove and puts on a griddle
“It’s just jack, I’ve never had an owner before so I’m sort of nervous” using her tail to pick up a cup and wash it. “By the rules I have to follow I must do anything he tells me but....I’m sort of rebellious you know”
Seraphina looks up at him cheekily and takes the lid off dunking her finger into the batter. she likes it off her finger slowly her eyes swirling yellow as she looks at razor "delicous" she says with a slight grin on her face. She puts the lid back on
MacToff walks to the edge of the deck and starts climbing down the ladder. “I need tae grab me pole, I’ll jus be a moment”
"Jack...." Jessica drop the plate suddenly as it break it in the sink, "U-Um, sorry about that," She quickly put up the pieces. "W-What do you mean by do anything he tell you...." Jessica sound a bit upset.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Musa nodded as she watch him climb down and get his things.
r_dubya r_dubya
"Jack...." Jessica drop the plate suddenly as it break it in the sink, "U-Um, sorry about that," She quickly put up the pieces. "W-What do you mean by do anything he tell you...." Jessica sound a bit upset.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Musa nodded as she watch him climb down and get his things.
r_dubya r_dubya
“Well for instance if he told me to kill someone or lay with him I would have to do it” giggling as she washed a plate “although I wouldn’t mind either of those thi.....is something wrong Jessica?” Pausing what she was doing to look at her.
MacToff grabs his gear from his dinghy and returns to the ship. “Alrighty now, let’s catch some shite if we can”
Razor smiled, “Yep”, he checks the temperature of the stove, “I think it’s hot enough”
"Y-You...and Jack slept together?" Jessica asked as she not looking at her, but wash it slowly. Jessica feel her heart hurt more as she ever know.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

"Um....you want me to climb down?" Musa asked as she she feeling scared.
r_dubya r_dubya
seraphina stares at the stove. she bends over and looks at it with amzement in her eyes "what is this contracption. how is it burning." she looks up at razor "is it magic?"
“Donnae worry miss Musa. I’m comin back up” MacToff grabs all of his gear with one hand and starts back up the ladder
“We did, Jessica do you have a thing for him?” Lulu set the plate down to dry and turned to her. Blushing with embarrassment she put her hand on Jessica’s shoulder “Jessica he isn’t really the type of person you should be with.....you seem to sweet and gentle” trying to help her Relaxe as best she could. “You should give my brother a try, he’s usually cold and silent but once you get passed that he’s really quite sweet...plus if anyone was bothering you I’m sure he’d rip them apart over you.....he’s sort of territorial. Most males of my kind are”

"A thing? More like he my boyfriend.....well ex-boyfriend.....since I kind of broke up with him....." She said as she look at the soapy water. "I should have know ...he really moving on.....while I feeling more heartbroken...." Jessica try not to cry as she suddenly hear Lulu said about her brother, Barry. "Huh? Barry? Did you know he kiss me?"
“Something like magic I guess. It’s powered by the turbines in the ship going through the water. Through the use of a current of life. Now watch this.”, he pours some of the batter into spots on the griddle. The pancakes start to cook.
MacToff reaches the top and instantly sets down his gear to grab something out of his sack. “I tink ye’ll have more use for this than I” he holds out a bottle for Musa “Got it from a witch off the coast of Africa”
"You? Got that from the witch?" Musa looked shocked as she grab the bottle. "This is...." Musa looked at it.
"A thing? More like he my boyfriend.....well ex-boyfriend.....since I kind of broke up with him....." She said as she look at the soapy water. "I should have know ...he really moving on.....while I feeling more heartbroken...." Jessica try not to cry as she suddenly hear Lulu said about her brother, Barry. "Huh? Barry? Did you know he kiss me?"
“I couldn’t tell by how you look but I could smell him on you.....” stepping away for a second to get the rum and returning “I’ll finish this up for you later, here come drink with me, it’ll help with the pain some” tipping the bottle back drinking quickly “what Happened between you two? You seem perfect....”

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