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Colosseum [Fandom] Fate/Freefall: [Completed]

Which Servant Will Win?

  • Lancer Class

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Saber Class

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Berserker Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caster Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rider Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Assassin Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Archer Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The sun begins to hang in the sky bathing an orange glow across the jungle of concrete as it'd rise. The city now begins to awaken itself as it hits:

6 A.M.

The Riverside Church


The Church

Eiji Komagata + Grisha Ulyanov

Gradually coming up into view of this War's chosen church, the large one oddly, with no one around, Eiji wondered if this was the same building they convened at more than 8 hours ago. Despite the clocks now clicking past 6, not a soul could be found and Eiji shuddered; it felt as if this place was confined to its own little world.

"Scared?" Mused a little voice coming just off to the right.

"Of course not. A little unnerved is all. You'd think a church at this time of day would see at least some people. I am surprised."

"Mmm," hummed Grisha. "Yes. The Church can be a very...surprising entity. Shall we?" He questioned, motioning to the large doors. "Would you be so kind as to do the honors? No interference from me. I will stand right here as you take a look inside."

Slightly raising himself and drawing his body close, Eiji would stare Grisha in the eye and give his kitsune the same. Glancing out to his own servant hanging somewhere nearby, internally Eiji charged his magic in case this all happened to be a trap. That Grisha fellow...there was something off about him. Something in the way that he moved, something in the way he talked, the glint of his eye that told Eiji something was wrong.

"Very well."

And moving slowly to the door, time seemed to stand still, him hesitating to push it open.

"...Is something wrong?"

"N-No. Not at all."


Sliding back in its place, the door moved to reveal nobody inside. Walking in further, Eiji crossed the threshold, only seeing empty floors and halls colored with a stained-glass shine.

"Isn't it strange our overseer is not at her post?"

Startled that Grisha had walked in so quietly right next to him, Eiji was met with a,"You can relax. From what I hear, the Church is considered neutral ground. It'd be foolish for anyone to try and attack you here. If I were to ambush you, this'd be the last spot I'd choose." Smiling, the master would continue. "So now do you begin to somewhat believe me?"

"Hrmph. Believe you? No, not quite. If you remember, it was stated during the meeting that there may be times she might be away on official church business. This looks like one of those. What do you say to that?"

"Official Church business? Haha. That is a joke. What else is there to do besides wait for the war to end? Though. If you think about it and really get technical, you could say that in a way, it was not a lie considering it was me that was attacked. Yeah. That'd be true. You'd be correct in saying that I am indeed, official church business."

Confused, the Japanese master grew impatient at the goose chase seemingly devolving into philosophizing with no answers, snapping, "Young man...if you don't have anything serious to go on, anything serious to tell or show me, then I will be on my way. There is someone I must meet. I do not have time to waste playing your games. You wanted to show something going against the rules and you failed to do so. Only showed me the polished pews of an empty religious school."

Sister Merena

"Aye. Yes. They do look quite nice don't they?"
Two sets of eyes widened and shifted to fall on the woman standing in the doorway with bags of groceries in hand.

"Official Church business," she smiled, following both their gaze. "Have to eat to keep my strength up. I can't just live off prana and be healthy like you mages can seemingly do, haha. Us normal people aren't invincible."

Freeing and lifting a hand to show a cut finger with light blood still oozing from the wound, Sister Merena angled it towards Grisha with a slight nod of her head. "Hurt myself over a piece of splintered wood."

Placing it in her mouth to suck on the excess blood, Sister Merena walked past the two, taking a seat on a nearby bench and looking at them both.

"So tell me. What is this about?"

@Azure Sky

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Fabiana Arriaga
"Mejora Magia."

Seeing the monster suddenly disappear, Fabiana's stomach itched and turned with an unbridled joy. Berserker. One part fearing and two parts hyped, the Arriaga glowed, her eyes and teeth turning bright purple as her magic switched and keyed up. Whipping to the footfalls of the servant, zeroing in on the cracked pavement ripping up the street, the master found she could barely keep up with the speed of the fighter,


but welcomed the challenge.

