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Colosseum [Fandom] Fate/Freefall: [Completed]

Which Servant Will Win?

  • Lancer Class

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Saber Class

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Berserker Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caster Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rider Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Assassin Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Archer Class

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  • Total voters

White Masquerade

QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

New York City, New York
Midnight (12 A.M.)

New York City. Cool, cosmopolitan, crowded, constantly evolving…the Big Apple blends big-city splendor with small-town charm. Amid Gotham's iconic landmarks and towering skyscrapers, you'll experience a vibrant culture permeating each of the city's distinctive neighborhoods and boroughs. Follow trendsetters to the East Village and Brooklyn to check out indie boutiques, iconic bakeries and trendy coffee shops. Afterward, peruse the racks of the sleek shops lining Fifth Avenue, admire the cutting-edge art collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and catch a memorable show on Broadway or sit down for a meal at the latest "it" restaurant.

As the most populous city in the U.S. — set at the forefront of food, fashion and the arts — NYC requires stamina. But don't let the Big Apple's frenetic sights and sounds intimidate you from soaking up its grandeur. Wander through the concrete jungle and you'll discover roaring taxicabs pouring down bustling blocks, fast-paced pedestrians whizzing past on their way to marquee galleries and innovative cocktail bars and Times Square's neon lights flickering at all hours. And yet, the city's twinkling lights and chaotic corners also invite you to embrace every New York minute, explore every flourishing enclave and create your own urban adventure. There are virtually endless ways to occupy your time in the city that never sleeps, but before you leave, stop and look around — what's here today will be transformed into something bigger and better tomorrow.

This is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. So it should come as no surprise that it's also one of the most diverse. The city is known for its ethnic neighborhoods, as well as its status as the country's trendsetter, making it difficult to define one specific "culture" of the Big Apple. As home to the most vibrant theater and fashions scenes in the country and a large contingent of schools and Wall Street on top of that, NYC also shelters a large gay community as well as many students, artists, fashionistas, writers, businessmen and so on. Stereotypically, New Yorkers are portrayed as brash and rude. But as a native explains, "New Yorkers are unfailingly proud of their great city, and this pride can, at times, come off as arrogance."

However, contrary to popular belief...most New Yorkers are happy to help you explore their home.


(7 Masters) Command Seal Pool: 0/21

(Previous Wars) Command Seal Leftovers: 27/27

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Undisclosed Location 1

Kimiko Kanegawa

Upon the clearing of the summon's ethereal smoke, Kimiko's eyes turned wide. In her throat, she could feel the bile threatening to come out. Desperately trying not to lose the contents of her stomach over the one she called forth, she averted her eyes towards the floor, then to the other two also in the room with her. Neither were paying mind as they had their own rituals to attend to.

Come on, Kimiko. Focus. You're a Magus. Get a hold of yourself. Take a deep breath. Calm down and do what you have to do.

Lowered came the pressure driving her blood, and once again, the Magus raised her eyes, but just to the spot sitting above her servant's chest. There was no way she could look her square in the eyes...no. Not yet.

"My servant," she began, sticking out an arm.

"I am a participant in this battle for the match's Holy Grail. I ask from the bottom of my heart that you aid me in reaching it. I, Kimiko Kanegawa, will help you fulfill your wish, if you help me fulfill mine. I ask that you let me be your master."


Fabiana Arriaga

Looking at him slowly, up then down, Fabianna stood with arms crossed and lips that showed neither happiness nor disgrace. The smoke was now gone and upon the dispersal, she greedily took in his features.

Tip. Tap. Top.

Walking straight up to the man, she settled for a moment on his eyes, then moved around in a circle inspecting for the slightest defect. Reaching out a hand to tap him lightly on the butt, she noted the firmness and grinned as she moved the hand to the calf of a leg. There was not a dip in skin when she pressed the muscle and that alone was enough to elicit a, "Wow...you're strong."

Moving it up to his thigh, her smirk got wider as this section seemed to be quite firm too.

"Wow. You're really strong."

Removing her hand, it was quickly slipped under the man's shirt, the digits of her hand taking in the chiseled outline of his abs.

"Mhm...you are certainly a heroic spirit indeed,"
she lauded, placing her limbs back by her sides. "One worthy of being my servant."

Raising a hand as a princess to a chivalrous knight, she willed him to kiss it...but would verbalize it for good measure too in case the meaning would be lost.

"Kiss it. I am your master now and you are my servant. You were lucky to have been paired with someone as I. If you want a wish granted, let me know. There's nothing in this world I need that I can't get on my own. With me, you have this all but won. Haha. So then. Here is to a very successful Holy Grail War."


Patrek Bergmann


His mind was on miss Arriaga. After so long, he finally got to take a look at that tight, little body of hers once more. Damn. She looked even better than when they last got to know each other. Which made him frown. Down to her red undergarments. That was as far as he got. Fabiana was most certainly a cruel woman.

"I was right at the edge, friend," he smirked to his newly summoned partner.

"Was a little nervous at first, but hey, what do you know? Right on the spot I find I love a woman that's in charge. Ahhh. Well. I mean, at least I did get to grab - "

Stopping, Patrek looked at his servant, a sheepish grin plastered across his face. "I'm so sorry. Where are my manners? Patrek Bergmann, friend," he introduced, raising his hand for a quick high-five.

"If I had a wish, it'd be to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. Can't think of anything else I'd rather have really. Hopefully you have something a little more...of substance, haha! Regardless - "


Whipping around, Patrek was greeted with Kimiko Kanegawa vomiting at the foot of her servant.

"...Well. And this is not really a confidence booster...but for the time being we're paired with them. The other chick is badass though. I will vouch for her."

@Kalin Scarlet

Undisclosed Location 2

Tomasson Ruiz + Liliane Roussel

Pulling a lighter from his pocket, Tomasson reached into the other for his usual pack of cigarettes. Lighting it quick and puffing a long, long draft, he was excited that soon this would finally begin. Bobbing his head up and down to a smooth lyric of Jazz from his time at home when he was a small lad, the Mage eyed his servant, not saying a word. For a full minute he stayed there, taking drag after drag, slowly filling the room with a light haze.

"TOMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSON! Look! Look what I got! It worked just like you said!"

Turning eyes to the beaming Liliane Roussel, Tomasson smiled at the exuberance of youth. Oh to be young again. To have your knees and back not seize up at the slightest touch of work; it was an envious thing.

