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Fantasy Fantastic Desolator: Realm of Hrenna

Shado sits by the river, concentrating on one particular spot and creating a ball of golden magic floating just above the water. She stares at the orb before willing it to smash a nearby rock. It was getting dark soon, so she had to hurry and practice her skills. Shado closes her eyes and summons a ball of moon magic, it glowing brightly in the moonlight. Shado's hair reverts back to silver, as she uses her magic to heal wilting and dried plants. She continues this until morning, then goes back to the camp.
Haruto woke up, feeling something particularly soft pressed against his bare back. Not only this, but he felt as if someone was sleeping next to him. When he turned around, he saw a sleeping Natsuo, curled up next to him in a slightly provocative manner. His face immediately went to red, and he tried to find a way to escape the tight grip she had on him without disturbing her sleep. Alas, it was all in vain and he remained trapped in Natsuo's grasp.

How did this even happen?! I'm also scared that she may have done more than just slept next to me... Haruto mentally feared for his life, hoping this was all just a misguided joke of some sort.
Haruto just stared at Natuso with a blushing face. The only expressions currently present on his face were overwhelming fear, a minuscule trace of lust, and a hint of embarrassment.

"Good morning, Erzulie..." He managed to get out. "May I inquire why you're in my tent, sleeping with me as I'm shirtless?"
PyroHunter16 said:
Haruto just stared at Natuso with a blushing face. The only expressions currently present on his face were overwhelming fear, a minuscule trace of lust, and a hint of embarrassment.
"Good morning, Erzulie..." He managed to get out. "May I inquire why you're in my tent, sleeping with me as I'm shirtless?"
-Crack Post-

The tent flaps opened to reveal a pouting Terra wearing only a towel. " No fair Natuso , I wanted to do that. " He muttered , his bangs covering his left eye as he let out a puff of air.
Haruto immediately summoned a Force Rune that launched the mysterious person far away from his tent, then looked over to Erzulie.

"What did you do to me?" He inquired, his tone in between lustful and serious.
"The teasing doesn't help your case, Erzulie." Haruto replied. He wanted to push away, but didn't in case his hands touched Natsuo in a place that normally shouldn't be touched.
"I guess it doesn't." She let go of Haruto and got up, then was about to walk out when she stopped and said, "I need to properly thank you for the sandwich." She turned her head and asked, "How should I do that?"
"Let's see..." Haruto got up and grabbed his bag of items, prepared to bathe. "I'll think of something, I'm going to wash myself off first."

Haruto left his tent, found a tree with decent shade, and proceeded to shower under said tree by using a water rune as the source of water.
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"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't ask to touch my chest," Natsuo said as she watched him leave. "You might be a better man than I thought~"
Haruto returned to camp fully-clothed in his usual adventuring attire, then walked over to Natsuo.

"I'd like you to consider joining our little ragtag group here. It's fine if you don't want to, I'm just telling you. And if you thought I was going to ask you to get a squeeze in as payment for a sandwich, you're wrong. I'm not a pervert..."
"Yes, I have lustful desires. I'm only human, it's natural. But I'd rather not waste a decent opportunity to potentially recruit you. If you join the group, you can have a little fun with me, as long as you're okay with it, obviously. Momoka is great with cooking, so you'll have wonderful meals all the time. Speaking of Momoka... She should probably be awake making breakfast now..."
"Splendid. Welcome to the group, Ms. Natsuo Erzulie." Haruto formally inducted Natsuo into the group, and he was mentally joyed that a woman of such amazing talents as her would join.

"I have a feeling there's an ulterior motive to this..." He murmered to himself.
A half hour ago

Momoka awoke with a gasp. That same dream again... What does it mean? She got up and got dressed. Feeling too lazy to cook a big breakfast, she just took some instant ramen cups out of her pouch and a kettle, which she filled with water and started boiling. When it was ready, she poured the water into the cups and waited a few minutes until they were ready.

"Guys! Breakfast! We got ramen today!"
DaughterofShadows said:
Shado sits by the river, concentrating on one particular spot and creating a ball of golden magic floating just above the water. She stares at the orb before willing it to smash a nearby rock. It was getting dark soon, so she had to hurry and practice her skills. Shado closes her eyes and summons a ball of moon magic, it glowing brightly in the moonlight. Shado's hair reverts back to silver, as she uses her magic to heal wilting and dried plants. She continues this until morning, then goes back to the camp.
" Why are you helping people who are clearly out of your league. Its a dog eat dog world you know , they'll only drag you down. " A voice came before a boy with long blonde hair and a rather feminine appearance appeared in Shado's path , his slender arms folded across chest. " I wonder when you'll betray them. " He said , a small smile on a face many found beautiful.
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"Of course, Erzulie-sama." Haruto replied before walking over to Momoka for breakfast.

"Seems like you were too tired to make a full meal, Momoka. If what I said last night caused you some troubles, know that I'm sorry and it was just a joke" Haruto picked up a cup of instant ramen, summoned a pair of chopsticks, and ate.
Natsuo found a fork somewhere in her bag, thanked Momoka, and start nomming on the noodles.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't stand in my way."
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"Hm? Oh that, thanks. I just like instant ramen. And, it's easier to make and eat, which will benefit us, since we're getting near to the volcano." Momoka shrugged. She picked up a pair of pink chopsticks and began to eat.

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