Pupils dilating, Fabiana would take off in a flash, surging ahead in the direction of the oncoming Servant with a maniacal laugh. In a split second, asphalt would tear at her skin upon weaving through the onslaught, the biggest pieces disintegrating if they'd cut way too far into her flesh. Pulling out her own blade, the sword blared in intense light, charged to the brim with magical power searing down its length. Coming to a halt seconds before a full-on collision with the strongest Servant, like a batter she'd rear back and swing her sword with terrifying force.


[x4 Weak Prana = Berserker)




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Eric Vandoo
Dude! There filming a freaking movie right outside my apartment! It looks so sick!
Yo you there???
OMG! stfu! it's 6 in the morning man on a weekend. I don't have time 4 your imagination shit
Haha, what??? Dude, it's only Tuesday. Why wood I state time texting you so early in the maroon like I have the hostess for you?? I'm not gay.
Did you even read what you put
Fcking autocorrect. I said why would I waste time texting you so early in the morning like I have the hots for you. I'm not gay.
I'm going back 2 sleep
Shit, wait no Eric! I swear I'm not lying! They're filing a freaking movie in front of my apartment! You need to get over here NOW! The street is empty and they're tearing up the road. I see lights and shit. This chick fighting some kind of monster. It looks so REAL!
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Patrek Bergmann + Kimiko Kanewaga

Watching the hem of the cloak flutter as her Servant run off, the Kanegawa wrung her hands increasingly becoming nervous. The Yakuza life was not like this. Sure, she got into a few really bad fights and faced moments she'd be shot at, though, all of that felt like child's play compared to the scope of this. A hand would come to sit on her shoulder, and at its light touch, Kimiko realized she was breathing hard.

"Hey. Relax friend. Nobody's gonna die; her of all people. If she can constantly walk around with her chest and head held that high, don't believe she's going to go down easy, Kimi. Our servants are backing her up and she has one too. You don't need to worry too much."

Not to worry. How many times before had she heard that line, only to find the ones saying it being quickly proven wrong. Cadavers of her once living associates from home framed her mind, some mutilated in the worst ways possible, making her skin crawl thinking one of them could end up like that. Kimiko didn't care about any of the other masters, but seeing Patrek or Fabiana d..d...

"Come on,"forced Patrek, taking her hand. "You're shaking. Let's get further away. I think a little distance would do you some good. You won't be in a condition to help anyone that way. Trust. Okay? Things will turn out fine."

@Kalin Scarlet

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Tomasson Ruiz + Liliane Roussel

Tomasson's lit cigarette jerked and dropped from his lips directly onto the ground. What the hell...was...what in the hell was this? Watching the two fighters run for each other, he couldn't believe what was occurring before his eyes. For a moment he almost reached out to tell the woman, "Stop! This isn't how it's supposed to go," but remembered his own vow to win and show he was strong. Though...where was her servant..?

Caught in the web of confusion it would be the talk of Liliane's that'd raise him from the stupor. Okay. So...the noble did have a fighter with her after all. Glancing to where the man would point, Tomasson hesitated for long moments flexing left his hand. Berserker. It was a powerful class indeed, but known for disobeying orders. Yet, what was there to lose? Which each and every move it made, he was drawn closer to death anyway. What was being ignored at this point?

"Hey Berserker!! Up top!! There is her Servant there! You go for them there and take them out! I can handle the master down here!!"

Weeeeoooooo- Weeeeoooooo-Weeeeoooooo!!!

"..Uhm..Toma...I hear sirens...I don't think my trick went over well...what should we do..?"

"We stay put. We're going to finish this. Berserker and I are going to take that master down." To her Servant, he turned and said, "Please. Take Lil somewhere safe. I am counting on you to make sure no harm comes her way."




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Patrek's Servant

The warrior appeared quickly, his form coming together in his simple garb, along with the weapon sheathed at his waist.

"I hear you clearly, Master. If you wish for me to defend the maiden, I ask that you keep yourself out of trouble. As hard as I know that must be for you, tonight, it will literally mean the difference between life and death."