"He looks pretty tough too. Has a big sword and all! Maybe even stronger than yours," she giggled, placing her hand on the servant of her own.

"Gah! Honestly! I don't know why my were parents were hiding something like this from me! Magic! I know magic! That's amazing! Ohhh if someone told me earlier, I would have quit singing a long time ago!"

"And that's why they didn't tell you," Toma interjected, patting the child on the head.

"Magic isn't anything to play with, Lil. Sometimes it can be dangerous. This competition we're in...it can be trouble. I will do my best to keep you safe, but if I say to leave or give up, you do it okay?"

"Dangerous? Well that's why you gave me this bodyguard right? It will be fine! You have one too. Two is better than one, Toma. You let me sing in front of millions. You showed me to the world, Toma. I am going to pay you back. There's no way I'll go until you get what you want."

Sighing, Tomasson shook his head while shifting once more to face that of his servant's. He had no idea if Liliane really knew whether this was a game or not.

"Tomasson Ruiz. Nice to meet you. I would like to be your master for this war. I have a wish to be granted. To prove that my family, the Ruiz, are as good as, if not better than those nobles that look down on us. Will you help me with this?"



Undisclosed Location 3

Grisha Ulyanov


Sounding in caution as the lights flickered in an underground basement, Grisha was mildly elated he could find someone else to talk to. The past few weeks locked away with his...master, were some of the most grueling in his life. Answering the summons to New York, the boy was fully prepared to strike the man down as he opened the door to to the apartment, but something caught Grisha off guard as his hand raised. His master was a...woman. And taking advantage of his shock, the lady closed a hand tight around his neck, looking at him in amusement and she threatened to drain the life from his bones...not that there was any to begin with.

Snapping back to reality, he rose to his feet from its cross on the floor, still keeping a good distance away.

"Grisha Ulyanov. It is a pleasure, servant. So you are the heroic spirits I was informed about. Grand. This will certainly do. You will certainly do. From what I understand, there are 6 other competitors and they must be eliminated to win? After that, we receive a wish-making machine called the Holy Grail. Ha. Who knew the magicians played with such fun things? Here I was thinking only the Church had goodies."

Bowing to his servant, Grisha said, "I like your ears," and grinned moving on the way back up.

"Please, allow me to be your master. As explained by my own, I am tied to a horrible fate. As long as I am her underling, I must gather the blood of humans to give to her. The only way out would be to kill her and take her place. I honestly abhor both options. This wish machine...the Holy Grail. I want to make it so vampires never existed. Ah. Yes. I almost forgot to mention. I am indeed a full-fledged vampire."


Undisclosed Location 4

Eiji Komagata

Standing in front of his Servant, Eiji kept his mouth firm and lips taut as one being presented before a great man he considered his equal. The two auras would clash and the Magis could tell the one he had summoned was a powerful beyond compare; one that'd undoubtedly be able to not only help him fulfill the request of Kimiko’s father, but win him the grail if all went well.

To banish the heads of the current Mage’s Association. That was his wish. That was his goal. To create a society for mage’s not corrupt like the one that spread across the world now. One that respected an individual’s wishes, looked at everyone as equals, and placed an emphasis on growing the heart and skill of its members to its heights as a cohesive whole.

“An organization that is free and kind to all mages that inhabit it, is what I aspire for in this world. Noble warrior, will you help me in this? I ask that you tell me what you wish for too. As your summoner, you have my word I will do all I can to create the change you wish to see as well. I will work for you just as hard as you would work for me. Equals,” he finished, sticking out a wide hand.

"Is what we are. You and I."


Final Notes

Hey all! First off, do not post. I will be doing the official introduction later today. This was just to give you a formal taste of the masters you'll be working with. With that said, this RP will end at post #101. This is not enforced, but do try to keep a 3 Paragraph MAXIMUM on your posts. I want this short and sweet. I will be throwing many things out and pushing myself to write in ways I never have before, so please enjoy yourselves and know it is all in good fun! Good Luck!
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The Riverside Church


The Church

Sister Merena


"Good. You are all here. I honestly thought some of you would be a no-show. Though, if the Grail War was cancelled, I wouldn't have minded at all."

Laughing to herself, Sister Serena caught the eye of Fabiana, the only noble, and grinned wide.

"Excuse me. It was just a joke. A little Church humor is all. Ahem."

Visually inspecting each and every Master gathered, the woman's gaze lingered on Grisha for a moment far too long. Whether it was meant to be seen or not would be anyone's guess, but quickly turning away, she'd act as if nothing had occurred at all.

"With only one noble here, I don't expect you all to do much, but per the contract, I am obligated to say, try and keep the damage to a minimum. You will not be punished for any actions you take during the course war, nonetheless, too much destruction will negatively reflect on your kind and profession as a whole. You don't want to be criticized as the group who leveled half the most populated city in the U.S. do you?"

Checking the names off her list one last time and placing it on a pew, Merena leaned into the bench with her arms crossed.

"Any issues, you come and see me. I may or may not be here; it's up in the air. I have other church business to attend to. But you're all smart, capable people. I'm sure you can figure out whatever issue you have on your own. And that's it. The pre-meeting is done. You all can go and do...whatever it is you mages do. Thanks for coming. The city as well as Church thanks you."

The Holy Grail. A fabled object of immense power said to appear every 60 years in a place of its choice. It had been 2 years since the last showing and now it was set to be revealed again. For two weeks, the window to reclaim the grail would remain open, but this time, beginning with the previous war set in Brazil, things would be different.

At the behest of the church, the Mage's Association were bound to find a way of minimizing damage done to the city by Magi following the terror of a prior Holy Grail War, in which a third of the people living in Paris, France lost their lives. So it was in 1990, 27 years before our current time, that the Divine-Magiciana was signed. A binding agreement between the Church and all those of the Mage's Association, it narrows down the days to fight for the grail to only one: the final one, where if the mages are not able to secure it before the door closes, it will retreat back into the depths of time and be lost to the world for another 60 years. However, outlined in the deal, the Church has ceded benefits too with one pertaining directly to the War. During its final day of battle, as all the mages gather, they would be free to act without church supervision. Servants ending the lives of civilians, participants destroying public property, kidnapping humans, speaking to them, carrying out acts directly in the face of them...it'd all be allowed.

