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Fantasy Fantastic Desolator: Realm of Hrenna

Once everyone had finished eating and packed their items, they headed to the volcano; Natsuo and Haruto were leading the group, though Natsuo was ahead of Haruto by an approximate 1.5 meters.
Shado glared at the man in her path.

"What makes you think that I'm not loyal, I am true to my word, and I won't betray my comrades. I find it odd that someone that is as weak as you is lecturing me about getting dragged down. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to catch up to my comrades."

Shado turns into her wolf form and races towards Momoka, Haruto, and Natsuo.

"Stop there, the next few monsters are tricky," Natsuo was saying.

"Okay, what's the plan?"
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"Their senses are always heightened. If they smell something too suspicious, then they'll attack with full force from all directions. Make sure you keep your killing intent to a minimum, walk slowly, and don't be too conspicuous."
Natsuo walked forward and thought, "Wait, isn't the super sensitive monster area further ahead? Then that must mean this place is…"

She stepped on a small mound of dirt, and said, "Dammit." She quickly bounded back, then a large explosion occurred just where she had just been standing.

"This is the leftover magic minefield. You messed up, messed up, messed up!"
Haruto stopped before he stepped on anything in the field. various mounds of dirt were scattered everywhere.

"Oi, Erzulie. You okay there?"
Terra smiled lightly and followed Shado in the shadows until he found the group undetected. He hid behind a rock and observed the group. " Okay , time to observe some more to see if I should help them or not." He muttered to himself
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Natsuo craned her head slowly to look at Haruto.

"I-I messed up…" she said with an embarrassed smile.

"This is an unused minefield that was planted during the last war. It is filled with proximity explosives of almost every kind, so the effects of activating one will vary from explosions like that to releasing the souls of the dead to raining acid from above. Be extra careful, everyone."
"I forgot about my Floating Rune... Are there an aerial-based mines in this field?" Haruto summoned his Floating rune and prepared to float over the field.
"There are. The side that placed these mines were very smart, and also very demeaning. Mounds of dirt, small pits, and strange looking vibrances in the air could all be mines. Watch your step."
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Momoka nervously picked her way through the minefield, always double-checking where she stepped. Twice she almost stepped on a mine.
"What?!" Momoka heard too late as she stepped. A click sounded and she hardly had any time to jump away. She didn't come out unscathed. "Ow…" She winced, holding her torn up leg.
Mako walked into a nearby village as he had heard the village had one of the best hot springs in the area. "Who do i ask about the hot springs." Mako asked himself as he looked around the village. (Anyone want in)
wiigamechamp said:
Mako walked into a nearby village as he had heard the village had one of the best hot springs in the area. "Who do i ask about the hot springs." Mako asked himself as he looked around the village. (Anyone want in)
(The others are all in a forest so it's not very likely)

"Don't be like Momoka. Be even more careful now."
GirlyTurtle said:
"What?!" Momoka heard too late as she stepped. A click sounded and she hardly had any time to jump away. She didn't come out unscathed. "Ow…" She winced, holding her torn up leg.
Terra decided it was a good chance to reveal himself. He walked out from behind the rock and walked towards Momoka , gracefully sidestepping and jumping but accidentally stepping on a mine that shoot arrows at him. He put a shield of ice to block and lightly pouted. " My cool entrance is ruined. " He muttered lightly as he finally arrived in front of Momoka. " I'm Terra , i'm here to heal you. " He said as he crouched in front of the girl.

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