After, the servant turned, running off towards the chaos building behind them. As he neared Fabiana, he felt a shockwave of force, as Berserker charged the Master, and watched on with surprise as she pressed forward regardless.

@White Masquerade @Adachi @GasMaskie @IG42 @BLUR
Fabiana's Servant

Materializing from blue wisps in the air, Fabiana's servant once again took a physical form. For the last few moments, he had watched his master from a far. At the time being, he wasn't her biggest fan. That being said, he admired the bravery she showed in facing off with Berserker on her own.

"Perhaps you're right then, Fabiana. Maybe I have misjudged you a little bit," he said aloud, though no one was around to hear him. Before he had believed that Fabiana threw her alliance members to the dogs so that she would be able to wipe everyone out after they had already been damaged, but now she was fighting on the frontlines.

The look in his eyes grew serious. He stared at the battlefield before him, watching as Fabiana took an attack from Berserker straight on.

"Wait for me..."

He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. At this time, an arcane circle appeared on the ground beside him. From inside the magic circle, a long javelin rose up until the length of it had reached the physical world.

Javelin in hand, the servant was now ready.

"435 yards."

He lifted his weapon up onto his shoulder.


Rolling his shoulder, he tossed the javelin with great might. As the long weapon tore through the air, sparks began to fly at its tip, until the weapon was lit aflame. It shot directly towards Berserker's master. [1 Strong Prana]

*Ranged Delivery*

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Liliane's Servant

The unidentified Servant stared at the Master dueling Berserker looking impressed at her skill to hold off such a powerful Servant alone though his expression soured when Tomasson asked him to take Liliane and run.

"I'm not here to chaperone your protege! If she isn't ready to participate there's no point in my being summoned."

Hearing a distant whump he looked around and quickly caught sight of the approaching projectile headed for Tomasson. Wrapping an arm around Liliane he lifted her off the ground and darted towards the allied Master disappearing for a moment in a burst of speed, a moment later both Master and Servant reappeared on horseback. With his free hand Rider pulled Tomasson away from the burning javelin. [1 Elude Prana]



@White Masquerade



@Kalin Scarlet?
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The Riverside Church


The Church

Sister Merena + Eiji Komagata + Grisha Ulyanov


Glaring intent at Grisha from the corner of an eye, the Japanese man would coerce the boy into spilling what was weighing heavy on his mind; not that the vamp needed much push anyway. Yes. He was indeed wary of those coming from the establishment of God, if there even was such a thing, but here, in a war made for mages, their hands were tied. At least, until the end of the competition. Either by not completing the war, or being killed in the action, Grisha's only chance for surviving this alive was winning it for himself.

He laughed in his head.


"Earlier this the morning I was shot at, overseer. By something that did not look like it was part of the competition. My fellow master also witnessed it and can corroborate with what I've told you. It was not natural. I have the belief someone is trying to kill me."

"Oho..I..bmff...aha...AHA..WA...BAHAHAHA! Kill you???" Guffawed the woman. "Of COURSE someone is trying to kill you! This is the Holy Grail War, boy," she punctuated, turning her gaze toward him. "Someone not trying to kill you would be the more serious problem. Magus...did you know the Holy Grail is equipped with a back-up system? Say you and the other masters managed to make good. Didn't want to fight at all. Do you know what it would do? It would go out and find 7 more masters with Servants just to oppose you. You'd end up with two sabers, two casters, two riders, two whatever have you. One team of red, one team of black. There's a reason this doesn't happen, Magus. Ever wonder why the war in Paris, France was so bad when compared to the rest? Well, now you have your answer."

Blinking, Eiji took a moment to soak it all in. A reserve system? Fourteen Servants..? Fourteen masters...? He was part of a common family, but had never heard a single thing about this. The Grail would do that just to make sure there was bloodshed..? Really...what kind of game was this?

However, next to him, Grisha would not be swayed. No matter how interesting that piece of news was, it only served to deflect away from the matter being discussed at hand.

"So. As I was saying. A beam of unnatural light was aimed toward me. The reason I bring it up sister, is because I'm familiar with the Church's choice of weapons."