The New York City Holy Grail War.

The rules have been given, date chosen, and names signed.

In four hours, as the clock strikes twelve midnight to bring in the last day, the latest battle for the long-awaited Holy Grail would begin.

The Grail War Begins

Fabiana Arriaga + Kimiko Kanegawa + Patrek Bergmann

Walking down a long strip of blackened New York City alleyway, Patrek had his hands folded behind his head, shocked there were still tons of people navigating the main roadways, at 12AM midnight no less, but was more unnerved at the deafening silence of his companions.

Did they hate each other or something? Did he smell bad? Were they intimidated by his figure? The Mage couldn't figure what is was and following 10 more seconds of pure quiet it began to weigh heavy on his mind.

What problem did they have!? Was this really how a team was supposed to be?? No interaction? No, "Hello"? No, "I am doing well, how are you"? What was this?!

"Fabiana, Fabiana. Misses Arriaga! You look absolutely scrumptious, this fine evening!"

And the noble stopped.

Which caused Kimiko to too.

Suddenly feeling dread, Patrek wished he had just kept his mouth shut.

"Kimiko," called the Arriaga.

"Bring your Servant."

"Huh? M-My Servant...call them? Why?"

"Because I'm calling mine too."

Raising a hand, Fabiana rang her fighter to appear, materializing the being in a blue wisp of moving, rippling, air.

"Attack Kimiko Kanegawa."

"Woah! Hey! Hey! Fab -"

"Shush. This is something we need to do. You're fine, but Kimiko...I don't trust her. Rather, confident that she can help us."

Face scrunched up in palpable surprise, the Magus couldn't believe her ears! She had trained with the Arriaga for the major part of a year and now suddenly wasn't enough to be trusted? What was going on!? Where did this come from all of a sudden??

"It's not you I have a problem with," clarified the noble, quickly picking up on the woman's shadowed expression.

"I need to trust that your servant can do more than just make people vomit. My servant won't attack yours with anything lethal; just enough to make her move. I want to see if yours will be of any help to us, or just a liability. So. Get to it. Call her out."

Swallowing, Kimiko would follow orders and hold out a hand to materialize her servant too. Turning away as the woman appeared before her, the Kanegawa only issued a command, still unable to look her partner in her eyes.

"Please...Protect me."

@Kalin Scarlet



You May Begin

I have chosen to start off the RP with my favorite group of Kimiko, Fabiana, and Patrek! I look forward to their growing relationship between Masters and Servants alike! Everyone is now free to post. I will be getting to the other Masters, but if any of those Servants would like to go first, you may go ahead! My posts from here on, will be much shorter! Salute!
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Collaboration with @Adachi

Fabiana's Servant



The summoning was complete. The newly arrived servant took in his surroundings. Two other pairs were already in the room. His master already had an alliance ready, good.

He then looked before him, his eyes meeting those of his master. His first observation would be of her height and frame. The girl was much smaller than him, though he knew better than to underestimate someone for something as silly as that.

His new partner walked up to him, proceeding to run her hands up his body, her fingers taking their time to get acquainted with his muscles.

For the time being, he was quiet. He lips didn’t move, but his eyes followed the girl as she moved, refusing to lose sight of her. His own analysis had begun.

Once his master had satisfied herself, she put out her hand and commanded the servant to kiss it.

The tall figure rose his hand, his finger gently cupping hers. His eyes showed no signs of emotion, he was simply observing her.

“Your magic ability would indicate you are truly my master, and yet your character refutes that belief. You’re arrogant, like many of the kings my sword has brought down. You look at your servant as if he were a tool created for your amusement, and perhaps that may be true for other servants, but you have summoned me. You would do well to recognize who you are dealing with, girl. I also have no doubt the other two in this room are simply pawns in your game, a dangerous move,” he said, silently stating the last bit.

His eyes narrowed, as if to express his dissatisfaction with the woman he was to serve. He released her hand.

“I am your servant, and the fact that you were able to summon me is your only redeeming quality as of now. When you prove your worthiness, I will kiss your hand.”

The servant walked past her.
“Strange that I would be summoned in this class,” he said to himself.


"Attack Kimiko Kanegawa."

His master had issued another order, moments after she had summoned him. This one was less absurd than the one earlier, she wished to test the members of her alliance. Still, the servant did not completely agree with her actions. Nevertheless, he nodded. Materializing a spear into his right hand, the now armored servant took his form and began his attack, pushing his spear towards Kimiko’s direction. (1 Basic Prana)

Kimiko's Servant


Kimiko’s servant recalled their first meeting. From that moment until this one, Kimiko had refused to look her in the eyes. Was it fear that consumed Kimiko? The servant was no stranger to others fearing her. Was it guilt? Did Kimiko think her weakness caused her servant to appear this way? Half dead. Maybe it was both, maybe it was neither, but what it most definitely was, was weakness. And Kimiko had shown that weakness to her “team” the moment the vomit left her mouth.

Now this woman, “Fabiana”, had asked her servant to attack Kimiko. Was it really a way to test Kimiko and her servant’s strength, or a ploy to get rid of them both? Fabiana reminded the cloaked servant of her father. Much like him, she wasn’t to be trusted.

Now her servant, a man in hefty armor, was attacking, and Kimiko, the girl who wouldn’t even look her own servant in the eyes, was pleading for help.

But Kimiko’s servant cared for Kimiko none the less. Vomit or no vomit, Kimiko trusted her servant to protect her, and the half dead woman took great pride in that.

The servants left arm flew out of her cloak. Where there should have been fingers were 5 large black claws.

As Fabiana’s servant pushed his spear towards Kimiko, Kimiko’s servant dashed forward slicing at the spear with her left hand, cutting it clean in half.

She landed her body in front of Kimiko’s, facing towards the other two masters and the other servant. Her arm stretched straight out to her left. (1 Elude Prana)
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Liliane Roussel + Tomasson Ruiz

The daaaily things,

that keeeep us aaall...

Aaare...confuuusing me..

That's when you caaame to meee...

and said,

"Wish I could prove I love you,

but does that mean I have to walk..on waterrr..?

When we are older you'll

It's enough, When. I. Say. So.

And maybe, some things are that simple.."

When. You. Walk. A. Way. You. Don't. Hear. Me. Say:

Pleeease....oh baaaby...don't go.

