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Colosseum [Fandom] Fate/Rising: Act 2

Puns are great.

Puns about one of the greatest manga/anime ever are even better. :3
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sorry if I've been gone for some time. x.x

was busy with this (sorry for lowres picture)

That's Darth Nihilus, from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. I've beaten both the first and the second game, so I'd recognize that face in a heartbeat.


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Naruyashan said:
That's Darth Nihilus, from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. I've beaten both the first and the second game, so I'd recognize that face in a heartbeat.

Good job.
Ah yeah same. He's on the cover of 2 with that (blank) Atris right? The costume is beautiful. You a designer or something?
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Ah yeah same. He's on the cover of 2 with that (blank) Atris right? The costume is beautiful. You a designer or something?

Nope. Just a cosplayer. I asked help from a friend in order to make the lightsaber. lolol
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Man, it's been forever since I last posted in a group rp...

You did well. It was actually 3 paragraphs Black
(BP) I used to call it an "expresso" ...I still do ._.

@Kalin Scarlet

Why is he looking for her? (-n-)

Also, I may throw out random comments at random times, I don't read all the posts at once. I do them in a certain order, so don't think I'm weird later on
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White Masquerade](BP) I used to call it an "expresso" ...I still do ._. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15598-kalin-scarlet/ said:
@Kalin Scarlet[/URL]

Why is he looking for her? (-n-)

Also, I may throw out random comments at random times, I don't read all the posts at once. I do them in a certain order, so don't think I'm weird later on
Nonono, not "is" so much as "is supposed to be". Marco really took the trip to Brazil to learn about the layout of the city, and since fernanda was a possible opponent, he was also going to try getting info on her...except he got there and gave up on that plan almost immediately.
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[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Nonono, not "is" so much as "is supposed to be". Marco really took the trip to Brazil to learn about the layout of the city, and since fernanda was a possible opponent, he was also going to try getting info on her...except he got there and gave up on that plan almost immediately.

Lol. Gotcha. Okay, no problem. I thought a certain Magus had to be taught a lesson so early
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Lol. Gotcha. Okay, no problem. I thought a certain Magus had to be taught a lesson so early

Oh, please. Fernanda would just resort to flirty playful banter until Marco did her the honor of suggesting they team up.
Oh my god.

Fate/Grand Order.

3 Lancers

5 Riders

4 Casters

5 Archers

3 Beserkers

3 Assassins

Girouette said:
I hate you.

You're going down.
He very well may go down. However you won't be around to see it (>u>)
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