"You're mistaken. The church doesn't have weapons."

"Ah, of course not. They have Holy Scriptures."

Eyes getting thinner, Sister Merena would sit up a little straighter, and remove the finger being sucked on from her mouth.

"Ahm...Sister...what are Holy Scriptures?"

"Just special text from the bible."

"That the church can place into objects to increase their holy properties. I assure you Eiji, they are potent things. The Holy Scriptures are the most powerful weap- objects the Church has at their disposal. Imagine Eiji, if you were to place one of them inside of a gu-"

Violently rising from her spot on the bench, Sister Merena's hand would hover inches from closing around Grisha's throat.


Snapping to Eiji lips down, Sister Merena dropped her hand and quickly regained her composure, almost forgetting Grisha was protected by a Servant too.


Had she gone further, things could have gotten...very bad.

"Ah, apologies. I am so sorry. Excuse me, Grisha. Eiji. I get very sensitive when it comes to the Church's secrets. Usually, we have the prerogative to execute any and everybody who knows too much about our sacred customs."





For one long moment the overseer ignored the noise, opting to stare at the two for any sign of sudden moves. It would quite troublesome if tried to run without the finishing the competition first. The Church had special interest in seeing this end.

"Relax. I'm not going to kill either of you. At least, not until the end of the war. We share common goals."





"Please give me a moment." Pulling out her phone, the woman looked down to scroll the message a second, before clenching her teeth and placing a hand hard to her head.

"I have a job," she said mysteriously, setting the device onto a nearby bench. "Even after I told you fools not to cause a scene, you just can't resist."

"Wha..? Fools? Overseer. I-I don't think that tone is befitting of someone suppo - "

"A few of your company are having an all-out fight in the middle of the city. Police, helicopters, reporters, citizens, the works, all on their way over there now. The damn story is playing out live on T.V. I want this fixed. I want this done. Kill the Servant of whoever's involved in this mess."

"K-kill?" Eiji almost balked at the words with Grisha smirking too as he heard the absurdity of the task.

"Sister? Are you telling us to kill the Servants of other masters under your orders when you want us to? What...what makes you think we would put what you want above our own - "

"Ten. Ten Command Spells. That will be your reward."

Jaw dropping, Eiji laughed, Grisha snorting, "Sister, please," yet in the process of their dubiousness to the claim, Sister Merena's shirt would fall to reveal 27 glittering badges of red run in large lines from one side of her body to the other.

"You're clueless. There are many things you don't know about the Holy Grail War. The offer still stands. Ten Command Spells to whomever kills the one in charge and fixes this mess."


@Azure Sky
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As soon as another Servant and Master appeared, the kitsune was ready to fight if necessary, even if on the outside she looked calm and cheerful. Fortunately, she didn't need to fight. Someone apart from the partecipants of the Holy Grail War was actually trying to kill her master. She knew that most people out there weren't really fond of vampires, but attempting to kill one for no good reason was too much. If they'd try again, she swore to herself that she'd pin-point their location, and crush them.

As her master wished, she followed him to the Church. The other Master seemed rather naive from her point of view, but nobody was perfect. What did annoy her was the uncultured swine which called herself a Sister. Not only was she attempting to manipulate Grisha (and failed miserably to do so), but she also tried to kill her master. The kitsune's pupils became slit shaped and she gave off a high amount of pressure, the second Sister Merena charged towards the vampire. Luckly the woman stopped, or the kitsune would have made her an appointment with her Creator. At a certain point though, the Servant became fairly amused, as the Sister asked the two Masters for help, in exchange for a 10-seal reward. The kitsune took out a fan and placed it at the lower half of her face, to cover her mischievous smile.

"I am terribly sorry, but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?"

@Red @White Masquerade
Patrek Bergmann


Running a hand through his hair, Patrek looked to a lone squad car whizzing by; no doubt headed to where Fabiana and the others were. "Tch."

What did they think they could do? They were up against humans at the pinnacle of power and Servants that stood equipped with skills that dwarfed human magic altogether.