Simple and clean is the waaay that you're making me feeeel tonight...

It's haaard to leeet go,


Tomasson shut his eyes to appreciate the music lifting off out through the air of the streets near Central Park. It was no lie; it was magical indeed. This girl could perform. Which left the man further in a state of despair. Thinking over it now, how could he have entered her into this? A dangerous competition where civilians, servants, masters, property, and futures alike had become destroyed over the opportunity to have one, rule-free, wish. Here Liliane was, a beautiful, young girl, flanked by a legendary warrior as burly as his own standing beside.

"You wouldn't have any opinion on this would you?" Toma asked his fighter, while taking another puff of his cigarillo.

"Just some time ago I had only the thought of winning running through my head. To have the Ruiz pro our stuff. But now here I am, listening to a sparkling child's wonderful music. I don't know. It just feel like I made the wrong call."

"TOMAAAA! I can hear you!!!"

Hand up cupped to an ear, Liliane frowned at the doubter, clearly enraged he would even think of going back on his word.

MA-GIC! AIR! I can hear your words like you're right next to me! Hey! Don't bother whispering behind my back about me Toma! I will catch you every time! Stop it!"

Running a hand through her hair and turning toward her own waiting Servant, Liliane smiled, albeit a sad one.

"...Hey...you don't think I'm weak do you..? I mean, yeah, I only learned magic a short time ago, I mean, I only learned how to use it a short time ago, meaning I always had it before, just didn't know it, but..GAH! Ugh! Is this thing,"
she sighed.

"Is this thing really that scary? People can die right? That's what Toma told me. But I don't know. He is very kind. I like him. Whatever he wants to do...I want to help him do it. I don't much about this war or whatever, but we're both going to use our magic, and we're going to win! You're strong. I know you are. I feel it. Whatever happens, you'll always be there for us...right? You'll protect Toma and I from everything. That's because you're one of the best...right?"


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Liliane's Servant clapped casually when she stopped singing though he clearly appeared perturbed by Tomasson's musing about his Master's suitability for the Holy Grail war and her own questions about the danger of the war itself. As Liliane spoke to him in a voice tinged with worry his expression turned openly serious.

"Your potential is undeniable and your progress thus far is remarkable but the Holy Grail war will likely end with the deaths of most of the Masters let alone us Servants however, I am far from incapable and I am also bound by our pact to protect you with all of my strength."

He paused to glance significantly at Tomasson's own Servant.

"However I would hope that I won't have to be fighting all the other Masters and their Servants alone. Tell me friend what might your skill-set be like? I'd rather avoid stepping on a valued ally's toes in the middle of a battle."

Turning back to his Master he spoke to her again.

"So if you were to obtain the Grail at the end of all this you would make the same wish as your friend here? Or would you merely pass it over to him?

@White Masquerade

The female Servant analyzed her master carefully. A vampire, huh? Still he looked so young, and cute. Even with all his power, to her he looked like a smug little puppy. The woman had a mischevous grin on her face and her fox ears twitched, as she supressed her urge to hug him. She didn't want to break his bones. She eventually snapped out of it, and made a serious face.

"Fear not, as I shall help you. Your words and the strong resolve you have displayed have convinced me. I shall be your servant" she said, calmly and cheerfully.

Still, he wanted to exterminate all vampires, and he was a vampire as well. One question came to her mind.

"Master, do you wish to die as well?" she asked, showing concern.

@White Masquerade
The servant stood still as he slowly became accustomed to his recreated body. The once familiar pain that wracked his body settled into a strange, dull throbbing as he looked down at his own attire. His unkempt and worn attire was a telltale sign of the class he had been summoned into: Berserker. Immediately, pain would have shot through his Master's magical circuits - the intense strain of the Servant's class would slowly kill him regardless of whether or not he was materialized.

"It's fitting, isn't it? You too will share the pain that I had to endure in life. There was a time where I believed myself to be immortal - but I soon came to value my own mortality. Will you attempt to accomplish something before you inevitably die for this foolish ritual?" An undeniably young voice spoke from beneath the beaten and time-tested mask. Despite that, it almost seemed as if that voice carried some amount of weight - the Servant spoke with the authority of royalty and the wisdom of a philosopher.

Whatever expression he carried was hidden away by that dreadful mask. He turned his head slightly, perhaps to glance at the girl. His gaze lingered on her for a few brief moments before he turned his head back towards the man who would serve as his Master.

"The Mad Enhancement placed upon me is of a low rank, though I do not possess the same wisdom or charisma I would have had as a Saber. Whether or not you fumbled the summoning doesn't matter at this point now. Point me at an enemy and I will slay them."

Prana Strain: -15 HP to Non-Noble Master)

@White Masquerade


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The Servant looked at his hand as he moved his fingers to acclimatize himself to his newly given form. He was still trying to wrap around the fact that he was summoned to the Holy Grail War. Shortly after a few moments, he looked at his summoner. A man of a dignified stature and good breeding. It very much reminded him of people from his past.

"Equals?" he repeated as he heard his Master utter the word. "Know this, whelp. No man is my equal. Rejoice, mortal. For you have me as your Servant. This war is as good as won." he said proudly.

The Servant refused to divulge his wish to his Master as he felt that he wasn't worthy enough. He was hesitant about this man, whether he could measure up.

"Enough, dilly-dallying. If there's a fight to be fought, then we should be on our way."
Grisha Ulyanov

"Ah. You are quite astute, kitsune. If I wish to die as well hm?" He mumbled absent-mindedly under covers of breath. For a long moment, Grisha's pupils went blank, unfocused against the flickering candles of the stone dungeon, deep twinklings spinning in his eyes.

"Come, Servant," he mouthed, snapping back from the time loss of reality. "Let us leave from these dingy corridors. Master wants me to introduce you to her...but I'd rather be off and about than spend another minute in her presence, dear kitsune. I wouldn't want to subject you to that kind of..venom as well. Hm. Besides, it would be much more lovely to speak with you in the night's fresh air. It does wonders for the skin."

In truth, Grisha wanted to leave because he was most mobile at night. Severely weakened during the day, the man looked forward to the coming of sunset and dusk as to him, they were his, "day".

"The entrance to the surface is right this way," he offered, sweeping his arm before the fox. "It might be hard to walk on paws instead of feet. The stairs are slippery. Please, watch your step."

