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Fandom Fandom Roleplay. (Fandom list included)


Junior Member
Hey! Anyone want to rp with me? Here are the Fandoms I'd like to rp with. (Also, someone that can play as canon would be highly appreciated because I can't..) The titles with * is the ones I'd like to do the most.

- Fairy Tail
- Fullmetal Alchemist; Brotherhood *
- My Hero Academia (All time favourite) *
- One Piece
- Soul Eater
- Hunter X Hunter
- Dragon Ball Z *
- Sword Art Online 1 & 2
- Grimoire of Zero
- Akame ga Kill!
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- Overlord (Second favourite) *

Video Games
- Undertale *
- Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild

- Avatar *
- Harry Potter
- Book of Life

TV Shows
- Once Upon A Time

This is just the ones I remember, if you have some that I haven't mentioned that I may know. Let me know. Quick disclaimer, I do not do romance what so ever. Don't try and convince me or ask why, because the answer will still be no.

Btw, for you grammar freaks out there. The way I wrote "favourite" may be wrong to you, but in my country, that's how you write it. (Sorry if that sounded rude, I'm a grammar freak as well and the fact that Canada has a different way of writing things bugs me a lot.)
Would you be interested in a Harry Potter roleplay with any of the following plots?

- A squib accidentally getting muggle roommate and having to hide their magical pets or risk breaking the statute of secrecy
- A pair of Squibs (or a Squib and a Witch/Wizard) moving to a muggle neighborhood to monitor a magical child raised by muggles.
- A squib inherits the magical menagerie in diagon alley and must find a way to run it while facing wizard prejudice.
- A witch/wizard/squib who raised magical animals for competition (ex. unicorn races, crup obedience courses, pgymy dragon hunt trials)
Would you be interested in a Harry Potter roleplay with any of the following plots?

- A squib accidentally getting muggle roommate and having to hide their magical pets or risk breaking the statute of secrecy
- A pair of Squibs (or a Squib and a Witch/Wizard) moving to a muggle neighborhood to monitor a magical child raised by muggles.
- A squib inherits the magical menagerie in diagon alley and must find a way to run it while facing wizard prejudice.
- A witch/wizard/squib who raised magical animals for competition (ex. unicorn races, crup obedience courses, pgymy dragon hunt trials)

Well.. I already had something in mind. And, I haven't watched the series in a while.
I'd love to do a My Hero Acadamia rp because tbh it's one of my favourite animes but i haven't seen the third season because i'm still trying to find a website to watch it on
I'd also be interested in an Undertale rp, if you're still up for it!

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