Guns certainly wouldn't be enough to keep those police alive. Worse still, this was after the sister warned them not to damage any of the surrounding area. The growing crowd of civilians worming their way down the street, Patrek could already see that this was going to get bad. Letting out a breath, he turned to the one just as nervous as him, asking, "Kimiko, you alright?"

Bending to hover atop the master sat against the concrete wall, he was at least comforted to see that she was getting along just fine. His temple being brushed by a hand, the mage reached to his Servant, hopefully already putting the final touches to the warriors of the other band.

"Hey, um, friend. I uh..don't mean to rush but, you don't happen to be finished yet? A lot of people are headed your way, and real soon the place is going to be packed by thousands watching your every move. Is it not done yet?"

Eyes flipping back to Kimiko, the magus contemplated having his Servant just drag the Venezuelan out of there. Whether that would be something Fabiana'd want...was going to be the million dollar question.

@Kalin Scarlet
Kimiko Kanegawa

Smiling, though a bit embarrassed Patrek had to pull her away from the fight just to calm her down, Kimiko took another long, breath, inhaling deep from her nose. And by some miracle from heaven, the jest worked. Slowly the squishing in her stomach stopped and the ringing in her ears paused.

'Hmph. What a foolish display.'

Like a bright light turned on in the darkness, the muffled comment came loud and clear to her head, its length cutting unsettling feelings down into her spine. In a way, it was funny. Back in Japan, she was leader of a branch of Yakuza, running her gang and streets without fear. Why was this now here, any different? Why was hesitation being input into everything she'd do? Why was it taking her now another second to think through and make her decisions? She used to be so confident..so responsive..so steady..what went wrong?

The woman did not want to admit it aloud, but the moment it all changed, was when she met Fabiana. Getting beaten into submission at the end of a short, one-sided match, shook Kimiko to her very core. Later waking up to find all her associates dead and the foreign woman sitting on her stomach, Kimiko's confidence broke when the bulk of her femur did too.

'Hmph. What a foolish display.'

Rustling the jewelry the South American Magus gave her, at least she was given a useful olive branch in the months following the incident. The earrings she now wore helped to center and focus that untapped kinetic magic of hers.

Despite all that they had been through, especially the rough meeting to start, Kimiko was in Fabiana's debt. Fabiana. She...really was a good woman.

"Patrek..? What do hear?" She asked, finally well enough to rise from her spot on the floor.

"Is everything alright?"
Liliane Roussel + Tomasson Ruiz

Both Tomasson and her stood in awe at the master that decided to take on Berserker. Thinking her to be truly crazy, there were no words; no string of sentences that could come out of Liliane's mouth. Even Tomasson was at a loss, staring for a second before shaking out of it to issue a command. Despite the development, he was still going to fight, except with the master himself. Pointing to a nearby building and speaking of the top, Liliane's eyes followed...but could not see the one he talked about.

Focusing on her Servant, Rider, the girl marveled at how good his sight was. Beaming quick, the girl thanked heaven for how skilled of a bodyguard she had. So when he said earlier, this would lead to the death of most Servants and masters...he was just being modest; Rider truly was the best. And he would come to prove it too in just a few seconds as a javelin came soaring down through the air. Oblivious to the lightning-quick action, Liliane only caught the summoning of horses and the weightlessness of being shifted onto one's rump.

"HORSES!?? Y-Y-You have HORSES???"

Filled instant with wonder, the girl's eyes were wide, completely forgetting they were smack dab in the middle of a war.

"You didn't tell me you could do that!?" She yelled incredulous.

"You can make horses! Oh my gosh, that's so cool! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Liliane in that moment of excitement was thoroughly enjoying herself, but her partner would be having non of it.

"What are you doing!?" Tomasson barked, glaring daggers from the side.

"I thought I told you to take Liliane someplace safe!? This is my fight! I got who I want; the noble. And Berserker and I will beat her! If you really want to help that bad, go make sure that one who attacked does not interfere."