Rolling his neck, bending down to his toes, and stretching his arms, Grisha's spirits would lift. The night. He could feel darkness wrap around him, muscles tinge with devious energy, and delicious aromas of blood emanating in waves unceasingly around. New York. A city that never slept. Where even in the wee hours of the morning he'd be able to find plentiful sources of food to keep him healthy and strong..

He could get used to this.

"Now," he spoke turning to his servant.

"Your question from earlier. I -"



Ripping through with the skies, screeching like a madman with a high-pitched wail was a searing, red laser trained directly toward the heart of Grisha.

"Wh-Wha - "


An attack has been launched at Grisha. It will cost a servant 1 Elude to block, but cost a Master 2. If the hit lands, it will destroy 35 HP. What will you do?

@Azure Sky
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Eiji Komagata

It would suffice to say that the master Eiji Komagata, had the wind thoroughly knocked from right out of him. For a brief moment, he thought he would be able to see eye-to-eye with this one. To give a servant respect. It was second-nature that for someone like him, he would find such a legendary partner as an equal. Though what arrived from the situation, was a show of importance; an outpouring of gusto and bravado. Yet, if the master were being honest with himself, what had occurred was not unwarranted as servants were the greatest people of history called to battle from their homes in the throne of heroes...or so he had heard. This scenario...one where has was belittled by his warrior...was just not on he was...expecting.

Glancing behind him, Eiji momentarily regarded the man with a slight disdain settling in his gut. Not out of or over anything fair, but a personal place where the heart of his pride was kept. It hurt to be scorned.

The level atmosphere was currently delicate with Eiji not knowing what to say, so it was with great solace he caught sight of a thin beam of light blitz through the darkened sky. Perfect...action. If fortune was smiling down on them, that light would undoubtedly lead to Kimiko Kanegawa and surely a circumstance where he could win the mind of his servant over.

"Huh? What was that?"


"On a Tuesday...?"

Hearing the whispers of the people on the street surround him, Eiji moved to activate his mage-craft, but recalled the words of the competition's overseer and settled with running to the scene instead.

So, it would be that the first words spoken between master and servant since the awkward blunder that was their summoning were:

"Noble Spirit. This may now be entering into the beginning of battle. Please, scout out ahead toward the tail-end of that light, I am on my way; I will be there to assist you momentarily."


Red's Upcoming-tag: Azure Sky
Fabiana Arriaga + Patrek Bergmann + Kimiko Kanegawa


Watching the clawed hand fly from beneath the Servant's cloak, Fabiana Arriaga mused, lips shifting from her frown to a grin that spread wide.

"Good...," she complimented. "GOOD!" The woman said even louder. "Excellent! Hahaha! Kimiko Kanegawa...you and your servant," she bristled. "Have passed! This war...this war. It's ours." Beaming, she'd then turn to Patrek and address him in a tone lighter than she had a while ago.

"We are ready to fight. Patrek. Take Kimiko out into the open and see who you can find. Ignore what the overseer said. Cause a little destruction. We only have a day for the competition to do this. Time is of the essence. While the war goes on, whatever crime you commit will be overlooked. Cause a stir to draw the others out. Kimiko," Fabiana ordered. "You as well. I've seen what your mage-craft can do. You have the green-light to cause hell. I will catch up with you two later."

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on...catch up with us later? Fabiana, what do you mean by - "

"There's some unfinished business I need to take care of if I want to be at my best. Doing it will only take a moment. Please Patrek, go on ahead, I will be right behind."

Made unsure by her words, the blue-eyed magician nonetheless obeyed, shortly looking to Kimiko visually to say, 'Let's get going'. And as they moved off into the main streets, Fabiana would smile at the distancing pair, turning to her Servant once they were out of sight.

"...you think you're cute?" She mumbled in a cooled anger. Lifting her chin towards the man, the mage walked slowly to where he stood, positioning herself in front where her head would reach to his chest.

"You will respect me."

Hand lighting up from the crimson shine of a curving command seal the absolute order of, "Get on your knees and kiss my hand," were given. A giggling, childish and sweet followed as the spell took effect, Fabiana gripping a lock her servant's hair tight as his body sunk low to the ground.

Teeth gleaming in his face, Fabiana stuck out a hand for him once again.

"Tell me, heroic spirit...do you think...I'm worthy now?"

[x1 Command Seal Used]


Within a group of people standing to cross the street at a green light, Patrek was visibly conflicted wondering about how he was supposed to cause a little "destruction" as Fabiana said.

"Augh. Crazy isn't she?" He laughed nervously spinning to Kimiko Kanagawa. "Cause a little destruction she says? There's people here. Even that lady at Church said she was highly against it."

Truthfully, Kimiko was afraid to do such a thing too, but also feared the consequence of ignoring what the noble said. Kimiko would follow...but at least in a different way. Focused on a speeding taxi chugging down the road a short distance away, she would suddenly halt its momentum and lift it high in the air.

Gazing up at the sight in shock one with the other pedestrians, Patrek stared, only remembering a second later that they were effectively being bait and promptly materialized his own warrior.

"Well. Hello to you again, pal. On guard, friend. I have a feeling we'll be needing your skills to get through a scuffle we might be getting into soon."

"You too," spoke the Kanegawa to her protector, succeeding in looking at her scarred features, though only for a moment before returning gaze to car.

"And...thanks for back there."

@Kalin Scarlet

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Kimiko's Servant

Kimiko's servant knew that staying in this "alliance" with Fabiana was not a good idea. Kimiko looked visibly uncomfortable with the command she was given, and the other boy, Patrek, seemed clueless.

They were obviously being used. Fabiana felt no consequence to Kimiko and Patrek's foolish decision of "causing a little destruction." Whether or not Kimiko and Patrek could fight off the incoming attackers this foolish action would draw in, Fabiana had the upper hand. Kimiko might have noticed this too, had she not been so scared. What a shame. If she wanted to have any chance at winning, she needed to snap Kimiko out of it.

The cloaked servant stood close to Kimiko and whispered into her ear, so that Patrek and his servant wouldn't hear.

