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Fantasy Fantasy one on one

maximus nodded "there are 4 doors up the stairs and pick witch room you like to stay" he said with a smile
miximus look up and to the door when he heard a faint knock "hmm" he stood up and walk over the door and slowly he opens it
When Maximus opened the door, he would see Fuyuki standing there, wet from the rain and flushed with fever. "H...help..." He whispered before falling forward, unconscious. Donatello Donatello
maximus pick him up right away and look down at him "what happen to you..." he whisperd before heading over to his room and remove his wet cloths and wipe his body with a towel
maximus walk back with a hot soup in his hand "your awake" he said as he walk over to him and place the bowl down "what happen to you last night and here this will ease you up" he said giving Fuyuki the soup
"Thank you...um...I don't remember much...but it might have something to do with my illness..." Fuyuki said quietly to Maximus, eating some of the soup. Donatello Donatello
maximus nodded in understanding "i see..." he frowned and patted his head "dont worry you can be cured someday" he said with a smile
maximus nodded "yeah it will trust me" he said as he patted his head gently "but anyways were do you live?"
maximus frown and pat his back gently "well you can stay if you want" he said as he look at him and smile
"But...I don't want to be a bother to you...but...I would be because...I wake up really late due to my illness and cough up blood or throw up so...I...have to sleep in the same bed with someone...so that nothing really bad happens." Fuyuki explained quietly to Maximus. Donatello Donatello
maximus take a note and nodded " its alright you will never be a bother Fuyuki" he said patting his head "besides everyone needs help and you need some help too and i promise you ill stay until you get better" he said with a smile
Mximus smile and gave her a napkin "your welcome Fuyuki" he said with a smile while he stand up and look over to him "also are you hungry? we gonna get you some new pair of cloths thoe" he said as he look at him and smile

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