Turning to Liliane he'd say, "You follow your bodyguard okay? Anything he tells you to do to keep you safe, you listen. You don't worry about me," he finished, trying to wriggle free from Rider's grasp.

"There's just something I need to complete, Lil. Remember back in the office? When you said your Servant might be stronger than mine. Well. That's not true," he smirked with a glint in his eye.

"And I'll prove it you."

The grin on the younger from the advent of her Servant being able to summon horses, faded as she could see in Tomasson's that this was something he really wanted to do.

"...Fine..," she mumbled, acquiescing to him this time. "Bodyguard...let him go. Toma. You better be careful...or...I'll be mad at you. Promise you'll come back not hurt. Right now."

"Haha. Lil don't be ridi - "

"Promise. Me."

"...Alright. I...promise."

The Heroic Spirit of Madness took the hit head-on, grabbing the mana-infused blade and stopping it with brute force. The blade tore apart his hand as he kept an vice-like grip on the weapon. Despite the visible carnage to his hand, the Servant looked just as focused as ever. He stepped forward, still clutching the blade as he closed in for another attack.

"Hmph. I would have enjoyed fighting alongside a woman like you back in my youth." For a brief moment, his vision blurred and he found the woman replaced with a familiar face. An undefeated legend who threatened his keepings. The visible part of his mouth curled into a grimace as he grit his teeth and brought the pommel of his sword down towards the noble's right shoulder. A brief shot of pain came from the upkeep as Berserker's Mad Enhancement began to kick in.

(2x Weak Prana)


Information on Berserker's Phantasm has been revealed! Check the notes...

@White Masquerade)
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Patrek's Servant

Charging forward, the knight appeared in front of Berserker, pushing Fabiana back as his arm raised up to block the Servant's attack. Pain shot through his arm, but faded as he swung a fist at Berserker, before leaping away. He turned to Fabiana, as a massive steel jousting lance appeared in his hand.

"By the order of my master, I am here to keep you alive, Milady. Send your servant elsewhere. I will handle this one, myself."

[intercepts for Fabiana]

[2x Weak Prana]

@White Masquerade

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The Riverside Church


The Church

Sister Merena

It was dark. Musty. Clean. Though a tad bit gloomy from the rays of light barely being able to make it into the room. It would be fitting however, for what the noble sister was about to do.

'I am terribly sorry, but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?'

Hand reaching into a leather bag dotted by red with the symbol of the Church, the Sister sneered, savoring the sweet look of insolence on that cat-faced fox.

"I am terribly sorry, but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?"

In she breathed, taking the dank smell of the Church's back room in through her nose, but to Merena, in this moment...it smelled like victory.


The bag was tossed to the middle of the floor and with a serpentine anticipation, Merena slinked to one side of the room, running her fingers across the threads of another large bag up and down; this one holding her most prized possession.


The garb was deftly thrown to the room's opposite, letting its content twinkle in the muffled beaming of the morning's light.

"'Made you look like a prostitute for a second,'" she mocked. "You're the one that looks she got around."

Like hell she was going to let some half-dead zombie mouth off and push her around. She'd wipe that snaggle-toothed grin from straight off that kitsune's face.

"My darling, my darling...ah. Would you like to excise some evil? Erase some abominations? Aw, Aw, I know," she soothed, running fingers across the barrel.

"I know you wanted to kill that Vampire, but hold on. Soon. He will come, alright? Yet for now, there's something else we must address. We're going to change history, my friend. No more bending over to the whims of foolish people and dealing with the troubles of things that shouldn't exist."

'...but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?'

"The Church takes back control today."

Drawing her weapon directly toward the dotted bag sitting in the center of the floor, the sister smiled as she put the mouth of her 3rd Holy scripture Exodus, right up to the string still knot loose around its throat.

"Dead people shouldn't talk."



Pulling the trigger to the Sniper Rifle, Sister Merena was thrust into the wall, hard, of the chamber, breaking an arm, shoulder, hand, rib, and wrist, collapsing a lung in the process. Pain wracked her form as blood seeped in pockets through her clothes, but seeing the results of her handiwork nonetheless elicited a wide grin with the shining cup glittered, broken, in her sight.