"Kimiko, my master, there is no need to thank me. I will be there for you until the day I disappear. I take great pride in that. However, I must give you some advice. Stop fearing this Fabiana. She is using you, and in doing so she is robbing us of the element of surprise. Do not act as bait. The only ones with masters are the servants. We need to leave."
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@White Masquerade

The kitsune walked behind her master, cheerfully listening to what he had to say. "Aww, he's really considerate" she thought, as her hugging urge intensified. But she quickly snapped out of it again. As they exited the dungeon, the female Servant could feel the pleasantness of the night. Shortly after they arrived at the surface, her master was about to answer her question from before. But his sentence was cut short, because of a red blast of energy which was directed at him.

"Wind Guard"

The kitsune called upon a powerful wind barrier to protect her master from the attack.

(1 Elude)

"Master, are you ok? Did your cute face suffer any scratches?" she asked, full of concern.
Patrek's Servant

Forming from the ether, the servant appeared before his master, his hair flowing gently with the air. He glanced at the hooded servant, frowing as she and her master shared words. Turning to Patrek, he spoke.

"Master, I must admit that this does not seem like a good idea...I am sure the others believe it, as well. I agree that a fight will be coming this way soon, and it is for that reason that I believe you both need to hide until the threat passes."

@Adachi @White Masquerade
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Fabiana's Servant

His task complete, the servant would stay silent as Fabiana commanded the others to act decoy. Again, her actions were a direct contradiction to the way he went about his own alliances back in his days. He assumed that the other two masters, Patrek and Kimiko, fought for his own master out of some sort of fear, rather than loyalty and respect.

"She puts them on the frontline so she can sit back until all are too weak to stop her. If I had done such a thing in my time..."

His line of thought was interrupted by his master's question. She walked up to him, her posture suggesting she thought herself his superior, despite his place in history.

"Get on your knees and kiss my hand,"

The servant's eyes widened as a fragment of the long, red marking on his master's hand began to shine brightly. The glow of the mark was strong, covering the immediate area of his master's arm.

Try as he would, the servant would not be able to fight against the now active spell. His body moved on it's own, against his will. He struggled, his lips twisting into a grimace, but he would be brought to his knees despite his efforts. His arm rose, taking a hold of his master's hand. His head moved closer to the back of his master's hand. Slowly, his lips would purse and extend, until they finally touched warm skin.

The command now complete, the spell's effect was immediately released. Slowly, and quietly, the servant rose, standing on his two feet once more. He towered above her, muscles tense, shoulders back, chin down, and eyes shadowed by his bangs.

"I thought perhaps I could help you to see things a bit differently, to make us more compatible as partners. It seems you cannot be swayed," He paused for a moment, holding back on the next bit.

He lifted his head, and his hair was shifted with the movement, allowing clear view of his eyes. The dark brown orbs stared violently at the small figure before him.

"Those two command seals, use them wisely," he said, before dissipating into a blue mist and being carried away into the air.
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Liliane Roussel + Tomasson Ruiz

...likely end with the deaths of most of the Masters. The girl's eyes dropped down to the ground after hearing the declaration. So what Toma had said was indeed true; it was dangerous after all.

Rubbing soft on the flesh of her left palm, the hand with the 3 Command Spells, Liliane guessed this was what her Servant meant. She vaguely remembered Toma saying to her as long as those seals were there, she'd be master of the one she summoned. So those were what were keeping him tied to her..?

Hm...seems a little...sad. Master and Servant. To be trapped like that to some - kyah!

Caught off rhythm by the inquiry of her Servant after he questioned the skills of her friend's, Liliane turned red, putting up both hands and shaking head feverishly from side-to-side. "No! No wish for me!" She replied a little loud. "Toma can have it," she'd admit. "I am in it for him!"

However, though she did not want admit it, or wasn't ready to, Liliane did have one wish; one question sitting on her mind since the age of 12. Why -

"Yeah," she affirmed again, with more gusto. "This wish is for Toma."

Smiling at the child's display, Tomasson would suddenly break into a fit of coughs, the fit violent enough to knock the lighting cigar from the tip of his mouth.

"Toma! Are okay!?"

"Ueckh! Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he choked waving her down. "Smoking. Bad habit of mine. Sometimes it gives me really bad coughs. Heh. If you ever listen to anything I say Lil, make sure you listen to me when I say never pick one up." Giving a thumbs up in appeasement the frowning child, Tomasson would hold his breath and glance at the cigarette lying on the ground. So many things were going through his head...but despite the precarious standing of his emotions one thing was certainly clear.

"I will," he would say in the outside world after a long moment, turning to face his Servant. "There's no turning back now. I do plan to do something. Something I do want to accomplish. I came this far."


"I will make sure they know the Ruiz are strong."

"I hear something. People. Lots of them in the breeze. Talking about...something. Something high. In the air. A...car."


Knowing vehicles didn't just fly up in the sky, Tomasson knew it was another Master causing mischief in the night. "Lil," he called, giving Berserker an eye. "Can you take us to where it is?"



But not understanding, Liliane was confused to see all the resting cars on the ground. There was a taxi with its driver leaning on a pole, however...none were flying in the air.

"Toma..? Maybe I heard wrong?"


Shaking his head, the master knew Liliane had been right on the money. There was defintiely something here. He could feel the prana leaking from the bond between master and servant. Whether there were two or three he couldn't tell, but someone certainly was around here...




Possible Future Tags: Kalin Scarlet, Adachi.
Grisha Ulyanov

The wind dissipated into a soft gale and moving eyes to the spot, Grisha watched the fading red break into shimmering particles that floated away as dust. Delayed in answering his answer to his servant, Grisha quickly shifted looks to her and smiled saying, "It would seem that someone wants me dead, haha." And there was only organization that could muster that kind of firepower. Only one organization that'd go to such lengths to attack him. Only one group it appeared that had no need for alibi in the midst of a Holy Grail War: The Church. Thoughts receded back to the meeting before the start of the war and lingered on the eyes of Sister Merena. "So...this is what they meant. To think that even in the thick of a war for mages, they'd want my head. Hm. To be expected."

Sight flipping to the cat, Grisha would acknowledge the concern, bowing low, if somewhat apologetic. "Please forgive me, kitsune. I did not mean to worry you. I am fine. I thank you for the assistance. However, it looks as if this may not be the last of our problems. I don't believe that beam of light came from another Master. Rather...someone trying to interfere with this game."

Eiji Komagata

"Then if not a Master, who would you suggest it to be?"

Entering view was Eiji Komagata, arms crossed and folded across his chest at majestic heights. "Only Magicians and heroes would be capable of pulling off such a feat."

