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Fantasy Fantasy Pirates, Character Sheets.

  • Name:
    Amaranth (Moonfall) Aesir

    Witchdoctor Moonfall




    Pirate Class:
    Appearance: Nyané Lebajoa White haired
    Moonfall is a lightly brown-skinned girl, about 5'7 in height. She used to have silky black hair but a slight magical accident made her hair white and she eventually got used to it. She has dark brown eyes and often wears gold earrings along with dark red lipstick. The lady often wears brown gloves, her hands are pitch black. Most times, Monfall would wear long dresses and carry her feathered staff. The staff is just a carved piece of wood with magical symbols engraved, and a bit of feather on the head

    Amaranth is a highly silent, rather reserved individual who is more of a listener than a speaker. She's a secretive individual, especially about her 'occupation'. She's a curious individual, willing to do certain experiments even though there aren't many people who'll willing to be experimented on. Moonfall is protective of her stuff, especially since some of them may or may not be cursed. She's sometimes easily annoyed, especially at the nights where ghosts and spirits tend to annoy her a little bit too often. She really likes boys, and girls, often jumping into relationships too quickly and being much too attached. She's a highly cultural individual who really does her best to remain true to her origin. Whether that's in how she dresses or how she behaves. The girl is slightly not used to life outside the tribe, especially in how people behave in respects to each other. That often translates to her assuming people are much better people than they usually are. The pirate life is very new to her

    1- Knows quite a bit of defensive and offensive magic. Some can be destructive, especially with her staff.
    2- Can make some basic magical potions and totems, usually for resisting fire, electricity and curse resistance
    3- Knows how to speak to certain sprites for advice or casual conversation

    1- Really dislikes physical activity, she's healthy but hates exercise. Hence, she can get exhausted easily.
    2-unskilled with a sword, gun or other weapons that are not spell based
    3-Can not be healed with privateer magic, hence more vulnerable to death by injury

    Tools and Weapons:
    1- Enchanted staff.
    2- A mysterious syrup, often added to drinks before consuming them.

    Backstory: Home Country: Villes.
    The tribe itself is very close and family nit, everyone knows everyone and they really don't take kindly to betrayals and acts of evil within their small community. The tribe itself is also rather friendly to the outside world, especially when the trade was available. Every year, they and neighbouring tribes would have a large festival dedicated to family, and their dead loved ones. Many outsiders are allowed to partake and purchase all sorts of objects to their liking. They're a nomadic tribe, that would plant in one area for a few months, then travel to another area to plant. They tend to go in circles, leaving one area for almost a generation before finally returning to it. This is manageable because the tribe is fairly small.
    Amaranth (Moonfall) Aesir grew up the nomadic tribe in the savannahs, being one of the few females gifted with the talents of doing magic. She's the daughter of a hunter, part of a mostly undisturbed linage. Being one of the few gifted with magical talents, Amaranth was trained under the head shaman in much of the local forms of magic. It mostly included spells, speaking with sprites and even enchantments. Many lessons were quite dangerous, with there being accidents but that's how people learn. Upon her 19th birthday, Amaranth was old enough to become an official witchdoctor. She was considered for the role upon inventing a few of her own unique spells after observing the outsiders and how they managed things. But to be a true witch doctor, she must do a ceremonial test.

    The test involved trapping a vengeful spirit into a staff so to wield powerful magic. There weren't any vengeful spirits in the middle of the savannah, so to complete the test, she ventured right to the coast where foreign settlers usually stayed. The slums and high crime areas were full of spirits who hunted the mortal world due to regret, anger or even sadness. It took Moonfall a week of searching, but she eventually found an abandoned house where a mob boss died in an act of betrayal. The spirit was especially angry and stubborn, Moonfall spent hours fighting and attempting to control the spirit, and she managed to eventually succeed. With the captured ghost, she succeeded in forging her staff, but an accident with the resisting spirit made her hair white.

    With her new staff, she returned to the tribe given the new name of Moonfall, the Witchdoctor. A ceremony was held in her honour filled with dancing and music. Moonfall would have remained in her tribe, but one day, the spirits kept bothering her about a destiny far beyond the sea. A message she couldn't ignore. As a result, Moonfall said her goodbyes to the tribe and travelled out to return to the outsider's settlement. She paid for a boat ride and made her way across the sea, ending up on an island colony. She stayed there for the next few years, making jewellery and other traditional objects to make a living.

    Howda yah got captured?
    The colony she lived in had witchcraft being illegal. Moonfall was suspected of being a witchdoctor and upon investigation, found guilty. The girl ended up being arrested and taken to the ship to be executed in the capital city.