It was the Lesser Grail. The key to unlocking the full power of the Greater Grail and pivotal piece to keep the ritual going. Without it, the war for the Grail would be made useless and quickly fall apart.

Soon, one-by-one, the Servants would be disappearing, and they'd be none the wiser. This was effectively a declaration of war against the magi, but she didn't care; she'd take whatever punishment were coming her way. It was eventually going to come this anyway. All she did was speed things up.


Now. If only. Before she passed out...she could see the stupid look on that Kitsune's face.

The End of Fate/Freefall

And there is the Free Fall. Congratulations! You have finished Part 2 of the Fate tournament series! I thought the RP would end at post #102, you might be wondering, yes. I lied to you.

There were two endings. Pissing off the overseer was the other, and Azure did it beautifully. ( :) ). Lol. We didn't get to do much, but it was a fun start xD . Let this be a lesson to those who tried to limit their posts. Servants are now in the process of disappearing from the world, so each one will have an opportunity to do a final post before fading away (if you so choose). Any questions, ask me in the OOC!



@Azure Sky


@Kalin Scarlet


The Heroic Spirit took the punch head on - and soon began regenerating as usual. With the power of the relic and his own legend, he was a Servant who defied his own fate. Yet, something seemed fundamentally wrong - and then he felt his existence slipping away. Taking a deep breath, the young man sheathed the broken sword and removed his mask. Part of his face was marred by a unrelenting infection, but what remained untouched was the handsome, if not stern face of a teenager.

"...I suppose this brief sparring match is over then. A shame, it seems like it would have made for a good memory. Perhaps next time I'm summoned, I'll be able to clash blades with Saladin once more." The teenage king rolled his shoulder before turning to address the man who called forth his existence.

"Congratulations Master, you've managed to survive. I wish you luck in achieving that which you would stake your life for." He smiled softly as his body began to glow. Soon enough, he began to scatter into golden particles that disappeared into the air. The young man, King Baldwin IV, returned to the Throne of Heroes first - not truly satisfied with the outcome but relieved nonetheless.


There exists a small city a long way from the unsleeping city. A quiet, modest metropolis called Mayhunt. In recent years, the city has undergone a great metamorphosis. The advancements in technology and a certain company's developments have turned its downtown district into a innovational giant that rivals Silicon Valley.

Slowly, things start to align. A young man seeking revenge, a girl in search of something she's never had, a man who hunts those called 'demons'. Drawn together by the invisible strings of fate, their meeting can only result in conflict and bloodshed. Yet, their own destinies are all connected to a certain individual.

A 「Black Shadow」walks upon an empty street. Tall and clad in the darkness of the night, he gazes around the rapidly emptying street. He seeks some
thingone. Those untrained in the art of Magecraft pay no heed to him as he stops and directs his one-eyed gaze at an unremarkable alleyway. A smirk appears on his face. He enters the dark passage and approaches the personfragment. Clearing his throat, the stranger speaks.

"Oi, oi. It's time to wake up now. It's time to fulfill your pact."

(@White Masquerade)

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[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Sister Merena
It was dark. Musty. Clean. Though a tad bit gloomy from the rays of light barely being able to make it into the room. It would be fitting however, for what the noble sister was about to do.

'I am terribly sorry, but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?'

Hand reaching into a leather bag dotted by red with the symbol of the Church, the Sister sneered, savoring the sweet look of insolence on that cat-faced fox.

"I am terribly sorry, but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?"

In she breathed, taking the dank smell of the Church's back room in through her nose, but to Merena, in this moment...it smelled like victory.


The bag was tossed to the middle of the floor and with a serpentine anticipation, Merena slinked to one side of the room, running her fingers across the threads of another large bag up and down; this one holding her most prized possession.


The garb was deftly thrown to the room's opposite, letting its content twinkle in the muffled beaming of the morning's light.

"'Made you look like a prostitute for a second,'" she mocked. "You're the one that looks she got around."