Eyeing the wading man, Grisha considered engaging him right then and there. The Vamp was confident his Servant could beat any rival they came across, but also saw this as a golden opportunity to get to the bottom of it all. Hm. Clearing his throat, he'd bow down again and move to introduce himself.

"Grisha Ulyanov. It is a pleasure. Yes. You are right. Only Masters and their Servants would be capable of such of thing. That is...if only it were Masters and Servants in this competition involved."

"What...do you mean...? Who else could be involved?"

"The Church."

"Ha! Preposterous. The Church? They are the overseers for this war. The Mages have a contract with them! There'd be no gain for them to get involved like this. I think you are mistaken."

"Hm. No, I don't believe I am mistaken, though it is a bit hard to explain. I think if I'd like to prove my point, you'd have to see it to believe it, right..? Alright. Why don't we for the time being call a truce and have a little journey to the Church then? To see the lovely Sister Merena? If there's nothing wrong, I will stand corrected and we can resume as normal; as if none of this happened at all. Fair?"

Rubbing his chin and staring at the kitsune stood by her master's side, the Magus mulled it over. A church official getting in the way of Holy Grail was high unlikely. Yet. The woman did give off a peculiar vibe while they were all in the room. As if she held some kind of contempt. Though..would that be enough to break a binding agreement held between the two for decades?

"Alright. Let us go. I fully expect to find no hint of foul play, but if you truly believe something to be there, I will consider the thought."

Motioning for his own Servant to keep close eyes on that of Grisha's, Eiji would step forward with hands in his cloak.

"Lead the way."

@Azure Sky

Liliane's Servant

"Oh? A Berserker are you?" The Servant regarded the newly revealed Berserker closely. "You're much more well spoken than others of your class. This one day only system certainly seems to up your Master's chances, the possibility of dropping dead from the strain days before The Grail appeared did seem a little unfair to me."

Chuckling at his own Master's floundering he took her answer in stride but raised his brows fractionally at her momentary hesitation.

"Well it's very noble of you to give up the chance to have your wish granted." He glanced at Tomasson when he started coughing. "What did I just say about dropping down dead?"

Standing straighter at Liliane's curious report he placed a hand on his sword hilt. "Well I know cars aren't meant to do that, they're far too dull a way to get around to do such things. Best we go have a look?"

@White Masquerade

Fabiana Arriaga

Even though she had got what she wanted...she was still miffed.

"You know, it pains me to do this," she called, growling in her head. "I don't see why you're even getting mad. You're already dead." Yet, considering what had just been done, Fabiana didn't expect an answer to come anytime soon.

"This will blow over quickly," she offered, beginning to walk forward making way out of the alley. "Once we get into the thick of this, you will be happy to have me as your master. You'll see. I believe we're the strongest pair here and that the grail is as good as ours. I'm basically giving you your wish, Servant. I'm confident in my skills. Confident we will get to where we need to be. I know I'm worthy for you. More than it. There is no reason to be mad at me. I was only collecting my advance."

And it was true, Fabiana had not a doubt in her mind that she would win the holy grail. And she truly did have no reason to use it, for in most ways, she was already content with her life. The only thing it lacked for her was challenge. Challenge that spurred feeling for growth and necessitated an inner fire to stand and rise to the occasion. The exact same feeling her Servant's stare'd ignite within her now.

"You will be happy to call me master," she murmured to the open air, clenching both fists tight. "And that is a promise."

Getting to main street after pushing through the throng of ever-growing people, the Magus could see there was some form of commotion up ahead and slowed, pulsing magic from a fingertip to the length of her whip. An ordinary human would have guessed that it was a late-night attraction of some kind or a terrible accident, but Fabiana could sense what those uninitiated, could not. Picking on the subtle leaks of Prana from Master to Servant, she stopped and ever-so-casually, scoured the area for a sign of anyone unusual. She felt the glowing magic stores of Kimiko and Patrek, but the other two...she did not recognize. Who from the meeting were those two..?

Regardless. This would be the perfect opportunity to knock somebody out. Now. If only she could find where Kimiko and Patrek went..


This Grail War could finally begin in earnest.


Possible Future Tags: Kalin Scarlet, Adachi, IG42, Gasmaskie
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Patrek Bergmann + Kimiko Kanegawa

Backs thick against the wall of a building overlooking where they used, Patrek and Kimiko stood breaths hard after sprinting down the full block. It was at the last moment; feeling the other masters drawing near, they'd break away to dash into hiding. A full on battle. Were they really ready for this?

Kimiko stayed the pulsing throbs in he heart, making note of the invisible aura Patrek seemed to be wrapping on her whole. Instinctively the Kanegawa stepped away and regarded the man to find him curiously staring back.

Kimiko Kanegawa...she was kind of beautiful. Not in the seductively attractive type of way as Fabiana Arriaga...but she had a nice shape and delicate features. In all honesty, seeing her struggle in her dainty ways when it came to confidence was -

And finding wide eyes fixated squarely on him, Patrek cleared his throat, smiled, and stepped away nervously a foot back himself. "Ahem. Well we did what we had to do, ahah! Hopefully! I think...er...hah! I mean, we drew some people out right? That's what we had to do?"

"...hm. Yes, but," she murmured. "We also need to back her up," she continued, glancing wary at her Servant. "She asked us to go on out ahead and wait for her. To start and then have her join us. If we're not there..she's basically walking straight into a trap. I don't know. I can't do that; I couldn't live with doing that. Not to Fabiana."

"So," he said slowly. "You're going to back out there?"

"I am," she declared. "We're partners. On the same team. Leaving her behind would be the ultimate form of disgrace. I hope you can forgive me," she'd would direct to her waiting, hooded Servant. "Yeah. I will admit I did use to be afraid of Fabiana. And I still am a little now. But getting know her, I know who she is underneath it all. There's someone there I can't -- I don't want to leave behind. That's because I know she wouldn't do the same to me."

Wow. Emotional much? This woman was something serious, yet still, Patrek...understood. He had only known the Arriaga for such a short time, though could see what it was that might have drawn people to her. She was stable; strong. Somebody no doubt one like Kimiko could lean, learn, and draw courage from.

"Auahh. Alright, alright, I gotcha, no need to pop a vessel miss Kanegawa. However, we can't just ignore what my Servant said. Fabiana has been doing this magic play for years. She's some kind of noble right? You and I are pretty much novice. It might be a bit out of our leagues if we just go and jump in now. How about for now we send our Servants ahead and have them tell us when it'd be safe to drop in? We'll for the time be kept out of danger and won't get in Fabiana's way. She'll have backup and then you won't go feeling like you left her alone to fight?"

And in a rare moment Patrek would have felt the urge to burn forever in his mind, Kimiko smiled. "I like it, Patrek. That sounds like a wonderful idea."

Suddenly turning red, Patrek whipped to his fighter in haste and delight allowing his masculinity to shine and saying in a booming voice, "Friend!! Please! Help Fabiana! And I ask that you give assisting her all you've got!"

"My Servant, sorry to ask so much of you; to continue relying one-sided on you as I am once now. But I ask that you go assist Fabiana too. I understand it will be dangerous, but we are all a part of this together. Patrek, Fabiana, and I; we are one. The three of us...the three of us as the last ones standing for the Holy Grail. That is result I wish to see. When we get to that point, then we can decide what we'll do next."

@Kalin Scarlet


Possible Future Tags: Gasmaskie, IG42, BLUR
Tomasson Ruiz + Liliane Roussel

The air felt heavy and atmosphere got tense as virtually everything surrounding Tomasson faded away into black. His eyes still registered the humans swarmed around him, but truly only focused on one mountain of pure energy glowing gold.

The quality of magic circuits...

Clenching his teeth, he knew it could only be one thing...a noble. Momentarily losing nerve as specks of the aura bathed him, Tomasson nearly jumped hearing a soft, "Toma? Toma? Toma? Is something wrong?"

"A-Auh...n-no...no. Everything is fine, Lil," he replied, sinking back into form. If he was going to do this, he had to get a grip. He was going to face it like a man. He was going to give it everything he got.

"Lil. Is there anything you can do to clear this place out? I think we're going to have a fight and I don't want civilian getting hurt. Something you can do?"

"Aye! Of course, Toma! You can leave it to me! I will get these people out of here lickety-split!"

Cupping a hand over her mouth, the French took on a surprising tone as her words boomed through the air aided by the wind.

"Attention!" A loud voice said.

"This is the New York City Police! We have just got word of a terrorist attack! We have received word that there may be a bomb being planted nearby. We are sending all units to search the area. Civilians, please. We urge you to evacuate! Proceed down the streets away from this area! It is not safe!"

And immediately, people in every which direction started screaming, shouting, dropping any and all they believe'd slow them down as they ran in droves away from the supposed attack.

"Keep moving! Keep moving! Evacuate as fast as you can!"

However...the crowds thinning and quickly clearing out, Tomasson's eyes widened and breath stopped witnessing a lone woman smiling, standing with arms wrapped across her chest in the middle of the open road.

"Lil...get back," he commanded. "Berserker," he called, drawing the servant to his side.

And at this...Fabiana's grin, grew even more wide.

Fabianna Arriaga

"My, my...so we aren't even going to talk..?"



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With a simple word, the Servant materialized once more. Pain surged through his Master's Magical Circuits as he drew forth more Prana to sustain his existence. Slowly, the Heroic Spirit of Madness drew forth his broken blade and pointed it at his Master's enemy. His unchanging mask seemed fixated on her position as he slowly took a step forward and seemingly stopped - frozen in time.

It took but a moment for the still afterimage to vanish as Berserker made a straight bee-line for the woman. His heavy footfalls crashed into the pavement a split-second after he advanced forth. Despite his class, it soon became clear that Berserker was unnaturally nimble - perhaps boosted even further by the Mad Enhancement placed upon him.

As he charged forth, he sliced into the ground. With a quick flick of his wrist sizable fragments of jagged asphalt flew in front of him and raced towards the Master like bullets. Without a doubt, the Servant knew that she would call forth her own Heroic Spirit to defend her.

(Prana Strain: -15 HP to Non-Noble Master)

(2 Weak Prana > Fabianna Arriaga)

@White Masquerade


Kimiko's Servant

"My Servant, sorry to ask so much of you; to continue relying one-sided on you as I am once now. But I ask that you go assist Fabiana too. I understand it will be dangerous, but we are all a part of this together. Patrek, Fabiana, and I; we are one. The three of us...the three of us as the last ones standing for the Holy Grail. That is result I wish to see. When we get to that point, then we can decide what we'll do next."

The hooded servant was frustrated. How could Kimiko think that Fabiana would never leave her behind? Was she blind? Fabiana attacked her moments after the servants were summoned.

Something strange was going on, and the female spirit wanted to get to the bottom of it, but for now it was her duty to follow her masters commands. She would join the fight, but she would be smart about it. If her "team" had any chance of winning, they needed to think things through.

The half dead woman looked over at Patrek's servant. "Go on ahead and provide assistance to Fabiana. I will wait for my time to strike. Close range combat is not my strong suit. Please have trust in me and we will surely win this battle."

Without letting anyone respond, Kimiko's servant began running away. She knew where the battle was headed and decided to climb atop a nearby building which overlooked the soon-to-be battlefield.

Looking down at the street she was surprised to see Fabiana alone. Across from her were three interesting individuals. The hooded servant assumed these were the enemies that Kimiko and Patrek baited in.

Where was her servant? Fabiana was strong but there was no way she could take on these three alone. Maybe he was also waiting for the right opportunity to attack.

Either way the servant felt at ease knowing that Kimiko wasn't going to be participating in this battle. She would not let her down.

@White Masquerade @Kalin Scarlet
Liliane's Servant

Allowing Berserker to take the initiative for the moment the allied Servant stayed observant, searching for the enemy Master's Servant. His eyes and senses roved around the area but found no one else in the street.

Where's her Servant? She would have to be suicidal to move around by herself let alone come looking for us.

A memory rose up from the back of his mind, a vision of his brother bow in hand and drawn standing on a rise overlooking a packed battlefield.

Looking towards the buildings his gaze travelled upward to examine the rooftops, eventually focusing on a barely visible dark sillhouete on a particularly tall building squinting he decided it looked roughly like a person.

"Master, Tomasson I believe there is a Servant watching us from atop that building." He spoke in a low voice and made a subtle gesture towards it. "It is most likely the Archer though it could be Caster."

@White Masquerade




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