Like hell she was going to let some half-dead zombie mouth off and push her around. She'd wipe that snaggle-toothed grin from straight off that kitsune's face.

"My darling, my darling...ah. Would you like to excise some evil? Erase some abominations? Aw, Aw, I know," she soothed, running fingers across the barrel.

"I know you wanted to kill that Vampire, but hold on. Soon. He will come, alright? Yet for now, there's something else we must address. We're going to change history, my friend. No more bending over to the whims of foolish people and dealing with the troubles of things that shouldn't exist."

'...but the way you presented your offer made you look like a prostitute for a second. Funny contrast to your Sister status, don't you think?'

"The Church takes back control today."

Drawing her weapon directly toward the dotted bag sitting in the center of the floor, the sister smiled as she put the mouth of her 3rd Holy scripture Exodus, right up to the string still knot loose around its throat.

"Dead people shouldn't talk."



Pulling the trigger to the Sniper Rifle, Sister Merena was thrust into the wall, hard, of the chamber, breaking an arm, shoulder, hand, rib, and wrist, collapsing a lung in the process. Pain wracked her form as blood seeped in pockets through her clothes, but seeing the results of her handiwork nonetheless elicited a wide grin with the shining cup glittered, broken, in her sight.

It was the Lesser Grail. The key to unlocking the full power of the Greater Grail and pivotal piece to keep the ritual going. Without it, the war for the Grail would be made useless and quickly fall apart.

Soon, one-by-one, the Servants would be disappearing, and they'd be none the wiser. This was effectively a declaration of war against the magi, but she didn't care; she'd take whatever punishment were coming her way. It was eventually going to come this anyway. All she did was speed things up.


Now. If only. Before she passed out...she could see the stupid look on that Kitsune's face.

The Kitsune still had her fan placed around her mouth when the Sister displayed her hardcore masochistic behaviour. She had it when she approached Mirena's soon-to-be-dead body. Once she took the fan away from her mouth she showed a cruel smile. She understood whatthe Sister's intentions were, as she could feel it. The power of the Lesser Grail dispersing.

"Oh dear, did my little joke hit a nerve? Seems like it. Hehe" her smile eventually turned into a malicious smirk. "Let's see, you let your pride get the best of you, went agains the rules of the Holy Grail, and committed suicide. Going by Christian standards, you soiled your soul just to get back at me. Marvelous, truly marvelous. You did it! You managed to soil the purest thing which defines the existence of a human. You are truly...the greatest whore of them all" finally her malicious smirk turned into a radiant smile as she leaned towards the Sister and whispered into her ear: "History won't change, the Holy Grail War will continue to exist, and we Servants never truly die. All you did was to speeden up our return to the Throne of Heroes. On the other hand, you will die here, in agony and pain, and will be remembered as a psychotic Sister who turned her back to the will of her god".

As she distanced herself from the sister, the kitsune actually had a sympathetic look on her face as her ears twitched.

"I... pity you."

After finishing her little speech she turned her attention towards her master and gently hugged him while using almost no force.

"I am sorry master. I couldn't make your wish come true. But I am sure you will achieve it one day, and make history."

With that said, she stepped away from her master and awaited her disappearance.
Liliane's Servant

Obeying the commands of both Masters Rider charged at Archer trying to strike before the enemy could launch another attack but he stopped short.

"Hmph looks like we won't get to fight each other Archer, it would've been an interesting matchup."

Sighing he gently lifted his Master out of the saddle and placed her on the ground.

"I'm sorry Liliane, it seems no one is getting their wish this time." He looked back at Tomasson, Rider doubted the two of them had much of a chance of defeating the Master that had been dueling with Berserker.

"Perhaps there is something I can do before I'm gone though. Please don't try to stop me Archer."

Spurring his mount forward Rider charged the enemy with his sword raised high.


Rider's sword arm blurred into a storm of flashing steel, pouring blows on his foe like a pounding rainstorm.

When his strength was utterly spent the horse faded away dropping Rider onto his knees.

"I guess...in the end....I only just managed to be a bodyguard."

@White Masquerade

@Kalin Scarlet


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